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Rus, Maurice le
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Walter de Lindsey's gift in free alms

Walter de Lindsey, with consent of his wife Berta, to the nuns his messuage and buildings, which he holds of Nicholas Sarrant, lying between the land of the said Nicholas Sarrant and the lands of Aunger le Feleper. Rent (to the said Nicholas so long as he lives) 2s. Witnesses: Hervey son of Eustace, Maurice le Rus, Robert Seman, Geoffrey Potekin, Michael Gogging, Ralph Wombe, Eustace de Vinepoll, Richard, his brother, Walter Corde, William Pilat et multis aliis.

Lindsey, Walter de

Grant of rents in free alms with warranty

Apsolon, son of Roger the priest, with the consent of Maud, his wife, to the nuns various rents amounting to 13s 4d per annum. 1 (Cambridge fields) 12d out of 1 acre in Cambridge fields due from Simon Bagge. 2 (St John's Milne Street) 5s out a messuage in Milne Street held by Brihtnot Tanur, of which 2d hagabel due to the King. 3 (St Botolph's) 2s put of a messuage in St Botolph's held by Richard Kibelot. 4 (St John's Milne Street) 20d put of land in Milne Street held by Martin Wulward. 5 (St Bene't's) 2s out of land in the parish of St Benedict held by Andrew de Burgh, lying next land formerly belonging to Thurstan. 6 (Holy Sepulchre's) 20d from land in Holy Sepulchre's churchyard held by John the smith, lying next the land of Roger Parleben. Hagabel 1/2d. Witnesses: Hervey, son of Eustace, Adam, his brother, Geoffrey Potechin, Hervey, son of Martin, Michael and John, his sons, Walter Corde, Robert Seman, Maurice Russ (Ruffus) et aliis.

Apsolon, son of Roger

Grant of rent

Simon the Chamberlain (Camerarius) of E[ustace], Bishop of Ely, grants the nuns a rent of 2s per annum paid by Hervey son of Eustace of Cambridge and his heirs out of a rent of 11s 6d due from land which Simon bought from William son of Levesune and his mother Thura, between land of Hervey and that of Cuna. Nuns to have the right to distrain for non payment of rent. Witnesses: Hugh de Bodegesham official, Geoffrey chaplain of Dodington, Nicholas official clerk, Eustace de Eye, Robert Engaine, William Merchet, William Bonet, Walter de Aswell, Fulk Crocheman, Morice Russ, Walter son of Scolice (Scolastica?) et multis aliis.

Chamberlain, Simon the

Grant of a rent in free alms in exchange for tithe and right of sepulture

Hervey, son of Eustace, to the nuns a rent of 12d p.a. to be paid by Absolon, the son of the priest, out of land next the lane leading from St Edward's church to St John's church, to recompense them for any loss which may accrue to All Saints' church out of the common land on which is situated the Hospital of St John, and in return the said Hospital is to have the right to bury where it will, saving to the same Hospital its free chantry in perpetuity. Witnesses: Lord (Dominus) E(ustace), Bishop of Ely, R. Barre, archdeacon of Ely, William, prior of Barnwell, H., parson of the church of Bodekesham (Bottisham), Master (magister) John Grim, Master Geoffrey Grim, Master John de Malketon, Fulk, son of Theobald, Robert Picott, William de Trumpiton, Baldwin Blancgemon, Robert Seman, Maurice Russ et multis aliis.

Hervey son of Eustace (fl 1200-1231)

Grant of a rent in free alms in exchange for tithe and right of sepulture

Maurice Russ to the nuns a rent of 12d out of land in St John's parish in the tenure on Simon, son of Reginald, next the land of Goding de Cesterton, to recompense them for any loss which may accrue to All Saints' church out of the common land on which is situated the Hospital of St John, and in return the said Hospital is to have the right to bury where it will, saving to the same Hospital its free chantry in perpetuity. Witnesses: Lord (Dominus) E(ustace), Bishop of Ely, R. Barre, archdeacon of Ely, William, prior of Barnwell, H., parson of the church of Bodekesham (Bottisham), Master (magister) John Grim, Master Geoffrey Grim, Master John de Malketon, Fulk, son of Theobald, Robert Picott, William de Trumpiton, Baldwin Blancgemon, Robert Seman, Maurice Russ et multis aliis.

Russ, Maurice

Gift with warranty to Robert Seman

Azo Coleman gives to Robert Seman land in the parish of All Saints on the river bank called Blancwyneshithe, next to the land of Walter, son of Scolastica. Rent: 8d; gersuma 1/2 mark. Witnesses: Baldwin Blangernon, Hervey, son of Eustace, Fulk Crocheman, Maurice Russ (Ruffus), Everard de Winepol, John Chrocheman, Robert Vinier, Richard Wulward, Robert de Custance, William Pandewant, Walter son of Walter, William son of Apsolon et multis aliis.

Coleman, Azo

Gift with warranty to nuns of St Mary and St Radegund

Thomas, son of Robert de la Bruere, with consent of his mother Helena gives to the nuns the lands held of him by Ralph Prudfot, between the land of Ralph Ballard and the land of Walter Pie. Rent of 6d to him and 6d to Hospital of St John, and a consideration of 2 marks towards the cost of his pilgrimage. Endorsed 'Of the tenement formerly of Master Thomas Tyrington'. Witnesses: Hervey son of Eustace, Robert Seman, Maurice Russ (Ruffus?), Roger Parleben, Adam Werial, Walter Corde, Geoffrey Potekin, Richard ad portam (Atgate?), William, Richard and Ralph, his sons, Warin Grim, Reginald, his brother, William Pilate, Michael Parleben et aliis.

Thomas, son of Robert de la Bruere

Gift with warranty and Grant of rents

William Blancgernon to John de Waverun lands and rents producing 2 marks per annum in the town and fields of Cambridge, i.e. 2 acres of land with a messuage in Summer croft, held of him by Maurice Rus (Ruffus) at 10s per annum and a rent of 7s due from Walter Corde, from Martin Wulward 6s, from Hubert de Pontem (Bridge?) 4s, from Michael Malherbe 12d, and from his chamber 8d per annum, until he provides for him otherwise. Rent: a pair of shoes. Witnesses: Sir (Dominus) Robert de Mar, Sir Baldwin Blancgernon, Hervey, son of Eustace, Robert Saman, Adam, son of Eustace, Hervey, son of Martin, Michael, his son, Geoffrey, son of Ralph, Walter Corde, Nicholas ad pontem (Bridge?), Richard Taylor (cisor), William Pilate et multis aliis.

Blancgernon, William (1st half of 13c)

Gift with warranty

Nicholas, son of Alexander, Almoner of Ely, to Everard, son of Philip, land in St Andrew's parish between land of Robert de Taxstede and that of William Duzedeniers, of the fee of Nicholas Rostard; to hold of the Almoners of Ely. Rent: 4s; gersuma: 2s. Witnesses: Baldwin Blancgernon, Morice Russ, Robert Seman, Absalon, son of priest, William le Fitter, Edward Sumor, Hervey Goggyng, Warin, son of Astin, Roger Parleben, Hugh Mercer (mercator), Joachim, servant to the Almoner, Adam de Bukkeshale, Hervey Dunning, __ng, clerk of Ely, et multis aliis.

Nicholas, Almoner of Ely

Gift with warranty

Hugh, son of Apsolon, to his kinswoman, Aldusa, the southern moiety of the messuage described in 211a, which he bought from his uncle, Ruald, extending from the highway before St Mary's church to the street leading to St John's church. Rent: 6d; gersuma: 1 mark. Witnesses: Thomas, dean of Sanford, Baldwin Blancgernon, Maurice Russ, Robert de Sanford, Hugh de Cuilli, John de Vantort, William, son of Richard, John, son of William, ___, son of Edward, Robert Seman, Jordan of Cambridge, Richard, his son, William de Selford, Ralph de Calli et aliis.

Hugh, son of Apsolon

Gift with warranty

Hugh, son of Apsolon, to his kinswoman Aldusa the messuage held of him by Mabil Harre. Rent: 12d; gersuma: 16s. Witnesses: Thomas, dean of Sanford, Baldwin Blangernon, Maurice Russ, Robert de Sanford, Hugh de Cuilli, William, son of Alan, John de Watort, William, son of Richard, John, son of William, (William?), son of Edward, Robert Seman, Jordan of Cambridge, Richard, his son, Ralph de Calli, William de Selford et multis aliis.

Hugh, son of Apsolon

Gift with warranty

  • JCMR/Gray 1- . . . 383/Gray 210-229/213b
  • Item
  • 1210-1230 ("Letitia was Prioress at the time of Bishop Eustace's composition respecting All Saints' Church and St. John's Hospital, which was not later than 1213; she occurs in Pedes Finium, 1228" (Gray, p.30).)
  • Part of Records of the Priory of St Mary and St Radegund

Prioress Letitia and the nuns to Andrew, son of Galien, for his homage and service, the land and buildings given to them by Aldusa, lying between the land of church of St John's and the land formerly of Stephen Corduaner. Rent: 8s, gersuma: ? (16)s (paid). Witnesses: Hervey Pilat, John and Richard, chaplains to the nuns, Maurice Russ, Richard Atgate (ad portam), William, Richard and Ralph, his sons, Symon Bagge, John Serjeant (or servant), Hervey, son of Martin, Michael and John, his sons, Walter de Selford, Ralph Cailly et aliis.

Letitia (fl 1213-1230) Prioress of St Radegund

Gift with warranty

Godfrey, son of Warin, son of Anketil, to John Smith (Faber), son of John Smith, the land lying between the land of Maurice Rus and that of Gilbert Blancgernon. Rent: 5s; gersuma: 10s. Witnesses: Hervey, son of Eustace, Robert Saman, Adam, son of Eustace, Hervey, son of Martin, Michael, his son, Geoffrey, son of Ralph, Ralph, son of Henry, Stephen and Henry de Hauckeston, Roger le Riche, Symon de St Botulph, John Hubert, Thomas le Ferrun, Gilbert le Plummer (plumbarius), Reginald de Abinton et multis aliis.

Godfrey, son of Warin

Gift with warranty

Richard Ad Portam (Atgate) with the consent of Alice, his wife, to the nuns a shop in the market situated between a shop of John, son of Selid of St Mary and St Radegund and a shop of Aca, son of Coleman. Services to the King (hagabel) 8d. Witnesses: Bartholomew(?) B Ca , Hervey, son of Eustace, Robert Seman, Maurice Russ, Henry, son of Martin, Geoffrey Potekin, Henry, son of Elias, Ralph, son of Henry, Roger Parleben, Reginald de Fordham, Michael, son of Henry, John, son of Selid, John, son of Bernard, Michael, his brother, et quibusquam aliis.

Richard and Alice Ad Portam (Atgate)

Gift with warranty

Ralph de Derham and Maud (Matilda), his wife, daughter of Adam Painter (Pictor) of Cambridge, to William, parson of Morpad, land outside Barnwell gate in St Andrew's parish, which was held by Adam Painter and given to his daughter in free marriage. Land lies between the land of Adelard Carter and that of Robert Nadun, and between the highway and the land of Eustace Derefrend and Lowin Lanitor. Rent: 1 lb. of pepper. Consideration: 100s of gersuma and a cloak of the value of 1 mark. Witnesses: Baldwin Blauncgernon, Hervey Alderman, son of Seman, Fulk Crocheman, Maurice, son of Alberic Russ (Ruffus?), Walter, son of Anketill, Richard de Burwell, Hervey Goggyng, Adam Wirriall, Roger Parleben, Andrew de Winepol, Everard, Richard and Eustace, his brothers, William, son of Scolastica, Absalon, son of Roger, Michael, son of Ordgar, John Chrocheman, Hugh Mai, Robert de Ely, Richard Miriel, Henry Pilate.

Dereham, Ralph de

Gift with warranty

Walter, son of Master Geoffrey (Magister Galfridus), to Peter, son of Burchard, for his homage and services, the land in St Benet's parish which Filurun held of his father. Gersuma: 20s; rent: 2s, 2 capons and 2 hens. Witnesses: Bartholomew, chaplain, Hugh de Bir_not, Hervey Gogging, Maurice Rus, Hugh Maur, Ernest, Simon, son of Ernest, Walter de Linton, Yvo Butcher (Ca[rni]fex), Hugh Re et multis aliis.

Walter, son of Master Geoffrey

Gift with warranty

Absolon, son of Roger the priest, to Martin Wulward a portion of the land held by him of Hervey, son of Eustace, next to the land of Reginald, son of Alfred, in the little lane leading to the church of St John, together with a house built on the same land, width 40ft, length 1 perch and it abuts on the land of Adam Godsoe (Godsho). Rent: 20d; gersuma: 10s. Witnesses: Hervey Grim, William, his brother, Alard, son of Ordgar, Bartholomew, his brother, Geoffrey Potekin, Yvo, son of Absolon, Ralph, his brother, Morice, son of Alberic, Robert Seman, William Billing, William, his brother.

Absolon, son of Roger

Gift with warranty

Maurice, son of Alberic, to John, the smith, son of Philip, for his homage and service 17ft of land next the land of Warin Anketill lying along the street where the smiths dwell, extending from the street to the land of Richard de Ingham. Rent: 5s; gersuma: 10s. Witnesses: (illegible), Gilbert, goldsmith, Hervey, son of Gilbert, Hugh Maurice, Geoffrey Potekin, William Feutrer, Richard de Ingham, Alan Torel, Ivo de Brantun, Osbert, his son, et multis aliis.

Maurice, son of Alberic

Gift with warranty

Walter de St Edmunds, with the consent of Alice, his wife, and Walter, his son and heir, the messuage which Peter, son of Burward, held of Master Geoffrey, in the High Street towards Trumpington Gate. Rent: 2s, 2 capons. Consideration: the nuns release to him 1 acre of land which they hold of the same Walter, son of Geoffrey. Witnesses: Sir (Dominus) Maurice Russ, Hervey, son of Eustace, Robert Seman, Adam, son of Eustace, Walter Corde, Hervey, son of Martin, Michael, John, his sons, Geoffrey, son of Ralph, Ralph Wombe, Thomas, son of Joachim, Richard, son of Yvo, William Pilat et multis aliis.

St Edmunds, Walter de

Gift with warranty

Alice, daughter of Master Geoffrey (Magister Galfridus) (and wife of Walter de St Edmunds), with the consent of Walter her son, a messuage in the High Street leading to Trumpington Gate, which Peter, son of Burward, held of her brother, Walter. Rent: 2s and 2 capons. Consideration: 1 acre of land in Cambridge fields which the nuns hold of Walter, son of Geoffrey. Witnesses: Sir (Dominus) Maurice Russ, Hervey, son of Eustace, Robert Seman, Adam, son of Eustace, Walter Corde, Hervey, son of Martin, Michael, John, his sons, Geoffrey, son of Ralph, Ralph Wombe, Thomas, son of Joachim, Richard, son of Yvo, William Pilat et multis aliis.

Alice, daughter of Master Geoffrey

Gift with warranty

Gilbert, son of Arnulf le Plummer, to John, son of John Smith (Faber), a shop in the market between the land of Thomas le Ferrun and the land of Richard le Feleper. Rent: 12d and a pair of gloves, value 1/2d; gersuma: 6s 8d. Witnesses: Maurice Russ, Robert Seman, Hervey, son of Martin, Michael, his brother, Geoffrey Potekin, Alberic le Mercer, Reginald Nadon, Osbert le Fenier, John, son of Hubert, Thomas le Ferrun, Walter Corde, et multis aliis.

Plummer, Gilbert le

Gift with warranty

Robert, rector of All Saints (by the castle) to his brother John 1 acre in Middelfurlong towards Howes and 1/2 acre in the same field next Wulwardesmere, Rent: to the parson of All Saints for the soul of Robert's mother (Margaret) 1 1/2d, on St Sexburga's day. Witnesses: Robert Seman, Maurice Ruffus (Russ?), Hervey, clerk, Michael, his son, Roger Parleben, Walter Corde, Henry Alggod, Anger, son of Edric, Geoffrey Cook, Alan servant (or serjeant?) et aliis.

Robert, rector of All Saints

Gift in free alms with warranty

Eustace Smith of Madingley, for the sake of his soul and for the soul of his ancestors and his descendants, to the church of St Mary and St Radegund of Grenecroft 2 acres 1 rood 1/2 parcel of land in Madingley fields, viz. 1 acre lying in Hollewelle between lands of the Prior of Barnwell, and 1/2 acre in the wood between lands of William of Bardeley, held by Roger Alfr, 2 roods in Litlewelleslade next the land of John, son of Robert, on one side, and the land of Anketin of Henlowe on the other, 1 1/2 roods in the Longmersh meadow, between meadow land of Gilbert, son of Alice, and meadow land of the Abbess of Chatteris. Witnesses: William de Bardeley, John, son of Robert, Roger Sprot, John de Speningen, Albert, son of Eustace, Hugh, son of Anger, Ankenin de Henlowe, Warin, son of Tangar, William, son of Tangar, William, son of Edward, Adelard, son of Orgar, Geoffrey Potekin, Henry, son of Elias, Adam Wiriel, Maurice Russ (Ruffus), Ivo, son of Absalon, William, son of Scholastice, et multis aliis.

Smith, Eustace

Gift in free alms with warranty

Alberic, son of Eustace of Madingley, for the souls of himself, his father, his ancestors, his wife Mabil and his heirs, to the nuns of St Radegund 2 acres of his land lying in Madingley fields, of which 4 selions abut on Leford Havedlong between the land of Maurice Russ (Ruffus) of Cambridge and the land of Henry de Berton, formerly belonging to Eustace the Smith; 1 selion abuts on the road to the meadow, lying between the land of Reginald Carpenter and the land of the aforesaid Alberic, and 1 selion abuts on Bernoldsdich, lying between the land of John de Senigey and the land of Walter Blancpain. Witnesses: William de Burdeley, William, his son, Roger Sprot, Hervey Grim, William, his brother, Maurice Russ (Ruffus), Allard __garius, Hervey, son of Eustace, Robert Seman, Adam Weriel, John Crocheman, Richard Atgate (de Porta), Bartholomew Tailur, Geoffrey Potekin, Henry, son of Elias, Geoffrey, son of Eustace, Warin, son of Tangar (or Targar), Astin, son of Eustace, John, son of Robert, Richard, his son, Eustace Smith (faber), John of Seningey, Walter de Coteham et multis aliis.

Hervey son of Eustace (fl 1200-1231)

Gift in free alms with warranty

Margaret, widow of Ralph, parson, to the nuns, with her daughter Sabina, 10 acres in Cambridge fields. Two acres at the Judgement ditch lying between two strips belonging to Maurice Ruffus (Russ), and one acre, which is called Rodolvesacre; and 1/2 an acre under Barnwell Mill, lying between land of the Prior of Barnwell and of Walter, son of Master (Magister) Geoffrey; and 1/2 acre at the head of Pihswell way, between lands of the same prior and Walter; two roods between the priory of Barnwell's lands and lands of William de Nonancurt; and one rood between lands of the same William and Maurice Russ in the same field; two acres between lands of Maurice Russ and William de Mortimer (mortito mari) in Forde field; two acres between lands of Maurice Russ and W(alter), son of Master Geoffrey; and in Swinecroft one acre between land of John, son of Selid, and that of W(alter), son of Master Geoffrey. Witnesses: Hervey, son of Eustace, Robert Seman, Maurice Russ, Apsalon, son of Roger, Roger Parleben, Richard Atgate (ad portam), Geoffrey Potekin, Thomas, son of Robert, John, son of Bartholomew, John, son of William, Andrew de Winepoll, Everard, Richard and Eustace, his brothers, Walter Gernon (?), Adam Weriall et quibusdam aliis.

Margaret, widow of Ralph, parson

Gift in free alms

Hervey, son of Eustace, of Cambridge, to the nuns with his sister Yda, when she takes the religious habit in their house: 1 (Cambridge and Barnwell fields) 2 1/2 acres, which Hugh Cors holds of him near Barnwell Priory; 3 roods lying between the land of Maurice Rus (Ruffus?) and the land of William Nunacurt; 3 roods in Estenhale, between lands of the said Maurice and William; 3 roods near Barnwell Mill, between lands of the said two; 1 rood at Meldiche between land of William Nunacurt and that of Hugh, son of Apsolon; 1 acre, which Reginald, son of Alured, held of him in Swinecroft, between land of Ailgar de Welles and that of Margaret, wife of Richard Parson. 2 (St John Milne Street) 3 messuages in the Parish of St John held by Apsolon, son of the priest, abutting on the High Street leading to the Mill (Milne St.) and on the lane leading to St John's Church. 3 (Great St Mary) a messuage in the parish of St Mary, held of him by Robert Carpenter, lying between land of John, son of Elias, and that of John, son of Selid; a messuage in the same parish held of him by Hosbert le Cambere, between land of Andrew de Winepol and that of Ernold Plumber. 4 (St Peter outside Trumpington Gate) a messuage outside Trumpington Gate, held of him by wife of Seled Pinberd, next the land of Robert Nadun. 5 (St Benet) a messuage in St Benedict's parish held by Henry Bekke, lying between land of Absalon, son of the priest, and that of Walter, son of Master (Magister) Geoffrey. Witnesses: Bartholomew, Official of Ely, Master Gentil, parson of Caxton, Simon, parson of St Benedict, Baldewin Blancgernon, Robert Seman, Andrew de Winepol, Everard, Richard and Eustace de Winpol, Roger Parleben, Fulk Crocheman, John, his brother, Richard Porter (of Atgate - de porta), William, his son, Henry, son of Martin, Michael, his son.

Hervey son of Eustace (fl 1200-1231)

Gift in free alms

Philip de Hochtun to the nuns in pursuance of a bequest of his mother Albrega, 1 acre in Binnebroc, 1/2 acre between Baldwin Blancgernon and Margaret, wife of Ailgar, held of the monks of Barnwell Priory; 1/2 acre between land of Agnes, wife of Eustace, son of Gilbert, and land of Robert Long, to be held of Barnwell Priory. Hagabel: 1d. Witnesses: Reginald Cive, Baldwin Blancgernon, Hervey, son of Eustace, Robert Seman, Maurice Ruffus (Russ), Absalon, son of the priest, Richard, son of Osborn, Ralph Prudfot, William Wulfsi, Thomas Pupelot, Richard de Winepol, Eustace, his brother, Robert Long et aliis.

Hochtun, Philip de

Gift for life (indenture)

Prioress Letitia and the nuns to Walter de Lindsey and Berta, his wife, their messuage lying between the land of Nicholas Sarant and that of Anger le Feleper. Term: their joint lives survivorship. Rent: 2s due to Nicholas Sarant, 2s due to the nuns. Witnesses: Hervey son of Eustace, Maurice Russ, Robert Seman, Geoffrey Potekin, Walter Corde, Hervey son of Martin, Matthew, son of above, Ralph son of Henry, Anger son of Edric, Michael Malherbe, Henry Alegod, Walter son of Ernulf, William Pilat et multis aliis.

Letitia (fl 1213-1230) Prioress of St Radegund

Confirmation of 79b

Roger de Brigham, Prior, and the convent of Ely confirm the institution of the nuns of Greneceroft in the Church of All Saints by Geoffrey (Rodel), late Bishop of Ely. Witnesses: Thomas de Heyden, Vincent, Official of the Archdeacon of Ely, Bartholomew, Dean, Walter Corde, Maurice Ruf (sic), Geoffrey Potek[in?], John, son Reginald, William de Porta Et m[u]ltis aliis.

Brigham, Roger de


William de Nunancurt to John Crocheman the land in St Michael's parish Walter Punch holds of him, lying between the land of St Michael's church and that which Maurice, son of Alberic, holds of the monks of Ely. Gersuma: 10s and to his wife a gown; rent: 26d. Witnesses: Fulk Crocheman, Richard de Spotingdon, Richard Crocheman, Roger de Nunancurt, ___, son of Richard, Robert le Waleis, Everard de Winepole, Simon de Wigehale, Benedict de London et aliis.

Nonacurt, William de

Agreement (Indenture)

Nicholas Sarant to Richard, son of Yvo, 1 acre in Barnwell fields: 1/2 acre of it between land of Barnwell Priory and land formerly of Hugh, son of Aspelon, 1/2 acre between land of Maurice Ruffus (Rus?) and land of Adam, son of Eustace. Term: Richard to take 4 harvests, the term beginning Michaelmas 1232. Consideration: for the lease 4s. Witnesses: Robert Saman, Adam, son of Eustace, Geoffrey, son of Ralph, Ralph, son of Henry, Hervey, son of Martin, Mychael, his son, Thomas, son of Joachim, Anger, son of Edric, William Doy, John, son of Azo, Walter, son of Aspelon, William Pilate et multis aliis.

Sarant, Nicholas

Agreement (indenture)

Cristina, widow of Warin, son of Anketil, with the consent of Godfrey his heir, to John the smith, son of Philip, a shop in the market, lying between the land of Maurice le Rus (Ruffus) and the land of Gilbert Blancgernon. Term: 20 years; rent: 3s, fine: 2s. Witnesses: Robert Seman, Robert, son of Richard, Walter, son of (Nicholas?), Robert Fing, miller, Osbert le Camb, William Smith (faber), John, son of Hubert, Arnald le Plover, __, his son, John, son of Anketil, et pluribus aliis.

Cristina, widow of Warin