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Brett, Richard
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Audit bills

Dividends paid to the butler B. Prior of £1 and the porter Richard Brett of 10s for attendance extraordinary at the audit.

Prior, Beaumont

Audit receipt

Paid 10s to Richard Brett for the audit.

Brett, Richard

Bill to Jeffs and Bentley (for a mason and a labourer)

Payment of 4s 10½d received from Brett by Jeffs and Bentley for a mason one day and two hours setting the chimney piece in Lodge kitchen, a labourer 3/4 of a day and two hours at the lodge kitchen, to one hod mortar.

Brett, Richard

Bill to the Porter

Paid £0 10s 0d to the porter given by the bursar Richard Brett for winding up the clock.
Signed by Richard Brett

Brett, Richard

Bill to the Porter

Paid £1 0s 4d to the Porter by the bursar for: cleaning the courts, cleaning the cloisters, cleaning the quarter angle, a size, cleaning the works (?) the outside.
Signed by Richard Brett

Brett, Richard

Bill to the porter

Paid £1 7s 4d by the bursar of Jesus College to the porter for the quarter ending at Lady Day 1781 for: lighting lamps, cleaning the courts, cleaning the walks outside the College, cleaning the Quadrangle, cleaning the Cloisters.
Signed by Richard Brett.

Brett, Richard

Bill to the Porter

Payment of 16s 4d received from the bursar by the Porter for cleaning the court, cleaning the cloisters, cleaning the quarter angle, jar and grees for the lease in the grove [?] at St. Thomas.

Signed by Richard Brett.

On the other side of the page there is a different sum (it is not clear if it is the draft of another bill)

Brett, Richard

Bill to the Porter

Payment of 19s 4d received from the bursar by the Porter for cleaning the courts, cleaning the cloisters, cleaning the quarter angle,sticken the hall, cleaning the rooms at Lady Day.

Signed by Richard Brett.

Brett, Richard

Bill to the porter

Paid £2 0s 4d by the bursar of Jesus College to the porter for the quarter ending at Saint Thomas, December for: cleaning the courts, cleaning the quarter angle, cleaning the outside walks, for sticking the hall, for lighting the lamps.
Signed by Richard Brett.

Brett, Richard

Bill to the Porter

Payment of £1 4s 4d received from the bursar by the Porter for cleaning the courts, cleaning the cloisters, cleaning the quarter angle, cleaning the warkes, washing the hall, mops, brooms and a plough, sand for the hall for the quarter endind at midsummer.

Signed by Richard Brett.

Brett, Richard

Bill to the Porter

Paid £0 10s 0d to the porter given by the bursar Richard Brett for winding up the clock.
Signed by Richard Brett

Brett, Richard

Bill to the Porter

Paid £1 9s 4d to the Porter by the bursar for:winding up the clock, cleaning the courts, cleaning the cloisters, cleaning the quarter angle, cleaning workes of the right side of the gates, seling walks.
Signed by Richard Brett

Brett, Richard

Bill to the Porter

A bill 'to the Porter', includes: cleaning the courts (6s 8d); cleaning the cloisters (6s 8d); cleaning the 'Quarterangle' (2s); cleaning the walk by 'outside of the Gate' (2s); brooms (1s); washing the Hall (4s); 'Plow' (1s 4d); mops (1s). The total bill amounts to £1 4s 8d and was signed by 'Rd Brett'. Includes rough workings.

Brett, Richard

Bill to the Porter

A bill to the Porter, which includes: cleaning the cloisters (6s 8d); cleaning the courts (6s 8d); cleaning the 'Quarterangle' (2s). There is no signature, but the hand is the same as in Richard Brett's bills.

Brett, Richard

Bill to the porter

Paid £3 11s 4d by the bursar to the porter the quarter ending at Michaelmas 1781 for: locking after the Master's Garden two half quarters, cleaning the courts, cleaning the cloisters, cleaning the works the outside of the college, for watering the trees in the grove.
Signed by Richard Brett.

Brett, Richard

Bill to the Porter

Payment of 15s 4d received from the bursar by the Porter for cleaning the courts, cleaning the cloisters, cleaning the quarter angle at quarter ending at Michaelmas.

Signed by Richard Brett.

Brett, Richard

Bill to the Porter

Paid £0 18s 4d to the Porter by the bursar for: cleaning the courts, cleaning the cloisters, cleaning the quarter angle, for sticken (sic) the hall.
Signed by Richard Brett

Brett, Richard

Bill to the Porter

Paid £1 7s 10d to the Porter by the bursar for: winding up the clock, cleaning the courts, cleaning the cloisters, cleaning the quarter angle, cleaning the work outside of the gate, for tar in the trees of the grove.
Signed by Richard Brett

Brett, Richard

Bill to the Porter

Part of a bill to the porters, the bottom half is missing. The bill includes: cleaning the cloisters (6s 8d); cleaning the courts (6s 8d); cleaning the 'Quarterangle' (2s). There is no signature, but the hand is the same as in Richard Brett's bills.

Brett, Richard

Bill to the Porter

A bill to the Porter, which includes: cleaning the cloisters (6s 8d); cleaning the courts (6s 8d); cleaning the 'Quarterangle' (2s);winding up the clock (10s) and 'For Sticking the Hall' (3s). Signed by Richard Brett.

Brett, Richard

Bill to the porter

Paid £0 17s 4d by the bursar to the porter the quarter ending at Midsummer 1781 for: cleaning the courts, cleaning the cloisters, cleaning the quarter angle, cleaning the outside walks.
Signed by Richard Brett.

Brett, Richard

Bill to the Porter for winding the clock

Received of the Bursar. Paid 10s to the porter for winding up the clock in the quarter ending at St. Thomas December 1765.

Signed by Richard Brett.

Brett, Richard

Bill to the Porter for winding the clock

Received of the Bursar. Paid 10s to the porter for winding up the clock in the quarter ending at Michaelmas 1766.

Signed by Richard Brett.

Brett, Richard

Butler's bill

  • JCCA/JCAD/2/2/9/1758/46
  • 24th December 1757-25th October 1758 (24th December 1757, 4th May 1758, 8th July 1758, 25th October 1758)
  • Part of College Archives

8th July: Received of the Bursar. Paid £2, 4s, 10d for cleaning work, including 'looking after the clock', cleaning cloisters, washing Hall. Signed by Richard Brett. 24th December 1757: also paid £1, 5s, 4d for cleaning work to Richard Brett. 25th October 1758: Also paid £1, 15s, 10d for cleaning work and cutting trees to Richard Brett. 4th May: Also paid £1, 15s, 10d to Richard Brett.

Brett, Richard

Butler's bill

Paid £61 3s 6d to Richard Brett for audit dinner and supper, commencement, alowance bill, Steward's bill, allowance for coal, audit fee, Christmas allowance bill, collecting the rents, Christmas wine and combination wine.

Brett, Richard

Butler's Bills

Paid to Richard Brett by Reverend French for the sum of fifty five pounds for:
Rustat Audit Dinner - 18 persons on April 26th 1821. Bill for bread, cheese, butter, ale, wine in the morning, 2 sherry, cake, wine at dinner, port, sherry, tea and coffee, scull, house maid.
Cards up to Michaelmas 1821 - College lowance. 357 pints, college servant, Catley for 1 year cards.
King George IV Coronation Dinner for Fellows - July 19th 1821 in hall and the combination room. Bill for bread, ale, cheese, port, sherry, tea and coffee. Servants bill for a barrel of ale, bread, cheese, tobacco, pipes.
Graveley Court - Bill for sherry, tobacco, and Catley.
Foundation Dinner - In hall: 2 bottles of sherry, In combination room: 4 bottles of port, stock, wine.
Audit Dinner - December 20th 1820 for 31 persons. Bill for bread, cheese, butter, audit ale, small, wine in hall, bottles of sherry, port stock, wine in combination room, 13 bottles of stock port, 3 bottles of sherry, tea and coffee.
Audit Supper - Bill for bread, cheese, butter, audit ale, milk, punch, 1 bottle of port, 1 bottle of sherry, lemons, biscuits, sugar, candles, 4 packs of cards, scull.
Commencement Dinner - July 3rd 1821 for 25 persons. Bill for bread, cheese, butter, ale, small, wine in hall, 2 bottles of port, 4 bottles of sherry, wine in combination room, 9 bottles of port in combination room, tea and coffee. Servants bill for bread, cheese, ale, scull.

Brett, Richard

Cleaner's bill

Received of Dr Caryl. Paid £1 14s 4d including cleaning the court, winding up the clock, washing up the Hall. Signed by Richard Brett.

Brett, Richard

Cleaner's bill

  • JCCA/JCAD/2/2/9/1759/22
  • 30th December 1758-14th November 1759 (30th December 1758 ; 24th March 1759 ; 14th November 1759)
  • Part of College Archives

Received of the Bursar, £2 15s [?]d for winding up the clock, cleaning the court, cleaning the cloister, washing up the hall on the 14th November 1759. Signed by Richard Brett. Also paid 1£ 15s 10d on the 24th March 1759. Also paid 1£ 5s4d on the 30th December 1758.

Brett, Richard

Cleaner's bill

Paid £1 5s 4d for winding up the clock, cleaning courts, cloisters and Quadrangle. Signed by Richard Brett.

Brett, Richard

Cleaner's bill

Received of the Bursar. Paid £1 9s 4d for winding up the clock, keeping cloisters clear, new gravel in courts, cleaning outside of college, hedges in the Fellows Close. Signed by Richard Brett.

Brett, Richard

Cleaner's bill

Paid £1 16s 4d including winding up the clock, keeping courts clear, cleaning cloisters, Quadrangle, washing the Hall, mops, plough, booms, a 'green set up for the Hall at Christmas'. Signed by Richard Brett.

Brett, Richard

Cleaner's bill

Received of the Bursar. Paid £1 5s 10d for taking care of the clock, of the cloisters, of the coats, for mending hedge, for turnpike. Signed by Richard Brett.

Brett, Richard

Clockwinder's bill

Received of the Bursar. Paid £2 for a year of winding up the clock. Signed by Richard Brett.

Brett, Richard

College Lowance Bill

College lowance bill. Paid for £5 1s 10d.
Lowance for washing the hall, college servants and Catley four quarters.

Brett, Richard

Cook's Bill

Paid to Richard Brett on 11th December 1823.

Audit Dinner for 21. 10th December 1822. Paid for bread, cheese, butter, audit ale, mild ale, 7 bottles of sherry, 1 bottle of port, cup, 9 bottles of port in combination room, 2 bottles of sherry, tea and coffee for 20, and 4 packs of cards. Paid for £8 18s 6d.
For Supper, paid for bread, butter, cheese, audit ale, mild ale, milk, punch, 1 bottle of port, 1 bottle of sherry, lemons, biscuits, sugar, cup, candles, launders and scull. Paid for £2 1s 9d.

Commencement Dinner for 20. July 1st 1823. Paid for bread, cheese, butter, ale, small, cup, wine in hall, 7 bottles of sherry, 1 bottle of port, wine in combination room, 8 bottles of port, 2 bottles of sherry, team and coffee for 19. The servants dinner included bill for bread, cheese, ale, scull and launders.

Rustat Audit Dinner for 12. 4th of April 1823.
Paid in the morning for 1 bottle of port and 1 bottle of sherry. For dinner, paid for bread, cheese, butter, ale, wine at dinner, 4 bottles of sherry, 1 bottle of port, wine after dinner, 4 bottles of port, 2 bottles of sherry, tea and coffee for 12, laundress, scullion and house maid. Paid for £5 8s 10d.

At Gravely Court on 7th of June 1823. Paid for 4 bottles of port, 1 bottle of sherry, tobacco. Paid £1 14s 6d.

1 year coaler fir the Butler up to Michaelmas 1823. Paid £3.

  1. College lowance bill. 555 pints, lowance for washing the hall, at the new building ale and bread, 10 quarts, 1 gall, call for servants. Paid for £8 11s 1d.

Received 11th December 1823 by R Brett.

Brett, Richard

Dinner bill

Paid £7 9s 6d to R Brett dinner.
Costs listed: bread, cheese, butter, porter, ale, sherry, small, port wine (11 bottles), tea and coffee, money for servants, laundress, scullery

Brett, Richard

Food bill

Signed by Richard Brett.
For Commencement, 2nd July 1816, £7 12. Costs include: bread; cheese; butter; ale; port (10 bottles); sherry (6 bottles); tea and coffee (for 16 people); servants' ale; servants' bread; servants' cheese; laundress; scullery.
For 7th June 1816 for the Officers from Ely, £4 18s 9d. Costs include: bread; cheese; ale; 2 bottles of Audit ale; 4 bottles of sherry; 9 bottles of port; tea and coffee for 16 people.
For £59 4s: Audit 1815; Rustat 1816; Gravely; coals; Officers dinner; Commencement; Audit Fee; rats; Town Rent.
For £14 4s 1d for Audit Dinner 15th December 1815 and Audit Supper. Costs include (dinner): bread; butter; cheese; Audit Ale; mild ale; 10 bottles of sherry; 14 bottles of port; tea and coffee for 16 people; 2 packs of cards; candles; scullery; laundress.
Costs include (supper): bread; cheese; butter; Audit Ale; mild ale; small; commons; biscuits (biskets); brandy; sherry; port; sugar (suggur); milk punch.
Rustat Audit 26th April 1816 for £7 17s 6d.. Costs include: bread; cheese; butter; ale; small; 1 bottle of port, 1 sherry in the morning; cake; 6 bottles of sherry; 10 bottles of port; tea and coffee for 15; laundress; house maid; scullery.
Bill for £3 for one year's coals up to Michaelmas 1816.
Bill for £1 10s for Gravely, 3rd June 1816. 4 bottles of wine; 1lb of tobacco; catley.

Brett, Richard

Garden bill

Paid 14s to the porter, Richard Brett, for planting trees.

Brett, Richard

Lowance bill

Signed by Richard Brett.
Christmas lowance bill of £6 6s 9d (including deductions). Costs include: 401 pints; paid to Bennett's College 2 years quit rent; College tennants' ale; Catley 1 quarter for cards.
Bill for £2 5s 10d, received 11th April 1816. Costs include: 155 pints; tennant.
Bill for Mids and Michaelmas £8 0s 2d (minus deductions), received 11th December 1816. 311 pints; paid Green; men as witness; Leach 3 bottles of port; man for rat; man from Gravely; Preston; 2 tenants.

Brett, Richard

Lowance bill

Lady Day 1814, College Lowance bill. Total 18s 5d: costs include 71 pints and 2 tenants.
Received 20th May 1814, signed by R Brett.

Brett, Richard

Porter bill

Paid 10s to Richard Brett for looking after the lamp for a quarter.

Brett, Richard

Porter bill

  • JCCA/JCAD/2/2/9/1773/42
  • 4th October 1773-4th October 1774
  • Part of College Archives

Paid 7s to Richard Brett for washing the cloisters and brooms and mops (1773). Paid 12s 8d to Richard Brett for cleaning the courts, quarter angle, and outside walk and sticking the hall (1773). Paid 10s to Richard Brett for lighting the lamps (1773). Paid £1 4s 2d to Richard Brett for lighting the lamps, cleanin gthe courts and quarter angle, and gravel and laying gravel (1774). Paid £1 6s 10d to Richard Brett for cleaning the courts, quarter angle and sidewalks, trimming the trees in the grove and wax for the ceiling (1773). All dated 4th October.

Brett, Richard

Porter's bill

A bill for: cleaning the courts (6s 8d); 'a size for the Corts' [courts] (4s); cleaning the 'Clorsters' [cloisters?] (6s 8d); 'Pitch for the Trees in the grove' (1s 6d); 'Quarter Angle to Quarters' (4s). Total bill amounts to £1 2s 10d, signed by 'Rd. Brett'.

Brett, Richard

Porter's bill

A bill for winding up the clock (10s), signed by Richard Brett.

Brett, Richard

Porter's Bill

Paid 19s 8d to Richard Brett. For cleaning the corts, gravling the corts, gravling the works the outside of the college, for the quarter angle.

Brett, Richard

Porter's Bill

Paid 10s 8d to Richard Brett for cleaning quartangle and side works

Brett, Richard

Porter's Bill

Paid £1 0s 8d to Richard Brett for lightingg the lamps, cleaning the courts, quarterangle and the outside of College.

Brett, Richard

Porter's bill

£1 5s 8d paid to Richard Brett for cleaning the courts and the quarter angle, lighting the lamps, paying for gravel and taking the old gravel out and putting the new in.

Brett, Richard

Results 1 to 50 of 85