1939 draft
1939 duplicate
Abstract of Title
Assignment of Leasehold [27-31 Jesus Lane]
Building Agreement
Butt Close
Contract for sale and purchase 1
Contract for sale and purchase 2
Contract for Sale of a Strip of Land
Copy of a legal document
Counterpart Lease
Counterpart Lease [25-31 Jesus Lane]
Counterpart Lease [Nos. 20, 21, 22 and Malthouse]
Draft Deed
Extract from Will and Lease Plan [35 and 36 Jesus Lane]
February 1872
Freda Jones' Notes 1
Freda Jones' Notes 2
Freda Jones' Notes 3
Freda Jones' Notes 4
Freda Jones' Notes 5
Front Elevation of the Proposed New Building
January 1872
Joliffe, Andrew & Ashwell
Lease and Counterpart
Lease and Counterpart
Lease and Counterpart
Lease and Counterpart [25-31 Jesus Lane]
Lease and Counterpart [27-31 Jesus Lane]
Lease and Counterpart [Nos. 1-5 Willow Place]
Lease and Counterpart of Cottage, Coach House, Stables and Premises (31 Jesus Lane)
Lease of Motor Garage
Lease Plan for 37 Jesus Lane
Lease Plan for 50 Jesus Lane
Lease Plan For 51 Jesus Lane
Lease Plan for 52 Jesus Lane
Lease Plan for 55 Jesus Lane
Letter from Ely Diocesan Board of Finance
Letter from Ely Diocesan Board of Finance
Letter from Ely Diocesan Board of Finance
Letter from Ely Diocesan Board of Finance
Letter from Francis & Co., solicitors
Letter from Francis & Co., solicitors
Letter from the Bursar
Letter from the Bursar
Letter to Ely Board of Finance