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"A Twentieth Century Image of Man for Leonardo Magazine"

  • JCPP/Bronowski/Bronowski/5/5/66/1
  • File
  • 13 April 1973-12 July 1974
  • Part of Personal Papers

Comprises correspondence with Frank Malina (Editor, Leonardo: International Journal of the Contemporary Artist) on 'A Twentieth Century Image of Man' being published in Leonardo, with drafts and proofs.

Also includes correspondence about reprints of the article.

"A Twentieth Century Image of Man, The Voice of America"

  • JCPP/Bronowski/Bronowski/5/5/66/2
  • File
  • 23 August 1971-1973
  • Part of Personal Papers

Comprises correspondence about Bronowski giving a lecture in the Voice of America Forum lecture series, 1972 (for broadcast on overseas radio) with 5 typescripts of 'A Twentieth Century Image of a Man'. One typescript is annotated with corrections by Bronowski and Sylvia Fitzgerald, 2 are annotated with corrections and additions by Bronowski, and one is the revised and enlarged text for publication in Leonardo magazine.

Also includes an information sheet about the Forum lecture series of the Voice of America.

A Village Opera and Lady Audley's Secret

Production of 'A Village Opera', with music by Bach and Handel, and the play 'Lady Audley's Secret' by C.H. Hazlewood performed as part of the May Week Entertainment in conjunction with the Literary Society in the College Cloisters at 8.30pm

"AAAS 1969 Meeting"

  • JCPP/Bronowski/Bronowski/9/4/4
  • File
  • 10 April 1969-24 October 1973
  • Part of Personal Papers

Comprises correspondence, mainly with Professor Robert S Cohen (chairman, department of Physics, Boston University), relating to a meeting of the American Association for the Advancement of Science on 'Physics and the Explanation of Life' in Boston (27-29 Dec 1969) where Bronowski gave a paper on 'New Concepts in the Evolution of Complexity: Stratified Stability and Unbounded Plans' ('The Evolution of Complexity'). Includes correspondence on the audio recordings of the meeting and on publication of 'The Evolution of Complexity'.

Also includes: programmes for the meeting and for the 'Boston Colloquium for the Philosophy of Science, 1969-1970'; a typescript of Bronowski's paper given at the meeting, a typescript summary, and a typescript outline; copies of articles by Walter G Berl, AAAS Meeting Editor, from 'Science'; a signed agreement by Bronowski to appear on a television programme entitled 'AAAS Science Report, 1969'; and a "speaking engagement" information sheet [made for the file].

"AAAS: 27-30 January 1975"

  • JCPP/Bronowski/Bronowski/9/4/6
  • File
  • 18 July 1974-16 September 1974
  • Part of Personal Papers

Comprises correspondence relating to a half-day symposium on 'Science: The World Culture' that Bronowski was organising for the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) annual meeting in New York (Jan 1975). Includes a press release about the symposium.

"AAAS Chicago, December 1970"

  • JCPP/Bronowski/Bronowski/9/4/22
  • File
  • 19 August 1970-20 April 1971
  • Part of Personal Papers

Comprises correspondence and other material relating to a meeting of the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) in Chicago. Bronowski took part in panel discussions on 'Scientific and Professional Organizations, War/Peace Issues, and Public Policy' (organised by Robert Pickus, president of the World Without War Council of the United States), and a symposium on 'Science and Human Values' for section L 'History and Philosophy of Science' (organised by Ralph Wendell Burhoe, editor of Zygon journal of Religion and Science).

Also includes: correspondence about Bronowski appearing on NET station in Chicago [television programmes] relating to the AAAS meeting; and copies of papers by others who participated in the symposium on 'Science and Human Values' (A Katchalsky, Professor Van Rensselaer Potter, Anthony F C Wallace, Barry B Edelstein and R B Lindsay).

"AAAS/CONACYT Meetings - Mexico City: 20 June to 4 July 1973"

  • JCPP/Bronowski/Bronowski/9/4/5
  • File
  • 11 April 1966-13 July 1973
  • Part of Personal Papers

Comprises correspondence with the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) on a joint meeting with the Consejo Nacional de Ciencia y Tecnologia (CONACYT) on 'Science and Man in the Americas' to be held in Mexico City. Bronowski was to give a lecture on 'Science and Human Values' but this was cancelled due to his ill health.

Also includes: a leaflet about the meeting, a photocopy of a notice in 'Science' announcing the meeting (vol. 179, 2 Mar 1973), a copy of a letter to Dr Manuel Ortega from Bronowski following a visit to Mexico (1966), an abstract of Bronowski's planned lecture on 'Science and Human Values', a photocopy of an article on the meeting from 'Nature' (vol. 244, 13 Jul 1973), and a "speaking engagement" information sheet [made for the file].


  • JCPP/Bronowski/Bronowski/3/5/1
  • File
  • 14 December 1967-9 January 1968
  • Part of Personal Papers

Comprises correspondence with Lester Cooper (Executive Producer of documentary programmes) of the American Broadcasting Corporation and John Zane (Director of Communications at the Salk Institute) about ideas for programmes featuring Bronowski, and about other films by Cooper.

About ground behind All Saints Church

Letter from James Kidd [old catalogue says 'letters' in plural - where are the rest?]

Also a plan relating to the widening of Trinity Street, and the compulsory acquisition of part of the churchyear of All Saints. Removed to the plan chest.

Kidd, James


  • JCPP/Bronowski/Bronowski/5/2/2
  • File
  • 5 November 1970-1 August 1972
  • Part of Personal Papers

Comprises correspondence with Richard H Lineback (Editor, 'The Philosopher's Index') and copies of abstracts of Bronowski's articles 'New Concepts in the Evolution of Complexity' and 'Technology and Culture in Evolution' as published in 'The Philosopher's Index'.

"Academic Senate, 1970"

  • JCPP/Bronowski/Bronowski/10/2/12/3
  • File
  • 18 February 1970-18 March 1970
  • Part of Personal Papers

Comprises a meeting agenda and minutes of meetings of the Academic Senate (Fellows and Members of the Salk Institute). The Academic Senate met twice as an interim committee.

Also includes a memorandum to John Hunt, from Bronowski and Leslie Orgel, about recommendations for salaries for career development awards, and a list of areas of the Salk Institute assigned to Fellows.

"Academy of Psychoanalysis Lecture"

  • JCPP/Bronowski/Bronowski/9/4/1
  • File
  • 7 June 1963-11 August 1965
  • Part of Personal Papers

Comprises correspondence relating to Bronowski giving an opening address on 'The Creative Process' at the Annual Meeting of the Academy in Los Angeles (May 1964). This address was based on 'The Creative Process' article as published in 'Scientific American' (Sep 1958).

Also includes a programme for the meeting and a photocopy of 'The Creative Process' from Scientific American.


Notebook containing Roosters accounts


Income and expenditure account and balance sheets for years ending 30th June 2001, 2002, 2003


  • JCCA/JCCS/5/2/3/4
  • File
  • 1st July 1999 - 10th February 2004
  • Part of College Archives

File of administrative records relating to the Music Society from Michaelmas Term 2000 to Lent Term 2004:

(1) Income and Expenditure Accounts
(2) Balance Sheets
(3) Requests for and allocation of budget
(4) Receipts for expenditure
(5) JCMS Committee Minutes


Typescript accounts for musical and drama productions by the Music and Literary Societies. Comprises: summary receipts and expenses 1952-62, general expense account for 1962-63 and detailed expenses for 1962-63

Accounts and Financial Papers

Includes general expense for the garden, wages of employees, cost of plant purchases, maintenance of garden buildings, tools and equipment.

Accounts of the fund for repairing the Rectory

Five documents, giving details of income and expenditure over the years 1785-1809. The aim was to build up a fund for repairng the Rectory House (eventually it was decided to rebuild it). The widow of the previous Rector contributed £100, and the Proby Fund was used for an annual contribution. The Rector, Jonathan Chapman, was insolvent throughout. He died in 1805.

"Accounts, 1964-1967, Office Furniture"

  • JCPP/Bronowski/Bronowski/10/2/11/116
  • File
  • March 1964-July 1967
  • Part of Personal Papers

Comprises invoices and copies of cheques signed by Bronowski and Rita Bronowski for items including curtains, a table, lamps, crockery, fireplace, barbeque, scrapbook, a sculpture by John Rogers ('Wunderkammer II'), and an ashtray.

"Acquisitions - Library, 1967 - 1972"

  • JCPP/Bronowski/Bronowski/10/2/11/121
  • File
  • January 1967-December 1972
  • Part of Personal Papers

Comprises: lists of books acquired by the Salk Institute library; statistics about the number of books and periodicals in the library or ordered, acquisitions and cataloguing, expenditure, and public services such as interlibrary loans; memoranda from Fred West (Senior Librarian) to the Library Committee about recommendations for purchase, and to laboratories about binding journals; a summary of subject areas, volumes of holdings, budget and staffing for the library (1966-1967)

"Acquisitions - Library, 1973 - 1974"

  • JCPP/Bronowski/Bronowski/10/2/11/122
  • File
  • February 1973-July 1974
  • Part of Personal Papers

Comprises tables of statistics about the Salk Institute library. Covers acquisitions and cataloguing, expenditure, and public services such as interlibrary loans.

Act of parliament

  • JCCA/JCAD/3/2/LIV/7/8
  • File
  • 18 June 1842 (Imprint by Queen's Printers 1874)
  • Part of College Archives

"An Act for better enabling Incumbents of Ecclesiastical Benefices to demise Lands belonging to their Benefices on Farming Leases"

Acta Apostolorum cum Glossa

Acts of the Apostles with glosses; M. R. James's no. 40. Begins (f. 2): Quibus et (gloss: humanitate a divinitate). Ends: Explicit liber actuum apostolorum liber VIII [with symbol over]. D. C., which James says is thus written for "habet versus III. D. C.".

"Adler, Julius (Reprints)"

Consists of photocopies of articles by Adler (some with other authors), in an envelope listing the contents. Many of the photocopies are stamped "Melvin Cohn".

Administrative Policy Committee

  • JCPP/Bronowski/Bronowski/10/2/12/15
  • File
  • 28 February 1964-1 December 1964
  • Part of Personal Papers

Comprises memoranda containing agendas and minutes of meetings of the Administrative Policy Committee of the Salk Institute, with documents outlining policies and proposals on retirement benefits and provision, records of absence, overtime, a compensation plan (salaries), qualification and experience requirements for technical and administrative positions, and college benefits for children of resident Fellows.

Also includes copies of correspondence between Jonas Salk and Dr Ed Creutz (Vice President, Research and Development, General Atomic) about the administrative needs of the Salk Institute and Creutz recommending Salk employ Earle Short (an administrator who had been working at General Atomic).

"Administrative Structure, 1970 - Confidential"

  • JCPP/Bronowski/Bronowski/10/2/11/1
  • File
  • 15 December 1969-16 December 1969
  • Part of Personal Papers

Comprises a draft paper and memorandum by John Hunt to Renato Dulbecco, Jonas Salk and P. Knopf, on a proposed reorganisation of the administrative structure of the Salk Institute.

Adon A. Gordus

Manuscript & typescript papers of Adon Gordus without accompanying correspondence

Gordus, A. A.

Aegidii Summa, etc.

Aegidii Foscarii summa juris canonici, and other works; M. R. James's no. 68. Contains: 1) Notule Decretalium: an analysis of the decretals in five books; 2) miscellaneous notes; 3) Aegidii Foscarii summa juris canonici; 4) notes on canon law and church procedures; 5) Libellus fugitivus compositus a mag. nepote de monte albano, in the same hand as no. 3; 6) extracts from a statute (?) and a document about churches and a chapel at Gesinham. A deed of the Bishop of Lincoln is inserted between ff. 80 and 81.


  • JCPP/Bronowski/Bronowski/5/3/1
  • File
  • 24 February 1952-17 March 1969
  • Part of Personal Papers

Comprises material relating to Bronowski's work about design, architecture and form.

Consists of: notes for lectures on 'The Creative Process in Poetry/Art' and 'The Creative Process in Science' (given in Jerusalem, 18 Mar 1959, and Haverford, Pennsylvania, 26 Apr 1960); notes for a lecture on 'The Conditions for Scientific Creativity in [an Organizational Setting] Contemporary Society' (given in Harvard, 20 Jul 1960); an annotated typescript of 'The Discovery of Form' (1963) by Bronowski for inclusion in a book on 'Vision and Value' edited by Gyorgy Kepes with correspondence about publication; a press cutting of a report on a lecture by Bronowski given at the Nottingham, Derby and Lincoln Society of Architects ('The Architects Journal' 4 Aug 1960); a published copy of 'Architecture as a Science and Architecture as an Art' by Bronowski (R.I.B.A [Royal Institute of British Architects] Journal, Mar 1955); a reprint and a typescript of 'The Shape of Things' by Bronowski (reprint from Impulse, no. 15, 1960); a reprint of 'The Creative Process' by Bronowski (Scientific American, vol. 199, no. 3, Sep 1958); and notes and cuttings from previous articles for [a planned volume] entitled 'Four Essays in Design' on aesthetics, architecture and industrial design.

Also includes an annotated copy of 'Atomism, Structure and Form: A Report on the Natural Philosophy of Form at 1960' by Lancelot Law Whyte.

"Aging Conference Publication"

  • JCPP/Bronowski/Bronowski/10/2/11/41
  • File
  • 15 April 1966-30 June 1966
  • Part of Personal Papers

Comprises William Glazier's (Assistant for Fellows' Affairs, Salk Institute) correspondence with John Wiley publishers and others, on plans for Wiley to publish papers resulting from a symposium held at the Salk Institute on the biological aspects of aging (4-6 Nov 1965). Also includes a reprint from 'Science' (journal) reporting on the symposium (15 Apr 1966).

Agreement for water supply

Agreement for supply of non-domestic water supply for the purpose of the Tennis Court near East House

"Aharon Katchalsky Memorial Symposium - Berkeley: 21-24 March 1973"

  • JCPP/Bronowski/Bronowski/9/4/2
  • File
  • 7 February 1973-29 November 1973
  • Part of Personal Papers

Comprises correspondence (mainly with Dr Howard C Mel, chairman of the symposium) relating to a symposium hosted by the University of California at Berkeley on the subject of 'Science and Humanism: Partners in Human Progress'.

Also includes copies of handwritten notes by Bronowski on 'The Evolution of Complexity' and for his lecture on 'Evolution in Twentieth Century Culture' given at the symposium, programmes for the symposium, a copy of a paper by Ralph Wendell Burhoe on 'The Relation of the Sciences to Human and Religious Values' which was given at the symposium, and a "speaking engagement" information sheet [made for the file].

"Alan Sleath - The Ascent of Man"

  • JCPP/Bronowski/Bronowski/6/9/10
  • File
  • 12 January 1973-4 June 1975
  • Part of Personal Papers

Comprises correspondence between Alan Sleath (senior assistant to head of features group, BBC, then BBC Radio & TV Enterprises) and Bronowski or Sylvia Fitzgerald.

Subjects include: arrangements for Bronowski to visit to the United Kingdom to launch 'The Ascent of Man' including publicity and promotion on television and radio programmes (Michael Parkinson television interview, Desert Island Discs radio show, etc.); plans for the premier at the Royal Society in London (26 Apr 1973); suggested invitees for the premier; plans to show excerpts of 'The Ascent of Man' at the National Academy of Sciences [Washington D C] and the Smithsonian Museum [Washington D C] on the 23rd and 24th Apr 1973; arranging for prints of programmes 5 -7 to be made for a Copernicus symposium in Washington D C; viewing figures for original showings and repeat showings; press reaction to the television series; press conferences; Jacob and Rita Bronowski visiting London in Oct-Nov 1973; Bronowski meeting with the chairman and director general of the BBC (Nov 1973); showings of 'The Ascent of Man' films at the Smithsonian Museum in Washington D C being a success; congratulations on publication of 'The Ascent of Man' book; sending a large photograph of Bronowski and an original drawing of Bronowski's head by Feliks Topolski (mounted with the names of all the BBC staff involved in the production of 'The Ascent of Man') to the United States; Aubrey Singer being made controller of BBC-2 (Jan 1974); viewing and listening figures for, and reactions to, Parkinson television interview, and 'The Time of My Life' and Desert Island Discs radio shows; selling the German rights to 'The Ascent of Man'; sending Sylvia Fitzgerald brochures on 'The Ascent of Man' produced by the BBC; arrangements for the BBC tribute to Bronowski in Broadcasting House (Jan 1975); publishing the tribute; arranging for Sylvia Fitzgerald to receive copies of 'The Ascent of Man' films; and Sylvia leaving the Salk Institute.

Also includes a copy of 'Ariel' BBC staff journal containing an article on 'The Ascent of Man' book (16 Nov 1973).

Album: Yugoslavia, 1930s

Album of 39 photographs taken by Laurence Picken on a trip to Yugoslavia. '(Lake Ochrid) (Freshwater ciliata being collected)'.

Includes slip of paper with manuscript note: 'Her. Laurenc. Pite schen ei renig oel fir esen fir papriker. Ernest'.

Results 101 to 150 of 4386