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Records of the Priory of St Mary and St Radegund Hervey son of Eustace (fl 1200-1231)
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Grant of a rent in free alms in exchange for tithe and right of sepulture

Hervey, son of Eustace, to the nuns a rent of 12d p.a. to be paid by Absolon, the son of the priest, out of land next the lane leading from St Edward's church to St John's church, to recompense them for any loss which may accrue to All Saints' church out of the common land on which is situated the Hospital of St John, and in return the said Hospital is to have the right to bury where it will, saving to the same Hospital its free chantry in perpetuity. Witnesses: Lord (Dominus) E(ustace), Bishop of Ely, R. Barre, archdeacon of Ely, William, prior of Barnwell, H., parson of the church of Bodekesham (Bottisham), Master (magister) John Grim, Master Geoffrey Grim, Master John de Malketon, Fulk, son of Theobald, Robert Picott, William de Trumpiton, Baldwin Blancgemon, Robert Seman, Maurice Russ et multis aliis.

Hervey son of Eustace (fl 1200-1231)

Gift in free alms with warranty

Hervey, son of Eustace, to the nuns 1 acre in Cambridge fields, 1/2 acre of which lies between land of Baldwin Blancgernon and that of William Blodles, abutting on Asmannescroft; 1/2 acres between land of Robert Long (Lung) and land of St Radegund, abutting on a balk of Warin, son of Anketil. Witnesses: Robert Seman, Andrew, Everard, Richard and Eustace de Winepol, brothers, Apsalon, son of Roger the Priest, Adam Werial, Fulk Crocheman, Roger Parleben et aliis.

Hervey son of Eustace (fl 1200-1231)

Gift in free alms with warranty

Alberic, son of Eustace of Madingley, for the souls of himself, his father, his ancestors, his wife Mabil and his heirs, to the nuns of St Radegund 2 acres of his land lying in Madingley fields, of which 4 selions abut on Leford Havedlong between the land of Maurice Russ (Ruffus) of Cambridge and the land of Henry de Berton, formerly belonging to Eustace the Smith; 1 selion abuts on the road to the meadow, lying between the land of Reginald Carpenter and the land of the aforesaid Alberic, and 1 selion abuts on Bernoldsdich, lying between the land of John de Senigey and the land of Walter Blancpain. Witnesses: William de Burdeley, William, his son, Roger Sprot, Hervey Grim, William, his brother, Maurice Russ (Ruffus), Allard __garius, Hervey, son of Eustace, Robert Seman, Adam Weriel, John Crocheman, Richard Atgate (de Porta), Bartholomew Tailur, Geoffrey Potekin, Henry, son of Elias, Geoffrey, son of Eustace, Warin, son of Tangar (or Targar), Astin, son of Eustace, John, son of Robert, Richard, his son, Eustace Smith (faber), John of Seningey, Walter de Coteham et multis aliis.

Hervey son of Eustace (fl 1200-1231)

Gift in free alms

Hervey, son of Eustace, to the nuns, for his soul and the soul of his late wife Beatrix, 10 acres in various parts of Cambridge fields; in one part of the town 6 acres; 1 acre of which abuts on the Barton road and lies next land of Thomas Tuillet, 1 acre abuts on the pasture of Godgivedole and lies next land of Anger Ruffus (Russ), 2 acres abut on the road to Cotes and lie next land of the Cambridge hospital, 1 acre abuts on Braderusche, next land of St Radegund; 1/2 acre abutting on St Neot's Rd. (Maddingley Rd.) and lying next land of Reginald Ruffus (Russ). On the other side of the town 4 acres; 2 acres abutting on Hokerevewell next land of Stephen Haukeston, 1/2 acre in Middelfurlong next land of John Ruffus, 1/2 abutting on Littlemore, 2 roods in Middelfurlong next land of John Ruffus. Witnesses: Robert Seman, Adam, son of Eustace, John de Sexton, Michael, son of Hervey, John, his brother, Henry Vivien, Geoffrey Potekin, John, his son, John, son of Alfred, Symon, son of Hervey et multis aliis.

Hervey son of Eustace (fl 1200-1231)

Gift in free alms

Hervey, son of Eustace, of Cambridge, to the nuns with his sister Yda, when she takes the religious habit in their house: 1 (Cambridge and Barnwell fields) 2 1/2 acres, which Hugh Cors holds of him near Barnwell Priory; 3 roods lying between the land of Maurice Rus (Ruffus?) and the land of William Nunacurt; 3 roods in Estenhale, between lands of the said Maurice and William; 3 roods near Barnwell Mill, between lands of the said two; 1 rood at Meldiche between land of William Nunacurt and that of Hugh, son of Apsolon; 1 acre, which Reginald, son of Alured, held of him in Swinecroft, between land of Ailgar de Welles and that of Margaret, wife of Richard Parson. 2 (St John Milne Street) 3 messuages in the Parish of St John held by Apsolon, son of the priest, abutting on the High Street leading to the Mill (Milne St.) and on the lane leading to St John's Church. 3 (Great St Mary) a messuage in the parish of St Mary, held of him by Robert Carpenter, lying between land of John, son of Elias, and that of John, son of Selid; a messuage in the same parish held of him by Hosbert le Cambere, between land of Andrew de Winepol and that of Ernold Plumber. 4 (St Peter outside Trumpington Gate) a messuage outside Trumpington Gate, held of him by wife of Seled Pinberd, next the land of Robert Nadun. 5 (St Benet) a messuage in St Benedict's parish held by Henry Bekke, lying between land of Absalon, son of the priest, and that of Walter, son of Master (Magister) Geoffrey. Witnesses: Bartholomew, Official of Ely, Master Gentil, parson of Caxton, Simon, parson of St Benedict, Baldewin Blancgernon, Robert Seman, Andrew de Winepol, Everard, Richard and Eustace de Winpol, Roger Parleben, Fulk Crocheman, John, his brother, Richard Porter (of Atgate - de porta), William, his son, Henry, son of Martin, Michael, his son.

Hervey son of Eustace (fl 1200-1231)


Hugh, son of Stephen, son of Alveve, to the nuns his father's gift of 5 acres 3 roods in Cambridge fields. Witnesses: Sir (Dominus) Hervey Alderman, Robert Seman, Fulk Crocheman, Geoffrey Potekin, Roger Parleben, Adam Werial, John and Walter, his sons-in-law, John Creving, Reginald de Fordham, Childman et quibusdam aliis.

Hervey son of Eustace (fl 1200-1231)