- JCCA/JCAD/2/2/9/1778/13
- Item
- 28 March 1778
Part of College Archives
Paid 4s to John Clarke for a new wheelbarrow
Clarke, John
2335 results with digital objects Show results with digital objects
Part of College Archives
Paid 4s to John Clarke for a new wheelbarrow
Clarke, John
Part of College Archives
Paid £1 10s to John Clarke. For new wheelbarrows, new wheel, hoops, guidings and thimbls, painting and new tyre
Clarke, John
Part of College Archives
Part of College Archives
The advowson of the Rectory of Whatfield was bought for the College by the Proby Trust in 1736.
The benefice was united with Semer in 1929.
"What We Can't Know by J. Bronowski (Saturday Review)"
Part of Personal Papers
Consists of a copy of letter from Xerox College Publishing asking for permission to reprint an article by Bronowski entitled 'What We Can't Know' (originally published in Saturday Review, 5 Jul 1969), signed to give permission by Sylvia Fitzgerald. With information on Xerox Individualised Publishing.
What was an Anglo-Saxon penny?, by Ian Stewart
Part of Personal Papers
"What was an Anglo-Saxon penny?", by Ian Stewart, typescript (copy), two pages on one folio (recto & verso), dated 31 December 1963, presented in outline format, setting out a series of problems that need to be taken into account to address the question put forward in the title. The paper was published, under the same title and date, in the Warwick Group Papers.
Stewart, Bernard Harold Ian Halley
"What 'The Ascent of Man' conveyed to viewers"
Part of Personal Papers
Consists of a BBC audience research report.
Part of Personal Papers
Bronowski and Saltman discuss topics including the relevance of science to everyday life, the culture of man, the differences between animals and humans, ideas that anthropology and literature should be part of the educational curriculum, human values, and brain cells as a new area in biological research.
27 minutes and 45 seconds long.
Part of Personal Papers
Consists of a film for television showing a dialogue between Bronowski and Dr Paul Saltman of the University of California, San Diego. The film was part of the 'Science and Society' series produced by Peter Kaye for National Educational Television. It was filmed at the Salk Institute in August 1969 and broadcast nationwide in the United States on 19 July 1970.
What care I? (with apologies to John Dowland)
Part of Personal Papers
"What care I" (with apologies to John Dowland) for voice and keyboard in A minor. Lyrics by George Wither (1588-1667). Metronome marking: 84 beats per minute.
Hurford, Peter (1919-1930) ), British organist and composer
"Westinghouse Electric Corporation"
Part of Personal Papers
Comprises correspondence relating to Bronowski giving a lecture to a seminar of top officers of Westinghouse Electric Corporation (Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania), 31 Mar 1969. Also includes a "speaking engagement" information sheet [made for the file].
Western-style highway under rush construction
Part of Personal Papers
Western-style highway under rush construction
Part of Personal Papers
Part of Personal Papers
Comprises correspondence with John Rowley (assistant editor, Western Mail, The National Newspaper of Wales) asking Bronowski to write articles (declined). Includes press cuttings of 'Science Review' in the Western Mail and an article by Rowley.
"Western Behavioural Sciences Institute"
Part of Personal Papers
Comprises correspondence relating to Bronowski talking to a seminar group at the Western Behavioral Sciences Institute (La Jolla) on the philosophy of behavioural sciences (May 1964) and a request for Bronowski to speak on human and animal language at the Institute (c. 1964-65).
Also includes: copies of correspondence between Michael Polanyi and Yehoshua Bar-Hillel about a critique that Bar-Hillel wrote of a talk by Polanyi on 'The Body-Mind Relation' (with a copy of the critique), 1966; a copy of 'Tacit Knowledge: Its Bearing on Some Problems of Philosophy' by Michael Polanyi (Review of Modern Physics, vol. 34, no. 4, Oct 1962) with some annotations [by Bruce Mazlish]; and a "speaking engagement" information sheet [made for the file].
"Western Behavioral Sciences Institute (WBSI)"
Part of Personal Papers
Comprises correspondence on: the publication of 'Man and the Science of Man' by the Center for Studies of the Person (a "development of the Western Behavioural Sciences Institute"); the establishment and progress of an Educational Policy Research Center (part of the Institute) with an informal progress report; requests for Bronowski's support for the Institute and for a journal being established by students at the School of Environmental Design at Berkeley.
Also includes an article on 'ELIZA - A Computer Program for the Study of Natural Language between Man and Machine' and information booklets on Kairos Club and Esalen Institute Seminars.
West Wratting Valley Farm tax, insurance and invoice
Part of College Archives
Land and assessed taxes 1858-9, first moiety, West Wratting, Cambridge. Received of D. Symonds, October 1858, the sum of £1 10s 0d. for two quarters' taxes due 20th September 1858. Signed William Noble, Collector.
Land and assessed taxes 1858-9, second moiety, West Wratting, Cambridge. Received of D. Symonds, 10th April 1858, the sum of £1 10s 0d. for two quarters' taxes due 20th March 1858. Signed William Noble, Collector.
Income tax 1857-8, first moiety. West Wratting, Valley Farm. Received of Mr D Symonds, 11th January 1858, the sum of £2 19s. 5d. for two quarters' income tax, due 20th September 1857. Schedule A: £2 0s 8d. Schedule B: 18s 9d. Signed WIlliam Noble, Collector.
Income tax 1857-8, second moiety. West Wratting, Valley Farm. Received of Mr D Symonds, 16th July 1858, the sum of £2 19s. 5d. for two quarters' income tax, due 20th September 1857. Schedule A: £2 0s 8d. Schedule B: 18s 9d. Signed WIlliam Noble, Collector.
Sun Fire Office, London. Pol no. 1646472. Received of Jesus College the sum of £1 13s 0d. for one year's premium and duty on an insurance of £600, from Christmas 1858 to Christmas 1859, the 25th December 1858. For House and Homestead at Wilbraham (the Valley Farm). Signed Henry Hazard.
Mr D. Symonds to W. Lee for Plumbing work done at the Valley farm.
April: for 1 new bucket leather. For 1/2 day plumber and labour.
May 1: 1 day plumber and labour.
May 2: 1 day plumber and labour, 3 1/2 feet (?) of solder at 1s. For 4 new screws at 4s. For 1 new clack to lift pump. Stuffing for the Box.
May 20: labour and materials.
May 24th: Settled with Lee.
April: 6 days fencing at Valley (farm). 2 days 1/2 sawing, cutting down trees. 13 nails spikes. 1 ? cooling nails.
May: 3 days at Valley fencing. 7 days at Valley. 12 (?) nails.
June 10: new oak ? yard gate. Painted and hanging (gate).
December 18th: 1/2 day at Valley. 3ft mich deal, 1 1/2 8 inch nails.
Settled July 8th 1859.
Noble, William
West Elevation and West Courtyard Elevation, Original 1964
Part of College Archives
Avanti Architects, 361 - 373 City Road, London
Part of College Archives
Watercolour drawing
Part of College Archives
Watercolour drawing
Part of College Archives
A watercolour of the west elevation
West Court, Jesus College, Cambridge - Archaeological evaluation and monitoring, Report No. 1320
Part of College Archives
Cambridge Archaeology Unit (Simon Timberlake & Dave Webb)
Part of College Archives
Nos. 27-32 Jesus Lane were bought by the Wesleyan Methodist Conference in 1922 to become a new Methodist College known as Wesley House. It cost £18,495 7s 10d. Nos. 27-30 were demolished in 1924.
Part of College Archives
Fliers and wellness week 'reward cards' relating to 'wellness week', 17th - 23rd February 2017
"Wellesley College: The Ascent of Man course"
Part of Personal Papers
Comprises correspondence with Wellesley College (Massachusetts) and a file note relating to a course at the College based on 'The Ascent of Man'. Also includes an introductory viewer's guide to 'The Ascent of Man' produced by Wellesley College.
Part of Personal Papers
Comprises correspondence with Wellesley College (Wellesley, Massachusetts) on Bronowski visiting the College and delivering a lecture on 'Imagination and Science' (22 Apr 1974). Also includes a "speaking engagement" information sheet [made for the file].
Part of Personal Papers
"Welcome Yule". Words: 15th Century. For voices and organ. in G major.
Hurford, Peter (1919-1930) ), British organist and composer
Weiner, Charles 'A New Site for the Seminar: The Refugees and the American Physics in the Thirties'
Part of Personal Papers
Consists of an offprint from Perspectives in American History (journal published by Charles Warren Center for Studies in American History, Harvard University), with an envelope listing the article.
Weimann, Robert 'Past Significance and Present Meaning in Literary History'
Part of Personal Papers
Consists of a reprint from New Literary History (journal from the University of Virginia), sent to Bronowski by the author and annotated as such, with an envelope listing the article.
The article references Bronowski's 'Science and Human Values'.
Weihnachts Oratorium / Christmas Oratorio - BWV 248
Part of Personal Papers
Weihnachts Oratorium / Christmas Oratorio - BWV 248. By J. S. Bach.
Published by Bärenreiter, Kassel.
Set of orchestral parts:
Bach, J. S.
"Weekly Tuesday Meetings, 1973"
Part of Personal Papers
Consists of a copy of a memorandum from Bronowski to Ursula Bellugi, Harry Boardman, George Derfer and Norman Scotch, on arrangements to meet to discuss their work.
"Weekly Fellows Meetings - Memos and correspondence"
Part of Personal Papers
Comprises correspondence mainly between Senior Fellows of the Salk Institute (Bronowski, Melvin Cohn, R. Holley, Leslie Orgel, Jonas Salk and Renato Dulbecco) on subjects including arrangements for meetings, agenda items, Fellows Friday lunches, a round table discussion with Stephen Kuffler, and a visit by Dr Eugene Galanter.
Also includes copies of memoranda from Jonas Salk to Augustus Kinzel (President) about using Institute funds for entertaining visitors, and arranging a meeting.
Part of Personal Papers
Comprises Salk Institute bulletins containing details of conferences, seminars, visitors, news on staff, news from the library, and other notices. Bulletins also include details of events at other educational institutes in San Diego such as Scripps Institution of Oceanography and the University of California at San Diego.
Also includes a memorandum from Virginia White on starting publication of the weekly bulletin, an invitation for a staff Christmas party, and memoranda of news for the weekly bulletin from Bronowski's office.
Wednesdays at 5.55. Peter Hurford in an organ recital
Part of Personal Papers
Wednesdays at 5.55. Peter Hurford in an organ recital. 20th of October 1965. At the Royal Festival Hall.
Bach, J. S.
Wednesdays at 5.55. Peter Hurford in an organ recital
Part of Personal Papers
Wednesdays at 5.55. Peter Hurford in an organ recital. 20th of January 1960. At the Royal Festival Hall.
Bach, J. S.
"Wednesday Club, 13 March 1974"
Part of Personal Papers
Consists of a letter from Frieda Urey (La Jolla) inviting Bronowski to speak about William Blake at the Wednesday Club, with a reply from Bronowski accepting.
Part of College Archives
Orders of service for weddings held in the College Chapel. Arranged chronologically.
Part of Personal Papers
"Wedding Responses" for voices in B flat major. On the reverse of the page there is a draft in pencil (of other wedding responses?).
Hurford, Peter (1919-1930) ), British organist and composer
Wed. June 20th 1928 to Mon. Oct. 29th 1928
Part of Personal Papers
Contains pencilled notes of daily events, with a few poems and school notes.
Wed. Jan. 15th 1930 to Sun. Apr. 13th 1930
Part of Personal Papers
Contains notes of daily events, mostly in ink with occasional pencil. The entry on the final page continues at the front of the notebook.
Wed. Feb. 29th 1928 to Tues June 19th 1928
Part of Personal Papers
Contains pencilled notes of daily events, with (at the back) a few school notes and a timetable.
Webster's bill for repair work
Part of College Archives
Bill to the Master of fellows at Jesus College for £15 13s 4d for repair work done in the college.
Webster's bill for repair work
Part of College Archives
Receipt confirming the payment of £15 13s 4d for repair work done in the 'Gentlemen's Rooms' to Webster by the Rev. Dr. French.
Part of College Archives
Bill and receipt for £5 6s 8d for taking down the old staircase and putting up the new staircase
Master and Fellows, Jesus College
Part of College Archives
The Master and Fellows of Jesus College Cambridge to J Webster for the sum of £3 10s for:
Journey to Gravely, making out a plan for insurance and estimate of tiling to the Manor farm
Journey to Elmstead after timber and looking over repairs
J Webster
Part of College Archives
October 13th 1824
Received of the master and fellows of Jesus College one year rent due Michaelmas last the sum of two shillings and sixpence - 0.2.6
William Webb
Webb, Dr. William
"Weaver, Warren, (Confidential), (Non-Resident Fellow)"
Part of Personal Papers
Comprises: correspondence between Bronowski and Weaver on subjects including the establishment and organisational structure of the Salk Institute, and Trustees meetings; copies of correspondence between Weaver and Dave Stevens (former Director for Humanities at the Rockefeller Foundation) about the Salk Institute; a copy of a letter to Gertrud Weiss Szilard about the Fellows of the Salk Institute not wanting to work with her on her late husband's (Leo Szilard's) papers; and minutes of Resident Members of the Committee of Fellows.