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JCMR/Add./Add. Deeds 1-83/Add. Deeds 52-62/Add. Deeds 61 · Item · 1220-1250
Part of Records of the Priory of St Mary and St Radegund

Rose le Moyne, widow of Alexander, to the nuns all her rights of dower in 12 acres of arable land and 12d annual rent in Litlington, that she claimed before the Royal Justiciar at Westminster. Consideration: 1 mark. Witnesses: Master (Magister) Nicholas de Merston, official of Huntingdon, Dean of Huntingdon, Ciprian de ___, (one missing), Thomas de Crempesham, George de Crempesham, Peter deWanet', clerk, who wrote the charter.

Moine, Rosia le