Showing 14 results

Archival description
Land tax receipt All Saints
Land tax receipt All Saints
All Saints and St Andrew the Great taxes
All Saints and St Andrew the Great taxes
Elliston taxes and costs
Elliston taxes and costs
Affairs of Mrs Haggis including taxes and payment of will
Affairs of Mrs Haggis including taxes and payment of will
Land and assessed tax receipts
Land and assessed tax receipts
Income tax receipts
Income tax receipts
Mr Seymour's Receipts
Mr Seymour's Receipts
Income tax receipts
Income tax receipts
Income tax receipts
Income tax receipts
St Giles Income Tax Receipts
St Giles Income Tax Receipts
Income tax receipts, All Saints
Income tax receipts, All Saints
Income Tax Receipts
Income Tax Receipts
Receipt for Payment of Land Tax
Receipt for Payment of Land Tax
Income tax receipts
Income tax receipts