Includes photograph of the 1979 Jesus College University Challenge team. Christopher Artemiou, William Coales, John (David) Jeffcock, John Withrington with mascot 'Gladly', clothes in College colours for which were made by Gail Mills for the occasion.
Includes photograph of the 1st Lacrosse VI, 1930. Photograph taken in first court outside A and B staircases. Names on board read G. P. Russell, F. J. Tongue, P. J. Tetley, S. L. Baxter, G. H. C. Giddins, G. J. Sweet.
Includes photograph of the Strafford Club dated May 1894. Names on board read J. H. O. Every, S. Tipping, D. Dewar (treasurer), J. H. Baynham, H. R. Yates, H. Robinson, W. Griffith, F. Barlow (president), C. D. B. Somerville (honorary secretary), A. G. Speke, E. Coupland, R. B. Croysdale. Absent F. S. Todd and J. M. Brydone
in 1984-1985 Jesus College competed in the newly-formed Ladies' League and Cuppers competitions. First reference Women's Football in the Jesuan.
Includes menu, 20th March 1970
Includes dinner menu
Includes menu for squash club dinner May 1972 and photograph of Jesus College squash Club 1972. Names on board read M. Raghupathi, G. J. V. Volleymore, D. R. Dosseter, R. H. Briance, M. M. Brown, J. W. Field, E. H. Schumann, P. J. D. Allen, A. B. Beckingsale; J. F. Casson, R. D. Parker
Includes menu for 25th, 28th and 50th Reunion Dinners
Material gathered in the preparation of College plays, including May Week, Nativity plays and other events. Includes some full sets of costume designs, notes from directors re: staging, rehearsal schedules, annotated scripts, posters, photographs and scores
Includes minutes of the historical society 1911 - 1939, menus, 1969 - 1973;
Includes menus
Includes menus, 1970-3
Menus and attendance list from the Alumni Dinner, June 2010, menu for the Medics & Vets 3rd year dinner, 11 June 2010
Also a Medical and Veterinary Society Newsletter, 2016
Includes menus
Includes menus
Includes menus
Includes dinner menus, 1957-8
The Roosters was founded in 1907 by a New Zealander called J. H. Allen as a light-hearted debating society. It celebrated its Bicentenary 184 years in advance "to save posterity the trouble"
Men's football team founded in October 1876.
Includes menu to celebrate the club's 21st Birthday, 1941
Hockey began being played in college in the Lent term of 1902.
Founded in 1881.
This was a College music group that formed in 1974 and was directed by Andrew Parkinson. It quickly became one of the leading Cambridge ensembles in the field of Medieval music and its termly concerts were well attended. When its members left College in 1976 it did not continue. Records relating to its performances have been catalogued under the Musical Society
Includes score book, lists of fixtures and outcomes of matches.
Poster for Heroes a new musical play by Ian Claydon and Susannah Pearse, 10th and 11th March c. 2000
Poster shows students Catherin Reynolds and Niazi Fetto
According to the 1967-68 Annual Report: "Next year, following the administrative re-organisation of the Amalgamated Clubs, the Literary Society will arrange Tuesday evening sessions and a Drama Society is to be created to organize plays"
They produced plays under the name Croke Theatricals until the academic year 1972/73 when they changed their name to World Upside Down. This was dropped during the year 1979/80 and they returned to being called the Drama Society
Includes correspondence, 'Fillets being the records of the most loquacious order of the red herring, 1922-1951', a watercolour of 'the Cock herring' by V. Robinson 1932; Copies of Liber Harengarum or rules of the most loquacious order of the red herring, 1949, c. 1960 and c.1980
Term card listing debates
The Amalgamation Club was formed in October 1884 as a way to introduce a new system for managing the finances of the College Clubs. Up until this date each separate club had been responsible for collecting its own subs and managing its expenses. However, by October 1884 all Clubs, with the exception of the Football Club, was in debt. On 23 October 1884, a general meeting was held, and a provisional Committee, with Mr Gray (Treasurer of the Boat Club) as its chairman was set up. The committee drew up a report containing a framework of rules which was unanimously agreed to at another general meeting held on 11 November 1884.
Contains scorebook, 1995-1998
This is the society for alumni of Jesus College, Cambridge. It exists to support the College by providing opportunities for Jesuans to meet each other and to keep in touch with the College through a variety of social events. Constitutionally, it is independent of the College with its own rules and objects.
Since 1897 a group of Jesuans had been dining annually together rising in number from 14 to 16. It was 'felt that something besides a dinner should be arranged to bind Jesus men throughout the world together....a more permanent organisation was needed'. People were invited to the inaugural meeting on 15 December 1903 at the Hotel Cecil in London. 70 members attended and 110 sent apologies and messages of support. It was decided that the formation of the JCCS was not only desirable but practicable.
Includes menu
Loose papers, mainly concerning book sales by the book club. Includes printed sales sheets from late 19th century onwards