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Personal Papers
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212 results with digital objects Show results with digital objects

Letter from P. Maddy to William French
Letter from P. Maddy to William French
Letter from Reginald Haspys to the Chaplain of 'my Lord .. ?her'
Letter from Reginald Haspys to the Chaplain of 'my Lord .. ?her'
Copy of grant of pardon by Charles II
Copy of grant of pardon by Charles II
Letters from Tobias Rustat
Letters from Tobias Rustat
'Opticks: or, a treatise of the reflections, refractions, inflections and colours of light' by Isaac Newton, 2nd edition
'Opticks: or, a treatise of the reflections, refractions, inflections and colours of light' by Isaac Newton, 2nd edition
Charles Ashton, Master of Jesus College 1701-52
Charles Ashton, Master of Jesus College 1701-52
Matthew Hutton
Matthew Hutton
[Concerto a due organi]
[Concerto a due organi]
Letter from Lord Cornwallis to unidentified recipient
Letter from Lord Cornwallis to unidentified recipient
Memorandum of Roman coins found at Eye
Memorandum of Roman coins found at Eye
Samuel Halifax
Samuel Halifax
Presentation to the Vicarage of Eye, Suffolk to Rev Thomas Wythe
Presentation to the Vicarage of Eye, Suffolk to Rev Thomas Wythe
Empty envelope addressed to Rev. Thomas Wythe from Marquis Cornwallis
Empty envelope addressed to Rev. Thomas Wythe from Marquis Cornwallis
Letter from Marquis Cornwallis to Rev. Thomas Wythe
Letter from Marquis Cornwallis to Rev. Thomas Wythe
Letter from TW (Thomas Wythe) to unidentified recipient, although possibly Marquis Cornwallis
Letter from TW (Thomas Wythe) to unidentified recipient, although possibly Marquis Cornwallis
Clarke to Otter
Clarke to Otter
Clark to Otter
Clark to Otter
Letter from Marquis Cornwallis to Thomas Wythe
Letter from Marquis Cornwallis to Thomas Wythe
Clarke to Otter
Clarke to Otter
Clarke to Otter
Clarke to Otter
Clarke to Otter
Clarke to Otter
Clarke to Otter
Clarke to Otter
Letter from Marquis Cornwallis to Thomas Wythe
Letter from Marquis Cornwallis to Thomas Wythe
Clarke to Otter
Clarke to Otter
Clarke to Otter
Clarke to Otter
Clarke to Otter
Clarke to Otter
Clarke to Otter
Clarke to Otter
Section I: At home and travelling
Section I: At home and travelling
Clarke to Otter
Clarke to Otter
Clarke to Otter
Clarke to Otter
Clarke to Otter
Clarke to Otter
Clarke to Otter
Clarke to Otter
Clarke to Otter
Clarke to Otter
Clarke to Otter
Clarke to Otter
Clarke to Otter
Clarke to Otter
Clarke to Otter
Clarke to Otter
Clarke to his mother
Clarke to his mother
Porson's charade
Porson's charade
Clarke to Otter
Clarke to Otter
Clarke to Otter
Clarke to Otter
Clarke to Otter
Clarke to Otter
Clarke to Otter
Clarke to Otter
Section II: On the famous tour
Section II: On the famous tour
Clarke to Otter
Clarke to Otter
Clarke to Otter
Clarke to Otter
Clarke to Otter
Clarke to Otter
Clarke to Otter
Clarke to Otter
Clarke to Otter
Clarke to Otter
Results 1 to 50 of 5806