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English Hammered Coinage, vol. 2 [book review], by Ian Stewart

"English Hammered Coinage, vol. 2 [book review]", by Ian Stewart, typescript [carbon copy], three pages on three folios (recto only), undated but datable to about 1960 when both the book under review and the review itself were published.

Stewart, Bernard Harold Ian Halley

Five letters from Christopher Blunt to Ian Stewart and four letters from Ian Stewart to Christopher Blunt

Five letters from Christopher Blunt to Ian Stewart and four letters from Ian Stewart to Christopher Blunt:
(a) letter from Ian Stewart to Christopher Blunt, manuscript, single page, dated from the House of Commons on 7 February 1977, returning "the T.T. memo and 957/9 + photocopies" and sending "the rest of A/S gold", noting that he would welcome any comments and criticisms.
(b) letter from Christopher Blunt to Ian Stewart, manuscript (carbon-copy), four pages on four folios (recto only), dated 12 February 1977, thanking IS for returning the papers and commenting at length on his draft on Anglo-Saxon gold.
(c) letter from Christopher Blunt to Ian Stewart, manuscript, one folio (recto & verso), dated from Ramsbury on 25 March 1977, writing that he has been through IS's draft introduction; he suggests a couple of paragraphs and makes a few comments on it. He mentions running into David Wilson while he was working at the BM and talking to MMA [i.e. Marion Archibald]. He says that he enquired about the Sylloge, suggesting that it should be a British Museum publication and have a longer introduction than other volumes and further enquiring about the prospects for a later volume. CEB says that the Sylloge Committee warmly supported the idea of MD [i.e. Michael Dolley] doing such a thing as long as the project had British Museum approval. He also states that DW "was obviously fully aware of the problems and made it clear that he backed his Keeper", noting that "he described MD as 'a disruptive influence' and [...] expected trouble" over the keepership vacancy, all while MMA was there. CEB says that he was surprised by all this and when he said so, DW answered that Michael was trying to move to Ireland. CEB notes that he has labelled his letter "in confidence" for obvious reasons but says that he will tell Dorothy [Whitelock] about and invites IS to tell Philip [Grierson]. He also talked with DW about the Lausanne gold penny. On the recto, in the upper left margin, there is a manuscript note in CEB's hand that reads "Confidential", underlined. The letter is accompanied by a carbon-copy on two folios (recto only).
(d) letter from Christopher Blunt to Ian Stewart, manuscript, one folio (recto & verso), dated from Ramsbury on 2 April 1977, advising IS that his draft needs a few alterations. He notes that Rev. George Musgrave was Lord of the Manor of Shillington and not the vicar., and that Commander and Mrs Lucas recently took up residence in the Manor following the death of his mother. Once they have an agreed draft, CEB suggests to "try it in Spinks", asking them if they would have any objection to their telling Commander Lucas about their problem and enquiring whether he produce evidence of the marriage. He says that he "wouldn't like to write without their assurances because" he feels that they might "have been given the name of Lucas in confidence". In closing, he asks for the return of the carbon. There are traces of typescript on the verso, running almost perpendicular to the manuscript.
(e) letter from Ian Stewart to Christopher Blunt, manuscript, single page, dated from St George's Road, London SE1, on 16 April 1977, stating that Douglas Liddell had casually told him "that the 'Shillington' parcel came from one of two brothers Lucas who, like his grandfather, was in the church and who lived at Lewes". IS suggests that they send the draft to DL, saying that they are planning to offer it to the Numismatic Circular and asking him whether to submit it to Mr Lucas and about the propriety of contacting the commander. IS notes that he is now working on Droitwich and asks the meaning of the name of the Worcester moneyer PICINC. In connection with this, he states his interest in illustrating the Hunter "two sceptres" coin and asks from whom should he seek permission. In a postscript, he hopes that CEB enjoyed his holiday and expresses excitement about an unnamed hoard of early pennies.
(f) letter from Christopher Blunt to Ian Stewart, manuscript, three pages on three folios (recto only), dated 8 May 1977, thanking IS for his letter and expressing his satisfaction that IS has found time to work on Droitwich. He comments on a paper of Mark Blackburn, the options for illustrating the Hunter "two sceptres" coin, the suggestions of Dorothy W. [i.e. Whitelock] for the Sylloge and IS's interesting idea about the name PICINC. There is also discussion of the Shillington note, a copy of which CEB says that he sent to Douglas Liddell, of matters relating to their work on the 10th-century volume, and of the constraints of the Act under which the BM operates in regard to the disposal or exchange of anything that is not an absolute duplicate.
(g) letter from Ian Stewart to Christopher Blunt, manuscript, one folio (recto & verso), dated from St George's Road, London SE1, on 1 June 1977, agreeing that Mark Blackburn "seems to be the best prospect for a long time". He asks whether it would be convenient to visit Ramsbury at the end of August and refers to the agreements they have reached [with Stewart Lyon] on questions of format, presentation and style [in their joint work on the 10th century]. There is a note in pencil in the upper right margin, in CEB's hand, which reads: "Ans 7/6".
(h) letter from Christopher Blunt to Ian Stewart, manuscript, one folio (recto & verso), dated from Ramsbury on 13 June 1977, enclosing a first draft on the cross and rosette type for a joint paper with CSSL [i.e. Stewart Lyon]. He has also sent copies to him and to MMA [i.e. Marion Archibald] and they would appreciate any comments. He also encloses his suggestions for the make-up of their volume, and there is discussion of other guests [who will be at Ramsbury when IS visits]. The letter concludes with CSSL's fundraising ideas for the BNS and a reference to a forthcoming BNS meeting.
(i) letter from Ian Stewart to Christopher Blunt, manuscript, one folio (recto & verso), dated from the House of commons on 15 June 1977, noting that the Shillington proof was sent to Stockwell and asking for CEB's help in gathering together casts for Droitwich illustrations. He agrees with some of CEB's suggestions about format and style for their 10th-century volume but raises further questions to be addressed. He says that he may not be able to attend the BNS meeting as he expects to be tied up in the House of Commons. There is a manuscript note in the upper right margin, apparently in CEB's hand, which reads: "Ack 24/6".

Blunt, Christopher Evelyn

Five letters from Christopher Blunt to Ian Stewart and one letter from Ian Stewart to Christopher Blunt

Three letters from Christopher Blunt to Ian Stewart and three letters from Ian Stewart to Christopher Blunt with two attachments:
(a) letter from Christopher Blunt to Ian Stewart, manuscript, one folio (recto & verso), dated from Ramsbury on 8 January 1979, writing that being house-bound has enabled him to make good progress on the 10th-century volume and that he expects to have something to show him when he come to visit at Easter. He says that he has written to CSSL [i.e. Stewart Lyon] to ask how he getting on with the Edward the Elder piece and whether he would be able to join them at Easter. CEB then lists the "main pieces" that he still lacks, apparently in reference to particular coin types: (1) the c/bust type Edmund-Edgar and (2) the St Peter coinage. He notes that he is puzzled about Mercia 957-959 because they have more coins than they ought to have. He acknowledges that he needs to get to work on metrology and the hoard evidence, but recognises that the most demanding chapter will be the conclusion, which will need to pull together all the material. He asks for confirmation that IS is doing the saints and when he might expect the draft, expressing his hope "to get the material in sufficiently good shape by midsummer to put it out".
(b) letter from Christopher Blunt to Ian Stewart, manuscript, one folio (recto & verso), dated from Ramsbury on 25 January 1979, discussing financial arrangements for the publication of the East Anglia sylloge and expressing his concern that a loan of about £1500 will be needed to meet the shortfall in funds available for publication. He is worried about how to deal the current situation and says that he has written to Dorothy [Whitelock] and Michael [Dolley] to ask for their views and also asks IS for his. DW agreed that there should be a meeting with [Michael] and [J.M.] Wallace-Hadrill, but would prefer not to come herself. CEB asks IS whether it would be appropriate to arrange the meeting at the House of Commons at a time when both he and Michael are in London, noting that Micheal and Mark Blackburn should now be in Berlin & Dresden but are due back on Sunday.
(c) letter from Christopher Blunt to Ian Stewart, manuscript, single page, dated from Ramsbury on 31 January 1979, enclosing material "for information" and promising to keep IS posted. CEB notes that Michael Dolley has returned from East Germany after what Mark [Blackburn] described as a successful visit. Marks nevertheless said that MD was exhausted and wondered whether "he would get off to Australia on Friday".
(d) letter from Christopher Blunt to Ian Stewart, manuscript (carbon-copy), two pages on two folios (recto only), dated 1 March 1979, informing IS that the BM coin room is closing for two months for "stock-taking". He appraises IS of what he has accomplished, noting that he spoke with [Robert] Carson, who is as upset as anyone about the matter, and explained to him that [the closure?] "would cause great unhappiness, particularly among students from abroad". CEB's impression was that the decision came from the Trustees and not just the Director, and that it arose from concerns over security. He says that he asked Robert whether it would help if he were to write a letter to the Director in the interest of pointing out the sadness that the decision will cause. Robert said that there could be value in such letters, but he did not feel that the decision would be reversed. CEB says that the best they can do is to express their views to the Director.
(e) letter from Ian Stewart to Christopher Blunt, manuscript, single page, dated 10 April 1979, thanking CEB for his hospitality at Ramsbury and noting how much more relaxing it was to think about the problems of the 10th century rather than those of the 20th. He encloses the final section of his of his Vikings draft, which he describes as merely a basis for discussion and will need to be rewritten. He also encloses a copy of a pre-reform part of a paper by Stewart [Lyon]. He says that his overstrike of Edmund is missing from his 10th-century tray, and wonders whether he might have left it with CEB.
(f) letter from Christopher Blunt to Ian Stewart, manuscript, one folio (recto & verso), dated from Ramsbury on 22 April 1979, thanking IS for sending the final part of his Viking contribution and the copy of the pre-reform part of CSSL's 1976 paper, commenting on CSSL's paper and noting that he will meet with CSSL after the upcoming BNS meeting. He says that he doesn't believe that he has IS's Edmund overstrike, at least not if it's a whole coin, but he says that IS did leave with him a cut quarter that IS thought was overstruck on something. That coin is now in the BM and therefore "incommunicado for another fortnight", noting that it should reopen on 5 May.

Blunt, Christopher Evelyn

Five letters from Christopher Blunt to Ian Stewart with one attachment and two letters from Ian Stewart to Christopher Blunt

Five letters from Christopher Blunt to Ian Stewart with one attachment and two letters from Ian Stewart to Christopher Blunt:
(a) letter from Ian Stewart to Christopher Blunt, manuscript, one folio (recto & verso), dated from St George's Rd, London SE1, on 13 April 1980, reporting that he completed the chapter on the Vikings to 927 and promises to send it once it is typed. He notes that he has now incorporated large chunks of CEB's Regnald text and that parts of his Bossall/Regnald paper now appear in the historical introduction, the Viking chapter, the Bossall appendix and the conclusions. After the Vikings, he says, he will focus on the post-939 coinage, including "English bits and Viking II", but he says that he would like to see some of the material before doing anything more on imitations and irregular coinages. He is pleased that CEB acquired the "Heriger" while mentioning that he obtained the Edgar Othelriht from Spink and sent a polaroid to Edinburgh to check on its correspondence with SCBI 602.
(b) letter from Christopher Blunt to Ian Stewart, manuscript, one folio (recto & verso), dated from Ramsbury on 26 April 1980, thanking IS for the photograph of his curious irregular piece of Edgar and for the drawings of the Edinburgh 602 fragment. He says that he heard from Gunstone that [an image of] one of their coins is in the National Portrait Gallery, and he gives some details. He says that he is hoping "to make a very exciting addition" that will be relevant for IS's work on the Vikings 939-954. He is referring to the St Edmund memorial coin that was in Seaby's May Bulletin, which is in fact a "Heming" [i.e. moneyer?], a coin that he discussed in his paper on that coinage for a Suffolk local society journal [i.e. "The St Edmund Memorial Coinage", Proceedings of the Suffolk Institute of Archaeology, vol. 31, pt 3 (1969), pp. 234-255 & pl. 31].
(c) letter from Christopher Blunt to Ian Stewart, manuscript, one folio (recto & verso), dated from Ramsbury on 28 April 1980, informing IS of news from Elizabeth Pirie of a new moneyer for the Anlaf raven type. He also reports that her excavations at Coppergate in York have yielded a small hoard of no more than four coins, "all slightly oxidized and [...] stuck together", but once they were cleaned they appeared "about as good as new". He describes the coins as being two coins of Athelstan and two coins of Anlaf, both raven type, one of the usual moneyer ÆĐELFERD and the other of the new moneyer ODELER, and he says that Veronica [Smart] is satisfied with the name. The rest of letter discusses the coin, the spellings on it and its implications.
(d) letter from Ian Stewart to Christopher Blunt, manuscript, one folio (recto & verso), dated from St George's Rd. London SE1, on 4 May 1980, thanking CEB for the "two letters and such exciting news" and reflecting briefly on the new pieces of information.
(e) letter from Christopher Blunt to Ian Stewart, manuscript, single page, dated from Ramsbury on 26 April 1980, informing IS of further information on Regnald, including a record he had made of one illustrated by [Andrew] Fountaine in 1705 and another example that he has just seen in Camden's Britannia (1695), meaning that they now have two specimens recorded early among the Anglo-Saxon coins. Despite this, he says, "Taylor Combe [numismatist, 1774-1826] did not feel able to accept the type as English in origin or rather produced in England".
(f) letter from Christopher Blunt to Ian Stewart, manuscript, one folio (recto & verso), dated from Ramsbury on 23 June 1980, noting that his collaborations with IS and Stewart [Lyon] have given him much pleasure and that "numismatic excitements have [also] been pouring in from other sources". He refers to news from George Boon about a new hoard, the ongoing research on the Coppergate find and a little parcel mostly of coin fragments that includes an irregular crux Athelstan with the inscriptions +CMRNZ? DERWO and REEDL | + + + | BIAZN, of which he encloses a rubbing (see item (g) below). The are about a dozen lines of discussion on the piece.
(g) coin rubbing, mentioned and discussed in item (f) above.
(h) letter from Christopher Blunt to Ian Stewart, manuscript, three pages on two folios, dated from the Travellers' Club, Pall Mall, London, on 28 June 1980, saying that he has come away from their dinner and discussion of the previous evening much encouraged to continue work on the 10th century. He notes that Henry Loyn has just been elected FBA and mentions that he will look into "what Stewart [Lyon] says about Edward's 'rose' type" before moving on to discuss IS's hoard section [for their 10th-century work] and recommending additions and improvements. There is a one-page postscript that begin (and ends) on the recto of the second folio, in which CEB welcomes the suggestion that CSSL and IS "draft a preparatory historical section [for their book] and to have another separate section at the end with conclusions".

Blunt, Christopher Evelyn

Five letters from Christopher Blunt to Ian Stewart, one with attachment, and one letter from Ian Stewart to Christopher Blunt

Seven letters from Christopher Blunt to Ian Stewart, two with attachments, and one letter from Ian Stewart to Christopher Blunt:
(a) letter from Ian stewart to Christopher Blunt, manuscript, one folio (recto & verso), dated from Baldwin Crescent, London SE5, on 1 January 1982, sending "various things, but mainly an annotated copy of the Ed-chapters [sic] with various suggestions", asking for its return for reference. He says that he has just received comments on Regnald & Bossall, which he needs to examine in more detail.
(b) letter from Christopher Blunt to Ian Stewart, manuscript, one folio (recto & verso), dated from Ramsbury on 7 February 1982, thanking IS for sending the draft chapter for Philip Grierson's book. He also thanks IS for the copies of the Michael Dolley correspondence, noting that he has behaving in this way for some time. He says that they managed to obtain Dolley's comments on their Regnald paper, explaining that Michael Metcalf initially declined to forward copies of Dolley's comments but later agreed to send the relevant parts. He mentions that Dolley told him of a little piece of information that will help their Regnald argument, but suspects that he hadn't thought through the implications for their paper. There is further discussion about Michael Dolley and his long letter to IS, with CEB wondering what IS plans to do about it. He suggests that a diplomatic approach is likely to prove fruitless unless one is prepared to accept all of MD's arguments.
(c) letter from Christopher Blunt to Ian Stewart, manuscript, one folio (recto & verso), dated from Ramsbury on 9 February 1982, expressing delight with IS's chapter for Philip Grierson's 10th-century work but identifying a few points of fact with which he is not entirely happy. On the verso, he turns to further thoughts on the matter of Michael Dolley and his refusal to allow Michael Metcalf to pass on his comments on IS and CEB's Regnald paper. He makes it clear that he does not wish to engage in any kind of negotiation with MD over the comments, since it may go on indefinitely, and says that unless MM feels that he can send them along, he wants to forget the matter, acknowledging that MD is not well.
(d) letter from Christopher Blunt to Ian Stewart, manuscript, single page, dated from Ramsbury on 11 February 1982, enclosing "the four papers to which Michael Dolley refers in the second page of his letter to [IS] of 2 Feb", which he identifies as:

  • Dunmore [presumably in reference to: Michael Dolley, 'The 1973 Viking-age coin-find from Dunmore Cave', Old Kilkenny Review (1975), 70–79].
  • Hall's list [presumably in reference to: Richard Hall, 'A Check list of Viking-age coin finds from Ireland', Ulster Journal of Archaeology, vol. 36-37 (1973-1974), pp. 71-86].
    -Dolley and Lynn [presumably in reference to Michael Dolley and Christopher Lynn, 'A provisional note on the incidence of coin-hoarding in Viking-age Ireland', Irish Archaeological Research Forum, vol. 3, no. 2 (1976), pp. ?].
  • Leggagh [presumably in reference to: Michael Dolley, 'The c. 1843 Leggagh (Nobber) coin-hoard reconsidered', Riocht na Midhe, vol. 5 (1972), pp. 14-21].
    In closing, evidently in reference to: Michael Metcalf, he says that "he obviously is in an embarassing [sic] position and I would guess that MD is using every trick to make him feel more so! If we can help him out, I most gladly would".
    (e) letter from Christopher Blunt to Ian Stewart, typescript, one folio (recto & verso), dated from Ramsbury on 23 February 1982, with attachment (see item (f) below), sending IS "Michael Dolley's seven pages of comments on our Regnald paper". He says that "a lot are irrelevant", "some are trivial", "a number are patronisingly – even offensively – worded", "one, at least, is simply inaccurate", and "one or two are valid". He reiterates his feeling that "MM [i.e. Michael Metcalf, as editor of the Numismatic Chronicle] has got himself into an embarassing [sic] position and we must try and help him out". He proposes to learn from MM whether he intends to send any revised version of their paper to MD. If MM feels obliged to do, he says that MD is bound to raise further queries resulting in a further waste of time, so he suggests withdrawing the paper altogether and publishing it elsewhere, in which case they would invite MD to publish a reply.
    (f) attachment to CEB's letter of 23 February 1982, typescript (photocopy), seven full pages on seven folios (recto only), unattributed and undated but with a manuscript annotation in the upper right corner of the first page in CEB's hand that reads "Dolley comments on Regnald". The photocopy includes a few corrections and additions in Michael Dolley's hand.
    (g) letter from Christopher Blunt to Ian Stewart, manuscript, one folio (recto & verso), dated from the Travellers' Club, Pall Mall, London, on 25 February 1982, explaining that he had a chance encounter with MM [i.e. Michael Metcalf] at Baldwin's, as both of them were "up for the Pyx exhibition at the Goldsmith's Hall". CEB says that MM told him he would be asking MD for comments on any revised version of the paper but will show it to him and probably invite him to produce a reply. CEB says that he told MM that they could produce a revision that meets MM's points and would welcome a reply from MD in the same volume but had no intention of remodelling their entire paper along the lines the MD suggested. In closing, he describes the Pyx exhibition at Goldsmith's as very attractive.

Blunt, Christopher Evelyn

Five letters from Christopher Blunt to Ian Stewart, one with attachment, and one set of notes from Ian Stewart signed by Christopher Blunt

Five letters from Christopher Blunt to Ian Stewart, one with attachment, and one set of notes from Ian Stewart signed by Christopher Blunt:
(a) letter from Christopher Blunt to Ian Stewart, one folio (recto & verso), dated from Ramsbury on 24 July 1987, thanking IS for his telephone call that morning and noting that he has told Stewart [Lyon] they will be expecting him for the day on Saturday. He says that Baldwin's are holding for him "the Diola of Offa from the recent sale" but that it is frail so they prefer not to post it. If IS can get hold of it, they can look at it together, but he says that IS should not go to any trouble as Peter [Mitchell?] is planning to visit him in August. He says that he prefers 973 as the date of the Chester 1857 hoard rather than BP's 970 "because we know that there was an HR3 in the find".
(b) letter from Christopher Blunt to Ian Stewart, one folio (recto & verso), on Ramsbury letterhead but dated from Ridgeway Hospital,Eroughton, Swindon, on 31 October 1987, with attachment (see item (c) below), thanking IS and family for their love and good wishes. He says that he will know more when his doctor calls. He refers to an enclosed [letter?] from Marion [Archibald] on the Offa/Withred [?], asking IS to make a copy and return it. He notes that her conclusions are similar to theirs and that it is reasonable for her, as a museum assistant, not to wish to recommend such a controversial piece to the Trustees. He mentions Harry Manville being here [i.e. in the UK] and, having sent to him "the first 85 closely typed pages of his and Tony Robertson's index for 1731-1799", which he describes as a "fascinating miscellany". He promises to put together all tenth-century stuff when he returns home.
(c) enlarged photocopy of an Offa coin image, single page, with manuscript caption that reads: "found at Eastbury, Lambourne, Berks, November 1987" (attached to item (b) above).
(d) letter from Christopher Blunt to Ian Stewart, single page, dated from Ramsbury on 2 November 1987, informing IS that he has been diagnosed with lung cancer and doesn't have much time. He hopes to get home on Thursday.
(e) letter from Christopher Blunt to Ian Stewart, single page, dated from Ramsbury on 3 November 1987, notifying IS that he has "a set of sample machine plates proofs back for CTCE [= Coinage in Tenth-Century England] for [him] to keep". He says that it's difficult to judge from his sick bed but they look alright. A set has gone to CSSL [i.e. Stewart Lyon]
(f) notes evidently taken by Ian Stewart from CEB's dictation, in typescript, two pages on two folios (recto only), with the heading "Notes from Ian Stewart signed by Christopher Blunt on 9.11.87", written in CEB's voice in the first person. The notes summarise the importance of the Blunt collection, stress that it should be available to future scholars for study, and outline possible arrangements for disposing of it. CEB expresses interest in the collection being "accepted by public museums with Treasury consent in lieu of tax/duty", wishing that the Fitzwilliam Museum be given the opportunity to acquire the bulk of the later coins from the 13th-16th centuries to raise the level of that institution's series of English silver coins to that "commensurate with the outstanding collection of Continental [coins] deposited by Prof. Grierson. He also wishes the Fitzwilliam "be able to acquire a selection of my Anglo-Saxon and other coins in order to fill out their existing holdings and make them more representative". He notes that he has bequeathed a few individual pieces to the British Museum and wishes that a further selection of items of great interest, particularly in the Anglo-Saxon series, be made available to the Museum for acceptance in lieu of tax. Subject to the financial requirements of his executors, he allows that further coins made be offered to other museums. Remaining coins, beyond any that his beneficiaries may wish to keep, would be set aside for disposal by private treaty or auction; he appoints IS to oversee the disposal of his numismatic assets and, if necessary, to act as arbitrator between or adviser to the parties involved. He asked that the entire collection be photographed and the prints available for sale to the BNS. If the SCBI Committee wishes to publish a volume of his Anglo-Saxon coins, he hopes that the Blunt Trust would be able to contribute towards the costs. Assuming that the Fitzwilliam Museum acquires the bulk of his later coins, he hopes that they are published in due course in the Medieval European Coinage series. At the bottom of the first page, there are CEB's clarifications to the preceding matter. The second page includes extracts from CEB's will and wishes, willing two coins of two 8th-century Kentish kings plus a further penny that he attributes to Edward V to the British Museum and wishing that a medieval seal matrix formerly belonging to Shirley-Fox go to the Wiltshire Archaeological Society, and that a rare 17th-century token issued by John Samuel Blunt and a prisoner-of-war engraved piece be among any items to be retained.
(g) letter from Christopher Blunt to Ian Stewart, typescript, single page, dated from Ramsbury on 10 November 1987, thanking IS for giving so much thought to the problem of his coin collection. He regards the solution proposed by IS as admirable and has signed the letter that IS wrote (see item (f) above). He says that the arrangements primarily concern the two elements of his English coin collection, but there are other elements that may be dealt with separately, e.g. Continental coins that may supplement Philip Grierson's coins [in the Fitzwilliam]. He refers to IS's recommendation that the whole collection be photographed, which he understood as applying to the English elements only. He says that a number of his books have been earmarked to be given to friends and agrees that other friends be given a chance to take away any other books before sale, at their valuation. He likes IS's idea that his later Medieval [English?] coins provide an off-set for Philip's in MEC. He says that he has asked his son Simon to put aside his paper copies of Burns' Scottish Coinage, which he wishes to give to IS. In a postscript, he says that there are a number of Fox notebooks relating to coins, "in the cupboard behind the piano", that are destined for the Fitzwilliam Museum.

Blunt, Christopher Evelyn

Four letters from Christopher Blunt to Ian Stewart and one letter from Ian Stewart to Christopher Blunt

Four letters from Christopher Blunt to Ian Stewart and one letter from Ian Stewart to Christopher Blunt:
(a) letter from Christopher Blunt to Ian Stewart, manuscript, one folio (recto & verso), dated from Ramsbury on 22 February 1976, adding to what he wrote on the previous day [?] by recounting the history of the Crockerton coin hoard, from near Warminster, found in March 1972, during the three and a half years that it took for the reward to reach the finders. There is a manuscript note in the upper right margin of the recto, in pen in the hand of IS, which reads: "Treasure Trove File"; in the upper left margin is the number "13" encircled.
(b) letter from Christopher Blunt to Ian Stewart, manuscript, one folio (recto & verso), dated from Ramsbury on 23 March 1976, writing about a "surprise" ruling of the [British] Academy Council on the "Start in Fund" [?] and about the possible publication of Philip Grierson's collection. He refers to the Secretary being harassed by the Council over money, proposes that they try to compile some facts and figures, and asks IS how he would like to proceed. He also notes that he is enclosing a draft of the minutes regarding the matter for IS to edit and improve before he sends it to Dorothy [Whitelock]. In the upper letter left margin is the number "17" in manuscript.
(c) letter from Christopher Blunt to Ian Stewart, manuscript, one folio (recto & verso), dated from Ramsbury on 24 May 1976, writing that he has received a helpful reply from Dorothy W. [i.e. Whitelock], who makes suggestions. His impression is that she thinks they are on the right track. He also notes that she sound a Searle reference that had eluded him and promise to let IS if hears anything further from Spinks about the Lucas family.
(d) letter from Christopher Blunt to Ian Stewart, manuscript, one folio (recto & verso), dated from Ramsbury on 8 September 1976, noting his delight that IS thinks the plan for a 10th-century volume is a "starter" and adding that Stewart [Lyon] feels the same. CEB's idea is that they should aim to publish it around the same time as the Sylloge volumes in 1979. He refers to two enclosures: one is a list of the buyers of lots in the [Derek] Allen sale and the other is a photocopy of a parcel of coins in SNC [i.e. Spinks Numismatic Circular] from May 1910 that he just obtained from Spinks. He suspects that the parcel "is the source of most of the coins in NK [?] recorded as bought by Evans ex Spink – and note that BMC 221 adds specifically ex Shillington". He asks for the return of the photocopy and notes that he just received proofs of the plates from OUP for the Wessex Sylloge, which he promises to show IS, and he thanks IS for proving him with a reference.
(e) letter from Ian Stewart to Christopher Blunt, typescript (carbon-copy), dated 28 October 1976, noting an enclosure of "a copy of a letter from the Chief Secretary to the Treasury which came out of the blue and goes a very long way towards meeting the points which I made to him earlier this year". He suugests that CEB may be interested to see a copy of a statement that IS made to the press about it. He also asks that CEB provide comments for the Minister "concerning the working of the proposed Committee".

Blunt, Christopher Evelyn

Four letters from Christopher Blunt to Ian Stewart and three letters from Ian Stewart to Christopher Blunt

Four letters from Christopher Blunt to Ian Stewart and three letters from Ian Stewart to Christopher Blunt:
(a) letter from Ian Stewart to Christopher Blunt, manuscript, one folio (recto & verso), dated from St George's Road, London SE1, on 6 October 1973, congratulating CEB on his receipt of an AMH [?] medal and noting how infrequently it has been awarded to English numismatists. He says that he has just returned from Dublin, where he picked up a copy of the MD [i.e. Michael Dolley] publication on Irish history in the 12th-14th centuries but wasn't able to understand much of it. He also asks CEB about "the irony of MD being unable to read his paper of Edgar's reform at the Michaelmas meeting in 1973".
(b) letter from Christopher Blunt to Ian Stewart, manuscript, one folio (recto & verso), dated from Ramsbury on 8 October 1973, thanking IS for his congratulations advice, commenting on Michael Dolley's Irish history and conceding that he had not appreciated the significance of the Michaelmas 1973.
(c) letter from Christopher Blunt to Ian Stewart, manuscript, one folio (recto & verso), dated from Ramsbury on 26 October 1973,
discussing arrangements for exhibits.
(d) letter from Christopher Blunt to Ian Stewart, manuscript, one folio (recto & verso), dated from Ramsbury on 28 October 1973, thanking IS for reminding him of two references. He expects trouble "with our friend" but feels fortified [by information that IS has passed to him]. He mentions that Lowick has found a kufic coin from the Cuerdale hoard, which encourages him to trace as many of these as he can and record them properly, noting that there are six in Liverpool.
(e) letter from Ian Stewart to Christopher Blunt, manuscript, one folio (recto & verso), dated from St George's Road, London SE1, on 10 November 1973, expressing his support of CEB's suggestion for the exhibits. He reports finding "an Edward small ('blundered inscr.')" that reads +GODRCCONGEPIITI and asks CEB whether he would like to publish it along with his William I [in the BNJ]. He expresses interest in CEB's plans to record the kufic coins from Cuerdale. He also mentions seeing a Flanders sterling of Robert de Bethune with the Scottish type in CEB's [coin] trays and asks whether he may have a cast of the coin. He says that he collating material on the profile/mullet sterling imitations.
(f) letter from Ian Stewart to Christopher Blunt, manuscript, one folio (recto & verso), dated from St George's Road, London SE1, on 21 December 1973, thanking CEB for "such a marvellous Christmas present ... [of] Count Robert's coin", which he says is so close to Bruce's that "it must have been directly inspired". IS also thanks CEB for a copy of his Cuerdale note, comments on the "marvellous run of coins still at Downham", and mentions John Brand's return home "after a painful time". He says that he has acquired "the little (centre of a) Rainalt hand/Karolus ex F.B." and offers to CEB if the type is not already represented in his collection.
(g) letter from Christopher Blunt to Ian Stewart, manuscript, three pages on two folios (recto & verso), dated from Ramsbury on 27 December 1973, thanking IS for sending the Seaby book with Whitton's articles and discussing some finer points about referencing a particular collection. He recounts the ongoing Christmas holiday at his house and says that he is "still having trouble with Michael [Dolley] over demonetisation". He notes that he is supposed to be reading at the BNS on the Bath hoard next month and plans to add discussion of the Kintbury hoard because it was found within six years of the other hoard and was closed within an even shorter interval. He says that he has now managed to identify some of the coins from Kintbury and has discovered that he even owns one of them.

Blunt, Christopher Evelyn

Four letters from Christopher Blunt to Ian Stewart and two letters from Ian Stewart to Christopher Blunt with one attachment

Four letters from Christopher Blunt to Ian Stewart and two letters from Ian Stewart to Christopher Blunt with one attachment:
(a) letter from Ian Stewart to Christopher Blunt, manuscript, one folio (recto & verso), dated from Westminster Hospital on 6 March [1980], saying that he had been reading up on Brescia Mia to have something to think about while in hospital for his wisdom teeth. He encloses notes of "a few random thoughts" (see item (b) below) on which he asks CEB's comments.
(b) set of notes of Ian Stewart in two copies (one on yellow paper), manuscript (carbon-copies), on House of Commons letterhead, dated 6 March 1980, signed "IS" and entitled "Viking Notes", with eleven points or questions (attached to item (a) above) [about Brescia Mia?].
(c) letter from Christopher Blunt to Ian Stewart, manuscript, three pages on two folios, dated from Ramsbury on 7 Match 1980, thanking IS for sending his thoughts on "Brescia mia" and noting that it is time for him to rethink his own views on the subject. He says that "Elizabeth Pirie is being pressed to produce a piece on that curious lead object with the Edwig die impressions and is from happy about it". He discusses Pirie's views, the object and his own efforts to advise her at some length.
(d) letter from Ian Stewart to Christopher Blunt, manuscript, one folio (recto & verso), dated from the House of Commons on 17 March 1980, following up on his "Viking Notes" and saying that his ruminations arose from the observation that "the relatively common [...] standard type was not in Rome, but to many (much rarer) Viking coins [...] were", which led him to wonder the whether the standard type were a bit later, "or if Aura & Rathulf were at this stage striking farther south so that their coins, like Arnulf's and Nothe's, entered the Rome hoard before the standard type had penetrated Southumbrian currency.
(e) letter from Christopher Blunt to Ian Stewart, manuscript, three pages on two folios, dated from Ramsbury on 28 Match 1980, returning copies of a paper to IS with a few notes, reiterating his view that one of their main problems concerns the relationship between certain of the "irregular" coinages and "the regular coinage to which they are occasionally die-linked" and dismissing some of the possible explanations. He says that he has gone through his card index, distinguishing between "some thoroughly irregular" coins and others with only slight irregularities. He goes on to discuss coins recently found by metaldetector in Suffolk. He refers the new house with "the very aristocratic address of Baldwin Crescent" and mentions his wife Elizabeth's continued hospitalisation. He notes that Philip's project [i.e. MEC?] had "quite a good reception at the British Academy" but notes that one or two people worried that it may set a dangerous precedent for claims from other museums.
(f) letter from Christopher Blunt to Ian Stewart, manuscript, one folio (recto & verso), dated from Ramsbury on 31 Match 1980, noting that the following thoughts have arisen from "a lot more work on the early Vikings". He mentions the need for coordination between IS's chapter on the subject and his on Regnald, proposes to merge his own piece in with IS's chapter and discusses some of the adjustments needed.
(g) letter from Christopher Blunt to Ian Stewart, manuscript, one folio (recto & verso), dated from Ramsbury on 11 April 1980, writing to report that he has just "acquired the Edgar Heriger with retrograde legend on the name" and noting that "it proves to be the Lockett specimen, 3708a, which die-links with Lockett 3706d by A[smaued?].

Blunt, Christopher Evelyn

Four letters from Ian Stewart to Christopher Blunt

Four letters from Ian Stewart to Christopher Blunt:
(a) letter from Ian Stewart to Christopher Blunt, one folio folded into a booklet (recto & verso), dated from Haileybury on 24 June 1953, thanking CEB for returning his manuscript on Scottish coinage, noting that he also received useful comments from Dr [Humphrey] Sutherland. He discusses various options for publishing it and mentions the need for analogous works on the Irish and Anglo-Gallic series. He says that he knows little of the latter but finds it very attractive; if he were to take it on, he says, it would have to be well into the future. For the Irish coins, he says that Carolyn-Britton would be the one to carry out such an undertaking. In his Scottosh book, IS says that he wants to include an appendix on the English coins of Berwick because they are closely related to the Scottish issues and CEB's article on the subject is not well enough known, though it provides the only accurate classification of the coins. He says that he has prepared a digest of the paper and asks if CEB would agree to its inclusion with an acknowledgement. If so, he will send a copy of the digest for comment.
(b) letter from Ian Stewart to Christopher Blunt, one folio folded into a booklet (recto & verso), dated from Haileybury on 8 July 1953, thanking CEB for sending the Berwick material and stating that he is most interested in the bear's head penny. If it is not 1333-1335, he says, it must be later, with 1344 being the most plausible suggestion, and he pursues the matter at some length, emphasising the importance of Berwick and just how prolific was its mint.
(c) letter from Ian Stewart to Christopher Blunt, one folio folded into a booklet (recto & verso), dated from Haileybury on 1 September [1953], sending a spare copy of his appendix on Berwick in the event that it may be of some use, noting that it is mainly a digest of CEB's own work with a few more recent discoveries added. He asks the weight of CEB's Berwick VII/VI mule, which he is publishing in the next Numismatic Chronicle. He mentions his training for national service and imminent call-up, which will leave him "virtually lost for two years". He describes some of his recent coin acquisitions and comments that his book is now at the proof stage. He asks about the deadline for submissions for the next BNJ and mentions some of his possible contributions.
(d) letter from Ian Stewart to Christopher Blunt, one folio folded into a booklet (recto & verso), dated from Elysium, Haileybury, on 29 November [1953], thanking CEB for sending a copy of his "Anglo-Saxon notes" and sending a copy of his paper in return. He says that he sure about "Heaberht" being right and comments on the distinctiveness of the early [Anglo-Saxon] pennies. He asks for the return of his paper on James III and IV if CEB has any interest in publishing it, as he would like to make a small addition. Having now read Whitton [on Henry VIII], he wonders about the significance of Mr [Herbert] Schneider's crown mule and asks about the possibility of obtaining copies of Whitton on Henry VI or back issues of the Journal.

Stewart, Bernard Harold Ian Halley

Four letters from Ian Stewart to Christopher Blunt with a page of notes

Four letters from Ian Stewart to Christopher Blunt with a page of notes:
(a) letter from Ian Stewart to Christopher Blunt, manuscript, one folio (recto & verso), dated from St George's Rd, London SE1, on 2 August 1974, thanking CEB "for sending the Edw V card", which IS now returns along with a page of notes that he "basically compiled when [he] was last at Ramsbury" (see item (b) below). He says that he is considering the idea of publishing [i.e. writing?] "a brief note about the Parsons/Baines [coin] die, which does not appear to have been recognised (as altered) previously, unless '10' is an error for '9' in the B & W note". He says that he has intended to ask CEB whether "he had a note of a BH groat from the die of Montagnii 634 altered". Although not very important, he would be interested to know how many S/R dies are known to have been altered to BH, and how many not, because the question has implications for "the likely length of Ed IV [type?] XXII". If the nearly all the S/R dies were altered, he says, then S/R was probably introduced shortly before the death of Edward IV. Concerning the 10th century, he is surprised at the number of Edgar's moneyers who can be associated with named mints. There is a note in CEB's hand in the upper right margin to the effect that he answered the letter on 10 [December?] 1974, but there appears to be no letter of CEB of that date among the papers.
(b) "Notes on Edward V groat", manuscript (photocopy), single page, signed "IS" and dated 31 July 1974. The page of notes begins with one on "CEB doubtful B.H. groat (not in JSF trays, but in bottom drawer) has POSVI [followed by vertical double-x], which IS believes may be an altered Edward IV [type] XXI groat. Second lengthier note concerns "die-links amonst S/R & B.H. groats" and his assessment of the "rather confused" lists in BNJ, vol. 24, 177 (CAW) & vol. 25, 325 (B & W).
(c) letter from Ian Stewart to Christopher Blunt, manuscript, one folio (recto & verso), dated from St George's Rd, London SE1, on 21 October 1974, thanking CEB for his gift of two Edward IV coins and a Henry [IV?] groat.
(d) letter from Ian Stewart to Christopher Blunt, manuscript, one folio (recto & verso), dated from the House of Commons on 24 November 1974, noting that he will miss the BNS but "feels that Stewart Lyon is the strongest competitor for [the] Sanford Saltus [medal]". He has nevertheless "asked [Stuart] Rigold to air the idea of Potter in view of his tenuous hold on life", noting that he has developed a high opinion of his work. He wouldn't push Potter's case if others were unenthusiastic but notes that it may be his last chance. He next discusses the card index, stating that he favours "the Litilmann-Osulf form", like CEB, but he puts forward two suggestions that he supposes CEB may not like. In closing, he speaks of the difficulties involved in putting together a "classification or system when you are not exactly sure what you are expecting to emerge from it".
(e) letter from Ian Stewart to Christopher Blunt, manuscript, one folio (recto & verso), dated from St George's Rd, London SE1, on 29 December 1974, hoping that CEB had a good Christmas and commenting on his failure to send out any cards. He returns Whitton's note about the Edward V dies, thanking CEB for for allowing him to see them and stating that he made a photocopy of them for his records. There is further discussion about comparison of the RCB & Hunter sun/rose pennies against CEB's with BH and the possibility of die-links. He also says that Stewart [Lyon] had told him about an Offa link.

Stewart, Bernard Harold Ian Halley

Four letters of Ian Stewart to Christopher Blunt

Five letters from Ian Stewart to Christopher Blunt:
(a) manuscript, three pages on two folios, dated from 22 Finch Lane, EC3, on 19 March [1960], noting that "the two English coins in the Glenluce hoard [...] have been deliberately chipped down to the weights of the James III groat and half-groat", which in effect makes them Scottish currency, according to [R.B.K.] Stevenson, but he has asked for a cast of the Henry IV groat for CEB. He asks about the presence of Lombardic Rs on London halfpence of the second coinage of Edward III. He notes that he has two with different readings and asks whether CEB would be interested in taking them, "plus perhaps and Anglo-Saxon coin or two, in exchange for the John Baliol half-penny". He is sending the Edward III halfpence in the event that CEB is interested so that he may see them and expresses an interest in learning about their significance.
(b) manuscript, one folio (recto & verso), dated from Camlet House, Hadley Wood, Hertfordshire, on 5 June [1960], explaining his late reply to CEB's letter and his intention to make a cast from his "indifferent Robert III half-groat during a forthcoming visit to the British Museum. He notes that his holiday is subject to factors outside of his control and may preclude his acceptance of CEB's invitation to spend a weekend at Ramsbury in August, but he will let him know. He refers to an "exciting single bear's head half-penny in apparently an Edward II context" and asks whether, in mentioning the new evidence of the single bear's head coin in his paper on Scottish pence of 1280-1357, he may also mention CEB's discovery of the first mint entry for Edward III, which excludes the pence from 1333-1335.
(c) manuscript, one folio (recto & verso), dated from Camlet House, Hadley Wood, Hertfordshire, on 19 June [1960], noting that his "holiday dates are now fixed for late August", which should enable him to take up CEB's invitation for the weekend of 6 August. He expresses regret that he was unable to attend the general meeting of the Royal Numismatic Society, which caused him the miss CEB's address [i.e. the first part of his President's Address for the 1959-1960 session on Ecclesiastical coinage in England, delivered on 15 June 1960, which dates this and the preceding letter]. The last paragraph deals with "the bear's head half-penny hoard" and the efforts of IS to trace its source.
(d) manuscript, one folio (recto & verso), dated from 22 Finch Lane, EC3, on 8 August [1960], thanking CEB "for another most happy & rewarding weekend at Ramsbury, but also especially for the John Baliol ½d." and expressing his gratitude to the ladies of the house for breakfast and for ensuring that he caught his train in Hungerford. The weekend at Ramsbury and the reference to the John Baliol half-penny, in the context of the other letters, make it possible to date the latter to 1960.
(e) manuscript, one folio (recto & verso), dated from 40 Longridge Road, SW5, on 12 October [c. 1960?], thanking Mr Blunt for the opportunity "to attend the Essay Club dinner last evening". He promises to get in touch with CSSL [i.e. Stewart Lyon].

Stewart, Bernard Harold Ian Halley

Letter from Christopher Blunt to Ian Stewart and two letters from Ian Stewart to Christopher Blunt

Letter from Christopher Blunt to Ian Stewart and two letters from Ian Stewart to Christopher Blunt:
(a) letter from Ian Stewart to Christopher Blunt, manuscript, one folio (recto & verso), dated from St George's Rd, SE1, on 11 December 1968, asking CEB to check a reference in the Ducatus Leodiensis reputed to state that there were coins of William I in the Bramham Moor hoard. He suspects that the references may be to coins of William the Lion, whose coins were not recognised in 1756, and further wonders whether coins of David I and Malcolm IV might have been in the hoard.
(b) letter from Christopher Blunt to Ian Stewart, manuscript, one folios (recto & verso), dated 22 December 1968, with an enclosure of some sort that is not clearly described. He thanks IS for coming to their "little party in Albany on Friday", referring also to Lady Stenton. There are annotations in pencil in Ian Stewart's hand on the verso.
(c) letter from Ian Stewart to Christopher Blunt, manuscript, one folio (recto & verso), dated from Southwark on 29 December 1968, saying that it was kind of CEB to remember "Tingstäde" [Gotland, Sweden] for him. He says that, since returning to Ireland, M [i.e. Michael Dolley] had sent him the plates, and he wonders whether there is still time for corrections. In the event that there isn't, he makes several suggestions (about which he has also written to M). He says that his next paper for the BNJ, subject to checking a few points, is done, and he promises the final version in a week or two.

Blunt, Christopher Evelyn

Letter from David Williams with letter to him from Lord Stewartby

Two pieces of correspondence:
(a) letter from David Williams to Lord Stewartby, in typescript, single page, dated 29 July 1992, thanking IS for for his letter regarding "next year's honorary graduands" (see (b) below). The verso side of the letter, otherwise blank, carries the the name "Grierson" [in reference to Philip Grierson], in manuscript but not in Lord Stewartby's hand.
(b) copy of a letter from Lord Stewartby to David Williams, in typescript, two pages on two folios (recto only), dated 21 July 1992, setting out the case for the University of Cambridge to confer an honorary degree on Philip Grierson.

Williams, David G. T.

Letter from Ian Stewart to Christopher Blunt

Letter from Ian Stewart to Christopher Blunt, manuscript, three pages on two small folios, dated from Jesus College, Cambridge, on 10 May 1957, noting that he "gathered from Albert B. [i.e. Baldwin] that Fred [Baldwin?] had the idea of publishing the Brussels Scots coins before the Lockett sale" but abandoned the plan once he realised it was impossible. He suggests that the BM would be the best repository for the manuscript. He says that his part in Lockett is now finished, having "pointed out a great number of possible corrections to Fred Baldwin's manuscript", though "not all of them have been incorporated", according to Albert. He mentions his hopes for the upcoming Lockett sale but notes that he is working very and his numismatic interests are in the background. Even so, he wonders whether Alfred's coins with cross on steps may have any connection with him ruling in Northumbria after the death of Guthred, noting that "Siefred's coins of this type are perhaps the earliest of all the Viking coins in Cuerdale".

Stewart, Bernard Harold Ian Halley

Letter from Ian Stewart to Peter Berghaus with attachment

Letter from Ian Stewart to Peter Berghaus, in manuscript, one folio (recto & verso), dated 17 January 1979, with attachment, acknowledging receipt of PB's Dortmund volume and declaring it "splendid". IS asks whether PB is aware who first used "Da Pacem Domine" on coinage, noting that it also appears on the 1553 testoon of Mary of Scotland and on a Basel coin of the mid-16th century. He notes that Mary also uses "Vicit Leo da Tribu Juda", which he presumes was copied from Pope Leo by way of Germany. He says that he does not know Mr Rampling but is interested in his paper. He returns PB's photographs, having taken two that he needs. He notes that he has been unable to follow-up on two of the references that PB gave him and asks for photocopies of the relevant pages so that he can reference them in his paper. The attachment is a typescript, 4pp, of a short note that IS has submitted to Coin Hoards on the "Naxos" find entitled "A hoard of English sterlings from the Aegean".

Stewart, Bernard Harold Ian Halley

Letter from Ian Stewart to Stewart Lyon

Letter from Ian Stewart to Stewart Lyon, manuscript (photocopy), single page, dated 26 August 1979, expressing an interest in discussing Edward the Elder and giving his reaction to CSSL's draft paper. IS proposes "to loot virtually all of the first three pages for the historical introduction", replacing them [in CSSL's text] with a summary paragraph. He says that he doesn't "at all like the Smyth-Dolley line putting Regnald's coinage back to c. 914". He also suggests that "the blundered East Anglian coins are surely not so much imitations as products of a rather unprofessional mint, noting that he is passing along part of the relevant SCBI proofs and adding that he has drafted a short chapter on the 10th-century imitations that he will send once it is typed. He recommends arranging the paper by geographical series rather than [chronological] phases, which he believes would be more comprehensible. Finally, he says that he he favours tables if moneyers and styles for each series and suggests the inclusion of "a skeleton corpus of moneyers/styles based on the card index, along the lines of Athelstan". In a postscript, he notes that he is sending a copy of the letter to Christopher.

Stewart, Bernard Harold Ian Halley

Letter from Julia Williams to Philip Grierson on behalf of Ian Stewart

Carbon-copy of a letter from Mrs Julia Williams, Secretary to Ian Stewart MP, to Philip Grierson on behalf of Ian Stewart, typescript, single page, dated 22 January 1981, confirming that IS has booked a table for lunch on Wednesday 28 January at the House of Commons. He has arranged to meet Miss Feddon [?] in the Central Lobby of the House of Commons at 1pm and would be grateful if PG could be there at about that time.

Stewart, Bernard Harold Ian Halley

Letter from Lord Charteris with two letters to him from Ian Stewart

Letter from Lord Charteris with two letters to him from Ian Stewart:
(a) letter from Ian Stewart to Lord Charteris, Chairman of the National Heritage Memorial Fund, typescript (copy), two pages on two folios, dated 18 March 1992, about a question that has arisen regarding the Blunt collection of coins in the Fitzwilliam Museum and the ability of the Museum, under the terms of the agreement with the NHMF, "to dispose of some duplicates for the purpose of acquiring other items that would enhance the Museum's overall collection". IS explains that the disposal of duplicates is entirely in accord with Christopher Blunt's wishes and that, with the full agreement of the other parties involved, he had begun to arrange for duplicates in the collection to be disposed to provide funds for the acquisition of other items not represented in the Museum's collection already prior to formal submission of the collection for acceptance in lieu of tax. His other obligations nevertheless made it impossible for him to complete the process and, consequently, there remain in the collection a number of items that "it would not be sensible for the Fitzwilliam to retain". He proposes a plan whereby the Museum's acquisition of the part of the collection with duplicates to be disposed would be regarded as having been financed by the Museum itself and the estate's executors.
(b) letter from Lord Charteris to Ian Stewart, typescript, single page, dated 23 March 1992, in reply to Ian Stewart's letter of 18 March, stating that "There is no real difficulty about the request from the Fitzwilliam Museum for the NHMF to allow the disposal of some of the coins", but that the NHMF needs "to take some advice on whether the disposal is in order" since it was never told at the outset of the Museum's intentions. He says that the Trustees will consider to Blunt coins at their monthly meeting and that he does not anticipate any difficulty in the matter.
(c) letter from Ian Stewart to Lord Charteris, typescript (copy), single page, dated 8 April 1992, in reply to the letter of Lord Charteris of 2[3] March, thanking him for his letter and expressing his understanding that the matter has been resolved satisfactorily.

Charteris, Mark M. C.

Letter to Christopher Brooke

Carbon copy of a letter from Ian Stewart to Christopher Brooke, in typescript, single page, dated 26 March 1980, regarding front matter for the [Philip Grierson] Festschrift. IS says that he had forgotten about his undertaking to draft an editorial note about the contents but, working from memory, has now prepared one for CNLB's comments. Because he was working from memory, he says that some adjustments may be required. He also says that omitted Chipolla [sic; recto: Cipolla] because he couldn't recall his subject. He is unsure whether CNLB wishes to include any other form of preface or introduction, but he says that he will put something together on the numismatics for CNLB and Terry Volk to adjust as necessary.

Stewart, Bernard Harold Ian Halley

Letter to Françoise Dumas

Carbon copy of a letter to Françoise Dumas, in typescript, single page, dated 12 April 1979 (two copies), as cover for the enclosed translation of her paper, which IS asks her to check and return to Terry Volk at the Fitzwilliam Museum. IS hopes that the translation conveys the intended sense, refers to some specific adjustments carried out in the interest of clarity, and asks whether FD wishes to include illustrations of her four main types. He also notes that the titles are articles in French have sometimes been translated in the notes and will require correcting to the original form. In closing, he thanks FD for such an interesting contribution in honour of their friend, Philip Grierson.

Stewart, Bernard Harold Ian Halley

Letter to Graham Pollard

Photocopy of a letter (fair copy) from Ian Stewart to Graham Pollard, in typescript, single page, dated 21 January 1981, expressing concern "that the [Philip Grierson] Festschrift is not yet ready for the publishers" and suggesting that he approach the Director of the Fitzwilliam Museum to enquire whether he would allow GP to use Museum time to prepare the material for the publishers. He also reports that, according to Peter Ilisch, Peter Berghaus was dissatisfied with the translation of his paper, and he asks GP to check with Terry Volk to see whether the problems have been resolved. He apologises that GP must carry the burden of delivering the volume to press but assures him that it be a great relief once it is done. There also carbon copy of the same, with typewritten corrections, and a "with compliments" note that was originally stapled to the fair copy.

Stewart, Bernard Harold Ian Halley

Letter to Jean Lafaurie

Carbon copy of letter from Ian Stewart to Jean Lafaurie, in typescript, single page, dated 3 September 1979, as cover for an enclosure of the paper of [Stanisław] Suchodoski [sic; recto: Sucholdolski] for the Philip Grierson Festschrift. IS advises that the author has authorised him to send the paper to JL, and he asks JL whether he may send his paper to SS.

Stewart, Bernard Harold Ian Halley

Letter to Mark Blackburn with attachments

Carbon copy of a letter from Ian Stewart to Mark Blackburn, in typescript, single page, dated 22 December 1976, congratulating MASB on his successful trip to Stockholm and looking forward to discussing "the Somerset material" and MASB's "discoveries of long-cross imitations. IS also expresses interest in MASB's discovery of "another Harold of type 9", noting that the name on the BM specimen does not appear altered.

Stewart, Bernard Harold Ian Halley

Lichfield and Chichester, by Lord Stewartby

"Lichfield and Chichester", by Lord Stewartby, typescript, four pages (recto only), undated but datable to no later than 2001 when the published version of the paper appeared in the Numismatic Chronicle, vol. 161 (2001), pp. 293-295, and probably to 2000 on the basis of other relevant material in the archive (see related units of description). The paper has several additions and corrections.

Stewart, Bernard Harold Ian Halley

One letter and two cards from Michael Dolley with attachments

One letter from Michael Dolley – with page of IS's notes attached – and two cards from Michael Dolley plus two photographs:
(a) letter, in typescript, one folio (recto & verso), dated from the Museovirasto in Helsinki on 23 August 1973, explaining that he will be delayed in returning to Ireland, mainly due to "devaluation and the steep rise in fares" and will be unable to read his paper at the BNS in September. He asks IS if he would like to read his Sihtric Caoch paper and a note on a die-link in the Scandinavian series on his behalf. He mentions two enclosures, including material for the slides and the text of the Scandinavian note, but adds that he needs another fortnight to finish the Sihtric Caoch paper. He further states that stay in Scandinavia until October will enable him to finish SCBI fascicles for Stockholm and Copenhagen. In a PS, he says that he takes issue with one or two things in IS's review of his book in the BNJ. There is an attached page of manuscript notes, in IS's hand, on the verso of a typescript page, apparently unrelated.
(b) card, in manuscript, recto & verso, dated from the Statens Historiska Museum och Kungl. Myntkabinettet on 11 September 1973, as cover for the carbon of his Sihtric Caoch paper, noting that he sent the top copy to his collaborator Moore (Lincoln Museum) for his comments. He says that he hopes to begin work on the Hand paper and asks IS to put him down for September 1974 for papers of the Hand types of Æthelræd II and the early issues of Edward the Confessor. Because he has a Royal Irish Academy Fellowship to go to IOM next July and August, he won't be away in September. He asks about IS's plans to write on the Henry VII sovereign-groat and thanks him for being understanding about his inability to be at the BNS. In closing, he says that "Leningrad was hell".
(c) card, in typescript, recto only, undated but sent on the same kind of card of the Statens Historiska Museum och Kungl. Myntkabinettet as the previous piece. He says that he has received a letter from Ireland about a St Peter found in Dunmore Cave and notes other coins that have come to light in the same context, signalling "the scatter of a small hoard".
(d) photograph of eight coins, including sword, hand and small cross types, numbered, with attached note.
(e) photograph (polaroid) of five coins: all sword types

Dolley, R. H. Michael

One letter from Christopher Blunt to Ian Stewart and four letters from Ian Stewart to Christopher Blunt

One letter from Christopher Blunt to Ian Stewart and four letters from Ian Stewart to Christopher Blunt:
(a) letter from Ian Stewart to Christopher Blunt, manuscript, one folio, dated from Ewelme on 1 February 1970, congratulating CEB on the latest volume of the [British Numismatic] Journal but noting a blemish in his contribution on Ethelred and asking rectification could be slipped into a miscellanea plate in the Journal this year or next. He expresses enthusiasm about the possibility of seeing mint figures for the early 18th century from [Peter Alan] Rayner and/or [John P.C.] Kent, hopes that "the MD [i.e. Michael Dolley] problem is sorting itself out, and noting that the death of FB [i.e. Albert Henry Frederick Baldwin, d. 12 January 1970] has led to the discovery of all the unsold Scottish coins from the Brussels hoard. In a postscript, he says that he is happy to learn that CEB's work on Athelstan will appear as a Special Publication of the Royal Numismatic Society. There are annotations in CEB's hand on the recto, with one in the upper margin
(b) letter from Ian Stewart to Christopher Blunt, manuscript, one folio, dated from St George's Road, London SE1, on 16 February 1970, thanking CEB "profoundly" for his "very kind & generous" present of "the die-linked pseudo Ethelred". He apologises for inadvertently missing the Sylloge Committee meeting, thanks CEB for the Ethelred photographs and comments that it may be better to use casts for the miscellanea plate. He also hopes for a resolution to the the Irish problem and "the miserable predicament which exists at present".
(c) letter from Ian Stewart to Christopher Blunt, manuscript, one folio, dated from St George's Road, London SE1, on 20 March 1970, saying that he enjoyed CEB's survey of St Edmund and enclosing his "miserably few examples" in case they are of interest. He expresses his view that the coinage is not "a city coinage of a patron saint like St Peter, Martin etc." and looks forward to seeing the paper in print. He also warns that he will not attend the next BNS meeting and asks CEB to give Michael [Dolley] "the enclosed note of apology for his missing paper". In a postscript, he asks whether it is a "fair criterion that Cuerdale St Es have A [with an inverted circumflex crossbar] and later A [without crossbar].
(d) letter from Ian Stewart to Christopher Blunt, manuscript, one folio, dated from St George's Road, London SE1, on 2 April 1970, assuring CEB that he is in no hurry for the return of his St Edmunds [i.e. coins] and agreeing that these coins likely derive from a number of different mints but wondering what the inscription INR means. He considers the notion that the "Rex Do Alfred St Edmunds" were struck at Canterbury but tends towards the view of Michael [Dolley], who suggests East Anglia. He asks whether Marion Archibald is aware of the proposed invitation to join the Sylloge Committee, and expresses satisfaction that she asked him to do the Scottish element of the Colchester hoard. He says that "she is now in an understanding & cooperative frame of mind" but feels that "the BM's Dollophobia is unabated". He also states that, in view of his other commitments, he is unlikely to have his short-cross article ready for the next BNJ, but does have one or two short pieces that would be suitable. In a postscript, IS enquires about BNJ offprints.
(e) letter from Christopher Blunt to Ian Stewart, typescript (carbon copy), one folio (recto & verso), dated 6 April 1970, in reply to IS's letter of 2 April, beginning with discussion of Michael Dolley's reference about the possibility that the REX DO coins were struck in East Anglia. He goes on to say that Marion Archibald has been invited to join the Sylloge Committee but she has declined without stating a reason, though he adds that IS can probably guess the reason and says that Michael [Dolley] "is completely mystified". He is pleased that IS is doing the Scottish component of the Colchester hoard and that the BNJ would be delighted to have it in principle but notes that Michael [Dolley] now wants "to be consulted on everything. He tells IS not to worry about the short-cross article because the journal may have more than it can manage, but he asks IS not to broadcast as much since room can always be made for good-quality material. CEB notes that he has had several enquiries about offprints and has written to Dublin about it but has not yet had any reply.

Blunt, Christopher Evelyn

One letter from Christopher Blunt to Ian Stewart and four letters from Ian Stewart to Christopher Blunt

One letter from Christopher Blunt to Ian Stewart and four letters from Ian Stewart to Christopher Blunt:
(a) letter from Ian Stewart to Christopher Blunt, manuscript, two folios (recto & verso), dated from St George's Road, London SE1, on 18 March 1972, evidently in reply to an invitation to come to Ramsbury, with IS noting that his family will be away in Rhodes during the second half of April. He asks CEB to give his apologies to the Sylloge Committee. He wonders whether there is "any chance of BM/Norwich disgorging some of the 300 duplicates from the Morley St P[eter] hoard to other museums" and about Peter Sawyer's opinion of the index volume. He notes the "marvellous review of Petersson in BNJ by B.M. [i.e. Brita Malmer?] and thanks CEB for offering "something on pseudo-Athelstans". He comments favourably on the subject of "Ruskin on coins" and is pleased to learn that "there will be offprints from the D.W. Festschrift".
(b) letter from Ian Stewart to Christopher Blunt, manuscript, one folio (recto & verso), dated from St George's Road, London SE1, on 8 April 1972, welcoming CEB's "offer of a talk on some [his] earlier numismatic acquaintances" and commenting on CEB's report about the Sylloge Committee meeting.
(c) letter from Ian Stewart to Christopher Blunt, manuscript, one folio (recto & verso), dated from St George's Road, London SE1, on 29 August 1972, expressing delight over his florin pennies and thanking CEB for allowing him to see his many 15th-century treasures, leaving "duly fortified for EC2 and mumps"!
(d) letter from Ian Stewart to Christopher Blunt, manuscript, one folio (recto & verso), dated from St George's Road, London SE1, on 18 October 1972, reporting that "Brian Warwick has offered [him] a Doubleday Ed III post-treaty ½ groat from the same obv. as his Henry IV, so he mentions to CEB in the event that he would like it. He expresses concern that, after the last Sylloge Committee meeting, it seemed the numismatic function of the proposed index was in danger of being neglected, since it must facilitate searches of reign, type, mint, moneyer and/or combination of these.
(e) letter from Christopher Blunt to Ian Stewart, manuscript, two folios (recto & verso), dated 23 October 1972, thanking IS for bringing the Edw III ½ groat to his attention as he would like to have it. There is reference to an oversight apparent in the Lessen catalogue and suggests the [Eric] Harris has a sharp eye for variants in the relevant series. CEB says that he stayed out of discussions over the index at the Sylloge Committee meeting, "partly because Michael dolley is so touchy about any suggestions in it that do not conform with his own ideas". He also wishes to avoid imposing "too great a burden on the person who will be doing the work" [i.e. Mrs Sharp?], since it will be "a fairly mammoth task". He agrees that what IS proposes would be best but is doubtful about asking her to go into such detail. The letter continues with discussion about various aspects of the proposed index.

Blunt, Christopher Evelyn

One letter from Christopher Blunt to Ian Stewart and four letters from Ian Stewart to Christopher Blunt

One letter from Christopher Blunt to Ian Stewart and four letters from Ian Stewart to Christopher Blunt:
(a) letter from Ian Stewart to Christopher Blunt, manuscript, one folio (recto & verso) dated from Muswell Hill, London N10, on 3 October [1954], enclosing a potential contribution for the next BNJ and discussing possible illustrations. He notes that he leaves for Portsmouth the next day and says that his book has reached the point where it is now out of his control.
(b) letter from Ian Stewart to Christopher Blunt, manuscript, two folios (recto & verso), dated from Victoria Barracks, Portsmouth, on 22 October [1954], thanking CEB for his letter, which was forwarded to him, and expressing the hope that his paper is of interest but also understanding in the event that there isn't room for it. He says that Mr [Herbert] Schneider has told him of M[rs] Lockett's death and the complications arising from it but noting that "the sale should be of outstanding interest" but doubting that he will be able to afford very much from it. He would like to have a complete record of the Scottish coins before the collection is dispersed. He wonders whom he should approach to ask for permission to do the job, which he suspects would only take a few days. He says that he has been doing some work on the short-cross coinage and expects to produce new material "before [Michael] Dolley starts arranging the BM coins for his catalogue. He describes the series as the only one in which the coins cannot be dated with any accuracy. He says that "Dolley's Swedish discoveries sound interesting" and notes that he has been taking greater interest in the Anglo-Saxon coinage, especially the Northumbrian series. He briefly describes his naval career, suggests that any correspondence be sent to his home.
(c) letter from Ian Stewart to Christopher Blunt, manuscript, one folio (recto & verso), dated from Victoria Barracks, Portsmouth, on 31 October [1954], thanking CEB for his letter and informing him that he is now leaving for Gibraltar and expects to return for Christmas. He notes that his comments in his last letter about the short-cross coinage being the only outstanding undatable series was in reference to post-conquest coinage. He also notes the relative lack, apart from Brooke and CEB himself, of any serious work on the early Anglo-Saxon pennies. He expresses an interest in meeting Robin Porteous and thanks CEB for information about Lockett's coins.
(d) letter from Christopher Blunt to Ian Stewart, manuscript, dated from Ramsbury on 28 November 1954, in reference to Ian Stewart's recent contribution the SCMB [no. 439, Dec. 1954, pp. 507-510] on Sun and Rose. CEB suggests that IS keep an eye out for Byzantine coins if travelling to Constantinople or elsewhere in the Mediterranean, since they can be acquired there much more economically than in London. He mentions the BNS annual meeting and talks about have some photography of the Lockett coins, with sixty-two plates of the entire series from Athelred II to Stephen.
(e) letter from Ian Stewart to Christopher Blunt, manuscript, one folio (recto & verso), dated from H.M.S. Theseus, c/o G.P.O. London,, on 11 December [1954], recounting some of his experiences over the last several weeks. He explains that he sent his Sun and Rose article to Seaby [rather than the BNJ] because of time constraints. He also refers to the recent annual meeting of the BNS and his excitement about the Lockett material. He notes that he may be going to some French ports after Christmas and then to Malta.

Blunt, Christopher Evelyn

One letter from Christopher Blunt to Ian Stewart and four letters from Ian Stewart to Christopher Blunt, one with attachments

One letter from Christopher Blunt to Ian Stewart and four letters from Ian Stewart to Christopher Blunt, one with attachments:
(a) letter from Christopher Blunt to Ian Stewart, manuscript, two pages on two folios (recto only), dated 1[9] January 1975, asking IS to look at two Scottish coins from the Winchester [Cathedral] Car Park hoard (Numismatic Chronicle 1961, p. 187 & pl. 24) and provide reverse readings to the extent possible, which will help him to complete his report with Michael Dolley on the excavations. He also notes, incidentally, that the reference to BH [i.e. Brussels Hoard] 84 for no. 18 looks wrong, but further states that he will not be referring to BH numbers in the new report. There is then lengthy discussion of "an amusing 'crumb' on Emary", which CEB realised when looking at the catalogue for the sale Walter Wilson's coins at Sotheby's on 26 July 1847. One lot consists in "a small square mahogany medal cabinet (five drawers) lined in velvet, adapted for 'Denarii' size; formerly Emary's of Hastings", and CEB considers some of the implications of this. CEB then replies to the queries of IS about the sun and rose pence of RCB and Hunter before commenting on the Offa link.
(b) letter from Ian Stewart to Christopher Blunt, manuscript, one folio (recto & verso), dated from the House of Commons on 27 January 1975, giving CEB his readings of the two Scottish coins from the Winchester [Cathedral] Car Park hoard. He comments briefly on the "fascinating sidelight on Emery" and then says that he anticipates being asked to write a piece about Sussex mints for a volume on the county during the Anglo-Saxon period. He would be interesting in contributing something with "a bit of originality" and asks to discuss the the period before Edgar's reform with CEB, especially on the question of whether it may be possible to attribute unsigned coins to Sussex mints with any confidence.
(c) letter from Ian Stewart to Christopher Blunt, manuscript, one page (recto only), on House of Commons letterhead but lacking the actual date; the letter may be dated to shortly before 25 February 1975 on the basis of a manuscript annotation, in CEB's hand, which reads "Ans 25/2/1975". IS thanks CEB for his "very thorough notes on Chichester & Lewes" and expresses relief "that Iohan of Edmund is to be deleted". This part of the letter ends abruptly but there is an additional manuscript note in pencil in IS's hand and signed "Ian", which states that he has not yet been able to resolve domestic arrangements for Easter but thanks CEB for the invitation and asks if he may fill him in on the details before too long.
(d) letter from Ian Stewart to Christopher Blunt, manuscript, one folio (recto & verso), on House of Commons letterhead, dated 5 March 1975, returning a note of Michael [Dolley] and expressing interest in CEB's "comments to Michael about Anlaf's flowers". There follows discussion about plans for coming to Ramsbury for Easter. In a postscript, IS notes that he dictated the enclosed text on "The Barnstaple mint and its moneyers" (see item (e) below) to Peter Mitchell's secretary and asks CEB to make any appropriate corrections, comments, additions, etc., adding the Peter [Mitchell] might have already sent him an uncorrected copy.
(e) "The Barnstaple mint and its moneyers" (attached to item (d) above), typescript, six pages on six folios (recto only) plus a manuscript table in one page on a further folio, undated and unsigned. There are two copies, one uncorrected carbon-copy on lightweight and the other a photocopy on heavier paper with interlinear manuscript corrections in IS's hand.
(f) letter from Ian Stewart to Christopher Blunt, manuscript, one folio (recto & verso), dated from St George's Road, London SE1, on 2 April 1975, thanking CEB for "the two Henry half-pence" and for their lengthy discussions about numismatics during his stay [at Ramsbury]. He reports that Michael [Dolley] rang and left a message with his secretary that he must not leave Barnstaple out. He asks "what on earth can be going on" and hopes to speak with MD "while he is over". In a postscript, he refers to an enclosure that "raises a lot of questions in view of the new taxes".
(g) letter from Ian Stewart to Christopher Blunt, manuscript, one folio (recto & verso), dated from the House of Commons on 17 June 1975, saying how much his family enjoyed their [recent?] visit to Ramsbury. He thanks CEB for the coins of Henry VIII and comments that "there is still a good deal to learn from them". He encloses his "piece on Henry VII", hoping that it resuscitated the sovereign groat. In a postscript, he says that he would like to see CEB's "Brescia Mia" [?] again if it goes into typescript.

Blunt, Christopher Evelyn

One letter from Christopher Blunt to Ian Stewart and six letters from Ian Stewart to Christopher Blunt

One letter from Christopher Blunt to Ian Stewart and six letters from Ian Stewart to Christopher Blunt:
(a) letter from Ian Stewart to Christopher Blunt, manuscript, two small folios (recto & verso), dated from Muswell Hill, [London] N10, on 3 January [1954], thanking CEB for the return of his paper, promising to send the corrected version to Mr [Horace Herbert] King and agreeing with CEB's suggestions. He asks for some obtaining [coin] casts that he needs for his book, which he says "is now definitively under way, with the text at the printers". He says that he is grateful for information about offprints and will ask Mr [Edgar] Winstanley about a Henry VI paper – he has already given him the Henry VIII paper – when he sees him and Mr [Michael] Dolley in connection with the Bootham Treasure Trove. He thanks CEB for his willingness to help him obtain offprints that he may want. He mentions some of his recent coin acquisitions and notes that he has written a short note on four unpublished Norman pennies in his collection in the event that it may be worth including in a future BNJ
(b) letter from Ian Stewart to Christopher Blunt, manuscript, three pages on two small folios, dated from Muswell Hill, [London] N10, on 15 January [1954], thanking CEB for sending him offprints and agreeing with him "about the sun-and-rose being Edward IV, and that [CEB's] penny and the BM's half-groat are in fact Edw. V". He also thanks CEB for the casts and says that he will soon mbe making the plates for his book. He says that he would like a copy of Crump & Johnson's bullion tables and promises to send CEB a copy of his note on the Norman pennies that he mentioned and describes the coins as a William I type V with uncertain mint, two unpublished moneyers of Henry I in types XIV and XV, and a Hereford penny of Stephen. He finishes by recounting his latest coin acquisitions.
(c) letter from Ian Stewart to Christopher Blunt, manuscript, one folio folded in booklet style, dated from Haileybury on 31 January 1954, thanking CEB for sending Crump and Johnson's paper and inviting him to Ramsbury over the Easter holidays but explaining that he is much constrained by other commitments. He also mentions the James I groat that he recently acquired and notes that CEB also seems to have made several interesting acquisitions, especially the Baldred, before briefly describing a few other recent acquisitions of his own. He says that he seems to recall reading that CEB regarded the St Edmund memorial pennies as not necessarily East Anglian and suggests that many might have been issued in Lincoln and possibly York on stylistic grounds. He notes that Mr [Michael] Dolley showed him "the notes on Anglo-Saxon dies" and observes that they must have differed from the Medieval ones to account for the frequent obverse/obverse and reverse/reverse mules that run through the Northumbrian series.
(d) letter from Ian Stewart to Christopher Blunt, manuscript, one folio folded in booklet style, dated from Elysium, Haileybury, on 2 February [1954], expressing relief that he will be able to come to Ramsbury over the next holidays and explaining that he has just spent a few days at home to arrange the casts for his plates. While preparing his Berwick plate, he noticed that the cast of the class VII penny that CEB supplied was in fact a cast of VII/VI mule, which he is unable to use, but he says that he would like to publish the coin together with IIIa/IV mule in his collection and other new Scottish coins.
(e) letter from Ian Stewart to Christopher Blunt, manuscript, two small folios (recto & verso), dated from Muswell Hill, [London] N10, on 2 April [1954], mostly about complications surrounding his plans to visit Mr Blunt at his home in Ramsbury later in the month, after a family holiday in Guernsey.
(f) letter from Christopher Blunt to Ian Stewart, manuscript, one folio (recto & verso), dated from Ramsbury on 3 April 1954, stating that IS's plans for his visit will suit him well. He expresses his pleasure that IS is looking at the Anglo-Saxon material, because "it is so full of problems", and then he goes on to mention several of them.
(g) letter from Ian Stewart to Christopher Blunt, manuscript, one folio folded in booklet style, dated from Elysium, Haileybury, but lacking the actual date; there is an approximate date of "June 1954" added in pencil. IS explains that he was unable to attend the Congress on account of cricket. He describes some of his recent coin acquisitions and says that work on his book is moving ahead slowly but surely.

Blunt, Christopher Evelyn

One letter from Christopher Blunt to Ian Stewart and three letters from Ian Stewart to Christopher Blunt

One letter from Christopher Blunt to Ian Stewart and three letters from Ian Stewart to Christopher Blunt:
(a) letter from Ian Stewart to Christopher Blunt, manuscript, one folio (recto & verso), dated from St George's Road, London SE1, on 10 January 1971, thanking CEB for his invitation and asking about arrangements. He looks forward to discussing the editorship and agrees that John Brand would make a good [BNS] officer.
(b) letter from Ian Stewart to Christopher Blunt, manuscript, one folio (recto & verso), dated from St George's Road, London SE1, on 31 January 1971, referring to a coin that he describes as interesting because it is overstruck, has unusual typology and has an inscription ending in a form of ND that he wasn't able to find anywhere. He offers the coin to CEB since he is more likely to identify it and thanks him for the enjoyable weekend. In a postscript, he says that it is a third of a penny that he acquired from Seaby in 1955 but has no pedigree.
(c) letter from Christopher Blunt to Ian Stewart, manuscript, single page, dated 14 March 1971, saying that he will soon need to tell his co-editors of the BNJ about his intention to step down from the editorship as soon as the volume now in press is done. He says that he will be happy to help his successor but is not prepared to act as a buffer between the new editor and [Michael] Dolley, stressing that his main reasons for stepping down are that he has been editing the BNJ for too long and that he finds dealing with Dolley increasingly difficult and unpleasant and wishes to rid himself of that unpleasantness. He writes to IS rather than Stuart Rigold because already knows the background; he welcomes him to show the letter to Rigold but otherwise asks that he treat it the matter in confidence.
(d) letter from Ian Stewart to Christopher Blunt, manuscript, one folio (recto & verso), dated from St George's Road, London SE1, on 18 March 1971, acknowledging that it would right for CEB to advise his co-editors in haste since some "fairly prompt moves" will be necessary to ensure the smooth operation of the BNJ. He also says that CEB is "right about not being a buffer" and sympathises with him that [Michael] "Dolley's behaviour has been such an unnecessary burden. He hope that leaving the editorship will give CEB more time to pursue his own work.

Blunt, Christopher Evelyn

One letter from Christopher Blunt to Ian Stewart with one letter from IS to CEB:

One letter from Christopher Blunt to Ian Stewart with one letter from IS to CEB:
(a) letter from Christopher Blunt to Ian Stewart, manuscript, four pages on two folios (recto & verso), dated 7 April 1962, expressing appreciation to IS for writing "so fully with [his] views on Pendred" [i.e. a name represented on a small number of coins from the time of Offa (757-796). The consensus of opinion accepts that the piece with the name Pendred was a product of Offa's moneyer Paendraed but there are doubt about the purpose of the object. RHMD [i.e. Michael Dolley] believes that the piece was struck, which would favour an interpretation as coinage, but CEB says that he is keeping an open mind, because if cast the object would be less plausibly a coin. The letter continues at some length to discuss questions about the piece. In a postscript, CEB asks "who has the Copenhagen material", noting the Galster has just sent his historical introduction.
(b) letter from Ian Stewart to Christopher Blunt, manuscript, four pages on one folio folded into a booklet (recto & verso), dated 29 May [1962], which is datable to 1962 on basis of the reference to David Sellwood's presentation at the BNS May meeting (see below; see also the brief note about Sellwood's presentation in British Numismatic Journal, vol. 31 (1962), p. 170; cf. David Sellwood, 'Medieval minting techniques', British Numismatic Journal, vol. 31 (1962), pp. 57-65). In the letter, IS thanks CEB for his postcard from the Pyrenees and agrees that "Jim Stewart's work must be published" [presumably in reference to Prof. James R. B. Stewart (3 July 1913-6 February 1962), who was an Australian archaeologist of Cyprus and the Ancient Near East at the University of Sydney and member of the BNS]. IS refers to an enclosure consisting in an article from an "inaccessible publication", but there is no mention of an author or title. He enthusiastically recounts David Sellwood's presentation at the BNS May meeting in which Sellwood argued that the flans Anglo-Saxon coins were cut from a kind of pastry-cutter from a larger sheet after striking. He also says that Sellwood postulated square-headed dies, with which IS agrees, with a collar, with which he doesn't. IS further notes that RHMD [i.e. Michael Dolley] said that the BM is planning to test the Pendred. In the final paragraphs, IS says that he has been working on the inscriptions of Anglo-Saxon coins from Eadmund to Eadgar, which has led him to forming some ideas about the regional significance of moneyers' names.

Blunt, Christopher Evelyn

Six letters from Christopher Blunt to Ian Stewart and two letters from Ian Stewart to Christopher Blunt

Six letters from Christopher Blunt to Ian Stewart and two letters from Ian Stewart to Christopher Blunt:
(a) letter from Ian Stewart to Christopher Blunt, manuscript, single page, on House of Commons letterhead dated from 12 July 1977, sending CEB an example of Bury [type] VI from [the] Colchester [hoard?] to complete his long-cross collections.
(b) letter from Christopher Blunt to Ian Stewart, manuscript, two folios (recto & verso), dated from Ramsbury on 14 July 1977, thanking IS for the Bury type VII penny. He also notes that he has been studying a "strange parcel of Northumbrian coins" and writes on this at some length.
(c) letter from Christopher Blunt to Ian Stewart, manuscript, single page, dated from Ramsbury on 19 July 1977, reporting that Terry Volk has sent him the 1974 Fitzwilliam report, which contains an illustration of a William II type III penny of Bedford by Lifwi[ne] that was found at Shillington and given to James Wyatt of Bedford by John Evans. He notes that inscription clearly reads as follows: +LIFPIONBEDFRI. He mentions another Shillington coin of William II type II, giving a reference from Spink Numismatic Circular from January 1911. Finally, he asks IS how near he is to releasing the Salisbury coin to Spink.
(d) letter from Christopher Blunt to Ian Stewart, manuscript, one folio (recto & verso), dated from Ramsbury on 9 August 1977, informing IS that Spinks offered him the Salisbury penny for £50 while pointing that the coin would probably sell for £125-150 on the open market; he thanks IS for the role that he might have had in the affair. He also advises IS of another possible Shillington parcel from the Archdeacon Parnell sale in 1887 and briefly describes its contents.
(e) letter from Ian Stewart to Christopher Blunt, manuscript, one folio (recto & verso), on House of Commons letterhead dated from 6 September 1977, thanking CEB for his family's hospitality during their recent visit to Ramsbury. He says that they made good progress on the 10th century and the tables of moneyers need to be included despite their size. He notes that [Nick] Mayhew would be happy to take his Droitwich paper for next year's BNJ [i.e. 1978] and that he has "delivered [Mavis?] Mate to [Michael] Metcalf. He thanks CEB for the two half-groats and wishes him luck with the index. He returns CEB's note on St Peter hoards [in reference to his 1957 joint article with Michael Dolley in the BNJ?], noting that he has taken a copy for himself.
(f) letter from Christopher Blunt to Ian Stewart, manuscript, one folio (recto & verso), dated from Ramsbury on 16 September 1977, saying that he has found three more Shillington coins in the sale of William Ransom of Hitchin in 1925 and giving the catalogue descriptions but adding that they may be [Derek] Allen coins. He also reports on his "very useful meeting with MMA [i.e. Marion Archibald] on the Sylloge", noting that the prospects are improved by her liberation from her [secretary]-ship of the RNS.
(g) letter from Christopher Blunt to Ian Stewart, manuscript, single page, dated from Ramsbury on 12 November 1977, adding another coin to their reconstruction of the Shillington hoard: William II BMC II Norwich Toufie.
(h) letter from Christopher Blunt to Ian Stewart, manuscript, one folio (recto & verso), dated from Ramsbury on 21 December 1977, sending IS a list of the material that he has put together for the research on Droitwich. He mentions that he has received the approval from Dorothy Whitelock and Mrs [Gelling] over something they have put in a note [of one of their papers?]. He also says that he and Marion [Archibald] were wondering how best to present the "circular" types and Edmund – Edgar, explaining the two possibilities that they had in mind, and notes that she is making good progress on the BM SCBI. He then recounts the last meeting of the TT [i.e. Treasure Trove?] committee, expressing concern over the view of Peter Mitchell that the BM was still acting as arbiter in the prices that it gave to finders.

Blunt, Christopher Evelyn

Six letters from Christopher Blunt to Ian Stewart, one with an attachment, plus a separate note, and one letter from Ian Stewart to Christopher Blunt

Six letters from Christopher Blunt to Ian Stewart, one with an attachment, plus two notes, and one letter from Ian Stewart to Christopher Blunt:
(a) letter from Christopher Blunt to Ian Stewart, typescript, one folio (recto & verso), dated from Ramsbury on 4 March 1982, enclosing a copy of a letter from Michael Dolley in answer to CEB's suggestion that he and IS use the New History of Ireland (NHI) dating for Regnald, 918-921, and raising a further point. CEB described MD's reply as "typically torturous on the first point" and completely ignoring the second, and he quotes an excerpt from MD's letter as an example. He proposes simply to use the NHI dates for Regnald and to add a brief qualifying footnote. After a few further lines on the subject of MD, CEB mentions a forthcoming visit from Michael Metcalf during which they will discuss the recasting of the Regnald paper and explain the problems that lie in consolidating all of Regnald's coins into one list. There follows discussion of Stewart Lyon's "helpful comments", noting the practical difficulties entailed in meeting one of them. There appears to be one attachment (see item (b) below), though it is not specifically referenced in the letter,
(b) attachment to item (a) above, typescript (copy), single page, unattributed and undated but with the heading "Suggested letter to MM" and the manuscript annotation "Ian" immediately above, asking him to return with comments. In the suggested letter, CEB explains that presentation of the Regnald material is problematic and asks for "comments from a new eye". He says that they wish to take into account the comments of Dolley and Smyth and wonder whether MM would be willing to ask them if copies of their comments to him may be passed to them. Alternatively, he asks whether MM would prefer CEB and IS to ask them directly. He states that their interest is merely to make their paper "as factually correct as possible".
(c) letter from Christopher Blunt to Ian Stewart, manuscript, one folio (recto & verso), dated from Ramsbury on 11 March 1982, reporting that he expects no further trouble with Michael Metcalf after lunching with him at Ramsbury on the previous day, but adding that he did press for a revision of the listing along the lines that he proposed in his original letter. He says that he is revising the paper and will send it to IS for comment when he has finished. There is further discussion of Michael Dolley. CEB hopes that IS will be able to attend the Sylloge committee meeting on the 17th and foreshadows some of the topics for discussion. He also says that he learned from DMM [i.e. Michael Metcalf] about Peter Sawyer taking early retirement and planning to live in Sweden.
(d) letter from Christopher Blunt to Ian Stewart, manuscript, one folio (recto & verso), dated from Ramsbury on 13 March 1982, informing IS that "from obscure remarks made by Michael Dolley it appears that he is out to make mischief at the SCBI meeting on Wednesday over his not having been 'consulted' before we submitted our paper to NC". He mentions several points on which MD disagrees with or doubts or questions or refuses to accept assertions that IS and CEB are making in their paper and the references they are using to support them. CEB proposes to "ignore all this and leave it to him to print if he wants to (and if DMM accepts)".
(e) notes entitled "Regnald paper, note for Ian (14 March 1982), manuscript, single page of lined paper, unattributed but clearly in CEB's hand, raising a few further points on their joint paper and noting that it is otherwise ready to go to DMM [i.e. Michael Metcalf].
(f) letter from Ian Stewart to Christopher Blunt, manuscript, single page, on House of Commons letterhead, dated 2 April 1982, thanking CEB for his letter. He says that he has the nearly finished Regnald/Bossall revision and that he is sending a copy of MD's card (confidentially). He mentions a worry about Hunter [?], says he "will not divulge this, but it is very disturbing". He says that "Stewart [Lyon] also has strong reservations about the [Elizabeth] Pirie text", which "clearly cannot go into the Sylloge". He says that he will write briefly to Powell about it and perhaps share his thoughts with Henry [Loyn?] separately.
(g) letter from Christopher Blunt to Ian Stewart, manuscript, single page (recto only), dated from Ramsbury on 7 April 1982, wondering whether "it would not be wise to omit altogether the reference to the Carlus [?] sword" since it is not really relevant and would obviate potential criticism.
(h) letter from Christopher Blunt to Ian Stewart, manuscript, one folio (recto & verso), dated from Ramsbury on Good Friday [i.e. 9 April] 1982, thanking IS for all he has done to make the Regnald paper "so satisfactorily non-controversial, while sticking to our guns on all essential points", singling out in particular the way he dealt with Dunmore Cave in the footnote. He raises only two points, one "trifling" about an apparent typographical error and "the other of more substance". He says that he read IS's comments on Liz Pirie's Sylloge ideas and wonders what MD will think of them, noting that HEP [i.e. Hugh Pagan] was against and his impression is that CSSL [i.e. Stewart Lyon] was no less unhappy.
(i) letter from Christopher Blunt to Ian Stewart, manuscript, one folio (recto & verso), dated from Ramsbury on 24 April 1982, thanking IS for two letters and enclosing Hall's list of Viking hoards in Ireland. He says that he is very glad to have a photocopy of the Bossall plates and thanks IS "for the further draft chapter" for Philip Grierson's book. He says that he has completed his main index but is waiting for a reply from CSSL [i.e. Stewart Lyon] on one or two Edward points; he has gone to the US on the Concorde, he notes, but he will have copies made in due course. He says that "things are in a terrible state at Teignmouth" [South Devon], with "Michael back in hospital, having, he tells me (and Mary confirms), been tempted to suicide". He expresses sympathy for Mary, Michael Dolley's wife.

Blunt, Christopher Evelyn

Six letters from Ian Stewart to Christopher Blunt

Six letters from Ian Stewart to Christopher Blunt:
(a) letter from Ian Stewart to Christopher Blunt, manuscript, one small folio (recto & verso), dated 20 March 1965, again sending his paper for the BNJ, apparently following a mishap of some sort. IS says that the new version differs somewhat from the earlier one and is perhaps a fraction longer. He again asks CEB to resolve a couple of issues for him in a footnote and appendix. The first concerns the BMC type(s) of the Henry I coins that match Snelling's nos. 19 & 20, which should be XII or VIII or both, while the second concerns the dates of publication of the separate parts of Snelling's English works. There is a note in Christopher Blunt's hand in the upper right margin of the recto, just below the date, that reads: "Sent letter 1[5]/4"
(b) letter from Ian Stewart to Christopher Blunt, manuscript, four pages on two small folios (recto & verso), dated 4 July 1965, enclosing an offprint of an article in the Numismatic Chronicle sent to press two years earlier, noting that the the production phase for BNJ publications is much shorter. He remarks about the last BNS meeting and [Hugh] Pagan's paper presentation, which he describes as "very competent, but a little hard to follow for complexity", thinking that it will prove a comprehensive piece of work on paper. He suggests rearranging their "die-link exhibit" for September and apologises for having kept some of CEB's Scottish early coins for so long. He proposes an exchange for the Scottish coins, giving CEB an Eadred penny of the moneyer Sperlink with three chips along the edge, "as if used in a broach or somesuch", but describing it as a "tolerable specimen". He remarks on current coin prices, saying that "the future isn't very bright for the student collector".
(c) letter from Ian Stewart to Christopher Blunt, manuscript, four pages on two small folios (recto & verso), dated 25 July 1965, thanking CEB for his letter and addressing the points raised in turn. IS notes that he has given an offprint [of their joint article] to D.J.V. Fisher, a "v. good Anglo-Saxonist" who was IS's tutor at Cambridge. He agrees with CEB that [Hugh] Pagan's paper was difficult to follow but "gave the impression of profound and intricate study", which "should look much better in print". He also agrees with CEB's suggestion to "exhibit the die-link at the October meeting", adding that "Stewart Lyon will bring photographs of other coins from the same obv.". He then acknowledges CEB's kindness in agreeing to a trade involving 3½ Scottish sterlings and refers to an enclosure consisting in "the three types of David I and also the William the Lion in exchange". He says that the Eadred coin of the moneyer Sperling (or Swerling) is from the Seaby Bulletin, 1948, no. 3327, and would make a good companion to CEB's coin of Eadwig. IS agrees to sell the coin to CEB based of a valuation of Albert Baldwin for an exchange between friends. IS notes that he does not own a copy of Ekwall, presumably in reference to Prof. Eilert Ekwall's dictionary of English place-names, and greatly appreciates CEB's offer of it as a gift. He says that he is returning the manuscript [of his joint paper with R.B.K. Stevenson] on the Rhoneston hoard, briefly describing the changes, and he asks about the Dublin proofs and whether CEB wants a review of Michael [Dolley]'s Viking Pennies. In closing, he wishes CEB luck in the Archbishop Sharpe sale, in which he is not competing.
(d) letter from Ian Stewart to Christopher Blunt, manuscript, one small folio (recto & verso), dated 9 October 1965, asking whether Edmund Grant Blunt was of the same family because he has a small Lincoln cabinet with his name on the bottom. If so and CEB wants the cabinet, IS asks only for something similar in return. He says that [Charles Wilson] Peck has written suggesting his "nomination as Director of the BNS if Stewart [Lyon] is duly promoted to the Chair", and he asks CEB's advice and opinion on the matter. The recto has a note in Christopher Blunt's hand in the upper right margin below the date that reads: "Ans 11/10".
(e) letter from Ian Stewart to Christopher Blunt, manuscript, one small folio (recto & verso), dated 4 December 1965, asking whether CEB has noticed the Ramsbury token for sale in Seaby's December Bulletin, no. 160. He says that he has discussed CEB's idea for a Hastings centenary and asks whether a paper by [Peter] Sawyer on the English coinage after the conquest wouldn't be appropriate. He also asks to hold onto CEB's volume of PSAS [i.e. Proceedings of the Society of Antiquities of Scotland] a little longer because he has been preoccupied with "BNJ proofs and going through the Scottish Border section of [R.P.] Mack's paper", presumably in reference to his submission on Stephen for the 1966 volume. He describes the paper as "terribly incomplete" and "out-of-date", with numerous examples missing, and he recommends that the text undergo the scrutiny of Elmore Jones, [Michael] Dolley or "someone who knows about these things". There is a note in the upper right margin of the recto in Christopher Blunt's hand that reads: "Ans 6/12".
(f) letter from Ian Stewart to Christopher Blunt, manuscript, one small folio (recto & verso), dated 11 December 1965, noting that he has received "an appreciative letter" from [R.P.] Mack and is now "sure [that] his going to be as conscientious as he can". IS says that he was "amused (and ashamed)" by CEB's "remark about the danger of an absolute pro doing potted [?] historical sections". He asks CEB when the paper is due to appear in the BNJ and whether he has seen [Michael] "Metcalf's review of Gerasimov on Andronican hyperpera in HBN", quoting some of its more disparaging passages.

Stewart, Bernard Harold Ian Halley

Some late Richard nobles, by Lord Stewartby and Tim Webb Ware

"Lichfield and Chichester", by Lord Stewartby, typescript, two pages (recto only), undated but datable to no later than 2007 when the published version of the paper appeared in the British Numismatic Journal, vol. 77 (2007), pp. 281-282, and probably to 2006 on the basis of other relevant material in the archive (see related units of description).
There are four pieces of photographic material attached:
(a) large sheet (slightly larger than A4) with images of the same gold coin in colour and black & white, including one set of enlarged colour images and two enlarged colour details.
(b) enlarged colour image of coin (darker version) on postcard-sized sheet.
(c) enlarged colour image of coin (lighter version) on postcard-sized sheet.
(d) two sets of black & white images of the same coin plus an enlarged black & white detail of a portion of the inscription.

Stewart, Bernard Harold Ian Halley

The Church type of Athelstan, by Ian Stewart

"The Church type of Athelstan", by Ian Stewart,manuscript (photocopy), single page, signed "IS" and dated 30 July 1981. There are six numbered points that deal with the St Peter coinage and the York coinage of Athelstan (10th century). Attached is a photocopy of a plate of coin photographs, but the source is not acknowledged. The plate is identified only as "Plate 9", showing images of 36 coins (obv. & rev.) numbered 802-840 (with numbers 824, 827 & 830 not shown). The manuscript and photocopy were originally associated with a copy of correspondence from Ian Stewart to Mark Blackburn from 1976.

Stewart, Bernard Harold Ian Halley

The St Peter coinage of York [by Ian Stewart]

"The St Peter coinage of York" [by Ian Stewart], typescript, twelve unnumbered pages on twelve folios (recto only), one paragraph per page, undated and unattributed, but datable to about 1981 on the grounds that the opening sentence refers to Sir Charles Oman's dating of the St Peter Coinage fifty years earlier [in his book on the Coinage of England in 1931] and Michael Dolley's contribution to the argument twenty-five years earlier [in his BNJ article on a neglected Yorkshire hoard in 1956]. The paper is attributable to Ian Stewart on the grounds that he was working on the St Peter coinage in 1981 and the typescript is on House of Commons paper. There is one small photograph of a sword-type coin attached.

Stewart, Bernard Harold Ian Halley

Three letters from Christopher Blunt to Ian Stewart and four letters from Ian Stewart to Christopher Blunt

Three letters from Christopher Blunt to Ian Stewart and four letters from Ian Stewart to Christopher Blunt:
(a) letter from Christopher Blunt to Ian Stewart, manuscript, one folio (recto & verso), dated from Ramsbury on 18 June 1981, thanking IS for the extract from the Economist. He says that he "collected the stycas for Eliz[abeth] Pirie", who photographed them, and that he has now left them with Marion [Archibald] for IS together with the flower fragment and Anlaf plus his own Regnald hand type fragment (ex Grantley), which he asks IS to accept, since "it will perhaps fill a gap until you have the same good fortune as I have had as to get a whole one". He notes that there are two more Raven coins of Anlaf in the SCBI text for Norse Kings, providing references but adding that they are unchecked, and asks for the return of his cards on this series. He then turns to "some interesting points" that IS raised about Offa's coins, noting his difficulty of accepting Eadberht as bishop but allowing that the coin of the moneyer Osmod might have come from an obverse die prepared for Æthelheard. He nevertheless says that he "wouldn't be entirely happy about having Offa's coinage start with portrait coins", which he reads as the implication of a suggestion made by IS. In closing, he notes that "Michael [Dolley] turned up to take his medal looking less ill than when we last saw him" and that "he made a very good reply".
(b) letter from Christopher Blunt to Ian Stewart, manuscript, one folio (recto & verso), dated from Ramsbury on 23 June 1981, observing that there is a "snag" in the hoard section. He refers to the surprising number of hoards and suggests that "a certain number of them can probably be omitted, but he notes that this would still leave a large number and thinks that they cannot afford the space. He suggests that "maybe the best solution is to list the hoards and cut the text that follows to a bare minimum" [i.e. by giving less than full descriptions of the contents] and asks for IS's views.
(c) letter from Ian Stewart to Christopher Blunt, manuscript, one folio (recto & verso), on House of Commons letterhead, dated 6 July 1981, thanking CEB for his kind remarks about the Academy and for his support, and adding that he was happy to learn about Philip Grierson's collection. There is reference to plans for coming to Ramsbury and about the typing of manuscripts. There is an annotation in the upper margin of the recto in the hand of CEB to the effect that he answered this letter on 8 July, but there is no letter of this date among IS's papers.
(d) letter from Ian Stewart to Christopher Blunt, manuscript, one folio (recto & verso), dated from Baldwin Crescent, London SE5, on 11 August 1981, thanking CEB for his hospitality, the Regnald [coin?] and his "birthday halfpenny". He expresses his concern that CEB is doing the bulk of the work towards their 10th-century volume but is pleased with the progress. He says that his [separate publication of the] "Regnald-Bossall paper will enable [him] to shorten the first Viking chapter considerably" and that he will be interested in CEB's reaction "to the bits about St Peter and the general arrangement of the York coinages.
(e) letter from Christopher Blunt to Ian Stewart, manuscript, one folio (recto & verso), dated from Ramsbury on 21 August 1981, stating that "typing is such a bore" but wondering whether IS can struggle with his writing. Most of the letter consists in CEB's comments on IS's paper on the Bossall hoard. After that, he asks whether IS has seen the Bonham sale catalogue, 14-15 September, lot 1141, which he describes as the second known half-penny of Edwig and a curious variety of Eadred.
(f) letter from Ian Stewart to Christopher Blunt, manuscript, one folio (recto & verso), dated from Baldwin Crescent, London SE5, on 24 August 1981, thanking CEB for his comments on his Regnald paper, which he has updated taking them into account, and expressing relief that CEB finds his argument acceptable. He says that he has acquired a copy of Smyth II, which contains much of interest but is "rather undisciplined", and has taken an copy for CEB. He hasn't seen the Bonham catalogue but says that he's not competing. He notes that Philip [Grierson] is looking forward to visiting with CEB.
(g) letter from Ian Stewart to Christopher Blunt, manuscript, one folio (recto & verso), dated from Baldwin Crescent, London SE5, on 7 September 1981, beginning with further discussion of Regnald/Bossall before turning to the Repton William the Lion, for which he gives the reading +RAVL: ON ROCE:, "or similar", and briefly discusses the inscription and its variations. He says that he has been reading CSSL [i.e. Stewart Lyon] on Edward the Elder and finds it "terribly difficult to follow (not his fault)". Having worked through the chapter, however, he has been at the early Athelstan coins with two-line inscriptions and suggests that these in most cases can be sorted by style. He suggests adding a postscript to either CSSL's chapter or to CEB's chapter on Athelstan about this. The letter has an annotation in pencil in the upper right margin in CEB's hand that reads "Re Repton William the Lion, Ack 10/9".

Blunt, Christopher Evelyn

Three letters from Christopher Blunt to Ian Stewart and four letters from Ian Stewart to Christopher Blunt, one with an attachment

Three letters from Christopher Blunt to Ian Stewart and four letters from Ian Stewart to Christopher Blunt, one with an attachment:
(a) letter from Ian Stewart to Christopher Blunt, manuscript, one folio (recto & verso), dated from St George's Road, London SE1, on 14 March 1973, with one attachment, returning a paper of Christopher Blunt (i.e. the attachment), briefly commenting upon it and recommending that he publish it. He also sends two unidentified offprints and apologises that he will be on holiday in mid-May and must therefore miss the BNS meeting at which CEB will share his reminiscences. Finally, he expresses the hope that Victoria Stileman, the typist that CEB engaged to turn his Athelstan manuscripts into typescript, is proving her worth.
(b) paper entitled "Privy Marking and the Trial of the Pyx", manuscript, six pages on six folios of lined paper (recto only), undated and unattributed, but clearly in CEB's distinctive hand, attached to IS's letter of 14 March 1973 (described above). CEB eventually published the paper as 'Privy-marking and the trial of the pyx', in Studies in numismatic method presented to Philip Grierson, ed. C.N.L. Brooke . . . [and others] (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1983), pp. 225-230.
(c) letter from Ian Stewart to Christopher Blunt, manuscript, one folio (recto & verso), dated from St George's Road, London SE1, on 10 July 1973, expressing satisfaction that Victoria Stileman is coping with CEB's Athelstan text and advising on remuneration. He also sends a [coin] fragment, which he describes as "much too miserable a thing to be dignified as a birthday present", but would like to CEB to have it. In closing, he mentions the "encouraging news about [the] BM Sylloge".
(d) letter from Christopher Blunt to Ian Stewart, manuscript, one folio (recto & verso), dated from Ramsbury on 1[8] July 1973, thanking IS for his advice about Victoria Stileman and for the Athelstan [from the moneyer] Berngar, noting that there was a coin of this moneyer in the Skye hoard and another in the Forum hoard.
(e) letter from Ian Stewart to Christopher Blunt, manuscript, one folio (recto & verso), dated from St George's Road, London SE1, on 30 July 1973, thanking CEB for his hospitality and for his generous gift of a York penny and Henry IV groat. IS then asks CEB to keep the rosette/OXO imitation, though not in exchange because it is "ridiculously unequal".
(f) letter from Christopher Blunt to Ian Stewart, manuscript, one folio (recto & verso), dated from Ramsbury on 6 August 1973, commenting on IS's recent visit to Ramsbury and discussing various numismatic issues before noting that he goes to America for about a month on the 23rd.
(g) letter from Ian Stewart to Christopher Blunt, manuscript, one folio (recto & verso), dated from St George's Road, London SE1, on 16 September 1973, stating that he "found this bomb on [his] City desk" and is delivering it to Albany for his return. He says that Herbert S. [i.e. Schneider] was over and that he "learned all sorts of fascinating things from him". IS then asks CEB whether he has a copy of WJWP [i.e. Potter] on Richard II AV. He says that he has been looking through the Fox papers on 1327/44 that CEB lent him and may have found some interesting (new?) things that he would like to discuss with Peter Woodhead. He also says that Michael [Dolley] has written about being stuck in Scandinavia until October and therefore not being able to speak at the BNS, adding that he has asked him to read a piece on Sihtric Caoch and an Hiberno-Norse note but conceding that he can hardly understand them. He says that found the two enclosed papers among his papers, having presumably inadvertently picked them up with his, and apologises if CEB has been looking for them. He closes by saying that he has been looking into privy marks again and would like to do something with CEB on the subject at some point in the future.
(h) letter from Christopher Blunt to Ian Stewart, manuscript, one folio (recto & verso), dated from Ramsbury on 28 September 1973, noting that he failed to respond to a point in IS's letter of 16 September. CEB tells IS to feel free to show the Fox notes to Peter Woodhead and to discuss them with him, also noting other Fox material relevant to IS's lines of enquiry. CEB does not believe that he has a copy of Potter on Richard II AV but suggests that IS approach [Edgar] Winstanley or [Michael] Metcalf.

Blunt, Christopher Evelyn

Three letters from Christopher Blunt to Ian Stewart and three letters from Ian Stewart to Christopher Blunt

Three letters from Christopher Blunt to Ian Stewart and three letters from Ian Stewart to Christopher Blunt with two attachments:
(a) letter from Ian Stewart to Christopher Blunt, manuscript, single page, on House of Commons letterhead dated from 6 August 1979, enclosing the Droitwich proofs of his joint article with CEB, asking CEB to look them over and considering whether to add a reference to a relevant lot in a forthcoming Spink sale. He says that he enjoyed his stay at Ramsbury and apologises that he wasn't very sociable but notes that the numismatics benefitted, having almost completed a short chapter on imitations. There are three postscripts. In the first, he asks whether CEB sent back the St Peter [coin?], noting that he's very suspicious of it. In the second, he asks whether two coins could be early East Anglian Athelstans. In the third, he says that the Commons library has lost its copy of EHD I [i.e. English Historical Documents, vol. I] and asks to borrow CEB's copy.
(b) letter from Christopher Blunt to Ian Stewart, manuscript, single page, dated from Ramsbury on 10 August 1979, thanking IS for everything that he sent and stating "here is vol. I of EHD". He says that he bought the St Peter coin, which he has determined is clearly a struck piece, having "had it under the binocular microscope" with Marion Archibald. He says that he then took the coin to Frank Purvey, who "carefully and unhesitatingly pronounced it genuine", and asked him to try and get more information on its provenance, which he believed to be East Anglia.
(c) letter from Christopher Blunt to Ian Stewart, manuscript, one folio (recto & verso), dated from Ramsbury on 13 August 1979, confirming that he sent EHD and hoping that it had reached IS by now. He encloses his piece on Howel [sic; recto: Hywel] Dda and asks for comments. He mentions a "fascinating Cnut hoard from North Wales" consisting in 204 coins. He also acknowledges that his acquisition of the St Peter coin before the arrival of IS's letter might have been rash. He recounts his investigations with Marion Archibald and discussions with Frank Purvey, the latter of whom, he notes, "had an interest in authenticity". He says that the Droitwich proofs have gone back and responds to IS's query about two of his coins possibly being early East Anglian Athelstans.
(d) letter from Ian Stewart to Christopher Blunt, manuscript, one folio (recto & verso), dated from St Georg'e Road, London SE1, on 26 August 1979, thanking CEB for sending EHD and asking to keep it until he has drafted the historical introduction. He returns Howell [Hywel?], having taken a copy for himself, but asks whether it may go somewhere outside their 10th-century volume to avoid giving unnecessary attention to the [David] Dykes theory. He notes that Henry Loyn has written about Sitric and Regnald and hopes to "resolve that dating business at the next Sylloge meeting". He encloses a copy of his letter to Stewart Lyon about Edward the Elder, noting that CSSL's text is very difficult to follow in its present form but surely "is on the right lines". He says that he aims to adjust the ex-Brescia Mia text, which is really excellent but needs only slight reogranisation. He hopes that he was wrong about the St Peter coin but is glad that it looked okay under the microscope. He advises CEB, for his records, that he purchased the Edwig Bedford HAR ... ex Bird from Spink and, much more exciting, a broken Edmund, of which he encloses a rubbing. He mentions a certain "Martin", proposing to send Sheil comments on the Scots and CEB on the Saxons. In a postscript, he wonder whether the Forum hoard might have been earlier than 946, because "the Rome III figures show much lower proportions of Edward and Athelstan in relation to Edmund", which suggests that the coins were removed from circulation before the end of Edmund's reign.
(e) letter from Ian Stewart to Christopher Blunt, manuscript, single page, dated from 18 September 1979, enclosing a rough draft of a chapter on imitations and inviting comments. He thanks CEB for the information about Grigard, noting that "its obverse reading is most unusual". He also wonders whether he had asked "about the Lindsay-Martin correspondence", supposing that CEB "will be able to say all that is needed on the Saxon part" while he does the Scottish part.
(f) letter from Christopher Blunt to Ian Stewart, manuscript, one folio (recto & verso), dated from Ramsbury on 28 September 1979, suggesting that IS's Edmund / Grigen is from the same reverse dies as BMC 134, as suspected, and going on the discuss "the two BM coins of Eadred". He also returns to IS an irregular piece that he had given him some time ago. He then mentions an Edgar penny of Winchester that he "didn't much like the look of" because of its "casty appearance", but he found that a similar coin was recorded in 1744, so he is now planning to take it to the BM to look at it through the microscope. Finally, he discusses the "useful Sylloge meeting" and the "useful talk that he had with Christopher Challis" afterwards.

Blunt, Christopher Evelyn

Three letters from Christopher Blunt to Ian Stewart and three letters from Ian Stewart to Christopher Blunt

Three letters from Christopher Blunt to Ian Stewart and three letters from Ian Stewart to Christopher Blunt:
(a) letter from Christopher Blunt to Ian Stewart, manuscript, one folio (recto & verso), dated from Ramsbury on 24 January 1981, saying that Liz Pirie asked him to pass along to IS a photograph of the "splendid Sihtric penny, the only one apparently with sword to left. Because the obverse legend is retrograde, moreover, he wonders whether "the die-maker has simply copied directly from a coin". He discusses the coin over a paragraph before turning to their 10th-century work. He says that he has read through Stewart Lyon's revision of Edward the Elder, noting that it is difficult to for him follow without better illustrations though he has the clear impression that he is making good sense. He says that he has sent him "some trifling comments". He explains that he hasn't done very much work himself because he has been preoccupied in dealing with a large hoard of Roman coins.
(b) letter from Ian Stewart to Christopher Blunt, manuscript, one folio (recto & verso), dated from Baldwin Crescent, London SE5, on 14 February 1981, expressing relief that CEB has found Post-B. [i.e. Brunanburh] and is allowing him to borrow it. He notes that he also has Stewart Lyon's and plans to incorporate notes from both of them. He says that he has completed a first draft of the rewritten chapter on 939-954, though it still needs a lot of tidying up and annotation. He is adding Canterbury and Oxford for Edred but "hesitant about 2T = Stamford for Anlaf", though he does "believe EBR in York". He says he "was glad to see the doubtful St Peters in print" and is now working on Regnald and Bossall. He mentions the meeting between CEB and CSSL about Edward the Elder. He wonders whether CEB has looked at BMC 1142-1165 St Peter and any similar Edward coins in the BM, adding that he likes CEB's idea of a new St Peter hoard, since Walmgate is too late and the Bossall coins too uncorroded.
(c) letter from Christopher Blunt to Ian Stewart, manuscript, three pages on two folios, dated from Ramsbury on 16 March 1981, thanking IS for the draft Anglo-Viking corpus and complimenting him on the vast amount of material it includes. He goes on to comment on the draft in greater detail.
(d) letter from Ian Stewart to Christopher Blunt, manuscript, single page, dated from the House of Commons on 14 March 1981, thanking CEB for his comments on the draft corpus but stressing the important roll that CEB's card index played in enabling him to put the material together. He encloses a copy of the text in provisional form and asks him to comment on it and show it to Marion [Archibald].
(e) letter from Christopher Blunt to Ian Stewart, manuscript, one folio (recto & verso), dated from Ramsbury on 23 March 1981, expressing his delight with IS's work on 939-954 and saying this his arguments are entirely convincing. He encloses "some entirely trivial comments" and a list of suggested illustrations, and then turns to other matters related to their 10th-century project. In particular, he notes that he has completed the moneyers' index, which he describes as a major job but worth the effort. it needs only cross-checking against the lists at the beginning of each section and some tidying up, following the forms suggested by Veronica.
(f) letter from Ian Stewart to Christopher Blunt, manuscript, one folio (recto & verso), dated from the House of Commons on 30 March 1981, thanking CEB for approving so enthusiastically of IS's Viking draft and offering his helpful comments and corrections. Once he has comments from Stewart [Lyon], he will complete the text and get it ready for press before turning to the earlier Viking chapter, which he says will be easier to deal with once the Regnald die-study and Bossall bits are removed. He expresses the hope that they will be able to have a text for the bulk of the volume by the end of the year. He asks whether it would acceptable to use Rome I, II & III for the Vatican, Forum and 1846 hoards, noting that Michael Dolley's use of A & B [for two of them?] effectively rules out any possibility of using A, B & C. He thanks CEB for the invitation to Ramsbury and asks whether he saw the St Edmund half-penny in Seaby. There is an annotation in CEB's hand in the bottom right margin of the verso.

Blunt, Christopher Evelyn

Three letters from Christopher Blunt to Ian Stewart and three letters from Ian Stewart to Christopher Blunt with two attachments

Three letters from Christopher Blunt to Ian Stewart and three letters from Ian Stewart to Christopher Blunt with two attachments:
(a) letter from Ian Stewart to Christopher Blunt, manuscript, single page, on House of Commons letterhead dated from 13 July 1978, complaining that his work on the Finance Bill has prevented him from writing sooner and explaining that it will not be feasible to accept CEB's invitation to Ramsbury. He nevertheless proposes to see how things are shaping up in September. The letter then continues, in different ink, to suggest that the half-term holiday in October may be longer-term possibility. He says that he is pleased to learn about the progress on the BM Sylloge. He encloses a copy of a paper by Michael Dolley entitled "A possible explanation of Aelfred the Great's abandonment of the concept of periodic recoinage", which he says Christopher Brooke described as "a parody of the academic manner" and he wonders himself "how on earth does one edit that for a general readership"?!
(b) "A possible explanation of Aelfred the Great's abandonment of the concept of periodic recoinage", by Michael Dolley, typescript (photocopy) with additions, annotations, corrections, etc., seven pages on seven folios (recto only), undated but datable to before 13 July 1978 (date of the previous item to which it was attached).
(c) letter from Christopher Blunt to Ian Stewart, manuscript (carbon-copy), two pages on two folios (recto only), dated 19 July 1978, noting the "strange effusion from Michael [Dolley]". He observes that the paper acknowledges that CEB had seen an earlier draft, though if he had, CEB says that MD must have changed a great deal. He cannot think of how to go about editing it.
(d) letter from Ian Stewart to Christopher Blunt, typescript (form letter, photocopy) with manuscript additions, single page, on House of Commons letterhead, undated but datable to before 4 August 1978, when CEB replied to this letter. IS encloses a copy of his paper on "Anglo-Saxon gold coins" for the Humphrey Sutherland Festschrift and thanks CEB for his help with it. He also encloses "a summary of two-line variants and rare types" [from Edmund to Eadgar], which he describes as "very provisional" (next item).
(e) untitled table, manuscript, single page, unattributed and undated but attributable to IS and datable to before 4 August; described in the letter to which is was attached (previous item) as "a summary of two-line variants and rare types"; the column headings suggest that it covers the coinage from Edmund to Eadgar.
(f) letter from Christopher Blunt to Ian Stewart, manuscript (carbon-copy), four pages on four folios (recto only), dated 4 August 1978, thanking IS for the offprint from the CHVS [i.e. Humphrey Sutherland] Festschrift and for the "summary of two-line variants". On the latter, he has jotted a few notes on a separate sheet (i.e. page four). He notes that he has been working on the three-line variants of Eadwig and Eadgar and finds himself increasingly unhappy with some of Michael's idea, explaining why at length.
(g) letter from Christopher Blunt to Ian Stewart, manuscript, one folio (recto & verso), dated from Ramsbury on 14 November 1978, noting that Julia White typed his piece for the ANS and asking IS to make that she charges him for the work. He says that he is "plodding away at the two-line type" and that he has "nearly got the Athelstan cards for the Sylloge in shape for typing.
(h) letter from Ian Stewart to Christopher Blunt, manuscript, single page, on House of Commons letterhead dated from 29 November 1978, thanking CEB for his hospitality at Ramsbury and expressing the feeling that things are falling into place as regards their work on the 10th-century coinage.

Blunt, Christopher Evelyn

Three letters from Christopher Blunt to Ian Stewart and three letters from Ian Stewart to Christopher Blunt, two with attachments

Three letters from Christopher Blunt to Ian Stewart and three letters from Ian Stewart to Christopher Blunt, two with attachments:
(a) letter from Ian Stewart to Christopher Blunt, manuscript, one folio (recto & verso), dated from Baldwin Crescent, London SE5, on 12 September 1981, thanking CEB for the St Peter photographs saying that he "would be glad to keep the Geashill one and return the fragment for our plate", for which his thinks the die is the same as Cop. [i.e. SCBI Copenhagen?] 600. He suggests amending the text and adding a note as attached (see item (b) below). He asks whether Athelstan in B. 309 "is not a mule between an obv. of Aethelerd and a Regnald rev. He further wonders whether most of the smaller southern mints closed before BC and if CC might have been a sort of recoinage for which additional mints were opened. There is an annotation in pencil in CEB's hand in the left margin that addresses these questions. He notes that "Smyth II is now at the Trackers" and that he will miss the upcoming Sylloge meeting. There is a postscript asking about an idea of MD [i.e. Michael Dolley] on Bury St Edmund.
(b) note entitled "The Church Type of Athelstan", manuscript, single page of lined paper, signed "IS" and dated 30 July 1981, attached to item (a) above, with six numbered points, concerning: (1) the association of Birchall's specimen by Regnald of York with his other Bossall coins; (2) the need to look for a distinctive coinage for the archbishop of York if the St Peter coinage is not [arch-?] episcopal; (3) the unlikelihood of a rare York coinage of early Athelstan struck by several moneyers without other connections with the mint; (4) the fact that Regnald is the only certain York moneyer who puts the name on his dies and the possible implications of this; (5) the identities of a Frotier and Thurstan, who may be [moneyers] Frotger of Shrewsbury and Turstan of Leicester; (6) the greater likelihood of Birchall's coin being from Bossall if the non-Regnald examples of the type were from elsewhere.
(c) letter from Ian Stewart to Christopher Blunt, manuscript, one folio (recto & verso), dated from the Hotel Phoenicia, Floriana Malta, on 28 September 1981, returning the classification section of SCBI with his comments and noting that "the only point of substance is the portrait of NE II", which he feels does not wear a helmet and should be recorded under BC (NE II) as "helmet-like" or with some such description. He promises comments on their tenth-century work "in due course" but says that "the amount of space devoted to [Michael] Dolley's crackpot idea about HR3 ... is out of proportion", effectively giving it too much prominence and status. He asks CEB whether he would consider publishing a note on the matter elsewhere, as he is "for Dyke's equally daft notion about Howell". IS continues the missive from home, dated 2 October 1981, thanking CEB for his letter of the 25th [not among the papers of IS], expressing delight about the new die and agreeing that a piece should be added to Bossall. He refers to a Sylloge question about the incorporation of Celtic that he wishes to discuss.
(d) letter from Ian Stewart to Christopher Blunt, manuscript, one folio (recto & verso), dated from Baldwin Crescent, London SE5, on 18 October 1981, thanking IS for his letter [which is evidently absent from Lord Stewartby's papers] and sending a few brief comments. On HR3, he refers to an enclosure (see item (e) below) but adding that he "would like to remove from CTCE [Coinage in tenth-century England] reference to [Michael] Dolley in connection with Edwig's BC coin", perhaps relegating "the bit about authenticity" to a footnote. He says that he would rather not give Dolley's idea "further currency". On the Celtic matter, he says that he takes CEB's point and briefly offers a somewhat cryptic explanation of his own position. On Athelstan, he says that he asked CSSL [i.e. Stewart Lyon] whether he had made any progress towards a revived two-line late in the reign and encloses his response (see JCPP/Stewartby/1/1/LYON/1981/1). He also notes that he has lost the comments that CEB sent on a Edwig half-penny that the BM acquired from a recent sale and asks him to remind him of the moneyer and type. He concludes with a comment on CEB's note on Peterborough and MONTA ZC, which reminds of a coin published in the Numismatic Chronicle, 1953, pl. VI.28, with the inscription MONITA SCORVM that was found in Northamptonshire. The letter is unsigned but on IS's personal letterhead and clearly in his hand.
(e) note entitled "HR3", manuscript, single page on House of Commons letterhead, unsigned and undated but attached to item (d) above and clearly in IS's hand, commenting on the manner in which English coinage was arriving in Ireland during the tenth century.
(f) letter from Christopher Blunt to Ian Stewart, manuscript (carbon-copy), two pages on two folios (recto only), dated 28 October 1981, thanking IS for his letter of 18 October for passing on Stewart Lyon's interesting comments on Athelstan. He needs more time to finish his consideration of the latter but finds himself inclined to agree with many of CSSL's arguments and observations. He says that concurs with IS about relegating the discussion about the Edwig BC to a footnote. There is further comment on the Celtic question in connection with SCBI and on the business about the helmet (or lack thereof), followed by more detailed discussion of Bossall. CEB relates that he now has photographs of the two Birchall coins they needed and that the Regnald "Church" of Athelstan is from two new dies. Finally, he informs IS that the Edwig half-penny is type HT1 var.
(g) letter from Christopher Blunt to Ian Stewart, typescript (copy?), single page, dated 27 November 1981, returning IS's piece on historical background with a few trivial comments. He refers to his experiments with presenting the table of moneyers by mints and types in tabular form and asks IS for comments on his efforts. In so doing, he noticed that Thetford had not been included, whereas in SCBI they are including Thetford with a question mark and suggests that do the same for the tenth-century volume. He mentions some dangerous forgeries of Anglo-Saxon and Norman coins of which Marion [Archibald] produced some photographs for the last BNS [meeting].
(h) letter from Christopher Blunt to Ian Stewart, typescript, one folio (recto & verso), dated from Ramsbury on 3 December 1981, enclosing a letter from Michael Metcalf in the event that he hadn't sent a copy to IS. He says that the Michaels [i.e. referring also to Michael Dolley], "have landed themselves in a pretty pickle" and asks what they do about the matter. His first thought was to withdraw the paper, but he feels that it ought to be published and that the Numismatic Chronicle is the best outlet, so it would be necessary to know the objections of MD and Smyth. He says that he is "not prepared to indulge in a running squabble with MD", having already been involved in one once before over a paper that he had co-authored with John Brand and describing MD as even more unbalanced. He suggests that a possible way forward would be to write to MM saying that they note his points and will attempt to meet them, that they will attempt to do the say in regard to the points raised by MD and Smyth if they could have them, and that they "are in fact replying to views which [they] consider numismatically unsound put forward in Smyth's Scandinavian Kings in the British Isles and by MD and Moore in BNJ 43, pp. 45-59.

Blunt, Christopher Evelyn

Three letters from Christopher Blunt to Ian Stewart and two letters from Ian Stewart to Christopher Blunt, one with an attachment

Three letters from Christopher Blunt to Ian Stewart and two letters from Ian Stewart to Christopher Blunt, one with an attachment:
(a) letter from Christopher Blunt to Ian Stewart, manuscript, one folio (recto & verso), dated from Ramsbury on 7 April 1983, noting that [Antony] Gunstone had sent the photographs for his Southern museums volume on which he would like some help and asking IS to looks over the ones that concern Offa's coins since he had CEB's index cards for the Offa coins. He says that he has put his comments at the bottom of Gunstone's list and asks for the return of the photos and list. He reports on Michael Dolley's funeral and names some of the people who attended. He says that he explained IS's absence to the Dolley family and they replied that they had received "a charming letter" from him.
(b) letter from Christopher Blunt to Ian Stewart, manuscript, one folio (recto & verso), dated from Ramsbury on 14 April 1983, thanking IS for his comments on the Gunstone photos and noting that some of the points he made had completely escaped him. He discusses the "puzzling Offa from Southampton" and his struggles to come up with a satisfactory reading of it. He says that he now has photographs of the Lough Ennell coins, observing that the small fragment indeed looks like an Alfred BMC XXI. He notes that there are also "some intriguing St Edmunds (post-Cuerdale)", some "sword 'temple' type coins", which ha says are "probably continental", and about ten small fragments. He describes some unusual characteristics on some of the St Edmunds.
(c) letter from Ian Stewart to Christopher Blunt, manuscript, one folio (recto & verso), dated from Baldwin Crescent, London SE5, on 16 April 1983, thanking CEB for his letter and expressing satisfaction that his notes on the Gunstone coins were helpful. He says that he will be interested to see the photographs of the Lough Ennell coins and comments briefly on CEB's descriptions. There is an annotation in the upper right margin of the recto in CEB's hand to the effect that he answered the letter on 19 April, though there is no letter of this date from CEB among the papers of IS.
(d) letter from Christopher Blunt to Ian Stewart, manuscript, two folios (recto & verso), dated from Ramsbury on 6 May 1983, thanking IS for returning the photographs of the Lough Ennell coins with his comments on them. He says that he has received a copy of [Michael] Kenny's text from Dublin, which he will show to IS later. In the meantime, he says that he wants "to show the temple-type coins to Mark [Blackburn] who has been working on this series for Philip [Grierson]'s great catalogue". He also wants to discuss the St Edmunds with [Hugh] Pagan, who will be visiting him the next weekend. He reports on his successful visit to Chester, which he says has a good deal of 10th-century Anglo-Saxon material from the various Chester hoards. There is discussion of the way some of the hoards were originally handled and of Sylloge politics. He mentions plans for IS to visit later in the summer, Mark Blackburn's recent visit and, in a postscript, a memorial service for Michael [Dolley] in Belfast.
(e) letter from Ian Stewart to Christopher Blunt, manuscript, one folio (recto & verso), dated from the House of Commons on 14 July 1983, enclosing his uncorrected draft on Offa (see item (f) below). The upper right margin carries an annotation in CEB's hand that reads "Ans 26/7", but the papers of IS contain no such reply.
(f) paper entitled "The London mint and the coinage of Offa", typescript (photocopy), 17 pages on 17 folios (recto only), one paragraph per page/folio, unattributed and undated, but referred to in Ian Stewart's letter of 14 July 1983 to Christopher Blunt (see item (e) above), and therefore attributable to Ian Stewart and datable to before 14 July.

Blunt, Christopher Evelyn

Three letters from Christopher Blunt to Ian Stewart with one card and two letters from Ian Stewart to Christopher Blunt

Three letters from Christopher Blunt to Ian Stewart with one card and two letters from Ian Stewart to Christopher Blunt:
(a) letter from Christopher Blunt to Ian Stewart, manuscript, two pages on two folios of recycled paper (recto only), dated 2 December 1972, commenting on IS's review of Michael Dolley's Medieval Anglo-Irish coins.
(b) card from Ian Stewart to Christopher Blunt, manuscript, dated 8 December 1972, thanking CEB for his comments on the review, promising to take account of them and elaborating on the significance of documentary references in the close rolls to denarii hiberniae, which he argues need not refer specifically to Irish pennies.
(c) letter from Christopher Blunt to Ian Stewart, manuscript, one folio (recto & verso), dated 14 December 1972, hoping to be able to deliver a gift [?] personally "to avoid the visit you propose", adding that "the two little coins come with [his] best wishes". He says that "the florin penny appears not to be recorded by Fox" so he is unable to say whether "he had it when he wrote". He describes the other as "a poor thing" that may fill a gap in IS's collection.
(d) letter from Ian Stewart to Christopher Blunt, manuscript, one folio (recto & verso), dated from St George's Road, London SE1, on Boxing Day 1972, describing the Henry IV penny as "one of the most unexpected and exciting Christmas presents [he] can ever remember having received". He also thanks CEB for Durham XVI with retrograde N, and he asks to say whether it will be too much for him to do Athelstan by about July.
(e) letter from Christopher Blunt to Ian Stewart, manuscript, one folio (recto & verso), dated 27 December 1972, thanking IS for his part in the Edw III ½ groat. He says that he was touched by the proposals for a sep[arate?] American [birthday?] volume, but the form must be for "you all to decide". He also discusses plans to get the Athelstan volume finished by the end of May, and will try to engage a girl with the capacity to deal with both his writing and the unusual terminology of numismatics.
(f) letter from Ian Stewart to Christopher Blunt, manuscript, one folio (recto & verso), dated from St George's Road, London SE1, on 31 December 1972, expressing pleasure to know that CEB finds the prospect of the birthday volume as happy as do many of his friends. He suggests that CEB use the same person for his typing that IS uses, a Miss Victoria Stileman who is a family friend and works at the Ashmolean. He goes into some detail about the working arrangements that he has with her.

Blunt, Christopher Evelyn

Three letters from Christopher Blunt to Ian Stewart, one with an attachment, and three letters from Ian Stewart to Christopher Blunt, two with attachments

Two letters from Christopher Blunt to Ian Stewart, one with an attachment, and three letters from Ian Stewart to Christopher Blunt, two with a total of three attachments:
(a) letter from Christopher Blunt to Ian Stewart, manuscript, one folio (recto & verso), dated from Ramsbury on 10 May 1982, commenting briefly on IS's chapter for Philip Grierson's book "The Anglo-Viking Coinages". He also mentions Liz Pirie's styca paper and the mostly unfavourable comments that it has received [from members of the Sylloge committee?], except for Michael Dolley, who has insisted that it must be taken seriously; otherwise, "all seem afraid that publication outside the Sylloge is the proper course".
(b) letter from Christopher Blunt to Ian Stewart, manuscript, one folio (recto & verso), dated from Ramsbury on 11 May 1982, saying that he enjoyed reading IS's paper and enclosing a few noted (see item (c) below). He assumes that IS has sent a separate copy to CSSL [i.e. Stewart Lyon] and that he need not do so. In a postscript, which runs from the recto over to the verso, he notes that he is offering the BNJ his paper on Howell Dda [i.e. Hywel Dda] and will send it for comments once he hears from Wilmer Dykes.
(c) "Notes on BHIHS' paper on The anonymous Anglo-Viking coins of the Sword and Hammer type" [by Christopher Blunt], manuscript, two numbered pages on two folios (recto only), unattributed and undated but clearly in CEB's hand and specifically referred to in the in CEB's letter of 11 May (see item (b) above).
(d) letter from Ian Stewart to Christopher Blunt, manuscript, single page, on House of Commons letterhead and dated from the Finance Committee on 11 May 1982, enclosing a paper that he describes as "a spin-off from reorganising Regnald/Bossall" [entitled "The anonymous Anglo-Viking coins of the sword and hammer type"] (see item (f) below) with a page of attached notes (see item (e) below). He noted that he has provisionally offered the paper to [Christopher] Challis for the next BNJ. He asks for comments and advice on several points regarding the paper and its bearing on their relations with Michael Dolley. There are annotations in pencil in the left margin and the lower margin in CEB's hand, and there is a note upper right in pen in CEB's hand that reads "Ans 12/5/82".
(e) notes, manuscript (pencil), single page, unattributed, undated and without title but clearly in CEB's hand, attached to the IS's letter of 11 May (see item (d) above) and with the heading "Has Ian compared ..."?
(f) paper entitled "The anonymous Anglo-Viking coins of the sword and hammer type" [by Ian Stewart], typescript, 10+1+3 pages (10 numbered pp. of text with unnumbered page consisting in a manuscript table (photocopy) inserted between pp. 7 & 8 plus 3 unnumbered pp. of notes) on fourteen folios, unattributed and undated but attached to IS's letter of 11 May (see item (d) above) and with the table in IS's hand.
(g) letter from Ian Stewart to Christopher Blunt, manuscript, one folio (recto & verso), dated from Baldwin Crescent, London SE5, on 22 June 1982, commenting on the "splendid news about the Eadwald" and thanking CEB for the joint letter about CTCE [i.e. Coinage in Tenth-Century England]. He says that he will go through CEB's letter and comment on progress shortly but also notes that Parliament is very demanding at the moment; he suggests getting together for a weekend in late August or September. He encloses a paper entitled "The coinage of Sitric I" (see item (h) below), which he describes as "part 2 of [the] BNJ paper on [the?] CS type". He says that he is waiting to hear from Stewart [Lyon] about Elizabeth Pirie's paper at the BNS, adding that "it needs to be checked at this stage, before damage is done". There is a note in pen in the upper right margin of the recto in CEB's hand that reads "Ack 25/6".
(h) paper entitled "The coinage of Sitric I" [by Ian Stewart], typescript, seven pages numbered 11-17 plus one page of notes on eight folios (recto only), unattributed and undated but attached to IS's letter of 22 June (see item (g) above) and referred to in the letter.
(i) letter from Christopher Blunt to Ian Stewart, manuscript, three pages on two folios, dated from Ramsbury on 25 June 1982, commenting that the revised second part of IS's paper cannot give offence to any reasonable person but adding that their friend is not reasonable. He says that he "had not put Sihtric's coinage quite as late as 926" and offers a few "trivial" points. He mentions that he was unable to attend Liz Pirie's paper on stycas but hopes it went well.
(j) letter from Ian Stewart to Christopher Blunt, manuscript, one folio (recto & verso), dated from Baldwin Crescent, London SE5, on 3 July 1982, reporting that the history chapter is finished and that he is returning CEB's copy of the first draft plus the new one that incorporates the latest comments of CEB, Dorothy [Whitelock] and Henry [Loyn?]. He says that he now working on revising the classification chapter and on CEB's Athelstan chapter, after which he hope to go through the Edmund-Edgar chapters. He notes that CEB's new Eadward raises the question about when "the early (portrait) East Anglian coins of Coenwulf were struck. In a postscrtipt, he mentions the problem of the Æ diphthong and other similar characters common to Anglo-Saxon script. There is a note in pen in the upper right margin of the recto in CEB's hand that reads "Ans 8/7".

Blunt, Christopher Evelyn

Three letters from Christopher Blunt to Ian Stewart, one with an attachment, and two letters from Ian Stewart to Christopher Blunt

Three letters from Christopher Blunt to Ian Stewart, one with an attachment, and two letters from Ian Stewart to Christopher Blunt:
(a) letter from Christopher Blunt to Ian Stewart, manuscript, single page, dated from Ramsbury on 17 February 1983, writing that he has just learned from MMA [i.e. Marion Archibald] that the alleged [gold] thrymsa in the Spink sale is indeed a forgery. He notes that it had already been submitted to the BM with two sceattas but condemned. Attached (see item (b) below) is a page excised from a numismatic sales catalogue.
(b) attachment to letter from from Christopher Blunt to Ian Stewart of 17 April 1983 (see item (a) above) consisting in a folio excised from the plates of a numismatic sales catalogue, undated and unidentified but presumably closing soon after the date of the latter to which it is attached, possibly Spink (UK) auction 27, 16 March 1983. The piece in question appears to be lot 193.
(c) letter from Ian Stewart to Christopher Blunt, manuscript, one folio (recto & verso), dated from Baldwin Crescent, London SE5, on 13 March 1983, thanking CEB for allowing him to borrow his Offa card index and wondering whether he ever thought to publish a list of specimens "like the one for Coenwulf" that they did for their joint work [with Stewart Lyon] in the BNJ on Southern England, 796-840. He notes that he has been working on a piece on the London mint under Offa for the MD [i.e. Michael Dolley] festschrift. He further notes that Edward Baldwin photographed his anonymous Viking sword/hammer fragment and reduced the enlargement of the Dunmore specimen, and he encloses a spare print of the latter for CEB's card index. He asks whether there is any more news about the Lough Ennell find and then refers to Michael Dolley's poor state, expressing sympathy for his wife Mary.
(d) letter from Christopher Blunt to Ian Stewart, manuscript, one folio (recto & verso), dated from Ramsbury on 19 March 1983, informing IS that the Regnald proofs have arrived and noting that he has marked a few points [for correction], listing them below, while complimenting the OUP and [Michael] Metcalf [as editor]. He says that DMM has deleted the reference to Michael Dolley's reply, which leads him to suspect that MD "is near the end of the road as far as any scholarly work is concerned". He relates how MD's wife Mary has said that she cannot take it any longer and that MD will need to go to a home, something that the doctors have said was eventually inevitable. He refers to MD's trip to Dublin to receive his doctorate, which he has undertaken despite being "quite unfit to travel", and notes that Mary and their daughter Mary will be stopping at Ramsbury during Holy Week on their way from London to Teignmouth. CEB thanks IS for his letter about Offa and the photograph and says that he never really thought about publishing a list of the Offa coins but is happy for anyone to use his card index towards that end. He nevertheless states that he would be interested in publishing a corpus of the coins of [king] Berhtnulf [of Mercia].
(e) letter from Ian Stewart to Christopher Blunt, manuscript, one folio (recto & verso), dated from Baldwin Crescent, London SE5, on 27 March 1983, writing that "we have been thinking of so much this week-end after the sad news of Anthony". He turns to the coins, agreeing that "[Michael] Metcalf and the OUP [...] have made a marvellous job of [their] difficult text" and noting that he is returning [the proofs] with their points marked but wishes to add a footnote at the very end in reference to his paper on the circumscription-sword and Si[h]tric in the BNJ. There are further comments about the clipped down Regnald hand coin, CEB's Heriger note and the Eadred in "Martin's latest list".
(f) letter from Christopher Blunt to Ian Stewart, manuscript, one folio (recto & verso), dated from Ramsbury on 4 April 1983, thanking IS for writing about Anthony. He says that he went to the BM for Robert Carson's farewell party and talked with David Wilson about his successor. He learned that DW "had deliberately not sought to fill the post until [John] Kent had had a chance to show his metal", adding that "he clearly has some doubts about him". CEB also says that he will attend Michael Dolley's funeral on Wednesday and explain to MD's wife Mary why IS cannot be there.

Blunt, Christopher Evelyn

Three letters from Christopher Blunt to Ian Stewart, one with an attachment, and two letters from Ian Stewart to Christopher Blunt

Three letters from Christopher Blunt to Ian Stewart, one with attachment, and two letters from Ian Stewart to Christopher Blunt:
(a) letter from Christopher Blunt to Ian Stewart, manuscript (carbon-copy), two pages on two folios (recto only), dated 11 September 1983, thanking IS for the copies of the moneyers' lists and making some comments on them. He says that he very much enjoyed the recent visit of IS's family and notes that Liz Pirie will be visiting him this week. During the visit, he expects to be appraised of her latest thinking on the stycas, but he adds that he knows little about them and therefore hesitates to express an opinion. He understands that she is not happy about the way they have asked her to arrange the material for her sylloge volume.
(b) letter from Ian Stewart to Christopher Blunt, manuscript, one folio (recto & verso), dated from Baldwin Crescent, London SE5, on 8 October 1983, thanking CEB for the retyped material on the horizontal types and reporting that he now has Stewart Lyon's note on weights. He says that an expanded version would sit nicely as a short chapter on metrology in CTCE [i.e. Coinage in tenth-century England]. He asks CEB whether he has seen the Vecchi catalogue and comments on some of the lots. He expresses his opposition to a copyright fee for Chester and his disappointment at missing the last SCBI committee meeting. He refers to the "sad news about Harry Norweb" and briefly comments on his recent trip to Southeast Asia. There is an annotation in CEB's hand in the upper right margin that reads "Ans 15/10", but there is no letter of that date from CEB among IS's papers.
(c) letter from Ian Stewart to Christopher Blunt, manuscript, one folio (recto & verso), dated from Baldwin Crescent, London SE5, on 19 November 1983, welcoming news about the [British] Academy taking on CTCE [i.e. Coinage in tenth-century England] and expressing relief that Henry [Loyn] approves of the historical chapter, which he says was "dreadfully difficult to write". He comments briefly on the plates and apologises in advance for not being to attend the forthcoming BNS meeting.
(d) letter from Christopher Blunt to Ian Stewart, typescript (carbon-copy), two pages on two folios (recto only), dated 27 November 1983, commenting on the Viking 939-954 chapter [of CTCE, i.e. Coinage in tenth-century England], on a new article in the BNJ by two French scholars who are attributing six Charles the Bald coins of Quentovic in the Boulogne Museum to Cuerdale, and on other matters relating to CTCE.
(e) letter from Christopher Blunt to Ian Stewart, manuscript, one folio (recto & verso), dated from Ramsbury on 13 December 1983, asking IS to read the BNJ article on the alleged Cuerdale coins, i.e. M. Dhénin and P. Leclercq, 'The coins of Quentovic from the Cuerdale hoard in the Museum of Boulogne-sur-Mer', BNJ, vol. 52 (1982), pp. 104-107. CEB wishes to know whether IS shares his doubts and says that he has sent a similar letter to Stewart [Lyon]. If they both agree with him, he proposes to insert a few paragraphs in which he expresses his doubts into his forthcoming BNJ paper on the composition of the Cuerdale hoard and invite comments from the authors.
(f) untitled paper, manuscript (photocopy), three pages on three folios (recto & verso), undated, with the following incipit: "Recently the suggestion has been made that six Carolingian coins form [sic; recto: from] the mint of Quentovic in the Boulogne Museum are from the Cuerdale hoard". There are just over two pages of text plus four brief endnotes. Although unattributed, undated and untitled, the paper forms the latter part of CEB's article on 'The composition of the Cuerdale hoard', BNJ, vol. 53 (1983), pp. 1-6. Because CEB refers explicitly to the additional paragraphs in his letter of 13 December 1983, the draft typescript may be attributed to CEB and dated to before the date of his letter.

Blunt, Christopher Evelyn

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