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Silver repair bill

Paid 5s 6d for repairing candlesticks by Felix Vaughan and 5s 6d for candlesticks by Thomas Wakefield. Signed Samuel Hill for Thomas Wilson.

Wilson, Thomas

Silversmith Bill

Mr. Hustler Jesus College Cambridge.
Bought of J. Y. Oliver - Jeweller Silversmith. Watchmaker, Seal Engraving neatly Executed, Superior Fine Cutlery, Mourning Rings with Dispatch, Old Gold & Silver Bought in Exchange.

  • 3 dozen table knives to order
  • Ivory handles, silver shoulders and tips, square ends.
  • 3 dozen desert knives to match. 72 crests engraved.
    Settled by cheque. signed J Y Oliver.
    Bill for £20 2s.

Oliver, J. Y.

Silversmith's bill

Silversmith's bill. Paid £4 8s 1d. Received of Mr Newton. Signed by Edward York. Reverse of bill has child's drawings of sheep on it and possibly signed Jack. So possibly Edward York's son drawing on the back of the bill?

York, Edward

Site Plan, c.1922

Site plan showing the Crown Inn and area leased to Marshalls, Little Trinity leased to Emery, 13-15 Jesus Lane and 1-4 Park Street [which were demolished in 1962]


  • JCAG/M/4
  • Item
  • 1790
  • Part of Silver

William Eley, William Fearn and William Chawner, London


  • JCAG/M/3
  • Item
  • 1781
  • Part of Silver

Thomas Pratt and Arthur Humphries, London

Slater's bill

Paid to Joseph Sherwin for work done on new buildings, including payments for slating with strong copper nails and pointed internally with lime and hair, loads of sltaes, work by labourers, nails, repairing slates, copper nails and oil cement. Signed by Sherwin on printed headed notepaper.

Small cream jug

  • JCAG/L/14
  • Item
  • 1882
  • Part of Silver

Fenton Brothers (John Frederick Fenton & Frank Fenton), London

Smith's bill

Paid to John Coe for work done on the new buildings, including payments for large spikens, small spikens, holdfasts, a pair of fire irons for the porter's lodge, eight straps and 16 bolts and keys and coterils, lead nails, hooks, two new pairs of joints. Signed by John Coe

Special Quotation for Wines and Spirits

Special quotation for red wines, white wines, burgundy, claret, port and brandy with price listings per dozen sent by Morel Bros, Coblett & Sons (Wine, Spirit, Cigar and Tobacco merchants, 22-24 Buckingham Palace Road, London) to the Steward of Jesus College (by post, with envelope dated 2nd November)

Morel Bros. & Cobbett & Son, Wine, Spirit, Cigar and Tobacco Merchants

Squash Club

Includes menu for squash club dinner May 1972 and photograph of Jesus College squash Club 1972. Names on board read M. Raghupathi, G. J. V. Volleymore, D. R. Dosseter, R. H. Briance, M. M. Brown, J. W. Field, E. H. Schumann, P. J. D. Allen, A. B. Beckingsale; J. F. Casson, R. D. Parker

Results 2101 to 2150 of 2335