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Photograph shows Steve Fairbairn and another crew member in a two man boat.

Squash Club

Includes menu for squash club dinner May 1972 and photograph of Jesus College squash Club 1972. Names on board read M. Raghupathi, G. J. V. Volleymore, D. R. Dosseter, R. H. Briance, M. M. Brown, J. W. Field, E. H. Schumann, P. J. D. Allen, A. B. Beckingsale; J. F. Casson, R. D. Parker

Jesus College Athletics Team

Names on board read J. H. Foster, C. C. Gurbett, A. J. R. Roberts, P. Sidney, J. F. Morris, E. S. A. Hertslet, J. Gilman, B. C. Hartley, A. Duchesne, R. Upton

Jesus College Cricket XI

Names on board read Hayward, Hamilton-Millar, Cohen, Clarke, Footman, Hales, Caswell, MacNutt, Tegnor and Skeete.

Jesus College Athletes Team

Names on board read R. Hooper, J. S. Upton, A. N. Scott, R. P. Read, R. T. Warburton, P. G. Cronk, G. R. Scott, D. B. Alban, R. H. Reynolds, H. Le Bas, J. W. E. Mark, I. R. Menzies

Master and Fellows of Jesus College on Ascension Day

Photograph taken in the Fellows garden. Names on board read G. Ll. Williams, S. C. Heath, A. W. Cuthbert, D. S. Whitehead, G. M. Sheldrick, G. A. Gresham, B. Ralph, R. A. Donkin, J. A. Hudson, H. H. Erskine-Hill, I. P. Davies, R. F. Tuck, G. G. N. Mackenzie, C. J. S. Clarke, C. A. Croxton, J. C. Inkson, R. M. Jacobi, N. Stone, P. R. Glazebrook, J. Cameron Wilson, J. T. Killen, E. R. Hardy, A. G. Sharpe, K. L. Johnson, M. I. Finley, C. J. Adkins, D. McKie, R. H. Williams, B. W. Sparks, J. E. Roseblade, I. Gershevitch, T. D. Jones, W. I. B. Bereidge, C. H. Wilson, W. H. Thorpe, L. A. Pars, R. Y. Jennings, The Master Denys Lionel Page, Sir. C. Elliott, P. Gardner-Smith, A. L. Percival, L. E. R. Picken, D. J. V. Fisher

Letters of Certification and Pension Payments

  • JCCA/JCAD/2/2/9/1758/1
  • Item
  • 15 January 1758 - 14 October 1758 (15 Jan, 5 Apr, 6 Jul, 14 Oct)
  • Part of College Archives

Proves that Ann Badcock, widow of Rev. Mr John Badcock is still living. Signed by Thomas Casburn, Church Warden. Also signed by Ann Badcock confirming receipt of pension of £2 from Mr Huten. January receipt also signed by H. Lushington, curate.

Badcock, Widow Ann

Oil Bill

Paid £ 17s 6d to Mary Munn for oil.

Munn, Mary

Bill to the Butler Rustat's Audit

Paid £3 7s 6d to the Butler for Commencement: 3 bottles of madeira, 4 bottles of sherry, 6 bottles of Parlour Port.For the Cook 1 bottle port. For the pensioners: 1 bottle of port, 1 bottle of sherry, tea and coffee for eleven. Sizings, lemons, sugar, candles.
Signed by (J. or T?) Prior on behalf of his father (Beaumont Prior).

Prior, Thomas

Bill to the chimney sweeper

Paid £0 7s 8d to the chimney sweeper for one year's sweeping the kitchen chimney and Hall.
Signed by William Press.

Press, William

Clock bill

Paid 16s for attendance on the clock to James Staplin and Sarah Holliday.

Staplin, James

Insurance bill

Paid £3 15s for one year's insurance from the Sun Fire Office in London. Witnessed by Benjamin Wedd and Mr. Hide.

Wedd, Benjamin


Paid £8 7s 6d to Katherine Hingston, due to her as one of Mr. Rustat's pensioners. At the top a note from 29th December 1772 attesting to Katherine Hingston's status as a widow, her move to the parish of St. Andrew's Holborn in London, and her good character, witnessed by Thomas Taylor, a minister, and D. Richard and Cole, church wardens.

Hingeston, Katherine


  • JCCA/JCAD/2/2/9/1773/18
  • 14th October 1772-2nd April 1773
  • Part of College Archives

Two receipts of £5 paid to Mary Stone due to her as one of Mr. Rustats pensioners. Both also signed by Richard Fisher. For both, above, a note certifying her widowhood, good character, and residence in the parish of New Buckenham, Norfolk, witnessed by John Herrich, minister, and John Holland and one other witness, church wardens.

Stone, Mary

Garden bill

Paid £4 7s 9d to John Harrison for 117 ash trees 14 to 20 feet tall.

Harrison, John

Insurance bill

Paid £3 15s for one year's insurance in the Sun Fire Office, London. Witnessed by Lillie Aynscombe, Henry Plant, Mr. Hide, and B(?) Wedd.

Aynscombe, Lillie

Building Insurance Receipt

Paid £3 15s to Sun Fire Office from Lady-day 1777 to Lady-day 1778. Witnessed for Mr Comings by P Wedd, Lillie Aynscombe, Henry Plant.

Wedd, P.

Clock Bill

Paid 16s to Sarah Holliday for looking after the clock. Received by father (John Harrison).

Harrison, John

Gas company bills and receipts

  1. The Gas Company bill to the master and fellows of Jesus College £12 7s 6d for gas in kitchen and buttery.
  2. The Gas Company bill to the master and fellows of Jesus College 1s for filling burner at entrance to porters lodge.
  3. Memorandum of receipt dated 22 March 1854.
  4. Note of expenditure.

The Gas Company

Bill for stationary

Paid 9 pounds 1 shilling and 9 pence to Deighton, Bell & Co, Booksellers to H. R. H. the Chancellor of the University and agents to the University. Ream demy, quire blotting, ink, pens.

Deighton, Bell & Co.

Combination repairs bill

Paid 12 shillings to John Swan and Swan Upholsters for putting new lines and tassels to roll blinds
restringing 2 sets of window curtains and putting new lines to decanter slide
18 yards line and 4 tassels
Screws and repairing Mahogany elbow chair fastening frame and elbows and fixing on top
Repairing fire screen
Signed John Swan

John Swan and Son

Letter Regarding Coal Sales

Letter from William Bagge, Thomas Bagge and Joseph Greene to Rev Dr French, dated 11th March 1832, King's Lynn. Apologises to French for allowing his note to go unanswered as it had gottten mislaid. Reports that the coal of nearly the whole of last year was not so good as they could have wished, owing to the extra demand occasionedb taking off the Duty, and to this intention by the stoppage of work amongst the pitmen nearly twelve months ago, the coal owners could hardly get them fast enough and did not pay their usual attention to quality. Bagge/Greene notes they did all in their power to have this remedied, but could not. Now the coals are much better. Signed William Bagge, Thomas Baggge and Joseph Greene.

Bagge, William & Thomas

Coal Invoice

College coal invoice from Mr Graham, Steward to Dr French for Coals. Dated Lady Day 1833. For the rooms of Mr Dickes, Mr Skinner, Mr Graham, Mr Gaskin, Mr Fendall, Mr Venables, Mr Perry. Also for the the Combination Room, the Hall, the Servant's Hall, the Lecture Room, the Butler's room and the Porter's lodge. Noted at 2s 1d per sack for purpils. Total of 1254 coals at £130 12 s 6d.

Graham, Mr.

Coal Receipt

Received of Dr French, o William & Thomas Bagge, dated 26th September 1832. For 23 chaldrons of ducks coals and 5 chaldrons of blyth coals. Total of £34 19s. Additional rough work at bottom of receipt, one of the total of £68 5s and the other £16 8s.

Bagge, William & Thomas

Rustat Widows

Certificates of Rustat Widows.

Certifying that Susanna Basely of Bromley, in the county of Kent, widow of the late Revd. Henry Basely, curate of Kibworth Beauchamp, in the county of Leicester, an orthodox clergyman of the Church of England, is still living, a widow of good life and conversation. Signed Thomas Scott, chaplain of Bromley College, Kent, March 25th 1833.

Certifying that Grace Murgatroyd of Bromley College in the county of Kent, widow of late Revd. William Murgatroyd, vicar of West Thurrock in Essex, an orthodox clergyman of the Church of England, is still living a widow of good life and conversation. Signed Thomas Scott, chaplain of Bromlet College, Kent, March 25th 1833.

Scott, Thomas

Willingham Land Tax

Of D Whittlney fourteen shillings from half a year's land tax charged charged on the estate of the Master and Fellows of Jesus College at Willingham due last Lady Day. Signed by William Smith, Collector.

Smith, William

Life Insurance Receipt

Norwich Fire Union Life Insurance receipt, no. 126063, dated 2nd March 1833. Received of Jesus College the sum of 18s, being the amount of premium for insuring £600 from the 25th day of December 1832 to the 25th day of Decembber 1833 and also 18s being the amount of the duty (at the rate of 3s per cent.) imposed by Act of Parliament.

Premium, 18s
Duty, 18s.
Total of £1 16s. Signed Smith & Son, agent.

Norwich Union Fire Office

Fellows Rents

Fellows' Rents[?] 1. £8 4s 1d, 2. £5 3s 4d, 3. £8 11s 8d, 4. £22 1d. Total of £43 19s 2d.

Fellows' Debts[?] 1. £18 15s 10d, 2. £16 10s 9d, 3. £16 13s 8d, 4. £19 19s 7d. Total of £71 19s 10d.

Coals Fellows 1. £18 15s, 2. £23 5d, 3. £11 2s 11d. Total of £52 18s 4d.

Estate Estimation Invoice

Invoice noted for Combination (Room?), dated 2 June 1832, 1 new ly(?), 5 new carters, new hem (?), Dining table. Rough work including 25/1 - Estates £2 8s, Combination 14s. Total of £3 2s. Noted as paid December 14.

Smith, Elliot

Land Tax Receipt

Eau-Brink Drainage, received the 8th day of March, 1833 of Mr Few, the sum of 12s, for one year's tax, due the 1st day of January, 133, on 6 acres of Fen Land belonging to Jesus College at two shilling per acre per annum. Signed W. Marshall, collector.

Reverse of the receipt
Land rent - 12s
Smith's live(?) - 3s
Land tax - £1 8s 6d
Total £2 3s 6d

Bell - 15s
Total £2 18s 6d

Marshall, W.

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