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- JCARCH/JCH10/<175>
Part of Archaeological Finds
- JCARCH/JCH10/<159>b
Part of Archaeological Finds
Tr. 2: Circular, flat lead disc with traces of two fixings; possibly a lid or similar. Diameter 24.8mm; undated.
- JCARCH/JCW04/013
- Later Neolithic
Part of Archaeological Finds
Late Neolithic worked flint found with four sherds of Beaker pottery (see JCW04-067)
- JCARCH/JCW04/026
Part of Archaeological Finds
- JCARCH/JCW04/070
Part of Archaeological Finds
- JCARCH/JES98/028
- Prehistoric
Part of Archaeological Finds
Struck flake, possibly Palaeolithic with later working to turn it into a scraper.
- JCARCH/JES98/060
- Prehistoric
Part of Archaeological Finds
- JCARCH/JCW04/045
Part of Archaeological Finds
- JCARCH/JES98/036
- 2nd millenium BC
Part of Archaeological Finds
Primary flake with marginal retouch on the distal end
- JCARCH/JES98/046
- Prehistoric
Part of Archaeological Finds
- JCARCH/JES98/059
- Prehistoric
Part of Archaeological Finds
- JCARCH/JES98/061
- Prehistoric
Part of Archaeological Finds
- JCARCH/JES98/051
- Prehistoric
Part of Archaeological Finds
- JCARCH/JCW04/007
Part of Archaeological Finds
"A sparse scatter of unstratified and residual worked flint across the site evinces 'background' activity from the late Mesolithic/early Neolithic and the later Neolithic"
- JCARCH/JCW04/009
Part of Archaeological Finds
- JCARCH/JCW04/035
Part of Archaeological Finds
- JCARCH/JCW03/034
- Item
Part of Archaeological Finds
- JCARCH/JES98/025
Part of Archaeological Finds
- JCARCH/JES98/041
- 16th-18th century
Part of Archaeological Finds
2 pieces of the same bottle, green glass
- JCARCH/JES98/062
Part of Archaeological Finds
- JCARCH/JCW03/021
Part of Archaeological Finds
- JCARCH/JCH10/043
Part of Archaeological Finds
F.16, <091>: contained a mixed assemblage. This included neck fragments derived from two hand blown phials or perfume bottles (4g and 1g respectively). These are probably 17th or 18th century in date. The context also contained three fragments of window glass and two intrusive fragments derived from 19th or early 20th century vessels.
- JCARCH/JES98/010
- 15th/16th century
Part of Archaeological Finds
Window glass with decoration - ivy leaf in red
Part of Archaeological Finds
A number of stratified contexts at the site contained fragments of glass. The majority of this material, however, consisted of window glass, or else was derived from 19th century vessels of minimal interest. Nevertheless, four contexts were identified that did contain significant material. These comprise 015, 043, 096, and 097.
In addition, a relatively large glass assemblage was recovered from unstratified deposits in Trenches 1 and 2. Although the majority of the material was very modern in date, the finds also included <127>
- JCARCH/JCH10/015
Part of Archaeological Finds
F.18, <035>: contained a base fragment derived from a cylindrical bottle, or possibly a goblet. It weighs 4g, and is post-Medieval in date. Two fragments of window glass were also present in this context.
- JCARCH/JCW04/118
- Item
Part of Archaeological Finds
- JCARCH/JCH10/036
Part of Archaeological Finds
<081> 112g, with traces of MR, Context 36, Feature 11
- JCARCH/JCH10/096
Part of Archaeological Finds
F.33, <013>: contained a ribbed body fragment that appears to have been derived from a beaker of cylindrical or pedestal form. This has been mould blown, and dates to the 16th or more probably 17th century (Willmott 2002). It weighs 2g. Three fragments of window glass were also present in this context.
- JCARCH/JCW04/073
- Victorian
Part of Archaeological Finds
Small decorative moulded bottle.
Part of Archaeological Finds
[016], F.19, <054>: a fragment near identical to those described above, with a similar dark
green glaze. It measures 30mm thick, and weighs 146g.
Part of Archaeological Finds
[015] (lower interface with [17]), F.18, <044>: two fragments, each of which bears a dark
green glaze. The first example measures 23mm thick and weighs 90g, whilst the second
measures 30mm thick and weighs 154g.
Part of Archaeological Finds
[015], F.18, <038>: a fragment with mottled yellow and brown decoration, which
measures 23mm thick and weighs 84g.
Part of Archaeological Finds
Part of Archaeological Finds
Part of Archaeological Finds