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Archival description2 results with digital objects Show results with digital objects
Rough work for building accounts
Rough work for building accounts
Cottenham Level fen land tax and receipt
Cottenham Level fen land tax and receipt
Plumbers Bill
Plumbers Bill
Bill for Repairs at Shelford Church
Bill for Repairs at Shelford Church
Plumbers' Receipt
Plumbers' Receipt
Estates Repair Bill
Estates Repair Bill
Bill and receipt for plumbing and glazing work
Bill and receipt for plumbing and glazing work
Bill and Receipt for Plumbing
Bill and Receipt for Plumbing
Maintenance Bill and Receipt
Maintenance Bill and Receipt
Receipt for maintenance and masonry work
Receipt for maintenance and masonry work
Receipt for annual donation to the Parish of All Saints
Receipt for annual donation to the Parish of All Saints
Church Rate Receipt
Church Rate Receipt
Plumbing and Glazing bill and receipt
Plumbing and Glazing bill and receipt
Plumbing and Glazing work
Plumbing and Glazing work
Plumber and glazier's bill and receipt
Plumber and glazier's bill and receipt
Plumbing and Glazing Bill
Plumbing and Glazing Bill
Plumbing and glazing bill
Plumbing and glazing bill
Plumbing & Glazing Bill & Receipt
Plumbing & Glazing Bill & Receipt
Plumbing & Glazing Invoice & Receipt
Plumbing & Glazing Invoice & Receipt
Plumbing & Glazing Invoice & Receipt
Plumbing & Glazing Invoice & Receipt
Maintenance Bill & Receipt
Maintenance Bill & Receipt
Plumbing and glazing bill
Plumbing and glazing bill
Bill for Plumbing and Glazing, Robert Ellis
Bill for Plumbing and Glazing, Robert Ellis
Repairs Bill
Repairs Bill
Bills for Robert Ellis
Bills for Robert Ellis
Plumbing and Glazing Bill
Plumbing and Glazing Bill
Plumbing and Glazing Bill
Plumbing and Glazing Bill
Plumbing and Glazing Bill
Plumbing and Glazing Bill
Glasswork bill
Glasswork bill
Bill for Crown glass
Bill for Crown glass
Glass bill
Glass bill
Bill for glasswork
Bill for glasswork