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Release and quitclaim

Walter, son of William de St Edmund's, releases his rights in the advowson of St Clement's and confirms the grants made of it to the nuns of St Mary and St Radegund by his ancestor, Hugh, son of Absalon, and his uncle Walter. Witnesses: Sir (Dominus) Philip de Stanton, Everard de Trumpington, Henry de Colembe, Henry Muscher, John le Moyne, knights (milites), Thomas Toilet, Robert de St Edmund's, Robert Hubert, William Pilate, Stephan de Haukestone, William To(ilet?) et multis aliis.

St Edmunds, Walter de


Hugh, son of Stephen, son of Alveve, to the nuns his father's gift of 5 acres 3 roods in Cambridge fields. Witnesses: Sir (Dominus) Hervey Alderman, Robert Seman, Fulk Crocheman, Geoffrey Potekin, Roger Parleben, Adam Werial, John and Walter, his sons-in-law, John Creving, Reginald de Fordham, Childman et quibusdam aliis.

Hervey son of Eustace (fl 1200-1231)

Gift in free alms with warranty

Avice Bacun of (Long) Stanton, for her soul and the souls of husbands, ancestors and descendants, for the nuns to the use of the infirmary, 10 acres in the fields of Stanton, with appurtenances, viz: the croft of Felice, lying between the land of William, son of Austin, and that of Simon, son of Herbert. Also 4 selions under Hel', between the land of Sir William de Cheney and the land formerly of Richard de Evesham. Also 6 selions abutting on the boundry of Hokiton, between land held by William Cole and land formerly of Richard Evesham. Also 4 selions under Michelhowe, between the land of Robert Kyng and that of Richard Levesson. Also 1 acre formerly belonging to Constance, daughter of William Chaplain, lying between the land of Lady Avice de Stanton and the land held by William Sygar in Medwedich. Also 4 selions in Oxemedwe, between land of Richard Guve and land of Henry Grene. Also 2 selions abutting on Wivrlingemere, lying between land of Sir William de Cheney and land of William Bolle. Also 4 selions at Windelond, between land of Simon, son of Seberg, and land of Stranton Church. Also 3 selions at Hawey between land of William Cole and land of Robert, son of William, reeve of the Berewe (Bury?). Service of 1d to the altar of the church of St Mary, Stanton, due from the acre formerly belonging to Constance. Witnesses: Sir (Dominus) Henry de Nafford; Sir Philip de Stanton, Henry de Colne, sheriff, Henry de Colevile, Sir Herbert, parson of Stanton, John de Oure, Werric de Kam, Adam, son of Eustace of Cambridge, Eustace, son of Hervey, Robert Seman, William Pilate, Anger Russ (Ruffus) et aliis.

Stanton, Avice Bacun of

Grant in free alms with warranty

Avice Bacun of (Long) Stanton, for her soul and the souls of husbands, ancestors and descendants, to the nuns her neif (villein) William Champeneys of Stanton, with his belongings. Witnesses: Sir (Dominus) Henry de Nafford; Sir Philip de Stanton, Henry de Colne, sheriff, Henry de Colevile, Sir Herbert, parson of Stanton, John de Oure, Wareys de Kam, Adam, son of Eustace of Cambridge, Eustace, son of Hervey, Robert Seman, Wiliam Pilate, Anger Russ (Ruffus) et aliis.

Stanton, Avice Bacun of


Hervey Nuncius (le Messager) of Wrating to William Chaplain, son of Arnulf, formerly vicar of West Wrating, for his homage and services all his croft called Batellescroft, lying in the village of Wratting between the croft of Ralph de Orliens and the great green, and abutting on Bruninges croft and on the said green; also the homage and services of William Barker (or Tanner, "bercarius"), viz. a rent of 1d and services for the land which he holds of Hervey in the said croft. Gersuma: 40s. Witnesses: William de Oxecroft, Philip Rikespaud, William Flu[ri?], (John?) Fluri, Mathew Pillor (Baker?), William de Robertot, William Raudullun, William de Boscho (Wood?), Richard de Cruce (Cross?), Roger Wasman, John de Northo, Roger Doget et aliis.

Messager, Hervey le

Gift with warranty

Haidan, son of Ailowe, to Adam de Litlington, chaplain, for his homage and service, 1 acre of land in the West field of Litlington next to the land of the said Adam and that of Alexander le Moyne, abutting on Dune way. Gersuma: 14s; rent: 1d. Licence to alienate to anyone except to a religious house. Witnesses: Sir (Dominus) Philip de Abinget(on). Luke, his brother, Elias, parson of Litling(ton), Luke de Abinget(on), clerk, Elias de Litling(ton), clerk, John, son of Simon, R. le Moyne, John Bibois, Ralph Gray, et multis aliis.

Haldan, son of Aillowe

Gift with warranty

Ralph Gigan, priest, to the nuns, a piece of land without Trumpington Gate, next land of Henry Meso and land of which Ralph's son Coleman has the reservation after his death. Witnesses: Maurice, chaplain, Roger, priest of All Saints, Bartholomew, priest of St Botulph, Hervey Gran, John de Welles, Roger Parleben, Reginald, son of Osbert, Richard, son of Osbert, Walter, son of Owen, Walter Sillard, Walter de Abington, Godlamb, son of Sigar, John, clerk extra Portam, William, son of Martin, Reginald, son of Robert, Walter, son of Richard.

Gigan, Ralph

Gift with warranty

Walter, son of Master Geoffrey (Magister Galfridus), to Peter, son of Burchard, for his homage and services, the land in St Benet's parish which Filurun held of his father. Gersuma: 20s; rent: 2s, 2 capons and 2 hens. Witnesses: Bartholomew, chaplain, Hugh de Bir_not, Hervey Gogging, Maurice Rus, Hugh Maur, Ernest, Simon, son of Ernest, Walter de Linton, Yvo Butcher (Ca[rni]fex), Hugh Re et multis aliis.

Walter, son of Master Geoffrey

Gift with warranty

Absolon, son of Roger the priest, to Martin Wulward a portion of the land held by him of Hervey, son of Eustace, next to the land of Reginald, son of Alfred, in the little lane leading to the church of St John, together with a house built on the same land, width 40ft, length 1 perch and it abuts on the land of Adam Godsoe (Godsho). Rent: 20d; gersuma: 10s. Witnesses: Hervey Grim, William, his brother, Alard, son of Ordgar, Bartholomew, his brother, Geoffrey Potekin, Yvo, son of Absolon, Ralph, his brother, Morice, son of Alberic, Robert Seman, William Billing, William, his brother.

Absolon, son of Roger

Gift in free alms

Stephen, son of Alveve, with the consent of Maud, his wife, and Hugh, his son, to the nuns 5 acres 3 roods dividedly in the fields between lands of Lecie Philip and Richard Burgard; (illegible) and the wife of Algard; Jordan, son of Alvive and Lecie etc. for his family members' souls. Witnesses: Sir (Dominus) Hervey Alderman, Robert Seman, Fulk Crocheman, Roger Parleben, Adam Werial, Richard de Fordham, Childman, John Creving, John, son of (Ralph?), official, Walter Gernon (?), Adam Werial, Geoffrey Potekin, Apsalon, son of Roger, Reginald, his son, et aliis.

Stephen, son of Alveve

Gift in free alms with warranty

Alberic, son of Eustace of Madingley, for the souls of himself, his father, his ancestors, his wife Mabil and his heirs, to the nuns of St Radegund 2 acres of his land lying in Madingley fields, of which 4 selions abut on Leford Havedlong between the land of Maurice Russ (Ruffus) of Cambridge and the land of Henry de Berton, formerly belonging to Eustace the Smith; 1 selion abuts on the road to the meadow, lying between the land of Reginald Carpenter and the land of the aforesaid Alberic, and 1 selion abuts on Bernoldsdich, lying between the land of John de Senigey and the land of Walter Blancpain. Witnesses: William de Burdeley, William, his son, Roger Sprot, Hervey Grim, William, his brother, Maurice Russ (Ruffus), Allard __garius, Hervey, son of Eustace, Robert Seman, Adam Weriel, John Crocheman, Richard Atgate (de Porta), Bartholomew Tailur, Geoffrey Potekin, Henry, son of Elias, Geoffrey, son of Eustace, Warin, son of Tangar (or Targar), Astin, son of Eustace, John, son of Robert, Richard, his son, Eustace Smith (faber), John of Seningey, Walter de Coteham et multis aliis.

Hervey son of Eustace (fl 1200-1231)

Gift with warranty

Alberic of Madingley, son of Eustace, for the souls of himself, his father and his wife Mabil, to the nuns of St Radegund 1/2 acre of land in Madingley fields: one selion beyond Bernold ditch between two roods of Walter Blancpain, and another selion abutting by the road to meadow of the Prior of Barnwell, formerly of John Creie, which is next to the 2 selions, given by Alberic to his wife Eustacia as dowry. Witnesses: Hervey Grim, William, son of Everard, Eustace de Winepole, Allard, son of Orgar, Geoffrey Potekin, ____ heman, John, son of Robert, Roger Sprot, Warin, son of Tangar (Targar), (Hervey? Geoffrey?), son of Eustace, Anketin, his brother, Walter, son of Bartholomew de Coteham, et multis aliis.

Alberic, son of Eustace of Madingley

Confirmation and quitclaim with warranty

Agnes, wife of William de North, for her soul and for the souls of her ancestors confirms to the nuns of St Radegund the donation of a messuage and 4 acres of land made to them by Maud (Matilda), wife of Richard Besturn. Witnesses: Richard de Scales (Scaler, Escalariis), Hugh Grandin, Stephan de Oxecroft, Robert Rigespaud (Rikespaud), William de Oxecroft, Geoffrey Fluri, Peter le Bof, John Ragilun et multis aliis.

North, Agnes de

Gift with warranty (identical to 156a)

Ralph Gigan, priest, to the nuns, a piece of land without Trumpington Gate, next land of Henry Meso and land of which Ralph's son Coleman has the reservation after his death. Witnesses: Maurice, chaplain, Roger, priest of All Saints, Bartholomew, priest of St Botulph, Hervey Gran, John de Welles, Roger Parleben, Reginald, son of Osbert, Richard, son of Osbert, Walter, son of Owen, Walter Sillard, Walter de Abington, Godlamb, son of Sigar, John, clerk extra Portam, William, son of Martin, Reginald, son of Robert, Walter, son of Richard.

Gigan, Ralph

Confirmation of gifts with warranty

Martin Chamberlain (Camararius) to the nuns a messuage in Stevinton, called Hokerhellescroft, which they have by gift of Beatrix, his mother, and 9 acres of the open fields of Stevinton, which Matilda (Maud) Chamberlain had from the said Beatrix and gave to the nuns, in free alms, for the salvation of his soul and those of his ancestors and descendants. Witnesses: Walter, parson of Wilburham, Henry Chaplain of Beatrix Chamberlain, Martin's mother, Robert, chaplain of Wibisse (Wimbish), Adam de Stokes, Robert, chaplain of Berkelau, Sir (Dominus) William de Knapwell, Sir Walter de Capellis, Sir William Russel, Sir Henry de Capellis, Sir William Burre et multis aliis.

Chamberlain, Martin

Confirmation of gift to nuns of St Mary and St Radegund

Fulk Crocheman confirms the gift made with his sister Sybil of lands formerly held of him by Brito the Jew, dimentions 47 ft wide on the street front, and in the middle 39 ft, length 204 ft from the street to the end of his. Witnesses: Baldwin Blang[ernon?], Bernard Grim, Albric Ruffus (Russ?), Absalon, son of William, Walter, his brother, Robert Seman, Hervey Grim, William, his brother, Michael, son of Ordgar, Adam Weriail, Stephan, son of Selid, Roger Parleben, Andrew Caret[er], Richard Grisillung, Reginald, son of Osbert, Robert Walter, Richard, son of Nicholas, Richard de Malket; et multis aliis.

Crocheman, Fulk (1st half of 13c)

Grant of rent

Simon the Chamberlain (Camerarius) of E[ustace], Bishop of Ely, grants the nuns a rent of 2s per annum paid by Hervey son of Eustace of Cambridge and his heirs out of a rent of 11s 6d due from land which Simon bought from William son of Levesune and his mother Thura, between land of Hervey and that of Cuna. Nuns to have the right to distrain for non payment of rent. Witnesses: Hugh de Bodegesham official, Geoffrey chaplain of Dodington, Nicholas official clerk, Eustace de Eye, Robert Engaine, William Merchet, William Bonet, Walter de Aswell, Fulk Crocheman, Morice Russ, Walter son of Scolice (Scolastica?) et multis aliis.

Chamberlain, Simon the

Ordinance of Bishop of Ely (copy)

Eustace, Bishop of Ely, lays down that every new Master of St John's Hospital shall take an oath before the Bishop or his official that he will not administer the Sacrament to, or take obligation from any persons to the loss or prejudice of the Church of All Saints. The prioress and convent of St Radegund of Grenecroft grant free right of Chantry, and Sepulture. In compensation for possible loss (of tithe) to All Saints from the Common land on which the Hospital is built, Harvey son of Eustace has given to the nuns a rent of 12d (180), likewise Robert Seman has given a rent of 12d, Maurice son of Alberic a rent of 12d (181), all charged on property in Cambridge, which the Bishop hereby confirms. Witnesses: Sir Richard, Archdeacon of Ely, H., Prior of Ely, W., Prior of Barnwell, H. Bodebestia, Official of Ely.

Eustace (?-1220) Bishop of Ely

Gift in free alms with warranty

Hervey, son of Eustace, to the nuns 1 acre in Cambridge fields, 1/2 acre of which lies between land of Baldwin Blancgernon and that of William Blodles, abutting on Asmannescroft; 1/2 acres between land of Robert Long (Lung) and land of St Radegund, abutting on a balk of Warin, son of Anketil. Witnesses: Robert Seman, Andrew, Everard, Richard and Eustace de Winepol, brothers, Apsalon, son of Roger the Priest, Adam Werial, Fulk Crocheman, Roger Parleben et aliis.

Hervey son of Eustace (fl 1200-1231)

Gift with warranty (indenture)

Prioress Letitia and the nuns to William Champeneys of Stanton for his homage and services 10 acres of land, which Avice Bacun gave them for the use of the infirmary, viz.: the croft of Felice, which lies between the lands of William, son of Austin, and croft of Simon, son of Herbert. Also 4 selions under Hel', between the land of Sir William de Cheney and the land formerly of Richard de Evesham. Also 6 selions abutting on the boundry of Hokiton, between land held by William Cole and land formerly of Richard Evesham. Also 4 selions under Michelhowe, between the land of Robert Kyng and that of Richard Levesson. Also 1 acre formerly belonging to Constance, daughter of William Chaplain, lying between the land of Lady Avice de Stanton and the land held by William Sygar in Medwedich. Also 4 selions in Oxemedwe, between land of Richard Guve and land of Henry Grene. Also 2 selions abutting on Wivrlingemere, lying between land of Sir William de Cheney and land of William Bolle. Also 4 selions at Windelond, between land of Simon, son of Seberg, and land of Stranton Church. Also 3 selions at Hawey between land of William Cole and land of Robert, son of William, reeve of the Berewe (Bury?). Rent: to the infirmary 1 mark. Witnesses: Sir (Dominus) Henry de Nafford; Sir Philip de Stanton, Henry de Colne, sheriff, Henry de Colevile, Sir Herbert, parson of Stanton, John de Oure, Werric de Kam, Adam, son of Eustace of Cambridge, Eustace, son of Hervey, Robert Seman, William Pilate, Anger Russ (Ruffus) et aliis.

Letitia (fl 1213-1230) Prioress of St Radegund

Gift with warranty (indenture)

Prioress Letitia to Henry . . . land which Mabel (Mabilla), sister of Jonate, gave to the nunnery, lying between land of Baldewin Blancgernon and land of Athelard le Chanus . . . Rent: 20d; gersuma: 1 mark. Witnesses: Baldewin Blancgernon, William , (?)Ogar , Reginald, son of Alfred, John, his son, Robert Seman, Geoffrey (several illegible), Henry Milc, Stephan, son of Selid, Reginald Godso, John, son of Hervey (?), Hervey, ___, (?)Richard, son of Elias, Roger Parleben, et multis aliis.

Letitia (fl 1213-1230) Prioress of St Radegund

Gift with warranty

Basilia Raggedal' to her maid Amicia, for her homage and services, 1 acre of land in Wratting, lying above the ditch of the croft belonging to John de Walepol, between the land of St Radegund and that of William Rewold. Rent: a pair of gloves. Right to assign the land except to a house of religion. Witnesses: William Flury, Philip Rikespaud, William de Oxecroft, Richard Sewal, Roger Ace, Mathew de Shelford et multis aliis.

Ragedale, Basilia

Confirmation with warranty

John de Goiz to Adam de Litlington, chaplain, confirms the gift of 14 acres in the fields of Bassingburn, made to the said Adam by Mary de Bassingburn, widow, to be held of the said John de Goiz and his heirs. Rent: 4d saving services to the king; consideration: 1/2 mark. Witnesses: Sir (Dominus) Ralph, son of Fulk, Sir Hugh Grandin, Henry de Colne, sheriff of Cambridge, William Russ (Ruffus) de Clopton, William de Comberton, William clerk, Geoffrey, son of Baldrich, Walter, son of Jacob, William Wulvrich, Thomas clerk, William Wardeben et aliis.

Goiz, John de

Grant of rent with warranty

Alexander le Moyne to the church of St Mary and St Radegund for the salvation of his soul and the souls of his ancestors, 12d of annual rent, due from the nuns for lands of him in Litlington. The nuns thereafter to hold their land in free alms. Witnesses: Sir (Dominus) Roger de Huntingsfield, Sir Peter de Danelie, William Traylli (or Caylli), William, clerk of Litlington, John, his brother, Richard de Boclekesham, Alan, son of William, Robert de Sugeres (or Fugeres), Hugh, son of Bruce, William Sali et multis aliis.

Le Moyne family

Counterpart of gift with warranty

  • JCMR/Gray 1- . . . 383/Gray 22...29, 50-78/25
  • Item
  • 1200-1230 (Letitia was Prioress at the time of Bishop Eustace's composition respecting All Saints; Church and St John's Hospital, which was not later than 1213; she occurs in Pedes Finium, 1228 (Gray, p. 30).)
  • Part of Records of the Priory of St Mary and St Radegund

Richard de Histon, chaplain, receives of Prioress Letitia of the Nunnery of St Radegund a portion of their land in Tornechroft next that of Roger Carter. Rent: 2s and 2 capons. Witnesses: Hervey son of Eustace, Robert Seman, Adam son of Eustace, Walter Corde, Geoffrey son of Ralph, Ralph son of Hervey, Thomas son of Joachim, Nicholas Sarant, Walter de Lindsey, Geoffrey Cook, Roger Careter et multis aliis.

Histon, Richard de

Gift with warranty to nuns of St Mary and St Radegund

Christiana, daughter of Godard Carter gives to the nuns lands in All Saints parish, lying between the lands of Reginald de Fordham and land of Symon Black on the other side of the lane; also land and buildings between land of Fulk Crocheman and land of Richard Bullokprest; also land held of Richard Bruiera next to land of Ralph Ballard, with services of Adam Weaver; also land in Felterer Street (Parish of Holy Trinity), lying between the land of Holy Trinity church and the land of Doy, with services of Hugh le Rus for the land near the church of Holy Trinity. Endorsed 'with tenement of Master Thomas of Tyryngton, between land of William Pie and Radulph Ballard'. Witnesses: Hervey son of Eustace, Robert Seman, Roger Perleben, Adam Wyriel, Absolon son of Roger and his son, Geoffrey Potekin and his son, Fulk Crocheman, ___ and his son, Richard de Porta (Atgate?) and his son, Henry Vivien, Michael, son of Ordgar and Michael, his son, John Crocheman, Robert Wulward (?), (Walter?) Corde, Walter Ambiches, Richard de Hevenham and many others present at the occasion.

Christiana, daughter of Godard Carter

Lease to Reginald de Fordham

Absolon Ampe leases to Reginald de Fordham his lands in the parish of All Saints lying between that formerly of Ralph Swane and the small lane leading to the river bank, 50 ft and 40 ft on the boundary by 147 ft. Rent: 4s; gersuma: 2 marks of silver. Witnesses: Robert Seman, Andrew de Winepol, Everard, R(ichard?), Eustace, brothers of the above; Michael, son of Ordgar, Hubert, son of Hornman, Richard Crocheman, Richard de Fordham, Gerard Parm[in]t[er]?, Ralph Ydfot, Alan, grandson of Hilgar, Ralph, son of Geoffrey, Ralph de Bramton, Bernard, son of Edei, Richard Potter.

Ampe, Absolon

Gift with warranty to Nicholas de Well

Stephen de Elvengard in Eswell and his wife Emma give to Nicholas de Well(es), rector of St Etheldreda's, Histon, their messuage in the Jewry next to the land of John de Coteham, extending from the highway to the King's Ditch. Rent of 1 pair of gloves (value 1/2d) and gersuma 8 marks. Witnesses: Hervey son of Eustace, Robert Seman, Adam son of Eustace, Geoffrey son of Ralph, Ralph son of Henry, Michael Malherbe, Michael John, son of Hervey, Thomas son of Joachim, Richard son of Ivo, Gregory son of Edward, William and Alan, his brothers, Geoffrey Fitter, Robert medic et multis aliis.

Elvenegard, Stephen de

Counterpart of gift with warranty by nuns to Bartholomew le Noble

Bartholomew le Noble thas received from Prioress Letitia and the nuns the messuage which was of Symon le Blund, between the land of said Bartholomew and the land of Andrew de Winepol, extending from the highway to the land of Bernard Grim and Richard Bullokesprest. Rent: 2s; gersuma 5 1/2 marks. Witnesses: Hervey son of Eustace, Robert Saman, Adam son of Eustace, Geoffrey son of Ralph, John and Lawrence, his sons, Ralph son of Henry, Hervey son of Martin, Michael and John, his sons, Reginald de Fordham, William Pilate et multis aliis.

le Noble family

Gift with warranty to Eustace, son of William Barun

Prioress Letitia and the nuns give to Eustace, son of William Barun of Newnham lands between land of Michael Malherb on one side, and the burial ground of the church and land of Bartholomew le Noble on the other, formerly held by Godwin Tailor, John Runwald and Martin Tostin. Rent: 2s and 4 gallons of oil to light lamp at altar of St Mary in church of St Radegund for the souls of William Holdgerd and Peter his father, and his mother and brother. Witnesses: Thomas Tuylet, Robert de St Edmund's, Master Bartholomew son of Ralph, Nicholas, his brother, William Tuylet, Michael Maleherbe, William Pilate, Reginald de Fordham, Reginald, his son, Bartholomew le Noble, William de Winebodesham, Reginald, his brother et aliis.

Letitia (fl 1213-1230) Prioress of St Radegund

Gift with warranty

Nicholas, son of Alexander, Almoner of Ely, to Everard, son of Philip, land in St Andrew's parish between land of Robert de Taxstede and that of William Duzedeniers, of the fee of Nicholas Rostard; to hold of the Almoners of Ely. Rent: 4s; gersuma: 2s. Witnesses: Baldwin Blancgernon, Morice Russ, Robert Seman, Absalon, son of priest, William le Fitter, Edward Sumor, Hervey Goggyng, Warin, son of Astin, Roger Parleben, Hugh Mercer (mercator), Joachim, servant to the Almoner, Adam de Bukkeshale, Hervey Dunning, __ng, clerk of Ely, et multis aliis.

Nicholas, Almoner of Ely

Gift with warranty

Margaret, widow of Ralph ___ne, to Robert, son of Matilda, land in St Peter's parish without the gate of Cambridge, lying between the land of St. Peter's church and the land of Absalon, son of Wymund, next the chapel of St. Edmund. Rent: 4d and 2 capons; gersuma 2s. Witnesses: Walter, son of Master (Magister) Geoffrey, Richard, son of Master (Magister) Geoffrey, Robert, son of Michael, Thomas, son of Absalon (others illegible due to damage) et multis aliis.

Margaret, widow of Ralph

Gift with warranty

Richard Ad Portam (Atgate) with the consent of Alice, his wife, to the nuns a shop in the market situated between a shop of John, son of Selid of St Mary and St Radegund and a shop of Aca, son of Coleman. Services to the King (hagabel) 8d. Witnesses: Bartholomew(?) B Ca , Hervey, son of Eustace, Robert Seman, Maurice Russ, Henry, son of Martin, Geoffrey Potekin, Henry, son of Elias, Ralph, son of Henry, Roger Parleben, Reginald de Fordham, Michael, son of Henry, John, son of Selid, John, son of Bernard, Michael, his brother, et quibusquam aliis.

Richard and Alice Ad Portam (Atgate)

Confirmation of grant

Walter Cock, for the souls of himself and his wife, Agnes, confirms the grant of a rent of 2s out of land in Bridge Street, made by Adam Wyriel to the nuns. Witnesses: Hervey, son of Eustace, Robert Seman, Geoffrey Potekin, Adam, son of Eustace, Walter Corde, Henry Alegod, Childeman, Apsolon, son of Roger, John Bernard, John Smith (Faber) et multis aliis.

Cock, Walter

Gift in free alms

Hervey, son of Eustace, to the nuns, for his soul and the soul of his late wife Beatrix, 10 acres in various parts of Cambridge fields; in one part of the town 6 acres; 1 acre of which abuts on the Barton road and lies next land of Thomas Tuillet, 1 acre abuts on the pasture of Godgivedole and lies next land of Anger Ruffus (Russ), 2 acres abut on the road to Cotes and lie next land of the Cambridge hospital, 1 acre abuts on Braderusche, next land of St Radegund; 1/2 acre abutting on St Neot's Rd. (Maddingley Rd.) and lying next land of Reginald Ruffus (Russ). On the other side of the town 4 acres; 2 acres abutting on Hokerevewell next land of Stephen Haukeston, 1/2 acre in Middelfurlong next land of John Ruffus, 1/2 abutting on Littlemore, 2 roods in Middelfurlong next land of John Ruffus. Witnesses: Robert Seman, Adam, son of Eustace, John de Sexton, Michael, son of Hervey, John, his brother, Henry Vivien, Geoffrey Potekin, John, his son, John, son of Alfred, Symon, son of Hervey et multis aliis.

Hervey son of Eustace (fl 1200-1231)

Gift in free alms

Hervey, son of Eustace, of Cambridge, to the nuns with his sister Yda, when she takes the religious habit in their house: 1 (Cambridge and Barnwell fields) 2 1/2 acres, which Hugh Cors holds of him near Barnwell Priory; 3 roods lying between the land of Maurice Rus (Ruffus?) and the land of William Nunacurt; 3 roods in Estenhale, between lands of the said Maurice and William; 3 roods near Barnwell Mill, between lands of the said two; 1 rood at Meldiche between land of William Nunacurt and that of Hugh, son of Apsolon; 1 acre, which Reginald, son of Alured, held of him in Swinecroft, between land of Ailgar de Welles and that of Margaret, wife of Richard Parson. 2 (St John Milne Street) 3 messuages in the Parish of St John held by Apsolon, son of the priest, abutting on the High Street leading to the Mill (Milne St.) and on the lane leading to St John's Church. 3 (Great St Mary) a messuage in the parish of St Mary, held of him by Robert Carpenter, lying between land of John, son of Elias, and that of John, son of Selid; a messuage in the same parish held of him by Hosbert le Cambere, between land of Andrew de Winepol and that of Ernold Plumber. 4 (St Peter outside Trumpington Gate) a messuage outside Trumpington Gate, held of him by wife of Seled Pinberd, next the land of Robert Nadun. 5 (St Benet) a messuage in St Benedict's parish held by Henry Bekke, lying between land of Absalon, son of the priest, and that of Walter, son of Master (Magister) Geoffrey. Witnesses: Bartholomew, Official of Ely, Master Gentil, parson of Caxton, Simon, parson of St Benedict, Baldewin Blancgernon, Robert Seman, Andrew de Winepol, Everard, Richard and Eustace de Winpol, Roger Parleben, Fulk Crocheman, John, his brother, Richard Porter (of Atgate - de porta), William, his son, Henry, son of Martin, Michael, his son.

Hervey son of Eustace (fl 1200-1231)

Speculum religiosorum etc.

Tracts on monastic life; M. R. James's no. 41. Contains: 1) Speculum Religiosorum, in an imperfect 15C copy running from chapter 26, ending with a table of the chapters; 2) contents table of a different (14C) volume, listing 24 sermons and the 131 chapters of a Summa de vicijs; 3) a tract on ecclesiastical discipline, 15C, incipit: De nocturna illusione; 4) Tabula super regulam S. Benedicti; 5) Tabula super librum B. Bernardi de precepto et dispensacione Compilata a magistro Uthredo Bolton.; 6) Tabula brevis super libellum dictum Abbas vel Prior; 7) Tabula brevis super constituciones benedictinas; 8) Quomodo et processus qualiter Judas postquam tradidit Ihesum venit ad matrem suam et qualiter consuluit eam et noluit ab ... (the story of Judas and the cock, exactly the same tesxt as in Q.D.4); 9) Regula beati Benedicti, imperfect in c. 73; 10) Articuli 5-14 on feudal rights of Durham, imperfect, beginning in art. 4, in 15-16C hand; 11) Constitution of the Abbots of St Alban's, St Mary of York, and Chester, for the Benedictines in England, 14C, with two notes on the rule; 12) Extracts in a 15C hand: Hoc autem non te lateat Petre ... , Plurimi nequaquam pleniter intelligentes (on the Rule), and Nota in rosario .xxvij. q. ij. De eo quod dicitur in regula monachorum ... ; 13) Meditacions: Incipit meditaciones excitative compuntionis ex sacre scripture et sanctorum sentenciis compilate presertim ex sentenciis beati Augustini beati Bernardi et venerabilis Anselmi. Memento miser homo ... (in nine chapters with a table at the end; 14) Meditacio divine laudis et spei venie provocativa composita a dicto magistro Willelmo monacho et doctore (incipit: Memor fui dei et delectatus sum); 15) Meditacio divini amoris desiderativa composita ab eodem (incipit: Memento mei deus); 16) Meditacio composita a domino Utredo monacho Dunelmensi et sacre pagne professore ad excitandum hominem cognoscere semetipsum (incipit: Domine recogitabo tibi omnes annos ; 17) Notes of ordinances concerning the order, 15C; 18) Copia litere domini Bernardi de Genebreda Prioris prioratus de Longavilla ord. Cluniac dioc. Rothomag. de revocatione censurarum constitutionum Benedicti Pape xii[mi] presidentibus ... anno domini mccc. Xliijo (15C copy); 19) Innocencius IIII etc. dilecto filio Priori Dunelm (giving the prior of Durham dispensatory powers); 20) Informacio ad computandum algorismi (probably in same hand as 10); 21) Ordinances made in Durham chapter by Prior Wessington, 1417; 22) Littere Mag. Rostandi de inquisicione pecunie e Archdiac. Dunelm, 13C, the first letter being dated 1256.

Bedae martyrologium

Bede's Martyrology; M. R. James's no. 31. At the front are some 14-15C calendar notes, with one folio missing. The Martyrology is followed by: 1) a form of cursing sacrilegious persons; 2) a statement of what a parish priest ought to know and do; 3) verses on the months; 4) the hymn "Saluatoris mater pia" with music on a four-line stave; 5) De beata Maria - eight sets of three lessons.

Petri Cantoris Tropi, etc.

A collection of tracts: M. R. James's no. 66. Contains: 1) Tropi magistri petri cantoris parisius; 2) Subtilis exposicio simboli traditi a beato anastio [=Athanasio]; 3) Exposicio parvi simboli s. laicorum, with Representacio temporum que finierunt ab inicio mundi usque ad finem [on two leaves which are missing]; 4) Sentencia dominice orationis exposita breviter nec non utiliter, ubi tanguntur .vii. peticiones prout comparantur .vii. donis spiritu sancti; 5) Sententia beati Roberti lincolniensis episcopi de fide et articulis fidei incipit; 6) Sententia sancti Roberti lincolniensis episcopi de confessione; 7) a tract with incipit: Debentes de vobis racionem bonam reddere; 8) Tractatus de penitentia brevis et utilis; 9) Tractatus de quatuor virtutibus cardinalibus; 10) Tractatus de sompno brevis; 11) Augustinus de assumptione B.M. V., ending imperfectly. There are five flyleaves from a ms. of similar form and date, the first four being the two middle sheets of a quire from a treatise on preaching.

Gift with warranty

Hamo de Vavines to Adam de Litlington, chaplain, for his homage and service 1/2 virgate of land with appurtenances, liberties and easements, in meadows and pastures and feedings, except in 1/2 acre of land which Ralph Gray holds from him, instead of which he grants to the said Adam the 1 1/2 roods of land lying between land of Richard de Rokel and the land formerly of Agnes at Pleistowe, abutting on the land of Bernard, son of Ailban. The 1/2 virgate of land is in the fields of Litlington and the 1 1/2 roods in Cothilledan, the 1/2 virgate is that formerly held by John Blundus. Gersuma: 10 marks; rent: 2s and services to the king. Witnesses: Sir (Dominus) Philip de Abbinget(on), Luke, his brother, Luke, clerk, Elias, clerk, John, son of chaplain, William, son of Auger, Alan, his son, Peter de Eshwell, Elias de Eshwell, Master (Magister) William, his brother, Ralph Gray et aliis.

Valvines, Hamo de

Gift with warranty

William le Compere (Cumpere) to Agnes, widow of Nicholas le Moyne of Shelford and her assigns or legatees and their heirs 7 roods of land in Shelford, viz.: 2 roods lying next to his courtyard between his house and the house of Hugh Viellator (Vidler) abutting on the road; 5 roods lying outside the court in a croft; and any right the donor has or can claim in these lands. Rent: 12d. Gersuma: 6s 8d. Witnesses: Ralph de Hoylond, Gilbert de Tudenham, Thomas de Tudeham, John le Moyne (Monachus), John de Shelford, Walter Chaplain (capellanus), Peter le Buf, Stephan Clerk, et multis aliis.

Cumpere, William le

Gift with warranty

Prioress Letitia and the nuns to Martin, son of Hugh de Swafham, land opposite the Nunnery gate which was formerly held of Nicholas Sarant by Elias, chaplain. Rent: 2s. Witnesses: Hervey son of Eustace, Adam, his brother, Robert Seman, John, son of Baldwin de Swafham, Michael, son of Hervey, Martin Brictnot, Henry, deacon of Swafham, William of Ireland (de Hibernia) et aliis.

Letitia (fl 1213-1230) Prioress of St Radegund

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