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"World Publishing Company"

  • JCPP/Bronowski/Bronowski/3/4/32
  • File
  • 10 October 1963-3 May 1967
  • Part of Personal Papers

Comprises correspondence mainly relating to Meridian Books (World Publishing Company) publishing paperback versions of 'The Face of Violence' and 'The Poet's Defence'.

Also includes correspondence with other publishers on the paperback versions; a press release about 'The Face of Violence'; letters asking Bronowski to serve on an editorial board, about Kenneth Douglas leaving Meridian Books and from C J Friedrich (Harvard University) thanking Bronowski for a copy of 'The Face of Violence'.

"World Academy of Art and Science"

  • JCPP/Bronowski/Bronowski/3/3/48
  • File
  • 15 July 1962-February 1973
  • Part of Personal Papers

Contains correspondence on Bronowski becoming a fellow of the Academy (1962), Bronowski supporting a proposal to award the first honorary membership to King Gustaf VI of Sweden, planning for a World University, the 3rd plenary meeting in Rome (1965), the death of Dr Hugo Boyko (was president) and Harold D Lasswell taking over as president.

Includes: circular letters sent to members on the activities of the World Academy of Art and Science (WAAS); membership lists and lists of proposed and newly elected members; a financial report (1963-64); a notice about members who had died (G J P Domagk, W C Leeuw and Leo Szilard); a timetable of the 3rd plenary meeting in Rome; a programme, list of lectures, report and copy of a notice in 'Nature and Resources' UNESCO newsletter about the associated symposium on "Highly Saline and Seawater Irrigation without or in combination with Desalination".

Also includes booklets containing: the Manifesto and statutes of the Academy, 'Environment and Society in Transition: World Priorities' and a 'WAAS-Newsletter' (Jan 1966).

Additionally contains a National Coal Board memo about sick leave, 1963.

"Workshop on Aging (Rockefeller and other grants)"

  • JCPP/Bronowski/Bronowski/10/7/5/23
  • File
  • 4 April 1974-7 May 1975
  • Part of Personal Papers

Comprises correspondence and other material relating to the Council for Biology in Human Affairs' programme for "Research into the Biology of Aging and Study of its Potential Social and Human Consequences", and particularly a series of workshops on aging to be held at the Salk Institute organised by Bronowski and Harry Boardman.

Includes research and study plans, outlines of plans for 3 workshops [it is possible that only one took place], agendas (some drafts) for the first workshop (6-8 Jul 1974), correspondence between Stephen Fulder (Genetics Division, National Institute for Medical Research, United Kingdom) and Bronowski on Fulder wishing to work with Bronowski on aging.

Works Receipts

Three invoices stating a sum is due to Coulson & Son for works done. Totals were £73 17s, £6 14s 6d, and £58 17s respectively (from earliest to latest).

J. Carter Jonas & Sons

Works of Art Committee

Includes minutes, agendas, correspondence, photographs, postcards, publications and related ephemera. Also papers relating to the JCSU art committee including insurance documents, 1959.

Works by Jesuans

Contains exhibition captions, research notes nad exhibition guide.

Willmoth, Frances

Worked Stone

A single worked stone fragment was recovered from a stratified context (016). This consisted of a fine-grained bluish grey vesicular quernstone fragment that is identifiable as Niedermendig Műlstein lava (also known as Rhenish or Mayen lava) from the Eifel region in Germany (Kars 1983). Although such querns were frequently used during the Roman period, and are common finds on Middle and Late Saxon sites, they are much rarer in the Medieval period as their use was controlled following the Norman Conquest and many people were instead compelled to use centrally regulated mills (Watts 2002, 38-42). Therefore, although it occurred residually in a later context, this example is likely to be pre-12th century in origin.

In addition, an unstratified whetstone fragment was also recovered from Trench 1 <122>.

Worked Stone

A single worked stone fragment was recovered from a stratified context. This consisted of a fine-grained bluish grey vesicular quernstone fragment that is identifiable as Niedermendig Műlstein lava (also known as Rhenish or Mayen lava) from the Eifel region in Germany (Kars 1983). Although such querns were frequently used during the Roman period, and are common finds on Middle and Late Saxon sites, they are much rarer in the Medieval period as their use was controlled following the Norman Conquest and many people were instead compelled to use centrally regulated mills (Watts 2002, 38-42). Therefore, although it occurred residually in a later context, this example is likely to be pre-12th century in origin.

[016], F.19, <058>: a Niedermendig Műlstein lava quern fragment. It measures 105mm by 96mm in extent and 30mm thick, and weighs 414g.

Worked Bone (Needle Case)

In addition to the strip, a number of unstratified fragments derived from a
worked bone needle case were also recovered from Trench 1.
Trench 1, <121>: a cylindrical worked bone needle case, which originally had a screw-on
lid at either end. It is incomplete, comprising nine fragments weighing 26g, and only one
lid is present. The body, which measures 68mm long by 25mm in diameter, has an
external thread at one end and an internal thread at the other. It is minimally decorated,
with a turned ring at either end. The surviving lid fitted the external thread, and
measures 35mm in diameter. Overall, the case is well made and appears to have been
machine-turned, suggesting that it is most probably 18th or 19th century in date.

Worked Bone (bone strip with applied ring dot decoration)

A single worked bone artefact was recovered from a stratified context at the site. This consisted of a fragmentary worked bone strip, with applied ring-dot decoration, which is most probably Medieval or early post-Medieval in date. F.07, [017]: a worked bone strip, which is pentagonal in section and consists of three broken fragments (only two of which rejoin). A single row of inscribed punch-dot decoration runs along its uppermost face. The strip measures 117mm+ long, 6mm wide and 4mm thick, and weighs 2g. There is no evidence of wear, and it does not appear sufficiently robust to have utilised as a spatula or eraser. It is therefore most likely to have been decorative, and was perhaps originally glued to a box or item of furniture (see for example MacGregor 1985).

Worked Bone

A single worked bone artefact was recovered from a stratified context at the site. This consisted of a fragmentary worked bone strip, with applied ring-dot decoration, which is most probably Medieval or early post-Medieval in date (017).

In addition to the strip, a number of unstratified fragments derived from a worked bone needle case were also recovered from Trench 1 <121>.

"Work with Key Dismukes"

Consists of a typescript preprint of a paper on 'Interhemispheric division of labour' by Stevan R. Harnad (Princeton University).

[Key Dismukes was a post-doctoral researcher with the Council for Biology in Human Affairs].

"Work with Bruce Goldberg"

  • JCPP/Bronowski/Bronowski/10/7/2/9
  • File
  • 1973-17 July 1974
  • Part of Personal Papers

Comprises: source material (including articles by Gerard Radnitzky); excerpts from Bruce Goldberg's thesis on 'A Phenomenological Approach to the Question of Certainty'; a typescript page on 'Historical and Philosophical Evidence, Research in progress by B. Goldberg'; and a list of possible research topics.

[Goldberg was a researcher due to work with Bronowski under the Council for Biology in Human Affairs at the Salk Institute].

Work Receipt

Receipt for £10 8s 1d from the Master and Fellows of Jesus College to J Turner for work done in the Gentlemen's rooms

Turner, J.

Work on students rooms

The sum of £15 13s 9d due to J Wentworth for work on students rooms.
17th August 1939 = Halliwell's new building: repairing paper, paper, paste & labour,
Late Constable new building: preparing bedroom for paper, sizing walls, glue/paste, brown paper lining, paper & labour
Staircase: preparing large room for paper, sizing walls, glue/paste, brown paper lining, paper & labour
K Cloisters - Lork: preparing large room for paper, sizing walls, wall hook, tacks, glue/paste, brown paper lining, paper & labour
Late Westmoreland new building: preparing bedroom for paper, sizing walls, glue/paste, brown paper lining, paper & labour
Ridley new building: preparing large room for paper, sizing walls, glue/paste, brown paper lining, paper & labour
23rd August 1839= K. Cloisters - Rutherford: repairing passage - cartridge paper, paste & labour
31st August 1839= K. Cloisters - Rutherford: preparing large room for paper, sizing walls, glue/paste, brown paper lining, paper & labour, tacks
preparing bedroom for paper, sizing walls, glue/paste, brown paper lining, paper & labour, tacks

Wentworth, Joseph

"Work in Progress"

  • JCPP/Bronowski/Bronowski/5
  • 1912 - 1977 (Earliest dated material is source material (copies of articles by others). Most material dates from 1950s onwards.)
  • Part of Personal Papers

Comprises multiple series of files relating to Bronowski's work, organised alphabetically by title or subject [from Bronowski's office at the Salk Institute].

Work in Grove Receipt

Receipt of payment for cutting holmlock down in grove (one day: 8s)

Hunt, Mr. J. J.

Work in Grove Receipt

Receipt of payment from the Bursar of Jesus College for 2 days of work in grove carried out by Mr Hunt (16s)

Hunt, Mr. J. J.

Work in Grove Receipt

Receipt of payment from the Bursar of Jesus College for 2 days of work in grove carried out by Mr Hunt (extra labour) (16s). See also JCAD/2/2/9/1921/63

Hunt, Mr. J. J.

Work in Grove Receipt

Receipt of payment for cutting down holmlock in grove (one day work: 8s)

Hunt, Mr. J. J.

Work in Grove Receipt

Receipt of Payment for cutting holmlocks around the grove (one day: 8s)

Hunt, Mr. J. J.

Work in Grove Receipt

Paiment received from the Bursar of Jesus College for two days work in grove (16s)

Hunt, Mr. J. J.

Work in Field Receipt

Receipt of payment for one day of work on road round the field (8s)

Hunt, Mr. J. J.

Work in Chapel Bill

For work done in the Chapel July 19. 1 day fixing door and other jobs, price of nails
5s 4p

J Webster

Work done in Gentlemen's rooms

  • JCCA/JCAD/2/2/9/1840/33
  • Item
  • 23 August - 19 September 1840
  • Part of College Archives

Total of £15 13s 4d paid for:
August 23rd = preparing and fixing dado (deal) in Mr Gibson's, Mr Howlett's and Mr Bingham's room. Stone Pitch, Stone Holdfasts
August 29th = getting out coppicing for Dado, preparing window linings in Mr Distens's room (deal), preparing dado in Mr Homer's room, preparing boarding around Mr Disten's window, fixing dado in Mr Gibson's, Mr Ashby's, Mr Langford's and Mr Howlett's rooms, wall hooks, nails, preparing moulding, clasps, casing staircase letter N, floor brads
September 5th = fixing & pitching dado in Mr Homer's room, fixing boarding around Mr Disten's windows, repairing floor, fixing dado in Mr Daubaney's room & preparing dado in Mr Homer's room
September 12th = fixing dado in Mr Homer's room, deal for Mr Landslow's fireplace, Boarding to fireplace in Mr Ashby's room, , dadoing Mr Daubaney's room, making sash for Mr Wortham's room
September 19th = fitting in and hanging sash in Mr Wortham's room, Screws

Webster, James

Work done in Gentlemen's rooms

Paid to James Webster the sum of: £17 13s 4.5d for work done in Gentleman's Rooms:
Mr Woods=
3 August 1939: repairing floor, putting down new step boarding and battening hall, deal, nails
10 August 1939: repairing floor, deal, floor brads, nails

Mr Rutherford's =
3 August 1939: preparing new dado, deal
10 August 1939: deal, nails, stone pitch
17 August 1939: putting up dado, deal moulding, clasp nails, nails
24 August 1939: putting shelf to chimney piece, deal, nails, putting up dado, moulding

Mr Hilton's=
24 August 1939: preparing and fixing of boarding, deal, nails

Mr Westmoreland's=
24 August 1939: preparing and fixing of dado, deal, brads

Webster, James

Work done Great Shelford farm

H. Hurrell to Joseph Austin. Work one at the Great Shelford Farm.

15 January: mortar.
9 February: bricklayer.
21 Feb bricklayer half day.
22 Feb: ditto, all day.
28 Feb: ditto
1 March: ditto
2 March: ditto
3 march: ditto
19 September: self and bricklayer.
21 Sep: self, bricklayer, labourer
22 Sep: bricklayer and labourer
23 Sep: ditto
24 Sep: ditto
26 Sep: ditto
27 Sep: bricklayer
28 Sep: ditto
30 Sep: ditto
1 October: ditto
7 Oct: 2 bricklayers and labourer.
8 OCt: bricklayer and labourer.
10 Oct: bricklayer a quarter.
14 Oct: bricklayer half day.
31 Oct: bricklayer, a quarter.
3 Nov: bricklayer.
4 Nov: bricklayer and labourer, half day.


Paid 1 Dec 1859 Joseph Austin.

Austin, Joseph

Work bill

Paid £30 12s 6d by Mr C. Deeks to Charles Cuthbert for work done between March and September 1879.

Cuthbert, Charles

Work bill

Bill for 1835 and 1836
For work done at the end of Elm Street
7th November - 1 day 2 men preparing and putting up 10 oak parts 8p, oak materials 1p7s6d
total: 1s15s5d

Received the 10th day of Dec. 1836 of the Master and Fellows of Jesus College receipt of payment

Webster, J.

Work bill

Bill for £10 8s 1d from the Master and Fellows of Jesus College to J Turner for work done in the Gentlemen's rooms, including: M. Dew, M. Pardow, M. Constable, M. Sutton, M. Winter, M.Dallas, M. Venables, M. Stockdale.

Master and Fellows, Jesus College

Work Amendments Receipt

  • JCCA/JCAD/2/2/9/1830/26
  • Item
  • 26th May 1829, 6th December 1830
  • Part of College Archives

Receipt from the Masters and Fellows of Jesus College to James Tibbit for bar fences (?) work, gate amendements and other work amendements for the sum total of 9s.

James Tibbit

Woodwork bill

Paid £11 7s 1d to Edward Favell for work done in College. Includes payments for chimney piece black in the room late in occupation of Brett; cleaning and stopping, clear, colour and painting woodwork in Hill junior's room; clear, colour and paint gyp (jip) room and new boards in passage in Hilton's room; clean and stopping, to wainscot room gum and clear colour, to door wainscot and four plates to door in Bowness' room; cleaning and stopping, bedroom clear colour and painted, new work, painting finger plates on doors in Wood's room; cleaning and stopping and clear colour and paint gum great room of Bramah; clearing and stopping, greta room flatted twice once white, new dado four times once white, bedroom flatted twice once white, new work, to entrance passage in Rutherford's room; cleaning and stopping, clearing, colour and painting woodwork in Wortham's room; cleaning, papering and stopping, clear, colour and paint woodwork in Distin's room.

Favell, Edward

Woodville, Hills Road Expiry of Lease

  • File
  • 25 September 1911 – 30 July 1917
  • Part of College Archives

Contains: a letter from Charlesworth & Co (solicitors) asking if the College would be prepared to buy back the lease of the property which had 6 ½ years remaining following the death of the lessee Rayne Elizabeth Beedham; a plan showing the outline of the property; a note from Francis & Co (College solicitors) stating that there did not appear to have been a building agreement for this property and enclosing a letter from Dr Corrie dated 22nd May 1877 giving his instructions for the lease

Woodstone Carving Works Account for Settlement

Letter to the Jesus College Bursar (B. L. Manning) by Woodstone Carving Works Cambridge, enclosing account of settlement for the works done in connection with the rain water pipes and the new buildings in Chapel Court (170p and additional costs) - enclosed document missing -

Wood & Stone Carving Works Cambridge

Results 51 to 100 of 22463