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Coe, Thomas Item
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Bill for locksmith (Thomas Coe)

Paid £1 13s 9d between July and August, 1767, for: two locks on the Fellow's Garden; "Lock pon gate; "mend wealarrow[wheelbarrow?]"; "4 spikes"; "mend hole" and the lock in the Chapel; lock "masters Cloore[?]"; clean the "parlow stead"; clean "sett from & frett Fender"; mend "parlow hoe"; cleaning a hoe; 3 "for 3 keys" and "bag" Fellows Garden and Library; for a "chovell"[shovel]; fix a "week College pump"; fixing a "sweepe pin" on the "masters pump"; locking and altering the coal hole; purchase of a scythe; 2 keys for the porters; "laying sythe" and gardening; 3 staples in the "Buttress".

Coe, Thomas

Bill for locksmith (Thomas Coe and Glin Ricely[?])

Bill for various items of 'smith work', including: a new lock and key for the College's coalhouse (2s); 'laying the pump' (2s); 3 keys for the garden, library and 'bog' (4s 6d); laying the parlour 'pooker' [poker] (1s); bog key for the porters (6d); a new parlour shovel (2s); 'master pump hoope' (6d); two pins 'to top College pump' (6d); replacing old screws in a post at 'End Colleg Walk' (2s); laying a matlock for the porter (8d); two keys and fixing the master's stable (4s); mending a hinge (6d); a lock on the master's garden (6d); staples in the master's stable (2s); a lock and key for 'Cooks' coal house (1s); a new rake handle for the fellow's garden (1s); 12 strong nails, 2 staples and a 'harp hook' for the master's stable (1s 6d); long hooks to hang a door (8d); hooks and 'home maid nales' (2s); mending the parlour's poker (6d); a large hinge and screws (2s); 'new duck hook & handell' for the porter (2s 6d). Signed by Glin [possibly Elin] Ricely and Thomas Coe.

Coe, Thomas

Bill for locksmith (Thomas Coe and Glin Ricely[?])

Bill for 'smithwork' in college, including: locking the master's 'cloose' (close) (6d); locking a gate (6d); locking the master's gate (6d); casement for the pump house (2s); locking the fellow's garden (6d); new wire and hanging porter's bell (2s 8d); mending and laying by 'ban/bar[?]' to the Hall (3s); laying out 'plain' in the Hall (6d); spade for the porter (1s); mending the lock in the master's stable (9d); hinge and screws for the master's coach house (2s 4d); five hooks and tens staples of the master's coach house (2s 6d); lock and pin chain (1s); locking the college bog (6d); casement for the master's lodge (3d); lock and staple for 'Garlick gate' (9d); 'new work' to the coal basket (4s); 3 staples to the master's stables (6d); spade for the porter (1s); new tumblers (1s); mending 2 locks in the master's garden (1s).

Coe, Thomas

Bill for smith work (Thomas Coe)

A bill for smith work around the college, undertaken between October and December 1768. The bill includes: mending a lock and key, and fixing 'Garlick' gate (2s); mending the chapel locks (1s); mending the bell (6s); fixing the 'fellows pump' (2s); fitting a spout on the fellows' pump (9d); a scythe (4d); turning a buckle and mending a casement in the Master's lodge (6d); '4 Cramp hall fire place' (1s 4d); a strap on the gates (2s); 'all fixing' in the Fellows garden (1s 3d); mending a rake in the Fellows garden (4d); fixing the spout in 'the Corte' (10s); new spade in the Fellows garden (3s 9d); mending an old spade (8d); 'Laying parlor pooker' [poker] (1s); a stand for the porters' fire grate (6d); plates, nails and screws to mend the porters' ladder (1s); polishing 2 rods in the chapel (2s); mending lock and 2 keys for the 'buttress' (1s 4d); mending a lock and hinges 'of Lads bog' (1s); 2 hooks and 4 plates for the hall door (2s). The total bill amounted to £1 8s 9d, and was signed by Thomas Coe.

Coe, Thomas

Bill for smith work (Thomas Coe)

A bill for smith work around the college, undertaken between June and September 1769. The bill includes: cleaning the stove grate in the hall (4s); mending a lock 'in the barber shop' (1s 6d); mending a lock in the Fellows garden (6d); mending the porters' scythe (6d); a new lock and key for a gate (1s 6d); 12 'spikes' for the 'back gate' (1s); 66 'homaid' nails and screws to mend the back gates (4s 3d); a spring for the back gates (1s 6d); mending 8 spikes on top of the gates and other repair work (5s); cleaning the parlour stove (5s 6d); mending 4 fire brands (2s); cleaning the fender (1s 6d); mending a lock on the chapel door (2s); mending the pump (1s); lock for 'Garlick gate' (6d); 24 wall hooks 'for the plummer' (4s); laying 2 scythes. The total bill amounts to £2 7s 7d, and was signed by Thomas Coe.

Coe, Thomas

Bill for smith work (Thomas Coe)

A bill for smith work undertaken between March and May 1769, includes: cleaning the 'Great Jack' (2s 6d); 'small Jack' (1s); laying pokers (1s); mending 'stillyard [steelyard]' (6d); a new grate (9s); two hooks (4d); a barring 'bard [board?]' (2s 8d); shovel and '2 pale Eam' (8d); mending the 'Chafend ixl [chafed axle?]' (6d). Total bill amounted to 19s 2d, and was signed by John James and Thomas Coe.

Coe, Thomas

Smith's Bill

Paid £2 2s 2d to Thomas Coe. For new rake, hinges, locks, mending the porters bell, fixing the fellows garden gate, parlour tongs and sash fittings.

Coe, Thomas

Smith's Bill

Paid 13s 10d to Thomas Coe. For: bars, springs, lock on gate, mending chapel lock and laying parlour pooks.

Coe, Thomas

Smith's Kitchen Bill

Paid 11s 6d to Thomas Coe. For: jacks, shovel, spitt and mending pale. Examined by Jonathan James.

Coe, Thomas

Smith's Kitchen Bill

Paid 5s to Thomas Coe. For jack, pale and pookes. Examined by Jonathan James.

Coe, Thomas

Smith's bill

Paid £2 4s 9d to Thomas Coe for smith's work in the college, including: laying a parlor poker, a new handle and rod for the porter's bell, a new spring and knob to latch at the back gate and fixing it with screws, new screw and fixing the chain in the master's walk, cleaning and mending the lock in the back gate, mending the lock of the master's stable, fixing a steel spring and screws in the master's kitchen, fixing a bar to the garden gate, mending the lock in the porter's lodge, mending gate lock in the fore gate, laying steel to a mattock at the back ends, a new handle and fixing it to the porter's bell, fixing holdfasts to the back gate next to the master's pond, sharpening and mending a hoe for the butler, and strong wall hooks.

Coe, Thomas

Smith's kitchen bill

Paid 11s 2 3/4d to Thomas Coe for smith's work in the kitchen of cleaning the jack, new copper bars, and straightening and mending the old copper bars. Also signed by Jonathan James.

Coe, Thomas

Smith's Bill

Paid £6 9s 1d to Thomas Coe. For: key to chapel, 2 hooks, taking down window barrs and casement, strong brackett in chaple, spikes, fly wire fixed to pantry window, screw bolts to chaple roof, straps and staples, iron for carpenters, mend a strap, key to pulley, pins, key and collars for chaple.

Coe, Thomas

Smith's Kitchen Bill

Paid 8s 5 1/2d to Thomas Coe. For: cleaning jack, new point to a spitt, straighting barrs, adding to poker and fixing wheel.

Coe, Thomas

Bill to the smith (Coe)

Paid £3 0s 10½ d to Thomas Coe the smith for work done in the kitchen at the end of Michaelmas 1781: new barrs to range, handle and ferrel to a clever, mending a chafing dish, making a small clever, a barr to larder window and fixing with lead, piece of bird hole wire next ot the buttery and fixing, hooks to kitchen spitts, laying pokers, repairing a stove fraim (frame?), quarters looking after the jack.

Coe, Thomas

Smith's bill (Thomas Coe)

A bill for smith work done in the college between June and November 1784, includes: a chimney bar for the ground floor room in the cloisters (6s); 18 cramps for masons (6s); repairing the lock on the library door (6d); repairing the Combination door (6d); padlock for the Chapel door, ordered by Mr Bonny (1s 2d); cleaning and repairing the hall stove (5s); polishing the stove in the Combination (5s); a new cast-iron back to the Combination stove (15s 6d); 23lb of waste Iron riveted in the middle to prevent it from breaking, ordered by Mr Plampkins (7s 8d); polishing the fire irons, fenders and horse (4s 6d); a pair of garden shears 'by Brett' (3s 6d); a large square staple for the coal house (8d); sharpened the mason's hammer and chisels (1s 4d); sharpened the 'weed iron' for the porter (2d); a padlock and piece of chain ordered by Mr Matthews (3s 2d); 'hasp' and 2 staples for the fence (6d); repairing 2 chisels (4d); 12 spikes 'by Plummers' (2s); spade handle 'by Brett' (1s); sharpening an axe and a chisel (5d); a new lock, 'neets' and screws, along with fixing a 'lads' bag (5s); repairing the lock on the blue gate (6d); sharpened a mattock and 3 chisels (6d); a padlock for the lime house (9d); 147 wall hooks for the chapel clerk's room (18s 4 1/2d); 140 wall hooks for the arch in the cloister (17s 6d); 80 bars for the hall windows £2 6s 8d; 3 pairs of new casements with frames for the hall (£2 2s); 24 wall hooks for the Master's Room (3s); chimney bars (6s); 204 wall hooks for the Master's Room (£1 5s 6d); mending a sconce for the chapel (6d); 5 lattice wires for the round windows (£1 7s 5d); repairing 'Pump Sweep in holes' and new pins (2s 6d); new iron gate and 2 top rails (£5 9d 6d); 4 new standards, 6 braces, 4 bars and 2 steps to the bottom of the gates (£6 6s); making 4 standards without braces and 4 bars (18s 4d); repaired 'Tenants old Gate' (2s). The total bill amounted to £32 3s 11 1/2d. A receipt of payment, signed by Thomas Coe, is fixed to the bill with wax.

Coe, Thomas

Smith's bill (Thomas Coe)

A bill for smith's work, includes: 'strevit' in the kitchen (4s 6d); mending and fixing hinges (1s 3d); laying two pokers (2s 6d); a double skewer (3s); a spit wheel (1s); half a year looking after the jack (5s). Total bill amounted to 17s 3d, signed by S. Gurking and Thomas Coe.

Coe, Thomas

Bill for smith work (Thomas Coe)

A bill for smith work between December 1768 and February 1769, includes: cleaning the 'Grate Jack' (2s 6d); cleaning the small jack (1s); 'shatering' and mending the 'Great' range (5s); laying a poker (1s). Total bill amounts to 12s, signed by John James and Thomas Coe.

Coe, Thomas

Smith's bill

Paid £2 19s 4d to Thomas Coe for smith's work in the college, including: mending locks, mending the lock on the fellows garden, hanging doors, placing screws on the hall door, laying pokers, providing hooks for the master's garden, mending the locks in the parlor, polishing the parlor stove, mending gate clasps in the master's close, providing padlocks and a key, and cleaning the hall stove.

Coe, Thomas

Smith's bill

Paid £2 5s 2d to Thomas Coe for smith's work in the college, including: mending the gate lock next to the grove, providing locks, keys and spikes, mending a bar on the great gate, mending spikes and fixing themt to the master's wall, making a rake for the garden, hanging the hall door, providing a lock and key for the porters, and providing hooks for the garden.

Coe, Thomas

Smith's kitchen bill

Paid £1 2s 4d to Thomas Coe and witnessed by Jonathan James for smith's work in the kitchen, including: laying pokers, and mending pails, stillyards, and stove hoops.

Coe, Thomas

Smith's kitchen bill

Paid 6s 6d to Thomas Coe and witnessed by Jonathan James for smith's work in the kitchen, including: laying pokers, mending line, cleaning jacks, and adding iron pokers.

Coe, Thomas

Bill for locksmith (Thomas Coe)

Paid £1 1s 3d between October and November 1767, for: mending the "mattock" in the "fellows Garding"; mending the lock "hon Gate"; attaching a lock to the Master's Garden; for mending a lock for "Lads bag"; fixing a lock for "henge"; "to Lock fellows bag"; "laying 2 Sythes"; attaching a lock on the entrance to the Master's Garden "on Jesus Cloose"; fixing the lock "on Garlick gate"; "to mend Turfeing[?] hon"; purchase of a joint and a spring; provision of a candlestick for "the Barber"; fixing a lamp; "to Lock Chapell".

Coe, Thomas

Bill for locksmith (Thomas Coe)

Paid £1 13s 9d between July and August, 1767, for: two locks on the Fellow's Garden; "Lock pon gate; "mend wealarrow[wheelbarrow?]"; "4 spikes"; "mend hole" and the lock in the Chapel; lock "masters Cloore[?]"; clean the "parlow stead"; clean "sett from & frett Fender"; mend "parlow hoe"; cleaning a hoe; 3 "for 3 keys" and "bag" Fellows Garden and Library; for a "chovell"[shovel]; fix a "week College pump"; fixing a "sweepe pin" on the "masters pump"; locking and altering the coal hole; purchase of a scythe; 2 keys for the porters; "laying sythe" and gardening; 3 staples in the "Buttress".

Coe, Thomas

Bill for locksmith (Thomas Coe)

Bill for various items and services, including: "severall Brooms in the Chapell" (6d); mending a garden rake (6d); "new middell to roler" in the Fellows Garden (2s); mending the "parlow stove" (5s); cleaning "frott fenders" (1s 6d); cleaning "Sett Irons" (2s 6d); cleaning "Iron hors[?]" (1s 6d); 2 "servis bolt" and mending "bellows pumps" (4s); "hoop weges sythe[?]" (6d); "hey [hay] Fellows Garding for paster"[pasture?] (9d); fixing shears (6d); "lengthing" casement and "pair Turnbuckell" belonging to the Chapel (2s 6d); to lock the Master's "Cloore" (6d); mending a broom (4d); "2 more Caisments" in the Chapel (£1 1s 4d); "4 Cramps 2 dousell pins" to fix the gate (3s); "mattock for porter" (6d). Total bill amounts to £2 9s 2d, signed by Thomas Coe.

Coe, Thomas

Bill for smith work (John James)

A bill for smith work in the kitchen ('Keeching'), includes: cleaning 2 Jacks (3s 6d); laying 'pooker' [poker?] (1s); hoops to mend a pail (6d); mending the cook's key (1s); mending the Range bars (3s 6d); mending the Jack line (6d). Total bill amounts to 11s, signed by Thomas Coe.

Coe, Thomas

Bill for smith work (John James)

A bill for smith work in the kitchen ('Kettching'), includes: cleaning 2 Jacks (3s 6d); a new shovel (3s 6d); laying a 'pooker' [poker?]; mending a large poker (6d); for 'cutting' a pan and fitting the handle (6d). Total bill amounts to 10s, signed by John James and Thomas Coe.

Coe, Thomas

Smith's Bill

Paid £2 2s 2d to Thomas Coe. For: hooks, nailons, lock for parlour door, hanging doors, spikes and hinges.

Coe, Thomas

Smith's Bill

Paid £1 6s 8d to Thomas Coe. For locks, hooks and springs.

Coe, Thomas

Smith's Bill

Paid £2 2s 4d to Thomas Coe. For hooks and spikes, mending bell, laying sythe, mend parlour lock, mend candlestick in chapel, window bars in court, gardening rake, cleaning and polishing and lock garlick gate.

Coe, Thomas

Smith's Kitchen Bill

Paid 12s 6d to Thomas Coe. For: new spitt wheell, spitts, cleaned jack, laid a poker and straightening stove barrs.

Coe, Thomas

Smith's Kitchen Bill

Paid 7s 3d to Thomas Coe for new jack line, mending a ladle, mending a trivet, cleaning a jack and hinges.

Coe, Thomas

Bill to the smith (Coe)

Paid £0 6s 0d to Thomas Coe the smith for work done in the kitchenup to midsummer 1781: mending the jack line, new jack lines, a quarters looking after the jack.
Signed by Jonathan James.

Coe, Thomas

Bill to the smith (Coe)

Paid £0 7s 4d to the smith for work done from Christmas 1780 to Lady Day 1781: mending the buttery key, new steel to a matlock by leach, barr, mending the lock of the white gate, fixing hinges of the lads bog, nails [nales?] by leach in the walks, wedge by Filby, nails by Filby, staple to sedge house.
Signed by Thomas Coe.

Coe, Thomas

Bill to the smith (Coe)

Paid £8 5s 9½d to the smith for: holdfasts for pipes by carpenters, hooks by Plummers, tantur hooks by Filby, New Spade in Master's garden, new lock and keys for buttery and fixing, new scythe in master's garden, new casement and train in Mr Friends staircase, altered a scythe, mending a key for chapel, 8 days cleaning the iron rales and gate next to the close, new staple and fixing the iron gate, staples to the rales, keys to the rales, 1 day cleaning the front gate adding 12 iron to top rail of palisades and several new holes, lead nales [nails] up the leads, piece of wire to fellows bog and fixing, spikes and irons for chapel bell, spikes to bottom and hooks to top of lamp ladder; work done in hall and combination (mending barr of hall stove, cleaning the hall stove and mending the cheeks, cleaned the combination stoves, cleaned fire irons, fonder, hons and laid the poker), college bill, kitchen bill.
Signed by Thomas Coe.

Coe, Thomas

Bill to the smith (Coe)

Paid £1 9s 10½d to the smith quarter ending at Christmas 1780 for: hooks by Plummer's up the leads, polishing and fixing two curtains, rods in the Chapel, cutting barrs for brick layers up the leads, key to apple Room and staple to ditto, spikes in Master's Pound by Filby, strong nails by Filby up Tower, new pad locks, mending other padlocks, hooks to Tower Door, three staples and fixing, new tenants and mending the lock of White gate near the Close, Kitchen bill.
Signed by Thomas Coe.

Coe, Thomas

Bill to the smith (Coe)

Paid £0 5s 6d to the smith for work done in the kitchen up to Midsummer 1782 for: mending a spit, laid two pokers, cleaning and looking after the jack.
Signed by Thomas Coe.
The name Jonathan James is also written down.

James, Jonathan

Smith's bill (Thomas Coe)

A bill for smith's work done to the college, includes: chimney bar in the ground-floor room in Cow Lane (7s 4d); a new padlock, clasp and staples to the room over the Combination room (1s 10d); a double-bolted padlock and a piece of chain for the porters (marked 'returned'); a key for the iron gate (1s 3d); steeling a mattock for the gardener (1s); 12 'Cramps by Mason' (3s); mending the lock on the fellow's bog (6d); repairing a chisel (2s); 'Gudgeon' to the wheelbarrow (3d); 12 hoes with handles 'by Brett' (2s 6d); oiling and greasing 'Pevits' [pivots?] of iron gates (6d); 3 chimney bars for Whitehead's chimney (15s 8d); 12 spikes for the plumbers for pipes (1s); new bolt and fixing the 'Lads bog' (1s); a strong strap for the beam in the new staircase (10s 6d); new handle for a rake and hoe (1s 2d); sharpening an axe and chisel (8d); new steel and repairing 2 chisels for the bricklayers (1s 4d). The total bill amounted to £3 13s 10d. A receipt is fixed below, which was signed by Thomas Coe.

Coe, Thomas

Smith's bill (Thomas Coe)

A bill for smith work, includes: 12 cramps 'by masons for cloysters' (4s); sharpening the weeding iron (2d); repairing a hand rail (7s); mending the Porters' bell (1s); mending the Combination bell (1s); sharpening 3 axes (1s 2d); new casement and frame in Mr Plampins stair case (14s); sharpening a pick axe (4d); sharpening a mason's axe (6d); 'piece of chair' (4d); painted a weeding a iron (2d); mending a pick axe (6d); a new press for the college seal (£2 12s 6d). The total bill amounted to £5 18s 4d, and was signed by Thomas Coe.

Coe, Thomas

Smith's kitchen bill

Paid 6s 7d to Thomas Coe for smith's work in the kitchen, including: cleaning jacks, mending a port hook, laying a poker and mending the lock for the outer door. Also signed by Jonathan James.

Coe, Thomas

Smith's kitchen bill

Paid 7s 6d to Thomas Coe for smith's work in the kitchen, including: cleaning jakes, pokers, mending a lock, and mending a copper door. Also signed by Jonathan James.

Coe, Thomas

Smith's kitchen bill

Paid £2 4s to Thomas Coe for smith's work in the kitchen, including: cleaning jacks, mending stoves, adding a bar to a round stove, putting new bars on a square stove, laying a poker, a key and mending the lock on the outer door, and hooks for the plummers [plumbers]. Also signed by Jonathan James.

Coe, Thomas

Smith's kitchen bill

Paid 16s 10d to Thomas Coe for smith's work in the kitchen, including: cleaning jacks, a large gridiron, mending a pot hook, and adding iron to a poker. Also signed by Jonathan James.

Coe, Thomas

Smith's Bill

Paid to Thomas Coe. Work included: mending locks, adding hookes, cleaning jacks, new hoops.

James, Jonathan

Bill for locksmith (Thomas Coe)

Bill for various items and services, including: "2 Shaps" and repairing a door "to pump Cortes" (2s 7 1/2d); mending a "pain brace" (2s); repairing the pump in the Fellows Garden (1s); a spade for the porter (4s); mending a lock and key in the Fellows Garden (9d); screws in the parlour door (6d); leathering two pumps (1s); repairing a wheelbarrow (9d); "laying" two scythes (8d); mending lock hinges "of sealess bog" (6d); a key for "Garlick gate" (6d). Total bill amounts to 15s 7 1/2d, signed by Thomas Coe.

Coe, Thomas

Bill for smith work (John James)

A bill for smith work in the kitchen ('Kettching'), includes: cleaning the 'Great Jack' (2s 6d); cleaning the small Jack (1s); a key for the kitchen door (8d); laying the 'pooker' [poker?] (1s); mending the Jack line (1s); painting & 'Strater' [straighter?] 4 spits (2s); 6 sieves (9d); poker (1s). Total bill amounts to 9s 11d, signed by John James and Thomas Coe.

Coe, Thomas

Bill for smith work (Thomas Coe)

A bill for smith work around the college, undertaken between March and June 1769. The bill includes: lock for the door (6d); lock for the master's gate (6d); 2 locks on the college gates (1s); lock and staple for the 'gate next groud[?]' (1s); new spade handle (1s); scythe (4d); mending a lock on the master's door (4d); a hook staple for the 'Garlick gate' (6d); a key and lock for the porter's lodge (1s 6d); lock for the Fellows garden (4d); 3 staples for the Master's garden (8d); a hook and 2ft long plate with screws (1s 6d); poker for the parlour (1s); laying a scythe (4d). The total bill amounts to 15s 10d, and was signed by Thomas Coe.

Coe, Thomas

Smith's Bill

Paid to Thomas Coe. For: clamps, hooks, locks, spikes, gardings, fixing casements in the chapel and gardening rake.

Coe, Thomas

Smith's Bill

Paid to Thomas Coe. For: hooks, hanging doors in two rooms.

Coe, Thomas

Results 1 to 50 of 82