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1207 results with digital objects Show results with digital objects

Zhao Jue County City

This county is located to the east of Xi Chang. The county only has four houses, a single tree and nothing else.

Young King

Coloured drawing of the costume; notes about the costumes; and a pencil sketch of the costume with notes

Yi people's village

notice that the stones are put above the roof top to avoid strong winds blowing away wooden roof top.

Yi people

who are working on the urgent construction of Xichang airport.

Wu Po Copper Mine

The largest copper mine in Big Liang Mountain and Small Liang Mountain area. During the Tongzhi era of Qing dynasty, money was raised to mining copper here but the threaten from Yi bandits forced it to stop.

Wu Jiao Town

The first town we meet when entering Fu Bo county area, about 5 km from the county city.

Written invoice

Invoice written on a sheet of paper for £1 5s 0d for Jesus College

Dawson, Mr.

Writing bill

Paid £4 4s to Rowe for making out the College corn rental and house rental for a year ending Michaelmas 1838. Signed by Rowe.

Rowe, Richard

Wray's Almshouses

Plan showing cottages, frontage and dimensions. Accompanies particulars of lease: JCAD/3/CAM/KING/45/3/1877

Works Receipts

Three invoices stating a sum is due to Coulson & Son for works done. Totals were £73 17s, £6 14s 6d, and £58 17s respectively (from earliest to latest).

J. Carter Jonas & Sons

Work Receipt

Receipt for £10 8s 1d from the Master and Fellows of Jesus College to J. Turner for work done in the Gentlemen's rooms.

Turner, J.

Work on students rooms

The sum of £15 13s 9d due to J Wentworth for work on students rooms.
17th August 1939 = Halliwell's new building: repairing paper, paper, paste & labour,
Late Constable new building: preparing bedroom for paper, sizing walls, glue/paste, brown paper lining, paper & labour
Staircase: preparing large room for paper, sizing walls, glue/paste, brown paper lining, paper & labour
K Cloisters - Lork: preparing large room for paper, sizing walls, wall hook, tacks, glue/paste, brown paper lining, paper & labour
Late Westmoreland new building: preparing bedroom for paper, sizing walls, glue/paste, brown paper lining, paper & labour
Ridley new building: preparing large room for paper, sizing walls, glue/paste, brown paper lining, paper & labour
23rd August 1839= K. Cloisters - Rutherford: repairing passage - cartridge paper, paste & labour
31st August 1839= K. Cloisters - Rutherford: preparing large room for paper, sizing walls, glue/paste, brown paper lining, paper & labour, tacks
preparing bedroom for paper, sizing walls, glue/paste, brown paper lining, paper & labour, tacks

Wentworth, Joseph

Work in Grove Receipt

Receipt of payment for cutting holmlock down in grove (one day: 8s)

Hunt, Mr. J. J.

Work in Grove Receipt

Receipt of payment from the Bursar of Jesus College for 2 days of work in grove carried out by Mr Hunt (16s)

Hunt, Mr. J. J.

Work in Grove Receipt

Receipt of payment from the Bursar of Jesus College for 2 days of work in grove carried out by Mr Hunt (extra labour) (16s). See also JCAD/2/2/9/1921/63

Hunt, Mr. J. J.

Work in Grove Receipt

Receipt of payment for cutting down holmlock in grove (one day work: 8s)

Hunt, Mr. J. J.

Work in Grove Receipt

Receipt of Payment for cutting holmlocks around the grove (one day: 8s)

Hunt, Mr. J. J.

Work in Grove Receipt

Paiment received from the Bursar of Jesus College for two days work in grove (16s)

Hunt, Mr. J. J.

Results 1 to 50 of 13733