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Frederick Brittain's Diary, 1961

On the first page is a list of books read during the year.

Entries cover the weather, his health, his social life, Rooster meetings, church services attended and what he was working on.

17 May - Gave his last lecture as a University Lecturer [he had just reached the retirement age of 67].

19 May - Recorded a talk on May Week for the BBC broadcast on 28 May.

21 June - College Council re-elected him as Praelector and Keeper of the Records.

2 July - FB suffered a coronary thrombosis and was admitted to Potters Bar Hospital. He stayed in hospital until 13 August.

3-5, 8-13, 15-16, 19 July and 5-6, 8, 12 August - No diary entries.

Frederick Brittain's Diary, 1960

On the first page is a list of books read during the year.

Entries cover the weather, his health, his social life, Rooster meetings, church services attended and what he was working on.

5 February - 13 March - Due to his ill health with bronchitis, asthma and pneumonia FB was advised by his GP to spend the rest of the winter in a warmer climate. Muriel resigned from her job (as Chief Pharmacist at the Westminster Children's Hospital) and they went on a cruise to Madeira and Tenerife.

During the rest of the year he had further bouts of ill health.

Spent most of the rest of the year working on the 'Penguin Book of Latin Verse'. The manuscript went to the publishers on 29 August.

Frederick Brittain's Diary, 1959

On the first page is a list of books read during the year.

Entries cover the weather, his health, his social life, Rooster meetings, church services attended and what he was working on.

January - First entries referring to Muriel Cunnington appear.

January - February - He was ill with accute bronchitis.

25 July - Marriage of Freddie Brittain and Muriel Cunnington.

Spent much of the year working on the 'Penguin Book of Latin Verse'.

11 October - His father died.

14 December - 2 January 1960 - Admitted to the Evelyn Hospital with bronchitis, asthma and pneumonia.

Frederick Brittain's Diary, 1956-1958

At the beginning of each year are lists of books read during that year.

The entries in this diary mainly cover his social life - people he socialised with, Rooster meetings and church services attended rather than details of his college work as in previous years.

1 May 1958 - Gave a dinner party in the Prioress's Room for the Dean of Ely.

5 May 1958 - Presided over the Anglo-Catalan Society's dinner in College.

5 August 1958 - E.M. Forster came to his sherry party.

2 February 1957 - Attended the enthronement of Noel Hudson as Bishop of Ely.

Frederick Brittain's Diary, 1951-1955

At the beginning of each year are lists of books read during that year.

The entries in this diary mainly cover his social life - people he met, dinners attended, Rooster meetings and church services attended rather than details of his college work as in previous years.

8 February 1952 - Went to Senate House to hear the new Queen proclaimed by the VC.

15 February 1952 - University Commemoration Service for the King in Great St Mary's.

29 October 1952 - Dined at Magdalene. Afterwards John Betjeman came back to his rooms to talk.

13 November 1952 - Acted as steward in the Senate House at the honorary degree ceremony for the Duke of Edinburgh.

23 June 1954 - At the College Council meeting he was elected Praelector and re-elected Keeper of Records and of the Old Library and Muniments.

Frederick Brittain's Diary, 1950

On the first pages are a list of the books read during the year.

9 February - Woken by the Head Porter at 5.40am who told FB that there was "a dangerous fire" on B Staircase. Sent back in by the Master in case he got pneumonia as he was suffering with a chill. Watched the fire from his window until 7am when it had been put out.

11 June - Rooster sherry party in rooms, then comic procession, photo, lunch in Small Hall (women admitted for the first time).

5 August - Had the College servants and wives, husbands and friends to tea in Hall, then on tour of College, then ices in Fellows Gardens.

18 August - Travelled to Paris.

24 August - Travelled to Switzerland and Italy.

30 August - Received a cable from Frank to say his mother had died the day before. Returned home immediately.

4 September - His Mother's funeral service.

6 September - Burial of his Mother's ashes at Mymms.

28 September - Attended the Enthronement of the new Bishop of St Albans.

9 October - Helped to marshall the procession in the Senate House for the memorial service for Field-Marshal Smuts, the Chancellor of the University.

18 October - Catalogued some of his cockerels.

Frederick Brittain's Diary, 1949

On the first pages are a list of the books read during the year.

5 April - Wrote a short story 'The Gypsy Queen'.

16 July - Had all the College employees and their guests to tea in Hall.

7 September - 24 September - Travelling in France.

5 November - Went to Peterborough for the Enthronement of the new Bishop, Spencer Leeson.

Frederick Brittain's Diary, 1948

On the first pages are a list of the books read during the year.

17 February - Pars rang with the private news that FB had been approved for Litt.D [Doctor of Letters].

28 February - Took degree of Litt.D. Then to a big gathering at tea in the Prioress's Rooms.

6 May - Attended the sung Eucharist at King's wearing his scarlett gown "my first public official appearance in it".

31 August - Went to Fowey to stay with Miss Q-C for the unveiling of a memorial to Q.

6 October - Entertained the Fellow's wives to dinner in the Prioress's Room. [According to Muriel Brittain in 'Fifty Years at Jesus' at the time Fellow's wives were hardly seen in college. This dinner was the first in what became an annual event and was a grand affair with evening dress being worn and flowers for the ladies to wear. This continued until 1960 when the first official Ladies' Night was held in College].

Frederick Brittain's Diary, 1947

On the first pages are a list of the books read during the year.

On the back pages are details of income arranged by term.

3 June - FB took part in procession from Senate House to Trinity College where he was presented to the King and Queen and the Duke and Duchess of Gloucester.

1 October - Retired from office as Senior Proctor though continuing as Additional Pro-Proctor.

28 October - Dined at Girton as a guest of the Mistress. Afterwards she consulted FB about academical dress for women and how and when it should be worn.

4 November - Discussion in the Senate House on admission of women to the University. Only one man spoke at all - B. Dickens (against) [Bruce Dickens, Professor of Anglo-Saxon and a Fellow of Corpus Christi College].

20 November - Attended Princess Elizabeth's wedding in Westminster Abbey.

Frederick Brittain's Diary, 1946

On the first page are details of annual income.

On the back pages are details of income arranged by term.

4 March - Gave a talk on Q [Sir Arthur Quiller-Couch] to the Ely Literary Society.

18 April - Attended the Royal Maundy Service at Westminster Abbey where the maundy money was distributed by the king in person.

15 August - Audited the college silver [the extensive silver collection was the responsibility of the Steward].

1 October - FB installed as Senior Proctor.

19 November - Dined at the Union with Gillie Potter and Lord Mountbatten [Admiral Lord Mountbatten had recently been created a peer and been appointed Viceroy of India].

26 November - Discussion in Regent House on the admission of women.

3 December - Took part in the Foot-the-Ball match on Parker's Piece. Along with the Mayor and the Chief Constable he kicked off one of the three balls [there were three balls, three goals and three teams playing each other simultaneously].

Frederick Brittain's Diary, 1945

There are a number of loose pieces of paper with notes on throughout the diary. These appear to be marking pages used by Muriel Brittain in 'Fifty Years at Jesus'.

At the beginning of the diary is a list of books read during the year.

On the back pages are details of income arranged by term.

21 April - As Proctor went to the Memorial Service for President Roosevelt at King's.

23 April - The blackout ceased today and we seemed dazzled by light in Hall and in our rooms.

8 May - VE Day. 11am High Mass at St Giles. 4pm appeared on the balcony at the Guildhall with the Mayor, VC, and Lord Lieutenant to an enormous crowd.

25 June - In Senate House to receive nominations of candidates for Parliament.

14 July - Evensong at the Cathedral (Truro) and unveiling of Q Memorial after which the Bishop dedicated it and FB gave an address.

26 July - Most General Election results decalred today - "great Labour Party victory".

6 August - Elected Steward of the College.

15 August - "I had just gone to bed when, at 12.15am on 15th Aug, men came back to say the war [with Japan] was over and we had a glass of sherry, which I had kept since 1939".

24 August - Started writing book on Q. Spent most days until end of Sept working on this book.

1 October - Retired from office as proctor and was re-admitted to the office of Senior Proctor. Eustace Tillyard was admitted as Master.

Frederick Brittain's Diary, 1944

There are a number of loose pieces of paper with notes on throughout the diary. These appear to be marking pages used by Muriel Brittain in 'Fifty Years at Jesus'.

At the beginning of the diary is a list of books read or re-read during the year.

On the back pages are details of income arranged by term.

3 May - Meeting of the Cambridge University Church of England Council. Talk on the projected new cathedral in Coventry by the Provost of Coventry.

6 May - General Ironside was dining as the Master's guest and talked about Dunkirk and the events of 1940 when he was Chief of the Imperial General Staff.

12 May - The Master told FB that Q (Sir Arthur Quiller-Couch had died).

11 August - Took Gilbert Coleridge to lunch [he was a descendant of Samuel Taylor Coleridge and executed a bronze memorial to his ancestor which is on the east wall of the south transept in Jesus Chapel].

August - September - Read a number of Q's novels.

2 October - Went to Senate House where he was installed as Proctor.

Frederick Brittain's Diary, 1943

There are a number of loose pieces of paper with notes on throughout the diary. These appear to be marking pages used by Muriel Brittain in 'Fifty Years at Jesus'.

11 February - The Dean said the thought it was time to make a negotiated peace with the Germans, otherwise "we shall have Bolshevism spreading all over Europe".

17 February - James Wood arrived to start work on the Master's portrait.

17 May - Bishop Edward Wynn came to tea, was emperched (with special privileges) into the Rooster Club.

17 June - Stopped smoking [at the time FB was smoking more than 60 per day].

8 September - Heard on the wireless that Italy had surrendered.

1 October - Went to Senate House where the new Vice Chancellor (Master of Emmanuel) was installed along with two new proctors (B. C. Saunders and W. Lowther Clarke) and Edward Raven and FB as Pro-Proctors. They all went in procession along King's Parade and Downing Street to Emmanuel College, followed by 40-50 members of the Senate.

17 October - Was asked by the Spectator to write an article about Q to mark his 80th birthday.

3 November - Q told FB that he was intending sending in his resignation to the VC after Xmas.

Frederick Brittain's Diary, 1942

There are a number of loose pieces of paper with notes on throughout the diary. These appear to be marking pages used by Muriel Brittain in 'Fifty Years at Jesus'.

17 January - Memorial Service for Bernard Manning.

15 February - News arrived of the fall of Singapore. The Dean said "Can't say I think much of Churchill as a strategist".

27 February - Lunch was restarted in Hall as the Pitt Club was taken for a British Restaurant.

4 April - Clocks on another hour tonight [double summer time was used during the war].

19 May - First meeting of the John Mason Neale Society. Elected Treasurer.

17 July - Attended a meeting at Heffers about taking over editorship of the Cambridge Review [a post FB held for 6 years].

20 July - The Dean, Alan Percival and FB were appointed Assistant Tutors.

27 July - Air Raid at about 2am which caused a fire in the Union.

10 November - Memorial of Bernard Manning was published.

21 November - Q's 79th birthday. He called himself "a period piece, but not yet a museum piece".

Frederick Brittain's Diary, 1939-1941

  • JCPP/Brittain/1/1939
  • Item
  • 1 January 1939 - 31 December 1941
  • Part of Personal Papers

There are a number of loose pieces of paper with notes on throughout the diary. These appear to be marking pages used by Muriel Brittain in Fifty Years at Jesus.

10 February 1939 - Took Trevor Jones to lunch. Went to Chapel with F. J. E. Raby [this is the first mention in the diaries of these two men. After they were elected Fellows they became FB's closest friends].

11 March 1939 - Went to the BBC in London. Interviewed for a voice test.

8 May 1939 - Went to the BBC and broadcast a talk on Latin hymns.

15 May 1939 - Went to the BBC and broadcast a talk on the Sequence.

3 September 1939 - "At 11.15am we sat in the saloon and heard the Prime Minister say that we had been at war since 11am".

7 September 1939 - RAF cadets arrived and were quartered in college.

20 October 1939 - Lectured at the Pitt Club as all our usual rooms have been taken by the RAF.

30 October 1939 - Lunched at the Pitt Club instead of in Hall as the College had temporarily taken it over.

7 December 1939 - Pantomime performed at the Guildhall to a huge audience of evacuee children.

24 December 1939 - No midnight mass as the church [in South Mymms] is not blacked out.

13 April 1940 - Received a telegram from Duckworth to say the Master had died last night.

16 April 1940 - Master's funeral. Acted as an usher. The coffin was wheeled on a bier afterwards into every court with family and Fellows following.

28 May 1940 - Elected W.L.H. Duckworth as the next Master and he was duly installed.

2 June 1940 - Was elected Lord Protector of the Roost [for the duration of the war].

8 September 1940 - The great bombing raids on London are taking place every night this week.

6 November 1940 - No 5 The Avenue [the family home] was damaged today [by enemy action].

18 November 1940 - A Short History of Jesus College was published.

29 May 1941 - Had tea with Judo Club and was elected Treasurer.

7 August 1941 - Went to Ely for the enthronement of Edward Wynn as Bishop.

8 December 1941 - Bernard Manning died.

11 December 1941 - Bernard Manning's funeral.

[FB's memoir of this friend Bernard Manning which he wrote later was considered by many to be one of his best books].

Frederick Brittain's Diary, 1936-1938

  • JCPP/Brittain/1/1936
  • Item
  • 1 January 1936 - 31 December 1938
  • Part of Personal Papers

There are a number of loose pieces of paper with notes on throughout the diary. These appear to be marking pages used by Muriel Brittain in 'Fifty Years at Jesus'.

20 January 1936 - King George V died.

23 January 1936 - Went with Q (Sir Arthur Quiller-Couch) and Richmond to Senate House to hear the VC read the Proclamation of the new king (Edward VIII).

28 January 1936 - King George V buried. Service in the Chapel. "Very well done".

Easter vacation and much of the rest of the year - Working on 'Medieval Latin and Romance Lyric'.

11 September - Moved to new rooms [Dr Naine's old rooms, top left hand set on C staircase].

29 October - Appeared as the porter in Macbeth at ADC Theatre.

10 December - Went to the Union and heard the broadcast of King Edward VIII's abdication.

9 Mar 1937 - Dined at the Varsity Arms, one of 70 guests of Tikka Shamsher Singh (Shamsher Singh was his pupil) to celebrate the Golden Jubilee of the reign of his father-in-law, the Maharajah of Jind.

12 May 1937 - Coronation of King George VI.

31 May 1937 - First hears that he is a Fellow of Jesus College. "At 5.22pm, as I was having tea, Q came in holding out his hand, Said 'Hail, Fellow of Jesus.' this being my first intimation. After 10m later, the Master came to congratulate the College, himself and myself as he put it".

1 June 1937 - Admitted to Fellowship in Chapel.

19 August 1937 - Started writing 'A Short History of Jesus College.'

23 August - 9th September 1937 - Travelled in Ireland.

12 November 1937 - 'Medieval Latin and Romance Lyric' was published.

16 May 1938 - Heard of the death of Steve Fairbairn [Steve Fairbairn was an Australian who was a rowing blue and captain of the Jesus Boat Club in the 1880s. After returned to Australia for a short time he came back to Cambridge and coached the boats of Jesus College. FB helped him with coaching and they were friends].

17 May 1938 - The Master agreed to a Memorial Service for Steve Fairbairn but no-one was to be present at the burial of the ashes in the Master's garden except family and FB. He didn't want people 'trampling over his garden'. Such was the strength of feeling at this that FB had to go to the Master and plead with him. He persuaded the Master to give permission for the Dean to conduct a service at the burial and for Fellows and members of the Boat Club to be present.

18 May 1938 - Memorial Service and burial of ashes of Steve Fairbairn.

6 July 1938 - Watched television for the first time.

16 August - 26 August 1938 - Went to stay in Cornwall at Fowey House and spent time with Q. In 'It's a Don's Life' FB described this as "one of my pleasantest vacations".

30 November 1938 - After dining at the Fountain two of his undergraduate companions were "progged for being without gowns". [Undergraduates had to wear gowns when outside college after dark. If caught by the Proctor without one a fine of 6s 8d was imposed].

Frederick Brittain's Diary, 1933-1935

  • JCPP/Brittain/1/1933
  • Item
  • 1 January 1933 - 31 December 1935
  • Part of Personal Papers

At the start of each year is a list of books read during that year.

There are a number of loose pieces of paper with notes on throughout the diary. These appear to be marking pages used by Muriel Brittain in 'Fifty Years at Jesus'.

6 Mar 1933 - Elected to the Footlights Club.

5 Jun 1933 - First performance of the Footlights May Week Revue 'No More Women'. (Bill Nicholas and I were encored for our Policewomen's turn). [FB helped write the script. In 1932 women had been included in the cast for the first time but the play was not a success. Women were not introduced again until 1964].

16 Jun 1933 - The College celebrated the 'quasi-centenary' of S.T. Coleridge's death. [Foakes-Jackson persuaded the College to celebrate it a year early as he was in England that summer].

30 Nov 1933 - The Roosters Annual Dinner was held in Hall for the first time.

10 Mar 1934 - Went to tea-dance and Cabaret at Footlights. Performed in 1st scene as Professoress of Domestic Economy teaching knitting etc to undergraduates.

18 Oct 1934 - Paid first visit to the new University Library.

12 Dec 1934 - Read Grace in Hall for the first time.

26 Mar - 15 Apr 1935 - Travelled with the Dean and Mrs Gardner-Smith through France and Spain.

6 May 1935 - King George V's Silver Jubilee. Went to Midsummer Common to see the procession of vehicles start and then to Jesus Green. In the evening watched fireworks from the Close.

24 May 1935 - Empire Day. Q said he detested Empire Day on account of the awful people and ideas with which it is associated.

27 Nov 1935 - Played the title role in 'The Silver King'.

Frederick Brittain's Diary, 1931-1932

  • JCPP/Brittain/1/1931
  • Item
  • 1 January 1931 - 31 December 1932
  • Part of Personal Papers

At the start of each year is a list of books read during that year.

There are a number of loose pieces of paper with notes on throughout the diary. These appear to be marking pages used by Muriel Brittain in 'Fifty Years at Jesus'.

13 February 1931 - First meeting of the Real Folklore Society.

20 June 1931 - First presentation in the Senate House [as Praelector of the College].

26 July 1931 - E.M. Forster came to tea. Showed him the Coleridgiana in the Old Library.

8 August 1931 - Saw his first talking film which he described as 'a silly American film'.

28 August - 12th September 1931 - Took a tour party to Spain.

27 June 1932 - The Brittain family moved to The Avenue, Barnett.

7 July 1932 - Saw 'Emma', his second talkie.

10 August 1932 - Lord North asked him to translate some ancient deeds.

1 October 1932 - Began to move to a new set of rooms in Jesus [the top floor of C staircase in First Court, immediately above Q (Sir Arthur Quiller Couch).

4 November 1932 - Had breakfast with Alan Hill who had rooms at the bottom of his staircase [Alan Hill became a lifelong friend and FB's publisher. He later became the Chairman and Managing Director of Heinemann's].

19 November 1932 - At the Roosters Annual Dinner FB acted as Orator at the Orderization of William Nicholson [who was painting the portrait of Sir Arthur Quiller Couch].

Frederick Brittain's Diary, 1922

Diary entries are written in German script. There is a transcript of the diary entries in another hand [Muriel Brittain's] on most pages or on loose sheets.

On the first page is a list of books read during the year.

Gives details of his life as an undergraduate at Jesus College (end of this third year) and the start of his working life following his final exams. Gives details of his involvement with the Roosters Club including details of debates they held.

15 January - West organ was removed from the Chapel a few days ago.

20 January - Meeting with the Dean who encouraged him not to worry about financial matters or the future but to concentrate on getting a first. The Dean told him "you will have a good future before you".

22 May - Was very sorry to read of the sinking of his old ship the 'Egypt'.

14 June - Was disappointed to be awarded a second. The Dean was surprised and told him to take no notice of the result, saying he was a first class intellect.

1 June - Had tea with the Dean and Bernard Manning who discussed his future and tried to persuade him to be ordained.

19 July - Went to Fulham Palace and saw the Bishop of London about being ordained.

7 August - Percival Gardner-Smith was elected Dean of Jesus College.

21 August - Took up lodgings in Hove where he started tutoring Joe Harmsworth, son of Sir Hildebrand Harmsworth. He had been accepted at Pembroke College provided he pass an examination.

5 October - Returned to Cambridge and took up residence at the Oratory House in Lady Margaret Road [where he lived for the next 8 years during term time].

He earned a living by tutoring pupils, including Joe Harmsworth, and doing a translation of a book by Francesco Nitti [former Prime Minister of Italy]. [This book had been sent by Nitti to John Maynard Keynes who employed FB as the translator].

Frederick Brittain's Diary, 1930

On the first page is a list of book read during the year.

On the last pages are details of his income arranged per term listing fees from pupils.

13 May - It was decided at a meeting of the College Council that next term he should move into the new block in College.

11 June - As he is now an examiner he handed out papers for the Spanish Principal subjects' exam, and conducted the Spanish oral with J.W. Baker.

3 July - 'Oar, Scull and Rudder' published.

21 August - Moved into his new rooms in Chapel Court.

11 October - The Dean asked him to act as Chapel Sacristan.

15 October - Gave his first lecture on Medieval Latin Literature.

19 December - Accepted an Assistant Lectureship at £200 a year plus the Librarianship at £43.

Frederick Brittain's Diary, 1929

On the first page is a list of book read during the year.

On the last pages are details of his income listing amount earned from lectures and supervision including a list of pupils.

14 February - Ice on the river. When walking with the Dean of King's College on Clare Bridge he saw about 20 men skating at King's and Trinity. The first time there had been skating on the Cam since 1895.

8 May - 'Slowly Forward. 366 Points for Oarsmen' published.

5 November - Went as a guest to a meeting of the Natives and ate 12 oysters. [The Natives Club was founded in 1877 by an undergraduate whose mother had sent him a barrel of oysters which he decided to share with 11 friends].

Frederick Brittain's Diary, 1928

On the first page is a list of book read during the year.

On the last pages are details of his income listing amount earned from lectures and supervision including a list of pupils.

24 April - Had a meeting with Heffer regarding a history of the Boat Club he and Playford proposed writing together.

27 April - Received advanced copied of his book 'Saint Giles'.

22 May - Attended Rustat Audit Feast.

19 September - Travelled to Portsmouth for the Old Egyptonians Reunion.

13 October - Coached an VIII by himself for the first time.

1 December - Publication of 'The Jesus College Boat Club' co-written with Humphrey Playford.

Frederick Brittain's Diary, 1927

On the first page is a list of book read during the year.

On the last pages are details of his income arranged per term listing fees from pupils.

Gives total money received for the Academic year 1926-1927 as £478. 5s. 0d.

25 March - Visited Durham Cathedral and was entertained by the Bishop of Durham.

23 April - Attended the Jesus College Boat Club Centenary Dinner.

30 July - 15 August - Lead a tour of 25 people to Italy visiting Rome, Pompeii, Capri, Naples, Florence and Naples.

Frederick Brittain's Diary, 1926

On the first page is a list of book read during the year.

On the second page is a list of plays seen during the year.

On the last pages are details of his income arranged per term listing fees from pupils.

Describes an on-going joke instigated by FB. At a Parochial Church Council meeting in South Mymms FB questioned why a visitation fee of 18s was paid annually to the Archdeacon when he didn't visit the parish. FB proposed the fee should be paid but they demand the Archdeacon visit the parish at least once a year on horseback. The local and London newspapers published stories about this along with photos of the Archdeacon. Later in the year when the Archdeacon announced his engagement FB proposed that the Parish should send him a horse as a wedding present. The press, including the Times, again published articles about it and the Horse Committee had to go and inspect prospective horses followed by journalists and photographers.

11 February - Jesus College celebrated St Radegund's Day with a church service followed by a Feast in the Hall [this was the first time the College had observed this particular feast day. It wasn't until research done by FB that the College knew there was any feast of hers except the one during the Long Vacation (13th August)]. Bernard Manning and the Dean addressed FB as 'the father of the feast'.

8 March - The Rooster Club held an inaugural dinner at the Lion Hotel of the 'Union for Getting Back the Eleven Days' (UGBED). These were the eleven days lost when the calendar was changed in 1752.

28 June - Admitted to the Office of Reader by the Bishop of London at St Paul's Cathedral.

Frederick Brittain's Diary, 1925

On the first page is a list of books read during the year.

At the back is a list of plays seen during the year.

On the last pages are details of his income arranged per term listing fees from pupils.

Gives details of his life teaching classes and tutoring pupils in Cambridge. Also activities in his spare time - attending church services, meetings of the Rooster Club, work for the South Mymms Labour Party.

8 June - His book on Saint Radegund was published.

11 June - Attended his first May week ball, the Hawks Club Ball at the Guildhall.

29 July - Francesco Nitti and his wife arrived to stay at the Lion Hotel for the Liberal Summer School.

31 July - Attended Nitti's speech at the Guildhall. Guided Nitti and his wife around the colleges.

6 August - Started work on a history of St Giles, South Mymms.

8 September - Made his first visit to Oxford.

Frederick Brittain's Diary, 1924

On the first page is a list of books read during the year.

On the second page is a list of plays seen during the year.

On the last pages are details of his income arranged per term listing fees from pupils.

Gives a list of residents at Oratory House and his pupils.

19 March - Went with Joe Harmsworth to spend a month in Boulogne.

21 March - Bought a bronze Rooster.

1 July - Travelled to Poitiers where he joined some pilgrims at St Radegund's tomb [the Patron Saint of Jesus College].

4 July - Arrived in Spain where he did a summer course at the University of Madrid.

10 August - In Brighton tutoring Joe Harmsworth and giving Lady Harmsworth Italian lessons.

25 August - Lady Harmsworth received a wire from Stresa to say her eldest son was ill. She, Joe and FB left for Italy.

26 August - Arrived in Stresa and was introduced to Lord Rothermere.

3 September - Received a letter from Francesco Nitti [living as an exile in Zurich] asking FB to translate his new book.

4 September - Arrived in Zurich to meet Francesco Nitti "an interesting and amiable man" [in his autobiography FB says that Nitti was a chain smoker and non-smoker in alternate years, this being a non-smoking year.]

21 November - Went to the registry to pay his MA fee of £3 to the Varsity and to the Senate House to be admitted MA.

Frederick Brittain's Diary, 1923

Diary entries are written in German script. There is a transcript of the diary entries in another hand [Muriel Brittain's] up until 4 August.

On the first two pages is a list of books read during the year.

Pages covering 21 - 26 March and 16 - 17 April have been torn out of the diary.

Covers his time living in Cambridge tutoring pupils, undertaking translation work and taking classes. Also details of Rooster Club meetings.

8 January - His translation of 'The Decadence of Europe' by Francesco Nitti was published.

7 March - The Roosters Club celebrated it's Bicentenary 184 years in advance (to save posterity the trouble).

11 August - Father Wynn introduced him to Mr Comber, Director of Studies in Modern Languages and a Fellow of Pembroke College. [FB counted Henry Gordon Comber as one of his chief benefactors. As a result of this meeting, from 23 August until Comber's death 12 years later FB was his assistant, taking classes several times a week].

24 August - 22 September - In Hove tutoring Joe Harmsworth and his brother Anthony.

Frederick Brittain's Diary, 1920 (26 July - 10 September)

  • JCPP/Brittain/1/1920b
  • Item
  • 26 July 1920 - 10 September 1920
  • Part of Personal Papers

Separate diary covering the summer months when FB went on a tour of Italy.

26 July - Left to start his tour spending three days in Paris. Amongst others he visited the Arc d'Triomphe, Notre Dame, the Sorbonne, Tuileries, the top of the Eiffel Tower, and Versailles.

29 July - Left Paris for Italy where he visited Milan, Mandello, Venice, Verona and Florence.

10 September - Arrived home.

Frederick Brittain's Diary, 1920 (excluding 26 July - 10 September)

Diary entries are written in German script. There is a transcript of the diary entries in another hand [Muriel Brittain's] on most pages.

On the first page is a list of the books he read during the year.

On the last page is a list of letters he received and sent.

The pages for 27 July - 8 September have been cut out. They form a separate diary covering FB's tour of Italy during the Summer [see PP/Brittain/1/1920b].

Diary entries describe his life in Cambridge including timetables of lectures, number of hours reading, details of debates attended at the Union, church services attended and involvement in rowing. Also details of his time at home including teaching at Mymms School and support for the local labour candidate.

21 January - Attended a meeting at Trinity called by STC [Society of the Confraternity of the Holy Trinity] to meet Bishop Gore.

22 January - Went to the inaugural meeting of the French Society. Has been "unaccountably" left out of rowing this term.

24 February - Joint Union debate with Oxford Union "That the time is now ripe for a Labour government". The House was crowded one hour before the debate started as Winston Churchill (against) was taking part.

7 April - First reunion of the Old Egyptonians.

14 April - Accepted temporary post of teacher at Mymms School. Started teaching girls for the first time.

11 September - Joined in demonstration to celebrate the formation of the Hatfield Labour Party.

27 October - Went to visit Wynn for the first time [Edward Wynn became the Dean of Pembroke College and later Bishop of Ely. He and FB became great friends].

Frederick Brittain's Diary, 1919

On the first two pages is a list, marked Jan-June, of the books that he had read.

21 April onwards - from this date the entries are in German script and there is a transcript of most of the entries on each page in another hand [Muriel Brittain's].

Pages for Friday 30 May/Saturday 31 May, Thursday 5 June/Friday 6 June and Friday 13 June/Saturday 14 June have been cut or torn out of the diary.

A number of cast lists have been stuck into the diary. They have been cut from programmes of operas attended by FB.

The back cover contains addresses and a list of letters written and received.

1 January 1919 - 1st April 1919 - Diary entries covering Brittain's time serving on board HMAT 'Egypt', including work he did writing and editing the onboard ship's magazine 'Egyptionia' and an entry for 27 January stating that he had written to the Senior Tutor of Jesus College "I wonder what it may bring forth".

8 April - FB was demobilised at Crystal Palace and returned home.

16 April - FB was interviewed by the Master of Jesus College [Arthur Gray] who advised him not to begin that term as the definitive grant did not start until October and the interim grant did not cover much.

1 May - Went to Hyde Park for the May Day demonstration and heard George Lansbury, Margaret Bondfield and Sylvia Pankhurst.

24 July - Notification from the Board of Education that he had been awarded a grant of £205 per annum to go to Cambridge to commence at Jesus College on 1 October.

11 September - Met Mr Abbott [Senior Tutor, Jesus College] to arrange lodgings.

25 September - Left his job with the Civil Service.

6 October - Arrived in Cambridge.

7 October - Met his Tutor Mr Elliott who was "kind".

9 October - Found Adams Road and called on Mr Braunholz, his Director of Studies [FB read for an Honours Degree in Modern and Medieval Languages and Literature. This was a Tripos which had not been introduced into the University curriculum until the late 19th century and there was not a Fellow at Jesus College appointed to cover this so Brittain was sent to E.G.W. Braunholtz at King's College].

11 October - Attended a meeting of the Rowing Club in the Common Room called by the Captain and was told he would be able to row about 3 days a week.

22 October - Followed the Praelector through the streets to the Senate House and matriculated by signing the University book.

Further entries cover rowing, debates at the Union, church services and canvassing on behalf of the Labour Party in the bye election.

Frederick Brittain's Diary, 1918

1 January - 28 January - Diary entries are written in Greek.

29 January - 31 December - Diary entries are written in English.

On the first page is a list of books read during the year.

On the back pages are lists of letters sent and received during the year.

Diary entries cover his duties on board the Egypt feeding patients and dressing their wounds. They sailed to Bombay, Suez, Cairo, Aden and Port said. Also describes his shore leave, languages he was learning, writing for the ship magazine The Egyptionian and on board entertainments in which FB took part.

Frederick Brittain's Diary, 1917

Diary entries are written in German script. There is a transcript on each page in another hand [Muriel Brittain's].

On the first page is a list of books read during the year.

On the back pages are lists of letters sent and received during the year.

Diary entries cover his duties on board the Egypt feeding patients and dressing their wounds. They sailed to Alexandria, Cairo, Bombay, Persian Gulf, Zanzibar, , Mombasa, Cape Town and Suez. Also describes his shore leave, languages he was learning, writing for the ship magazine The Egyptionian and on board entertainments in which FB took part, including the ceremony for crossing the International Date line.

Frederick Brittain's Diary, 1916

Diary entries are written in German script. There is a transcript on each page in another hand [Muriel Brittain's].

On the first page is a list of books read during the year.

Diary entries cover his duties on board the Egypt feeding patients and dressing their wounds. They sailed to Salonica, Valetta, Algiers, Alexandria and Bombay. Also describes his shore leave, languages he was learning, visits home to South Minns, writing for the ship magazine The Egyptionian and on board entertainments in which FB took part.

Frederick Brittain's Diary, 1914

Diary entries are written in German script. There is a transcript of the diary entries in another hand [Muriel Brittain's] on most pages.

4 October - 4 December - No diary entries.

1-8 June - FB visited Cambridge for the first time. He stayed with a fellow teacher and visited Trinity College, the Backs, David's bookstall, King's College Chapel and Ely Cathedral.

23 July - Left his job as a school master at the end of term.

10 August - Started work in the Civil service in the Accountant General's Department.

2 October - Got permission from the Service to enlist [joined the Royal Army Medical Corps and was posted to the Second London General Military Hospital in Chelsea].

Frederick Brittain's Diary, 1913

The handwriting in this diary is much more difficult to read than previously and there is a transcript of the diary entries in another hand [Muriel Brittain's]. It may have been written using German script because in 'It's a Don's Life' FB says "I have, however, continued to use German script all my life, finding it convenient as a sort of mild cypher for diaries and private notes".

Diary entries give details of what he did in his free time including cycling, walking, visiting friends, reading and attending church services.

Frederick Brittain's Diary, 1912

At the start of the diary is a scale relating to the weather ranging from +3 to -3. (+3 is splendid, 0 is neutral, -3 is very bad). An appropriate figure is then assigned to each day throughout the diary for this year and some subsequent years.

Gives details of school events he attended such as the school play and sports day. Also what he did in the rest of his time including cycling, walking, visiting friends, reading and attending church services.Contains a few loose notes highlighting certain dairy entries in another hand [Muriel Brittain's].

Frederick Brittain's Diary, 1911

During this year FB left school (Queen Elizabeth's Grammar School, Barnet) and started work as a student teacher. Gives some details of life at school but mainly what he did during the rest of his time including cycling, playing footer, visiting friends, reading and attending church services. Contains a few loose notes highlighting certain dairy entries in another hand [presumably Muriel Brittain's].

21st January - Was spoken to by the Head about becoming a Prefect. Bought a Prefect's badge for 2s 9d.

26th July - Was awarded four prizes at school speech day by Sir H Carlisle.

29th August - Started work as student teacher at Christ Church School.

Frederick Brittain's Diary, 1910

Written when FB was attending Queen Elizabeth's Grammar School in Barnet. Diary is incomplete with many pages left blank. Gives details of what he was reading and what he did in his spare time including cycling and attending church services.

Frederick Brittain's Diary, 1921

Diary entries are written in German script. There is a transcript of the diary entries in another hand [Muriel Brittain's] on most pages or on loose sheets.

On the first page is a list of books read during the year.

On the back pages are notes written under housekeeping, a list of books to buy, a list of books on Richard Jefferies and a list of the complete works of Richard Jefferies.

Diary entries describe his life as an undergraduate at Jesus College (end of his second year / beginning of his third year) including timetables of lectures, number of hours reading, details of debates attended at the Union, church services attended and involvement in rowing. Also details of his time at home during the vacations.

15 January - Had a meeting with the Dean to discuss starting a sung Mass in Chapel on Sundays "after some Protestant demur" settled on starting one on Tuesday at 11.15.

27 February - The Dean's gyp found that his door had been screwed down in the night and the heads of the screws filed off. He telephoned the Dean from the Porter's Lodge to tell him "he need not get up yet" and the door had to be opened by crowbars.

30 April - Foundation of the Cambridge University Pavement Club [members of this club were to meet at 12 noon on every fine Saturday of the Easter term for "the pursuit of entertainment, quiet conversation, and the reading of newspapers aloud. The Club will meet on some choice and central pavement, and the sole condition of membership, is that all members shall sit while meeting".] The first meeting was held in King's Parade Road which was soon blocked.

7 May - Meeting of the Pavement Club in Parker's Piece attended by about 1500 people having a picnic, listening to a jazz band and a few speeches.

54 hours reading for the week "my record so far!"

10 June - Meeting of the Pavement Club. About 500 people cycled from Senate House to Newnham College where a meeting was held [the last meeting].

17 June - Got a 2nd in the tripos.

20 June - Went to Senate House with 20 other supplicants to sign the register and pay the University degree fee of £4.

21 June - His mother saw him take his BA degree at Senate House.

20 October - Vote at Senate House as to whether women should have membership of the University or titular degrees. The vote in favour of membership was lost by 300, titular degrees carried by 100.

6 November - Elected a member of the Roosters Club.

Frederick Brittain's Diary, 1915 (August - December)

  • JCPP/Brittain/1/1915b
  • Item
  • 19 August 1915 - 31 December 1915
  • Part of Personal Papers

Diary entries are written in German script.

On the first page is a list of daily mileage outward and homeward.

The diary entries cover a two week physical training period at Southampton after which FB joined the hospital ship 'Egypt'. His duties included feeding patients, dressing wounds, and assisting during surgery. He travelled to Alexandria, Malta, many ports in the Mediterranean and across the channel to France.

Frederick Brittain's Diary, 1915

  • JCPP/Brittain/1/1915a
  • Item
  • 1 January 1915 - 19 August 1915
  • Part of Personal Papers

Diary entries are written in German script. There is a transcript of the diary entries in another hand [Muriel Brittain's].

Diary entries describe his duties on the medical wards and then assisting on the surgical side as well as what he did during his time off duty.

18 August - FB volunteered for Dardenelles "where, Colonel says, men are needed at once".

Frederick Brittain's Diary, 1914-1919

  • JCPP/Brittain/1/1914b
  • Item
  • 10 August 1914 - 8 April 1919
  • Part of Personal Papers

This is a 54pp typed edition of FB's diary covering his work and life during World War One. On 2 October 1914 he enlisted in the ranks of the Royal Army Medical Corps and was posted to the Second London General Military Hospital, stationed at St Mark's College Chelsea where he undertook ward work. On 31 August 1915 he embarked on H.M. Hospital Ship 'Egypt' where he remained for the duration of the war. He was demobilized in April 1919.

Travel diaries and other personal memorabilia

(1) Letters to Denys Page from the USA, 1942-1949,

(2) Maps of the US East Coast and Canada with routes taken, 1940s,

(3) Travel diary, 1950,

(4) Handwritten and printed material on world issues,

(5) Parent's marriage licence, and Pars's obituary

(6) Birth certificate, military service certificate, papers relating to his death, burial and will, and copies of his funeral service and memorial service, both of which were held in Jesus College Chapel.

Material relating to Steve Fairbairn

Contains documents authored by and relating to Steve Fairbairn; tribute to Judge Charles Gurdon, July 1931; extract from the Morning Post 'Reflections on Henley' dated July; article from the Cambridge Review 30th October 1931; 'This Varsity Boat' from the Granta, 22nd January 1932; article from the Field, the Country Newspaper, 21st November 1931; article about Jesus College from Varsity, 23rd January 1932 (annotated with the name of the Senior Tutor, E. Abbott Esq. M.A.); cuttings from the Times 'Letters to the Editor' by Steve Fairbairn dated 18th January 1933, response from Guy Nickalls dated 23rd January 1933 and by Steve Fairbairn, 14th (month unknown). Also contains pamphlet of report and list of subscribers for memorial to Steve Fairbairn ('The Milestone').

Volume of Correspondence

Contains postcard of description "R.2.26 - Letters of Steve Fairbairn (1862-1938) to P.N. Carpmael between 1929 and 1935"; letter from Alan Percival explaining why letters presented to Library; copy of Steve Fairbairn's memorial booklet; excerpt from "A History of Jesus College Cambridge".

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