- JCMR/Gray 1- . . . 383/Gray 265-73/271
- Item
- 17 May 1278 ("Dat' apud Cantebr' die martis proxima ante festum sancti Dunstani Anno regni Regis Edwardi sexto".)
Hugh le Tynour, fisherman, and his wife Sarah give to William le Mercer (Mercator) and his wife Alice Blancgernon land between their two properties extending to the street, 9ft wide by 50ft deep. Rent: 1/2d, consideration 'a certain sum of money'. Witnesses: Guy (Gwydo) le Specer (Spicer), mayor of Cambridge, John Martin, Robert le Longe, Bartholomew Moriz, Walter Butcher (Carnifex), bailiffs, Michael Pylat, Michael Wolleward, Dunkell de Costeseye, John de Marbelthorp et aliis.
Tynour, Hugh le