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May Ball 2024

Includes two A2 May Ball posters, a t shirt, sash, wrist bands, lanyards and passes (general, restricted, backstage, AAA), cards, and fliers (one to residents informing them about the Ball, and the rest asking for committee members to organise the Ball).

Blazer and Scarf

Summer blazer of the Amalgamated Clubs. White with narrow red and black stripes. Black cock on a red ball over gold crown, with black letters J.C.A.C. under on the breast pocket. Brass buttons. Matching scarf. Originally owned by Percy Gardner-Smith and then given to Michael Waring.

Bodger and Co Ltd, Cambridge

May Ball 2019 - 'Refract'

Includes May Ball poster, programme, ticket, local resident information flier, wristbands, card notice asking attendees not to remove flowers from tables as souvenirs as they are to be donated to the Arthur Rank Hospice, information flier detailing information about the Heofon Light Maze installation by Ben Busche.

35 New Square, 1927-1928

  • JCCA/JCAD/3/CAM/NEWSQ/35/3/2
  • File
  • 7 June 1927 - 22 May 1928
  • Part of College Archives

Contains letters from P. Morley Horder to Bernard Lord Manning about plans to rebuild the corner of New Square (No. 35) to conform to the new building line suggested by the widening of the corner. He felt that it was essential to design the corner in keeping with the existing line of buildings. He comments on a plan submitted by the Land Agents J. Carter & Sons and puts forward his own plans. The file also contains a draft head lease dated 1927 with Mr H. Woodley; a printed and detailed specification of work including plans (October 1927) and a list of building contractors and estimates. Although Morley Horder favoured Messrs Rattee and Kett the College selected H. W. Hunt as his was the cheapest quote.

P. Morley Horder, 5 Arlington Street, St James's, London SW1

28 New Square, 1943-1944

  • JCCA/JCAD/3/CAM/NEWSQ/28/3/2
  • File
  • 6 September 1943 - 9 February 1944
  • Part of College Archives

Letters from J. Carter Jonas & Sons to the Bursar advising him that the back wing of the property, that had been built "40 or 50 years ago" was in a dangerous condition. They said they had written to the tenant Mr Suttle to inform him and urged the College to remove the back wing as it was causing the back wall of the house to move and would soon collapse. They had obtained an estimate from Messrs Coulson, builders, but said that the shoring materials that were needed were unobtainable and so advised them to demolish the wing and then consider rebuilding it.


Includes posters for exhibitions of artworks, including:

'Art at Jesus', held in College;
Programme and flier for Antonio Bellotti Recent Work, exhibition held at Jesus College, 26 February to 6 March, 1993;
Invitation to private view and list of artworks displayed at Capital Prints: An Exhibition for prints recently donated to the College, 3 - 17 March 2006;
Poster and flier for Heroes of Kabuki - The Jesus College gift of Japanese prints held at the Fitzwilliam Museum 23 May to 24 September 2006;
Poster for exhibition of new paintings by Stephen Chambers RA in Jesus College Chapel, 22 to 31 October 2008;
Poster for John Gibbons 'The Mayo Drawings', 20 October to 1 November 2009 in Jesus College Chapel;
Poster for John McLean 'Polychromy: Prints and Sculpture' 19 to 31 October 2010 in Jesus College Chapel;
Poster and guide for Humphrey Ocean 'Here and There', 15 October to 8 December 2011 in Jesus College Chapel;
Poster for Michael Dan Archer 'Tests, Trials and Missions', Jesus College Chapel, 10 July - 6 August 2012;
Poster for Denise de Cordova aka Amy Bird 'Congregation', Jesus College Chapel 22 October - 7 November 2013;
Poster and guides for 'Agnes Thurnauer, 'You', 19 January - 8 March 2015;
Poster and guides for 'Art for Tomorrow - a new portfolio of prints for the College' exhibition, 20 May - 14 June 2017;
Poster for John Gibbons 'sculpture/transmisison', West Court Gallery, 14 October - 23 November 2017;
Exhibition catalogue and plan for Alison Wilding 'On the Edge', West Court gallery, 6 October - 11 December 2018;
Exhibition catalogue for Sarah Morris 'The Stars Down to Earth', 12 October - 15 December 2019;
Exhibition catalogue and posters for Shahzia Sikander 'Unbound', 16 October 2021 - 18 February 2022

20 New Square, 1943

  • JCCA/JCAD/3/CAM/NEWSQ/20/3/2
  • File
  • March 1943 - 27 August 1943
  • Part of College Archives

Concerning a schedule of dilapidations March 1943 and the amount it would cost.

20 New Square, 1882-1894

  • JCCA/JCAD/3/CAM/NEWSQ/20/3/1
  • File
  • 16 November 1882 - 1894
  • Part of College Archives

(1) Indenture made 16 November 1882 between Emma Low (widow) and Thomas Walter Bebee (confectioner) for the amount of £171 at an interest of £4 per cent per annum,

(2) Site plan of No. 20 showing the outline of the property including dimensions, undated [William Male is names as lessee of No. 19. He held the lease from 1873-1892],

(3) Site plan of No. 20 showing the outline of the property including dimensions, 1894 is written in pencil at the top of the paper [Mr W. B. Westley is named as the lessee of No. 19.

17 New Square, 1942

  • JCCA/JCAD/3/CAM/NEWSQ/17/3/2
  • File
  • 9 May 1942 - 26 October 1942
  • Part of College Archives

Specification of works and quotes by Coulson & Son Ltd and Crown & Cox.

16 and 17 New Square, 1888

  • JCCA/JCAD/3/CAM/NEWSQ/16/3/1
  • File
  • 10 January 1888 - 2 April 1888
  • Part of College Archives

Contains letters concerning the renewal of the lease for Nos. 16 and 17 to Mr Sanderson.

Correspondence File for Kett House, 1891

  • File
  • 14 February 1891 - 30 November 1891
  • Part of College Archives

Letters and notes concerning a new lease of the premises including:

  1. Letter from Hugh Shield (Bursar) to Rattee and Kett (builders), dated 14 February 1891, offering them a new lease for 40 years from 29 September 1891 (currently held under lease of 29 September 1877). Terms: surrender of existing lease and payment of a fine of £170; new rent of £8 pa for the first 26 years and £16 13s 4d for the last 14 years

  2. Letter from Rattee and Kett, dated 21 October 1891, accepting the terms of the new lease and asking that William Kett be taken off the lease and listing the present owners as George Kett, Edmund Kett and Alfred Kett

  3. Letter from Rattee and Kett, dated 30th November 1891, to Richard Reynolds Rowe about which sheds and buildings are to be treated as temporary and which permanent under the terms of the new lease

  4. Plan showing the size of the premises with different buildings marked as house, show room, stores, trade fixtures and stables

Correspondence - New Square, 1911-1912

  • File
  • 1 November 1911 - 6 March 1912
  • Part of College Archives

File concerning an offer by the Cambridgeshire & Isle of Ely Territorial Force Association to buy the freehold of land on the open side of the square to build headquarters. Includes:

(1) letters from Lieutenant Colonel Louis Tebbutt detailing the offer;

(2) a plan showing the outline of the area under offer;

(3) a petition against the sale signed by all of the residents of New Square;

(4) a report by J. Carter Jonas & Sons recommending the College refuse the offer of £1,500 as it was not large enough to compensate the College for the depreciation in value of the rest of the houses.

Correspondence about Bathrooms in New Square Houses, 1910-1915

  • File
  • 3 October 1910 - 2 July 1915
  • Part of College Archives

File containing the following letters about the installation of bathrooms in various houses:

(1) 3 October 1910 - from J. Carter Jonas & Sons (Land Agents) to J. H. H. Goodwin informing him that the Rev Pollock (Secretary of the Lodging House Syndicate) had inspected No. 44 and reduced the rent for the two sets of rooms by £1 due to a lack of a bathroom. He had also done this on a number of other College owned houses. Advised him to put the matter before the Syndicate as this action effected the value of the College's properties;

(2) 20 June 1913 - note by J. H. H. Goodwin (Bursar) that the estimate for fitting a bathroom at No. 48 would be £27 or £28 and the College would pay £14 towards this;

(3) 15 October 1913 - invoice for £30 0s 6d from Arthur Negus & Sons for fitting a bathroom at 48 New Square;

(4) 6 June 1914 - from J. Carter Jonas & Sons to the Bursar saying that the tenants of Nos 27 and 28 had asked for bathrooms to be fitted and laying out how they could be fitted into the houses and at what likely cost;

(5) 2 July 1915 - from J. Carter Jonas & Sons to the Bursar informing him that the tenants of No. 41 had asked for a sink to be fitted in the back room of the first floor and that he had obtained an estimate of £4 10s 0d from Messrs Coulson & Son. He states that it is difficult for the tenants of these houses to make a living but he felt that if the College gave permission for this it would "lower the tone of the property".

Correspondence about Roadway Widening in New Square, 1890-1901

  • File
  • 12 December 1890 - 2 April 1901
  • Part of College Archives

Letters from J. E. L. Whitehead (Town Clerk) to Hugh Shield (Bursar) asking if the posts at the West End of Fitzroy Street could be removed to allow vehicular traffic to go directly from Fitzroy Street to New Square instead of via Fair Street, Maids Causeway to Short Street. Also raises the question of planting trees in New Square following the Corporation laying out Christ Pieces as an ornamental ground. The remaining letters in the file concern improving the road on the north side of New Square [Nos. 35-49] by the College making the roadway wider, making a footpath and kerb. The file also contains two plans showing the suggested scheme for widening the roadway.

Town Clerk's Office Cambridge

24 New Square, 1890

Letter from Hugh Shield (Bursar) to Mr J. Chater on behalf of the Executors of J. Barrett offering the executors a new lease for 40 years from 24 June 1890. Also a site plan showing the outline of the property including dimensions and the names of the neighbouring lessees.

Letters Testimonial

Blank certificates given to students as testimonials of their degree and good behaviour (only one certificate is filled out).

Tutor's Notes and Accounts

Rough notes by Tutors C. Cleave and H. A. Morgan, including material on: scholarships: candidates, examinations and elections; freshmen, including notes for a talk to freshmen; mark lists; room lists and rents of rooms out of college.

Correspondence - Exchange of New Square for Butts Green

  • File
  • 12 April 1928 - 28 November 1930
  • Part of College Archives

File concerning the exchange of land between Jesus College and the Corporation. It was proposed that New Square, and two areas in front of and next to Brunswick School owned by the College under the Barnwell Inclosure Act, 1811 would be exchanged for a triangular piece of land on the corner of Jesus Lane and Victoria Avenue known as Butts Green. The College wanted this land so that it could build a roadway to provide vehicular access to College from Victoria Avenue rather than Jesus Lane and mean that it would build a second football pitch for use by the Football and Rugby clubs. The exchange was agreed but as there was local opposition a Public Enquiry was held on 16 October 1929. The file consists of a summary of the history of negotiations between the College and the Corporation, a newspaper article about the background to the public enquiry including a map showing the areas of land to be exchanged; letters about the enquiry addressed to Bernard Lord Manning (Bursar) from all interested parties and proof of evidence of Mr H. M. Jonas at the enquiry.

Jesus College Junior Book Club

  • JCCA/JCCS/12/1
  • File
  • 5 February 1980 - 17 February 2004
  • Part of College Archives

Contains list of members, fines, books bought and proceeds of auctions. The title page states that the club was founded in 1957 by Professor Glanville Llewellyn Williams; it was wound up in 2004.

New Square - General, 1909-1927

  • File
  • 20 August 1909 - November 1927
  • Part of College Archives

File containing the following letters between J. E. L. Whitehead (Town Clerk) and J. H. H. Goodwin (Bursar) about proposals that the Corporation should buy New Square as a public open space:

(1) 27 April 1904 – from the Town Clerk to the Bursar asking if the College would be prepared to convey to the Corporation the enclosed portion of New Square so that it could be laid out as a Recreation Ground like Christ’s Pieces, and if so on what terms;

(2) 31 August 1908 – from the Bursar to the Town Clerk stating that in the past there had been a covenant inserted into at least some of the leases that the College would not restrict the right of light by building opposite the house leased and so the designation of the central part of New Square as an open space would fulfill this covenant;

(3) 16 July 1909 – note from the Bursar stating that as the Committee was not disposed to recommend to the Corporation that they should purchase the whole of New Square at this time, even though it would secure forever an open space hitherto left undeveloped by the College, would the Corporation take over the back portion of the Square?

(4) 23 July 1909 – from the Town Clerk to the Bursar acknowledging receipt of his letter and plan and saying it would be brought before the General Purposes Committee;

(5) 20 August 1909 from the Town Clerk to the Bursar stating that his letter had been put before the General Purposes Committee and they had adjourned consideration of the matter but wished to state that they had never intimated that they would not purchase the ground in New Square but that the question of acquisition was mixed up with other matters;

(6) 9 November 1910 – from J. Carter Jonas & Sons (Land Agents) to the Bursar informing him that Mr Richard Sturton had applied to them to know if the College would let this property on lease for building purposes;

(7) November 1927 – plan of building site New Square with an area at the open side of the square shaded in pink.

New Square - General, 1896-1908

  • File
  • 26 May 1896 - 26 March 1908
  • Part of College Archives

File containing the following letters:

(1) 26 May 1896 - from Richard Reynolds Rowe (Rowe & Scott, Architects) to the Bursar – report on the condition of 28 New Square, 4 Park Terrace, Nos. 38-45 Jesus Lane and Nos. 33 and 34 New Square and recommendations as to work needing to be undertaken;

(2) 4 December 1896 - two letters from Edwin John Wallis (Valuer, Estate Agent and Accountant) to the Chairman of the Paving and Drainage Committee asking them to put in order the path, road and new drains for top water and citing a petition signed by most of the residents. One letter to Hugh Shield (Bursar) asking for help as he had received no reply from the Committee for 2 years;

(3) 8 May 1900 - from Hugh Shield (Bursar) to Mr W. B. Westley offering him a new lease of 19 New Square;

(4) Site plan of No. 19 with dimensions of the property, dated 28 September 1900;

(5) 30 April 1902 - from E. Wareham Harry (Borough Engineer & Surveyor’s Office) to J. H. H. Goodwin (Bursar) asking for permission to erect a ventilating shaft in Jesus Terrace to stop unpleasant smells being emitted from the manholes in New Square;

(6) 18 July 1903 - from J. Carter Jonas & Sons (Land Agents) to Goodwin (Bursar) confirming they had ordered work to start at Nos. 38, 40 and 42. Also asks for permission to lay on water to Nos. 39 and 43 as the water supplied to them from a shallow well was “yellow and turbid” at a cost of £7 10s;

(7) 3 October 1903 - from J. E. L. Whitehead (Town Clerk) to Goodwin (Bursar) calling to the attention of the College authorities complaints about the condition of New Square on each side of the footpath;

(8) 2 March 1904 - from J. Carter Jonas & Sons to Goodwin (Bursar) informing him that the wooden fence outside Nos. 37-44 had been taken away and burnt in the night and they had asked for an estimate for an iron fence to replace it. They would make a claim for the costs from the Corporation;

(9) 7 May 1904 – offer of £27 15s to settle a claim under Riot (Damages) Act from the Watch Committee for erection of iron fence;

(10) 13 May 1904 – from J. Carter Jonas & Sons to Goodwin (Bursar) recommending the College accept the offer from the Watch Committee;

(11) 5 March 1908 - from E. Wareham Harry to Goodwin (Bursar) informing him that by mistake workmen had cut across the green without the College’s permission and assuring him that the trench had been filled up and the surface reinstated;

(12) 26 March 1908 - from the Borough Surveyor to Goodwin (Bursar) asking for permission to insert some gullies and lay a surface water drain alongside the path.

Purchase of Felbrigge and Beechwood [Nos. 39 and 41 Hills Road]

  • JCCA/JCAD/3/CAM/HIL/39/3/2
  • File
  • 15 October 1895 - 16 October 1895
  • Part of College Archives

Items relating to the purchase of Felbrigge and Beechwood [Nos. 39 and 41 Hills Road] by the College at auction on 16 October 1895:

(1) Letter dated 15 October 1895 from Francis & Francis (solicitors) to J. H H. Goodwin concerning evidence of title of the two properties
(2) Letter dated 16 October 1895 from J. H. H. Goodwin authorising bids on the two properties
(3) 2 copies of the sale particulars giving detailed descriptions

Suggested Development of Jarvis's Garden (43 Hills Road)

  • JCCA/JCAD/3/CAM/HIL/43/2/1
  • File
  • 2 February 1910 - 18 May 1914
  • Part of College Archives

Correspondence concerning proposals from Messrs Robson & Co Ltd to rent the house and garden (at the time let to Mr Jarvis) for the erection of a large building suitable for a skating rink or concert hall. Includes negotiations over terms and the College's decision not to go ahead with the proposal.

Jesus Coll. Camb. C. S.

Coleridge Society meeting minutes, preceded by a list of secretaries from April 1888 and a note explaining how the society began as "The Literary and Philosophical Society". Minutes for 1888-89 were transcribed from an earlier notebook.

Marriage settlement

Indenture made on the marriage of Brian Smith, junior, and Anne Glover. Brian Smith, senior, settles the lands and Cavendish Place on his son and wife. (See typescript lists, there was also a Royal License of Charles I of the same date, allowing Brian Smith to convey to his son the glebe lands and advowson of Cavendish.)

Smith, Brian


Poster for Rugby match between Jesus College and Nyon at the Stade de Colovray in Nyon, 7 April 1998.

Station Road General - Leases of Property, 1910

  • File
  • 13 August 1910 - 14 November 1910
  • Part of College Archives

Documents relating to the terms for renewal of leases of property held by C. E. Gray:
Great Northern Hotel and the stables behind
5 and 7 Station Road (formerly 2 & 3 Station Road)
3 and 4 Arundel Villas (9 & 11 Station Road)
Mr Gray did not wish to renew the lease for 3 and 4 Arundel Villas

Includes a plan showing the position of the Great Northern Hotel, numbers 1, 2 and 3 Station Road, the stables behind the hotel and the names of the neighbouring leaseholders

Station Road General - Assignment of Leases, 1873-1876

  • File
  • 18 November 1873 - 16 March 1876
  • Part of College Archives

Documents relating to the assignment of leases on separate property held by held by Arthur J. Gray [builder] including:

  1. Letter from Dr Corrie [Master], dated 20 February 1874, to Clement Francis [solicitor] saying that Arthur J. Gray had applied to the College to lease Woodstock Villa (18 Station Road) and St Mary's Villa (16 Station Road) to Henry Chapman [JCAD/3/CAM/STA/16/1/1874].

  2. Note from the Bursar stating that the College agreed to lease 15 Station Road to William Kett; 16 Station Road to Susannah Elizabeth Kett; and a building yard to George Kett, Edmund Kett, William Kett, and Alfred Kett.

  3. 18 November 1873 - Jesus College to Francis George Gifford, draft memorandum to be endorsed on lease and counterpart, 29 September 1860.

  4. 27 March 1874 - Jesus College to Henry Chapman, draft memorandum to be endorsed on lease and counterpart, 29 September 1860.

  5. 16 March 1876 - Jesus College to Henry Chapman, draft memorandum to be endorsed on lease and counterpart, 29 September 1860.

Station Road General - Petition to Chancery, 1871-1873

  • File
  • 18 March 1871 - 11 June 1873
  • Part of College Archives

Letters and notes on a petition to Chancery requesting permission to draw interest on the £500 purchase money invested in Consols by the Railway Company for the purchase of additional land. Includes a copy of the Legal Opinion given by William Pearson, Lincolns Inn, 11 June 1873. There was a dispute about whether the purchase money related to the 1845 or the 1851 lease and the exact terms of the investment.

Station Road General - Correspondence, 1865-1870

  • File
  • 30 March 1865 - 11 March 1870
  • Part of College Archives

Letters and notes concerning a licence to be granted by Jesus College to Arthur John Gray (builder) giving permission for a lease between A. J. Gray and the Commissioners acting in execution of the Cambridge Improvement Acts of land and premises on the Hills Road near the railway station. Includes a copy of the draft lease, dated 8th March 1870. Also two plans of the area (see JCAD/3/CAM/STA/GEN/2/1865).

Station Road - Railway Correspondence, 1862

  • File
  • 28 February 1862 - 28 October 1862
  • Part of College Archives

24 letters concerning sale of land to the Eastern Counties Railway

28 February 1862 - letter from Robert Sinclair (Engineer of the Eastern Counties Railway) to Jesus College informing them that he had been appointed by the company to remodel the station so as to make it "more commodious and convenient for the public service". His plan was to remove the goods and passenger building and enlarge and renovate the building which was formerly used as a passenger station. In order to carry out the work he wanted to purchase two small pieces of land belonging to the College (measuring 3 roods and 25 poles and 1 rood and 20 poles). He asks if the College is willing to sell and if so on what terms.

4 March 1862 - letter from Robert Sinclair to Francis, Webster & Riches (College solicitors) confirming that the Company had no compulsory powers to take the land required but hoped the College would agree to sell as the proposed improvements to the station would benefit all the people of Cambridge.

12 March 1862 - letter from Dr Corrie (Master) to Francis, Webster & Riches stating that the College would be willing to treat for the sale of land provided the Railway Company agreed to the College building a siding from railway to the adjacent College property.

28 April 1862 - letter from Charles Bidwell (Land Agent) to the College advising them about the sale of the land and building the proposed siding.

28 July 1862 - letter from Robert Sinclair to Francis, Webster & Riches saying that he had worked out how to construct the siding and the cost (about £420) and proposing that the railway company could make the siding and then the difference between the cost and the price of the land could be made up by letting the Company have an extra small piece of land.

7 August 1862 - report from Charles Bidwell to Dr Corrie.

14 August 1862 - letter from Charles Bidwell to Dr Corrie containing his assessment of a new road and valuation of the land and gravel.

25 August 1862 - letter from Robert Sinclair to the College concerning the length of the accommodation road and if it had to reach land occupied by Mr Reynolds Rowe it would go over land belonging to the railway company. If this was the case the company would require an exchange of land owned by the College or a monetary payment.

26 August 1862 - letter from Richard Reynolds Rowe to Dr Corrie urging the College to come to an agreement with the railway company.

27 August 1862 - letter from Dr Corrie to Richard Reynolds Rowe summarising the position of the College in the negotiations.

28 August 1862 - letter from Richard Reynolds Rowe to Dr Corrie informing him that he had seen the engineer who had explained he wants to widen and improve the road leading to the College farm. He also wanted to buy a curved piece of land (1 rood, 29 poles) next to the Newmarket Railway as the lines of rails were too contracted at that point for safe working.

28 August 1862 - Letter from Francis, Webster & Riches to Robert Sinclair (Engineers Office) saying that Jesus College had no objection to the sale of 1 rood and 30 poles of land adjacent to the railway bridge, Hills Road.

28 October 1862 - letter from Richard Reynolds Rowe and Arthur John Gray (builder) to the College summarising all the negotiations with the railway company and asking for advice as to how to proceed. There is a note at the end of the letter from Dr Corrie setting out the College's position.

Station Road General - Correspondence, 1845-1847

  • File
  • 31 October 1845 - 24 November 1847
  • Part of College Archives

Papers regarding the sale of land to the Newmarket and Chesterford Railway for the building of a branch line to Cambridge:

Official notice of intention to apply for "An Act for making a Railway from Chesterford to Newmarket with a Branch to Cambridge" and asking the College to indicate if they agreed, refused or were neutral about selling the necessary land. Includes a schedule listing the location and size of the land needed, the owner, lessee and occupier. Dated 31st October 1845

13 letters addressed to William French concerning negotiations over the sale of the land from Francis Fuller, John Lawrence, William Parr Isaacson, George Bullen and Edwin Green. The letters date from 6th July 1847 - 24th November 1847

Station Road General - Correspondence, 1842-1849

  • File
  • 26 November 1842 - 29 June 1849
  • Part of College Archives

File of 50 letters regarding the sale of land to the Eastern Counties Railway Company for the building of the railway line, station and a road going from the station to Hills Road. Includes:

26 November 1842 - letter from Crowder and Maynard (solicitors to the railway company) to Jesus College giving notice that the Northern and Eastern Railway Company were applying to Parliament for permission to buy land, including that owned by Jesus College, for extending the railway and building a station

26 August 1844 - letter from Joseph Wentworth addressed to William French (Master of Jesus College) saying that the railway company may require more land, either from the college or the Rector of St Andrew the Great, for the frontage of the station

30 January 1845 - letter from Reverend J. Birkett to the Master (William French) describing the funeral and last wishes of Mr Dicks (Fellow). He goes on to inform the Master that he had seen Mr Pemberton about the N & E Railway. The price asked for on behalf of the College for the land was £500 per acre but they considered this too high and offered £300 per acre. They had put the money at the rate of £500 per acre into a bank for the College subject to a deduction being made once a fair price had been agreed. Mr Pemberton had objected to this on the grounds the College was taking the risk with the money and it wasn't being invested and earning interest. He requested the money be paid to the Accountant General or the Bank of England which had been done

15 February 1845 - letter from Mr Woolley (Railway Company) to Christopher Pemberton (solicitor for the College). In the letter he objects most strongly to accusations that the Railway Company (i.e. him acting as their agent) had threatened the College with a jury to settle the dispute over the value of the land. He says that he had done everything asked of him by Mr Truslove (acting for the College) and had ensured that there would be no frontage of the station on Hills Road but it would all be on Station Road which would increase the value of the College Estate. After having done everything he could for the College he was then not prepared to responsibility for delaying the planned opening next July or for "wantonly abusing the confidence reposed in me by consenting to pay at the rate demanded (£500 per acre). He offers to accept any valuation of the land put forward by an independent valuer

18 February 1845 - letter from Christopher Pemberton to Mr Woolley. He acknowledges that the matter is urgent for the Company but says that the Master (William French) was very unwell and had gone to the Isle of Wight and his medical man had strongly advised him that he should not attend to any business. Matters had been further complicated by the death of the President during the Master's absence. Mr Pemberton suggests that the College may accept £350 per acre if the Railway Company was to offer that price

18 February 1845 - letter from Christopher Pemberton to Dr French. He explains the current situation and the reasons behind the Railway Companies valuation of £300 per acre and his suggestion of £350 per acre. He also outlines the situation with regard to whether some land may be outside the limits laid down by the Parliamentary Act. He also says that Mr Truslove (appointed to act in this matter on behalf of the College) is very unwell and confined to bed.

A series of letters from farmers concerning compensation following a change in the location of the station


  • JCCA/JCCS/2/8
  • File
  • 1905-2013 (1905, 1910, 1914, 1923, 1920-3, 1925-8, 1930-77, 1979, 1982-2013, 2016)
  • Part of College Archives

Includes menus for Lent Bumps, May Bumps, Fairbairn dinners, Bump Suppers, Fours dinners, Trustees dinner; Fairbairn Ball dance card, 1959; Fairbairn dinner 1958 photo.

1860s works

Includes volume for Jesus College Chapel Restoration Fund which includes lists and summaries of work done to the Chapel by various tradesmen including Rattee and Kett, Morris and Co, Bodley and Favill and Ellis. Volume also contains list of books held in the Chapel at the time of the 1860s renovations.

1830s works

Includes letters from Nathan Gray and John Graham, both of March, concerning the removal and sale of wainscotting from the Chapel. Describes woodwork once in the Chapel being stored in the ante Chapel and that Nathan Gray hopes to incorporate the woodwork into alterations being made to his house. Also a note from James Webster providing estimate value of £12 10s for woodwork to be sold including rails and bannisters, two columns, two pillasters, framed wainscot and sundry mouldings.

1815 works

Includes letters dated 22nd and 24th August 1815 from Rev. Thomas Dickes to William Hustler concerning restoration of the Chapel including notes about the windows and plastering by Bernasconi; Correspondence between the bursar William Hustler and James Clabben, David Bradwell, Edward and Thomas Tomson, John Turner, Francis and Peter Bernasconi and T. Goode and Son, concerning the redecoration and renovation of the Chapel.

1793 works

Includes notes and summarised expenditures relating to the works done in the Chapel between 1789 and 1793; Note from Jeffs and Dawson concerning cost of inserting black and white marble squares to floor, 23rd June 1791;

West Court

Nos. 27-32 Jesus Lane were bought by the Wesleyan Methodist Conference in 1922 to become a new Methodist College known as Wesley House. It cost £18,495 7s 10d. Nos. 27-30 were demolished in 1924.

Trotter's Library, Graveley

Catalogue cards and catalogue dated 27th May 1932 listing books included in the Trotter's Charity Library (formerly the property of Henry Trotter), once held in the rectory at Graveley.

Results 1 to 50 of 4369