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Sun Fire Office
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Receipt for insuring library books

Receipt from the Sun Fire Office confirming payment of £3 7s 6d from Jesus College, the amount for one year's premium and duty on an insurance of £1500, from Midsummer 1865 to Midsummer 1866. Dated 25th March 1865 and signed by Henry Hazard. Receipt is labelled 'Books in the Library'.

Hazard, Henry

Receipt for insuring college buildings and chapel

Receipt from the Sun Fire Office confirming payment of £10 10s from Jesus College, the amount for one year's premium and duty on an insurance of £7000, from Midsummer 1865 to Midsummer 1866. Dated 24th June 1865 and signed by Henry Hazard. Receipt is labelled 'College Buildings and Chapel'.

Hazard, Henry

Receipt for insurance

Paid 1 pound 13 shillings to Sun Fire Office, London, for one year of insurance on College buildings (House and Buildings on the Valley Farm at Wilbraham) worth 600 pounds. Signed Henry Hazard.

Hazard, Henry

Receipt for insurance

Paid 1 pound 4 shillings to Sun Fire Office, London, for one year of insurance on College buildings (St Giles Premises) worth 300 pounds. Signed Henry Hazard.

Hazard, Henry

Receipt for insurance

Received £3 7s 6d for £1,500 worth of cover, signed Henry Hazard, Agent

Sun Fire Office

Receipt for insurance

Paid 3 pounds 7 shillings and 6 pence to Sun Fire Office, London, for one year of insurance on printed books in library worth 1500 pounds. Signed Henry Hazard Agent.

Hazard, Henry

Receipt for insurance

Paid 15 pounds 15 shillings to Sun Fire Office, London, for one year of insurance on College buildings worth 7000 pounds. Signed Henry Hazard.

Hazard, Henry

Receipt for insurance

Paid 5 pounds 15 shillings 6 pence to Sun Fire Office, London, for one year of insurance on College buildings (Farm House + buildings at Great Shelford) worth 2000 pounds. Signed Henry Hazard.

Hazard, Henry

Receipt for insurance

Received £5 5s for £7,000 worth of cover, signed Henry Hazard, Agent

Sun Fire Office

Receipt for insurance

Paid 2 pounds 9 shillings 6 pence to Sun Fire Office, London, for one year of insurance on College buildings (Farm House + Homestead at Graveley) worth 900 pounds. Signed Henry Hazard.

Hazard, Henry

Receipt for fire insurance

Receipt for one year's fire insurance, amounting to £3 15s. Signed by Bruce Fisher, John Fisher and Tho. Shill.[?].

Sun Fire Office

Receipt for fire insurance

A printed receipt for the payment of £3 15s as one year and nine month's duty on £3000 in the Sun Fire Office. Signed by Richd. Comings.

Plant, Henry

Receipt for fire insurance

A receipt for fire insurance covering the period from March 1769 to March 1770, costing £3 15s. The receipt is signed by four witnesses: Hide, 'R. Comings', Lillie Aynscombe and Charles Pole.

Sun Fire Office

Library insurance

Receipt for insurance of printed books in the library £3 7s 6d, from Sun Fire Office

Hazard, Henry

Invoices for repairs and painting, and Insurance and Rent Receipts.

Invoice itemising various repairs, supplies and labour costs, totalling £21 0s 6d, [signed] William H. Jarrold, 5th December 1882, confirmed, stamped, and signed by 'R.Reynolds Rowe, Surveyor and Agent to Jesus College'.
Sun Fire Office Insurance Receipt for one year's premium on an insurance of £840 0s 0d, from Christmas Day 1881 to Christmas Day 1882, £1 7s 4d, 25th December 1881 [23b]. Sun Fire Office Insurance Receipt for one year's premium on an insurance of £1600 0s 0d, from Christmas Day 1881 to Christmas Day 1882, £1 6s 0d, 25th December 1881 [23c]. Sun Fire Office Insurance Receipt for one year's premium on an insurance of £1000 0s 0d, from Christmas Day 1881 to Christmas Day 1882, £0 15s 0d, 25th December 1881 [23d]. Sun Fire Office Insurance Receipt for one year's premium on an insurance of £1300 0s 0d, from Christmas Day 1881 to Christmas Day 1882, £0 19s 6d, 25th December 1881 [23e]. Sun Fire Office Insurance Receipt for one year's premium on an insurance of £4800 0s 0d, from Christmas Day 1881 to Christmas Day 1882, £4 7s 0d, 25th December 1881 [23f].
Rent Receipt for one year's rent paid to the Borough of Cambridge totalling £5 3s 0d, received of the Bursar of Jesus College, 3rd November 1882 [signed] George W. Grody for H. J. Whitehead, Treasurer [23g].
Invoice itemising painting at 9 Shelly Row and Nos. 4 and 5 Park Terrace, totalling £17 10s 0s, [signed J. Paulett, 10th May 1882, confirmed and signed by 'R.Reynolds Rowe, Surveyor and Agent to Jesus College', 13th May 1882 [23h].

Sun Fire Office

Insurance Receipts

Sun Fire Office Insurance Receipts for: (29a) one year's premium on an insurance of £600 from Xmas 1881 to Xmas 1882, totalling £0 15s 0d; and (29b) one year's premium on an insurance of £1085 from Xmas 1881 to Xmas 1882, totalling £1 5s 4d.

Sun Fire Office

Insurance receipt for Valley Farm at Wilbraham

Receipt for one year's premium (15s) and duty (18s) on an insurance worth £600, for the Valley Farm at Wilbraham. Received of Jesus College by the Sun Fire Office, London. Paid £1 13s. Dated 25th December 1864 and signed by Henry Hazard.

Hazard, Henry

Insurance receipt for buildings at Over

Receipt from the Sun Fire Office, London for one year's premium and duty on buildings at Over insured by the college for £1100 between Christmas 1864 and Christmas 1865. Received of Jesus College, paid £3 16s, dated 25th December 1864 and signed by Henry Hazard.

Hazard, Henry

Insurance receipt

Receipt for payment of £5 15s 6d on an insurance worth £2000, for the period Michaelmas 1863 to Michaelmas 1864, for the farmhouse and homestead at Great Shelford. Paid to the Sun Fire Office. Dated 29th September 1863 and signed by Henry Hazard.

Hazard, Henry

Insurance receipt

Receipt for insurance worth £900 for the farm house and homestead at Graveley, for the period of Christmas 1862 to 1863. Payment totalling £2 9s 6d, received by Jesus College, and signed by Henry Hazard.

Hazard, Henry

Insurance receipt

Receipt for insurance paid to the Sun Fire Office, London, received of Jesus College. Payment totals £2 9s 6d, one year's premium and duty on the farmhouse and homestead at Graveley between Christmas 1863 and Christmas 1864. Dated 25th December 1863 and signed by Henry Hazard.

Sun Fire Office

Insurance receipt

Insurance receipt from the Sun Fire Office, London, received of Jesus College. Payment of £15 15s, for one year's premium and duty on an £7000 insurance. Dated 24th June 1864, and signed by Henry Hazard.

Hazard, Henry

Insurance receipt

Insurance receipt issued by the Sun Fire Office, London, and received of Jesus College. Payment totals £5 15s 6d, one year's premium and duty on the farm at Great Shelford between Michaelmas 1864 and Michaelmas 1865. Dated 29th September 1864 and signed by Henry Hazard.

Sun Fire Office

Insurance receipt

Payment of £3 14s to the Sun Fire Office in London for duty on the insurance of £1600 for 8 houses on Jesus Lane running from Christmas 1862 to Christmas 1863. Signed by Henry Hazard.

Sun Fire Office

Insurance receipt

Payment of £1 18s 6d to the Sun Fire Office in London for duty on the insurance of £400 for the two houses on the corner of Malcolm Street running from Christmas 1862 to Christmas 1863. Signed by Henry Hazard.

Sun Fire Office

Insurance receipt

Receipt for insurance payment for the eight houses in Jesus Lane, one year's premium and duty on an insurance worth £1600 from Christmas 1863 to Christmas 1864. Totalling £3 14s, paid to the Sun Fire Office, dated 25th December 1863 and signed by Henry Hazard.

Sun Fire Office

Insurance receipt

Receipt for insurance payment to the Sun Fire Office, London, relating to the Valley Farm at Wilbraham. Total payment of £1 13s, one year's premium and duty on an insurance of £600 from Christmas 1863 to Christmas 1864. Dated the 25th December 1863, and signed by Henry Hazard.

Hazard, Henry

Insurance receipt

Receipt for insurance on farmhouse and homestead at Over, in the tenure of Thomas Gifford, received of Jesus College. Total payment of £3 16s, one year's premium and duty at the property's value of £1100, from Christmas 1863 to Christmas 1864. Dated the 25th December 1863, and signed by Henry Hazard of the Sun Fire Office, London.

Hazard, Henry

Insurance receipt

Receipt for one year's premium and duty on the Farmhouse and Homestead at Over in the tenure of Mr William Gifford, between Christmas 1863 and Christmas 1864, received of Jesus College. Payment totals £1 12s 9d. Dated 25th December 1863, and signed by Henry Hazard, agent of the Sun Fire Office, London.

Sun Fire Office

Insurance Receipt

Sun Fire Office Insure Receipt - Poil. 1004952 at £5 5s per annum, rect no. 9774. Received of Jesus College

Comings, Mr Richard

Insurance receipt

From Sun Fire Office manager Henry Hazard, London for the receipt of £15 15s for one year's premium and duty in insurance of £700 from Michaelmas 1841 to Michaelmas 1842

Sun Fire Office

Insurance Receipt

Sun Fire Office Insurance Receipt for one year's premium on an insurance of £1000 from Xmas 1881 to Xmas 1882, £2 1s 0d.

Sun Fire Office

Insurance Receipt

Insurance receipt from Sun Fire Office recieved of Jesus College, for the sum of £5 for one year's insurance in the Sun Fire Office, London and £10 for one year's duty, accouting to the Acts of Parliament, on £7000 insured from Midsummer 1831 to Midsummer 1832, the 14th day of June 1831. Total of £15 15s. For the Managers of Sun Fire Office, signed Richard Comings.

Comings, Mr Richard

Insurance Receipt

Recieved of Jesus College the sum of £5 5s for one year's insurance in the Sun Fire Office. Insured from midsummer 1830 to midsummer 1831. Signed by Richard Comings.

Sun Fire Office

Insurance receipt

From Sun Fire Office manager Henry Hazard, London for the receipt of £3 7s 6d for one year's premium and duty in insurance of £1500 from Lady Day1841 to Lady Day 1842

Sun Fire Office

Insurance receipt

Receipt for payment of £1 12s 9d for insurance of the farm house and homestead in Over in the tenure of William Gifford, worth £600 and running from Christmas 1862 to Christmas 1863. Paid to the Sun Fire Office and signed by Henry Hazard.

Hazard, Henry

Insurance receipt

Receipt for £1 13s for insurance worth £600, for the house and buildings on Valley Farm at Wilbraham, from Christmas 1862 to Christmas 1863. Signed by Henry Hazard.

Hazard, Henry

Insurance receipt

Insurance receipt from the Sun Fire Office, London, received of Jesus College, relating to printed books in the library. Payment of £3 7s 6d, for one year's premium and duty on an £1500 insurance. Dated 25th March 1864, and signed by Henry Hazard.

Hazard, Henry

Insurance receipt

Receipt for insurance payment for the two houses at the Corner of Malcolm Street, one year's premium and duty on an insurance worth £700 from Christmas 1863 to Christmas 1864. Totalling £1 18s 6d, paid to the Sun Fire Office, dated 25th December 1863 and signed by Henry Hazard.

Sun Fire Office

Insurance receipt

Receipt for one year's premium and duty on an insurance worth £1085 from Michaelmas 1864 to Michaelmas 1865, concerning the homestead at premises at the back of college. Totalling £2 17s 10d, dating 29th September 1864 and signed by Henry Hazard.

Sun Fire Office

Insurance Receipt

Receipt from Agent Henry Hazard of the Sun Fire Office to Jesus College for the sum of one year's premium and duty on an insurance of £7000 from the middle of 1845 to the middle of 1846, costing the College £15 15s 0d. Record number 30,402 and Pol. number 1004952

Sun Fire Office

Insurance receipt

Receipt for insurance, £15 15s 0d, from Sun Fire Office

Hazard, Henry

Insurance Bills for books and buildings

  1. Received of Jesus College £3 7s 6d by Henry Hazard for one year's insurance premium of £1500 for printed books in the college library.
  2. Received of Jesus College £15 15s by Henry Hazard for one year's insurance premium of £7000 for the college buildings.

Hazard, Henry

Insurance Bill

Jesus College paid £2 9s 6d insurance on farm house and homestead at Graveley

Sun Fire Office

Insurance bill

Paid £3 7s 6d for College insurance. Signed by Hazard for Comings.

Sun Fire Office

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