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Potekin, Geoffrey (end of 12c - 1st half of 13c)
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Hugh, son of Stephen, son of Alveve, to the nuns his father's gift of 5 acres 3 roods in Cambridge fields. Witnesses: Sir (Dominus) Hervey Alderman, Robert Seman, Fulk Crocheman, Geoffrey Potekin, Roger Parleben, Adam Werial, John and Walter, his sons-in-law, John Creving, Reginald de Fordham, Childman et quibusdam aliis.

Hervey son of Eustace (fl 1200-1231)

Confirmation of 130 with warranty

Richard Gulafre, heir to Oldeburga, to Henry le Berton, land which he holds of Odelburga Gulafre on the lane leading to Hinton, between Richard's land and the land of Absalon, son of Segar. Rent: 8d. Gersuma: 3s from Henry and 2s from Oldeburga. Witnesses: Hervey Grim, William, his brother, Robert Smith (faber), Jordan, son of Selid, Geoffrey Potekin, John Crocheman, Walter, son of Selid, Henry, son of Elias, William Dor, Absolon, son of Segar, Alan, his brother, Hugh Mercator (Mercer), Roger Mod, Alan Carpenter, Geoffrey W___, Hervey Gulfre, Cyprian, son of Arnold, Arnald Ratun, Edward, son of Edward, William, his son, William, son of Robert de Ely et multis aliis.

Gulafre, Richard

Confirmation of 79b

Roger de Brigham, Prior, and the convent of Ely confirm the institution of the nuns of Greneceroft in the Church of All Saints by Geoffrey (Rodel), late Bishop of Ely. Witnesses: Thomas de Heyden, Vincent, Official of the Archdeacon of Ely, Bartholomew, Dean, Walter Corde, Maurice Ruf (sic), Geoffrey Potek[in?], John, son Reginald, William de Porta Et m[u]ltis aliis.

Brigham, Roger de

Confirmation of gift (indenture)

Laurence, Prior, and the convent church of St Giles of Barnwell, to Symon, son of Henry, of Cambridge, a certain messuage in Cambridge that Geoffrey, son of Orgar held of them, lying between the land which Robert Seman holds of the convent of Chikesand and the land of Thomas of Taxted. Rent: 2s 6d; homage and services. Witnesses: Hervey, son of Eustace, Adam, his brother, Robert Seman, Robert, his son, Hervey Clerk, Michael, his son, Geoffrey Potekin, John, his son, John Alard, Walter Corde, William Pilate et aliis.

Laurence, prior of Barnwell

Confirmation of grant

Walter Cock, for the souls of himself and his wife, Agnes, confirms the grant of a rent of 2s out of land in Bridge Street, made by Adam Wyriel to the nuns. Witnesses: Hervey, son of Eustace, Robert Seman, Geoffrey Potekin, Adam, son of Eustace, Walter Corde, Henry Alegod, Childeman, Apsolon, son of Roger, John Bernard, John Smith (Faber) et multis aliis.

Cock, Walter

Confirmation of grant (2 documents)

John, son of Bartholomew, confirms the grant by Adam Wyriel to the nuns of a rent of 2s out of land in Bridge Street. Witnesses: Hervey, son of Eustace, Robert Seman, Geoffrey Potekin, Adam, son of Eustace, Walter Corde, Henry Alegod, Childman, Apsolon, son of Roger, John Bernard, John Smith (Faber) et multis aliis.

John, son of Bartholomew

Gif with warranty

Alice, daughter of Richard, son of Peter, to the nuns land in St Benet's parish lying between the land of John Smith (Faber) and the land of Hugh Russ, reaching from the highway to the land of Gregory Salter; also land in the same parish lying between land late in the tenure of Godlomb and the land of Nicholas Kyp. Also a shop in St Edward's parish between the shop of Alan Macston and a shop late of Reginald, son of Osborn. Rent: to the Hospital of St John 32d; to the Almoner of Ely 30d; to the heirs of Master Walter, son of Geoffrey 2s, 2 capons and 2 hens. Witnesses: Hervey, son of Eustace, Robert Saman, Geoffrey Potekin, Hervey, son of Martin, Michael and John, his sons, Thomas le Mercer, Ralph, son of Henry, Richard, son of Yvo, Eustace and Richard de Wynepol, Walter Corde et multis aliis.

Alice, daughter of Richard

Gift for life (indenture)

Prioress Letitia and the nuns to Walter de Lindsey and Berta, his wife, their messuage lying between the land of Nicholas Sarant and that of Anger le Feleper. Term: their joint lives survivorship. Rent: 2s due to Nicholas Sarant, 2s due to the nuns. Witnesses: Hervey son of Eustace, Maurice Russ, Robert Seman, Geoffrey Potekin, Walter Corde, Hervey son of Martin, Matthew, son of above, Ralph son of Henry, Anger son of Edric, Michael Malherbe, Henry Alegod, Walter son of Ernulf, William Pilat et multis aliis.

Letitia (fl 1213-1230) Prioress of St Radegund

Gift for life with warranty

Hugh, son of Apsolon, to his cousin Aldusa 6 acres of his land for her homage and services: 1) 1 acre in Binnebroc between land of Baldwin Blancgernon and the land of Lady (Domina) Leca Phelipes; 2) 1 acre next the High Street where Lady Amabel holds the nearest third part, and for the 1/3, which Amabel holds, he assigns to her 1 rood, which abuts on the same road, next the land of St Radegund. 3) In the same field 1 acre between land of the Prior of Barnwell and that of Lady Amabel, abutting on the land of Warin, son of Anketill. 4) 1/2 acre in Buldemere field between the land of Walter, son of Master (Magister) Geoffrey, and land of the Prior of Barnwell. 5) In the same field 1/2 acre called Petiteshalvaker, between the land of Nunancurt and St Radegund's land. 6) In Estenhale field 1 acre next the land of Geoffrey Melk, where Lady Amabel has a 1/3 part, and instead of this 1/3 he assigns to her 1 rood next the land of the Prior of Barnwell abutting on the water. 7) 1/2 acre next land of William Hospice and over Netherexsoces, the 1/2 acre nearest to the town and next the land of the Prior of Barnwell. Rent: 6d. Witnesses: Baldwin Blancgernon, Robert Seman, Hervey, son of Eustace, Everard de (Winepol?), Andrew de Winepol, Richard de Winepol, Eustace de Winepole, Geoffrey Potekin, Robert, clerk, John, (his brother?), (et multis) aliis.

Hugh, son of Apsolon

Gift for lives (counterpart)

  • JCMR/Gray 1- . . . 383/Gray 274-360, 378/326c
  • Item
  • 1210-1230 ("Letitia was Prioress at the time of Bishop Eustace's composition respecting All Saints' Church and St. John's Hospital, which was not later than 1213; she occurs in Pedes Finium, 1228" (Gray, p.30).)
  • Part of Records of the Priory of St Mary and St Radegund

Prioress Letitia and the nuns to Maud, wife of Stephen, son of Alveve, and Hugh, her son, the 5 acres and 3 roods given to them by the said Stephen. Rent: 15d; term: joint lives in survivorship. Witnesses: Sir (Dominus) Hervey Alderman, Robert Seman, Fulk Crocheman, Apsalon, son of Roger, Geoffrey Potekin, Roger Parleben, Reginald de Fordham, John Creving, Adam Weriall, Walter and John, his sons-in-law, et quibdam aliis.

Letitia (fl 1213-1230) Prioress of St Radegund

Gift in free alms

Hervey, son of Eustace, to the nuns, for his soul and the soul of his late wife Beatrix, 10 acres in various parts of Cambridge fields; in one part of the town 6 acres; 1 acre of which abuts on the Barton road and lies next land of Thomas Tuillet, 1 acre abuts on the pasture of Godgivedole and lies next land of Anger Ruffus (Russ), 2 acres abut on the road to Cotes and lie next land of the Cambridge hospital, 1 acre abuts on Braderusche, next land of St Radegund; 1/2 acre abutting on St Neot's Rd. (Maddingley Rd.) and lying next land of Reginald Ruffus (Russ). On the other side of the town 4 acres; 2 acres abutting on Hokerevewell next land of Stephen Haukeston, 1/2 acre in Middelfurlong next land of John Ruffus, 1/2 abutting on Littlemore, 2 roods in Middelfurlong next land of John Ruffus. Witnesses: Robert Seman, Adam, son of Eustace, John de Sexton, Michael, son of Hervey, John, his brother, Henry Vivien, Geoffrey Potekin, John, his son, John, son of Alfred, Symon, son of Hervey et multis aliis.

Hervey son of Eustace (fl 1200-1231)

Gift in free alms

Aldusa, daughter of William Blancgermon, to the nuns, with her body for burial, and for the good of her soul, and for the soul of Hugh, son of Apsalon, the southern half of the messuage in St Mary's parish, formerly of Ruald Car. Rent: to Hugh, son of Apsalon, 6d. Witnesses: Hervey, son of Eustace, Robert Seman, Apsalon, son of Roger, Roger Parleben, Geoffrey Potekin, Richard Atgate (ad portam), Hervey Gogging, Roger Doy, Hugh Algod et aliis.

Blancgernon, Aldusa

Gift in free alms

Hugh, son of Apsolon to the nuns the 6 acres, described in 337a. Service to the King: 6d. Witnesses: Sir (Dominus) Bartholomew, official, Sir Fabian, chaplain, Magter (Magister) William de Banx, Baldwin Blancgernon, Robert Seman, Hervey, son of Eustace, Apsolon, son of the priest, Geoffrey Potekin, Richard de Porta (Porter? Atgate?), Robert, clerk, et multis aliis.

Hugh, son of Apsolon

Gift in free alms

Maud, widow of Symon Bagge, to the nuns 1 acre in Cambridge fields next Trumpington ford, which acre her brother Robert gave her at the church door in free marriage; 1/2 acre lies between land of Walter de St Edmund and that of Lady Helen (Domina Elena), abutting on Trumpington Road and on the land of the Prior of Barnwell, and 1/2 acre next Trumpington ford and the land of the prior of Barnwell. Witnesses: Sir (Dominus) Hervey, son of Eustace, Robert Seman, Adam, son of Eustace, Michael Goging, Stephan de Havekeston, Henry, his brother, Geoffrey Potekin, John, his son, William Pilate, Robert de St Edmund's, Henry Vivien, Hamo de Colecestre (Colchester) et multis aliis.

Bagge, Maud

Gift in free alms with warranty

Eustace Smith of Madingley, for the sake of his soul and for the soul of his ancestors and his descendants, to the church of St Mary and St Radegund of Grenecroft 2 acres 1 rood 1/2 parcel of land in Madingley fields, viz. 1 acre lying in Hollewelle between lands of the Prior of Barnwell, and 1/2 acre in the wood between lands of William of Bardeley, held by Roger Alfr, 2 roods in Litlewelleslade next the land of John, son of Robert, on one side, and the land of Anketin of Henlowe on the other, 1 1/2 roods in the Longmersh meadow, between meadow land of Gilbert, son of Alice, and meadow land of the Abbess of Chatteris. Witnesses: William de Bardeley, John, son of Robert, Roger Sprot, John de Speningen, Albert, son of Eustace, Hugh, son of Anger, Ankenin de Henlowe, Warin, son of Tangar, William, son of Tangar, William, son of Edward, Adelard, son of Orgar, Geoffrey Potekin, Henry, son of Elias, Adam Wiriel, Maurice Russ (Ruffus), Ivo, son of Absalon, William, son of Scholastice, et multis aliis.

Smith, Eustace

Gift in free alms with warranty

Alberic, son of Eustace of Madingley, for the souls of himself, his father, his ancestors, his wife Mabil and his heirs, to the nuns of St Radegund 2 acres of his land lying in Madingley fields, of which 4 selions abut on Leford Havedlong between the land of Maurice Russ (Ruffus) of Cambridge and the land of Henry de Berton, formerly belonging to Eustace the Smith; 1 selion abuts on the road to the meadow, lying between the land of Reginald Carpenter and the land of the aforesaid Alberic, and 1 selion abuts on Bernoldsdich, lying between the land of John de Senigey and the land of Walter Blancpain. Witnesses: William de Burdeley, William, his son, Roger Sprot, Hervey Grim, William, his brother, Maurice Russ (Ruffus), Allard __garius, Hervey, son of Eustace, Robert Seman, Adam Weriel, John Crocheman, Richard Atgate (de Porta), Bartholomew Tailur, Geoffrey Potekin, Henry, son of Elias, Geoffrey, son of Eustace, Warin, son of Tangar (or Targar), Astin, son of Eustace, John, son of Robert, Richard, his son, Eustace Smith (faber), John of Seningey, Walter de Coteham et multis aliis.

Hervey son of Eustace (fl 1200-1231)

Gift in free alms with warranty

Margaret, widow of Ralph, parson, to the nuns, with her daughter Sabina, 10 acres in Cambridge fields. Two acres at the Judgement ditch lying between two strips belonging to Maurice Ruffus (Russ), and one acre, which is called Rodolvesacre; and 1/2 an acre under Barnwell Mill, lying between land of the Prior of Barnwell and of Walter, son of Master (Magister) Geoffrey; and 1/2 acre at the head of Pihswell way, between lands of the same prior and Walter; two roods between the priory of Barnwell's lands and lands of William de Nonancurt; and one rood between lands of the same William and Maurice Russ in the same field; two acres between lands of Maurice Russ and William de Mortimer (mortito mari) in Forde field; two acres between lands of Maurice Russ and W(alter), son of Master Geoffrey; and in Swinecroft one acre between land of John, son of Selid, and that of W(alter), son of Master Geoffrey. Witnesses: Hervey, son of Eustace, Robert Seman, Maurice Russ, Apsalon, son of Roger, Roger Parleben, Richard Atgate (ad portam), Geoffrey Potekin, Thomas, son of Robert, John, son of Bartholomew, John, son of William, Andrew de Winepoll, Everard, Richard and Eustace, his brothers, Walter Gernon (?), Adam Weriall et quibusdam aliis.

Margaret, widow of Ralph, parson

Gift in free marriage

Adam Sadler to Henry Hubert, in marriage with his sister, Edusa, a shop in St Edward's parish lying between land of Baldwin Blancgernon and land formerly in the tenure of Bartholomew Taillur, to Henry as his heirs by Edusa. Rent: 3s. Witnesses: Thomas, son of smith, Geoffrey Potekin, John, his son, Robert Nadun, Simon de St Botolph's, Robert Weragon, William Lane, Hosbert Cambridge, Richard Formager et multis aliis.

Sadler, Adam

Gift with warranty

Apsolon, son of Roger, to his daughter Ysabel, the same messuage as described in 178a, and also a piece formerly belonging to the messuage of his brother Hugh. Rent: 1/2 lb/ cummin. Witnesses: Geoffrey Potekin, John and Laurence, his sons, Thomas Mercer (Mercator), Eustace de Wynepol, Richard, his brother, Bartholomew le Noble, Hervey, son of Martin, John, his brother, William Pilat et multis aliis.

Apsolon, son of Roger

Gift with warranty

Richard Ad Portam (Atgate) with the consent of Alice, his wife, to the nuns a shop in the market situated between a shop of John, son of Selid of St Mary and St Radegund and a shop of Aca, son of Coleman. Services to the King (hagabel) 8d. Witnesses: Bartholomew(?) B Ca , Hervey, son of Eustace, Robert Seman, Maurice Russ, Henry, son of Martin, Geoffrey Potekin, Henry, son of Elias, Ralph, son of Henry, Roger Parleben, Reginald de Fordham, Michael, son of Henry, John, son of Selid, John, son of Bernard, Michael, his brother, et quibusquam aliis.

Richard and Alice Ad Portam (Atgate)

Gift with warranty

Geoffrey, son of Orgar, of Cambridge, to Symon, son of Henry all his land in Cambridge lying between the land which Robert Seman holds of the convent of Chikesand (Chicksands Priory, Bedfordshire) and the land of Thomas de Tacstede, for his homage and service. Rent: 2s 6d and a pair of gloves, value 1/2d. Gersuma: 4 marks. Witnesses: Hervey (son of Eustace), Robert Seman, Geoffrey Potekin, John, his son, Walter Corde, (missing), Michael, his son, Ralph Wambe, Henry, son of He_, gar Welles, John, son Reginald (?), Richard (?), son of Yvo et aliis.

Geoffrey, son of Orgar

Gift with warranty

Absolon, son of Roger the priest, to Martin Wulward a portion of the land held by him of Hervey, son of Eustace, next to the land of Reginald, son of Alfred, in the little lane leading to the church of St John, together with a house built on the same land, width 40ft, length 1 perch and it abuts on the land of Adam Godsoe (Godsho). Rent: 20d; gersuma: 10s. Witnesses: Hervey Grim, William, his brother, Alard, son of Ordgar, Bartholomew, his brother, Geoffrey Potekin, Yvo, son of Absolon, Ralph, his brother, Morice, son of Alberic, Robert Seman, William Billing, William, his brother.

Absolon, son of Roger

Gift with warranty

Henry, son of Goda, of St Radegund Street, and his brother Hugh, to Hugh and William, brethren of St Radegund, 1 sellion on Cambridge fields, lying between the land formerly of Hervey Clerk and that of Walter de Wilburham, abutting on the land of Barnwell Priory and on the land of Adam son of Eustace. Hagabel 1/2d; gersuma: 8s. Witnesses: Adam, son of Eustace, Robert Seman, Michael Goging, Geoffrey Potekin, John, his son, Nicholas Childman, Walter de Lindeshey, Nicholas Sarant, Geoffrey Coc et aliis.

Henry and Hugh, sons of Goda

Gift with warranty

Stephen de Scalaris (Scaler, or Scales, see Gray 5) to Absalon, son of Roger of Cambridge 3 shops in Cambridge market, one a corner shop, rent 5s 8d; hagabel 4d; the adjoining one 4s and the third 3s 8d. Consideration: 100s ("ad magnun negocium meum perficiendum" - to accomplish his great work). Donor covenants to use no art or ingenuity to get out of this agreement. Witnesses: Geoffrey Poteckin, Richard, Eustace (?), brothers, Henry Elyot, John, son of Hugh, Roger Parleben, John, son of Henry le Tablur, Godfrid, son of William, __ Potekin, (Laurence?) Potekin, Ralph, son of Edmund(?) et multis aliis.

Scalaris, Stephen de

Gift with warranty

Henry de Berton, with the consent of Alice, his wife, to Henry, son of Alan, a shop near the shop which Henry, son of Hugh holds of him. Rent: 2s; gersuma: 2s. Witnesses: Master (Magister) Henry Pilat, Geoffrey Potekin, John and Laurence, his sons, William de rta, R, his brother, Geoffrey Prat, Alberic M(ercator?), John Ruold, Hugh Mercer (Mercator), Henry, son of Elias, John, his brother, et multis aliis.

Berton, Henry de

Gift with warranty

  • JCMR/Gray 1- . . . 383/Gray 230-238/234
  • Item
  • 1210-1230 ("Letitia was Prioress at the time of Bishop Eustace's composition respecting All Saints' Church and St. John's Hospital, which was not later than 1213; she occurs in Pedes Finium, 1228" (Gray, p.30).)
  • Part of Records of the Priory of St Mary and St Radegund

Prioress Letitia and the nuns to Ralph, son of Henry, land in St Michael's parish between land of Walter, son of Scolice and that of John Croxtun, being two thirds of the land between the lane and the land of Walter, son of Scolice. Gersuma: 3 marks; rent: 4s. Witnesses: Hervey, son of Eustace, Robert Saman, Geoffrey Potekin, Hervey, son of Martin, Michael and John, his sons, Walter, son of Scolice, Ailgar de Well, Richard, son of Yvo, Thomas, son of Joachim, Peter de Bernewell, Robert Curtois et multis aliis.

Letitia (fl 1213-1230) Prioress of St Radegund

Gift with warranty

Alberic of Madingley, son of Eustace, for the souls of himself, his father and his wife Mabil, to the nuns of St Radegund 1/2 acre of land in Madingley fields: one selion beyond Bernold ditch between two roods of Walter Blancpain, and another selion abutting by the road to meadow of the Prior of Barnwell, formerly of John Creie, which is next to the 2 selions, given by Alberic to his wife Eustacia as dowry. Witnesses: Hervey Grim, William, son of Everard, Eustace de Winepole, Allard, son of Orgar, Geoffrey Potekin, ____ heman, John, son of Robert, Roger Sprot, Warin, son of Tangar (Targar), (Hervey? Geoffrey?), son of Eustace, Anketin, his brother, Walter, son of Bartholomew de Coteham, et multis aliis.

Alberic, son of Eustace of Madingley

Gift with warranty

Gilbert, son of Arnulf le Plummer, to John, son of John Smith (Faber), a shop in the market between the land of Thomas le Ferrun and the land of Richard le Feleper. Rent: 12d and a pair of gloves, value 1/2d; gersuma: 6s 8d. Witnesses: Maurice Russ, Robert Seman, Hervey, son of Martin, Michael, his brother, Geoffrey Potekin, Alberic le Mercer, Reginald Nadon, Osbert le Fenier, John, son of Hubert, Thomas le Ferrun, Walter Corde, et multis aliis.

Plummer, Gilbert le

Gift with warranty

Maud (Matilda), widow of Apselon son of Priest (Roger), to the nuns all the land held by Godfrid Baker (Pistor) and William Carter (Karetarius) between lands of Anger Ruffus (Rus) and Nicholas de Welles (rector of St Etheldreda, 89). Witnesses: Sir (Dominus) Hervey, son of Eustace, Robert Seman, Henry Vivien, Geoffrey Potekin, Bartholomew Taylor (Scissor), Alan Edward, Henry Elioht (Elyoth), William Bracus, Symone Godelote, William le Fevtrer, Walter de Lindesey, John Alvevechild et aliis.

Maud, widow of Apselon

Gift with warranty

Master Geoffrey Grim to Alan Edward in free marriage with his niece, Matilda, and to the descendants of the said Matilda, land lying between the land formerly held by Ralph the Deaf (Surdus) and the land of Henry de Berthun (Barking?) in Holy Trinity parish next Garvin Cross. Rent: 2 pairs of gloves. Witnesses: Robert Seman, Alphin, son of priest, Warin, his son, Geoffrey Potechin, Symon, servant of Master Geoffrey Grim, Geoffrey, son of William, John, son of Cecily, John Elyoth et multis aliis.

Grim, Master Geoffrey

Gift with warranty (indenture)

  • JCMR/Gray 1- . . . 383/Gray 192-209/194a
  • Item
  • 1210-1230 ("Letitia was Prioress at the time of Bishop Eustace's composition respecting All Saints' Church and St. John's Hospital, which was not later than 1213; she occurs in Pedes Finium, 1228" (Gray, p.30).)
  • Part of Records of the Priory of St Mary and St Radegund

Prioress Letitia and the nuns to Henry Hubert a shop in St Edward's parish situate between land of the nuns and formerly of Peter, chaplain of Newnham Rent: 3s. Witnesses: Geoffrey Potekin, John, his son, Bartholomew Scissor (tailor), Henry Elyot, Nigel Sellarius (le Seller), Symon de St Boptulph's, Hugh Mercator (Mercer) et aliis.

Letitia (fl 1213-1230) Prioress of St Radegund

Gift with warranty to nuns of St Mary and St Radegund

Christiana, daughter of Godard Carter gives to the nuns lands in All Saints parish, lying between the lands of Reginald de Fordham and land of Symon Black on the other side of the lane; also land and buildings between land of Fulk Crocheman and land of Richard Bullokprest; also land held of Richard Bruiera next to land of Ralph Ballard, with services of Adam Weaver; also land in Felterer Street (Parish of Holy Trinity), lying between the land of Holy Trinity church and the land of Doy, with services of Hugh le Rus for the land near the church of Holy Trinity. Endorsed 'with tenement of Master Thomas of Tyryngton, between land of William Pie and Radulph Ballard'. Witnesses: Hervey son of Eustace, Robert Seman, Roger Perleben, Adam Wyriel, Absolon son of Roger and his son, Geoffrey Potekin and his son, Fulk Crocheman, ___ and his son, Richard de Porta (Atgate?) and his son, Henry Vivien, Michael, son of Ordgar and Michael, his son, John Crocheman, Robert Wulward (?), (Walter?) Corde, Walter Ambiches, Richard de Hevenham and many others present at the occasion.

Christiana, daughter of Godard Carter

Gift with warranty to nuns of St Mary and St Radegund

Thomas, son of Robert de la Bruere, with consent of his mother Helena gives to the nuns the lands held of him by Ralph Prudfot, between the land of Ralph Ballard and the land of Walter Pie. Rent of 6d to him and 6d to Hospital of St John, and a consideration of 2 marks towards the cost of his pilgrimage. Endorsed 'Of the tenement formerly of Master Thomas Tyrington'. Witnesses: Hervey son of Eustace, Robert Seman, Maurice Russ (Ruffus?), Roger Parleben, Adam Werial, Walter Corde, Geoffrey Potekin, Richard ad portam (Atgate?), William, Richard and Ralph, his sons, Warin Grim, Reginald, his brother, William Pilate, Michael Parleben et aliis.

Thomas, son of Robert de la Bruere

Grant in free alms

Walter de Lindese, with the consent of his wife Berta, the homage and services of Ralph le Feutrer and a rent of 4s payable by the said Ralph. Hagabel: 1/2d. Witnesses: Hervey son of Eustace, Maurice Russ, Robert Seman, Geoffrey Potekin, Nicholas Gogging, Ralph Wombe, Eustace de Vinepol, Richard, his brother, Walter Corde, William Pilate et multis aliis.

Lindesey, Walter de

Grant of a rent (by divine service)

Hugh, son of Apsolon to the nuns the rent of 12d due from Aldusa for the messuage formerly held of him by Mabil Harre, which Aldusa has built upon and which Mabil Harre now holds of her, to find a lamp for the nuns' infirmary. Service: to the King 1d. Witnesses: Sir (Dominus) Bartholomew, official, Fabian, chaplain, ___, Magister Robert de Neutun, Magister William de Bancius, Fulk Crocheman, John Crocheman, Adam Werrial, Richard Atgate (ad porta, sic), William, his son, Geoffrey Potekin, Hervey Goging, Michael, his son, William, son of Magister Geoffrey, Robert, clerk, John, his brother, et multis aliis.

Hugh, son of Apsolon

Grant of a rent in free alms

Thomas le Mercer to the nuns an annual rent of 16d out of land in St Benet's parish held of him by William Scurri and Azcelota his wife. Witnesses: Hervey, son of Eustace, Robert Saman, Geoffrey Potekin, Ralph, son of Henry, Hervey, son of Martin, Michael and John, his sons, Richard, son of Yvo, Thomas Tuillet, Roger Doy, Richard, son of Richard ad portam (Attegate), Walter Corde, William Pilate et multis aliis.

Mercer, Thomas le

Grant of rents in free alms with warranty

Apsolon, son of Roger the priest, with the consent of Maud, his wife, to the nuns various rents amounting to 13s 4d per annum. 1 (Cambridge fields) 12d out of 1 acre in Cambridge fields due from Simon Bagge. 2 (St John's Milne Street) 5s out a messuage in Milne Street held by Brihtnot Tanur, of which 2d hagabel due to the King. 3 (St Botolph's) 2s put of a messuage in St Botolph's held by Richard Kibelot. 4 (St John's Milne Street) 20d put of land in Milne Street held by Martin Wulward. 5 (St Bene't's) 2s out of land in the parish of St Benedict held by Andrew de Burgh, lying next land formerly belonging to Thurstan. 6 (Holy Sepulchre's) 20d from land in Holy Sepulchre's churchyard held by John the smith, lying next the land of Roger Parleben. Hagabel 1/2d. Witnesses: Hervey, son of Eustace, Adam, his brother, Geoffrey Potechin, Hervey, son of Martin, Michael and John, his sons, Walter Corde, Robert Seman, Maurice Russ (Ruffus) et aliis.

Apsolon, son of Roger


Aldusa, daughter of William Blangernon, to the nuns her land and buildings in St Mary's parish, lying between the land of Stephen Corduanor and the land of Richard Pernes, which land she holds of the nuns for an annual rent of 12d. Witnesses: Hervey, son of Eustace, Robert Seman, Apsalon, son of Roger, Roger Parleben, Geoffrey Potekin, Richard Atgate (ad portam), Hervey, son of Martin, Roger Doy, Henry Algod et aliis.

Blancgernon, Aldusa

Quitclaim and release

Hugh, son of Stephen (Alvevechild) of Cambridge to the nuns his life interest in the land described in 326 a-c. Witnesses: Sir (Dominus) Henry de Colevile, Sir Everard de Trumpington, Sir Hervey, son of Eustace, Robert Seman, Adam, son of Eustace, Hamo of Colchester, Ralph, son of Henry, John Avured, Reginald Kaukilia, Geoffrey Potekin, John, his son, Robert de St Edmunds et multis aliis.

Hugh, son of Stephen (Alvevechild)

Release and quitclaim

Alice, wife of Bernard, son of Edric, to the nuns her claims to the lands, mentioned in 172a, described as being: 1) in St Benet's parish between the land of Walter, son of Master Geoffrey and the land of Margaret, wife of Sunesmann; 2) in St John's parish between the land of John de Estflet and the land which Leving Miller holds of the nuns. Witnesses: Dominus B., Official of the Archdeacon of Ely; Sir (Dominus) Hervey, Alderman of Cambridge, Sir (dominus) Robert Seeman, provost (or reeve) of Cambridge, Richard Ad Portam (Atgate?), Adam Werial, Fulk Crocheman, Roger Parleben, John Chrocheman, Geoffrey Potekin.

Alice, wife of Bernard

Release and quitclaim

  • JCMR/Gray 1- . . . 383/Gray 156-161/156c
  • Item
  • 1210-1228 ("Letitia was Prioress at the time of Bishop Eustace's composition respecting All Saints' Church and St. John's Hospital, which was not later than 1213; she occurs in Pedes Finium, 1228" (Gray, p.30).)
  • Part of Records of the Priory of St Mary and St Radegund

Hugh, son of Algar Brest, to prioress Letitia and the nuns, the land given to them by Ralph Gigan (156a,b). Consideration: 15s. Witnesses: Hervey, son of Eustace, Ralph Wombe, Geoffrey Potekin, Walter Corde, Richard, son of Richard de Porta, Michael, son of Bernard, Michael Maleherbe, William Pilat, Nicholas Sarant, Geoffrey Cook et multis aliis.

Brest, Hugh

Release and quitclaim

Symon, son of Reginald Ad Portam (Atgate), to the nuns his rights in the lands described in 172b. Witnesses: Dominus B., Official of the Archdeacon of Ely; Sir (Dominus) Hervey, Alderman of Cambridge, Sir (dominus) Robert Seeman, provost (or reeve) of Cambridge, Richard de Porta (Attegate?), Adam Werial, Fulk Crocheman, John, his brother, Hervey Gogging, Geoffrey Potekin, Roger Parleben, Richard Wulward (90).

Atgate, Symon

Release and quitclaim (indenture)

Ivetta, widow of Peter (grandmother of Alice 170a?) releases to the nuns her right of the dower in the second of the premises described in 170a (between land late in the tenure of Godlomb and the land of Nicholas Kyp). Witnesses: Hervey, son of Eustace, Robert Saman, Geoffrey Potekin, John and Laurence, his sons, Ralph, son of Henry, Thomas Mercer, Hervey, son of Martin, Michael and John, his sons, Walter Corde, William Pilat et multis aliis.

Ivetta, widow of Peter

Surrender and quitclaim to nuns of St Radegund

Simon le Blund surrenders to the nuns a messuage he holds of them, between the land of Andrew de Winepol and the land of Bartholomew le Talur. Consideration of 4 marks. Witnesses: Hervey son of Eustace, Robert Seman, Adam son of Eustace, Geoffrey Potekin, Thomas Mercer (Mercator), Ralph son of Henry, Michael Malherbe, Reginald de Fordham, Walter Corde, John Ruold, Hugh son of Stephen, Walter Pilate et multis aliis.

Blund, Simon le

Walter de Lindsey's gift in free alms

Walter de Lindsey, with consent of his wife Berta, to the nuns his messuage and buildings, which he holds of Nicholas Sarrant, lying between the land of the said Nicholas Sarrant and the lands of Aunger le Feleper. Rent (to the said Nicholas so long as he lives) 2s. Witnesses: Hervey son of Eustace, Maurice le Rus, Robert Seman, Geoffrey Potekin, Michael Gogging, Ralph Wombe, Eustace de Vinepoll, Richard, his brother, Walter Corde, William Pilat et multis aliis.

Lindsey, Walter de